Pegasus Post: July 16, 2019

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TUESDAY, JULY <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

New Brighton Rd<br />

repairs to<br />

start soon<br />

Pedestrian safety<br />

outside hospital<br />

a step closer<br />

Bebe Frayle Greg Sugrue<br />

People’s Choice - Labour<br />

Burwood Community Board<br />

Page 3 Page 4<br />

Devotion to others earns award<br />

HONOUR: Carole Gibson has received a Coastal-Burwood Community Service Award for volunteering at Parklands Baptist<br />

Community Church.<br />


• By Matt Slaughter<br />

YOU CAN do a lot for<br />

yourself in five or six hours<br />

a week.<br />

But for the last seven years,<br />

Carole Gibson has been<br />

devoting this time to others.<br />

The 75-year-old Prestons<br />

resident is one of 12 people from<br />

the east who received Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Service<br />

Awards earlier this month for<br />

their contributions to the area.<br />

Mrs Gibson has volunteered<br />

at Parklands Baptist Community<br />

Church organising a<br />

friendship group and foot clinic<br />

for over-50s and a craft group.<br />

She said she had become<br />

involved with the church to<br />

help people who were socially<br />

isolated find companionship.<br />

•Turn to page 8<br />

Authorised by J McLellan, 6 Braddon Street, Addington<br />

Criticism<br />

erupts over<br />

decision to<br />

not start<br />

Oram Ave<br />

work early<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

THE CHANCE of work on the<br />

Oram Ave extension in New<br />

Brighton not starting as soon<br />

as hoped has received heavy<br />

criticism online.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> reported last<br />

week the city council did not<br />

approve the Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board’s Annual<br />

Plan request to make $400,000<br />

available between now and 2021<br />

so the extension of Oram Ave<br />

from New Brighton mall to<br />

Hawke St could start sooner than<br />

2026.<br />

City council transport<br />

planning and delivery manager<br />

Lynette Ellis said the city council<br />

asked for more information on<br />

the project’s funding needs before<br />

making the money available.<br />

Coastal Ward city councillor<br />

David East was disappointed<br />

with this decision, saying it<br />

could take “a few months” for<br />

the information to be provided,<br />

which could delay the project<br />

starting and negatively impact on<br />

businesses in the suburb.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />


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2 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

get in touch<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

THe Battle of the Shingle Pile appears to be<br />

over (see page 4).<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> fired the first salvo a few<br />

weeks ago, backing the Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board’s bid to get the eyesore<br />

cleaned up after city council staff seemed<br />

disinterested.<br />

Phil Mauger, who is running for city council in the Burwood<br />

Ward, read the <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> article and charged into the dispute,<br />

getting his contracting staff to clean it up – well most of it<br />

anyway.<br />

It looked decidedly like electioneering, in spite of Mauger<br />

saying it wasn’t. Then the battle erupted when <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

interviewed his rival Glenn Livingstone over electioneering and<br />

the shingle pile.<br />

But now Mauger has finished the job.<br />

Peace has returned – but for how long?<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

The right decision<br />

Pauline Turner took over the New Brighton Florist six year<br />

ago, she has no regrets.<br />

Page 7<br />

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Page 15<br />

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Matt Slaughter<br />

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matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 17<br />

The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

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Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

New Brighton Rd repairs to start soon<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

THE $1.2 million repair of<br />

a damaged stretch of New<br />

Brighton Rd is set to begin in<br />

October.<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board chairwoman Kim Money<br />

spoke to <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> in March<br />

saying the community board<br />

wanted New Brighton Rd to be<br />

repaired before the end of 2021.<br />

The board<br />

has got its<br />

wish. The most<br />

badly damaged<br />

section between<br />

Wattle Drive<br />

and Bower<br />

Ave should be<br />

repaired by<br />

Kim Money<br />

March next<br />

year.<br />

Said Ms<br />

Money: “That’s definitely the<br />

main problem area on New<br />

Brighton Rd, so that’s the<br />

piece that we wanted to be<br />

done.”<br />

Ms Money said the road had<br />

been cracked and covered in<br />

potholes for eight years since the<br />

earthquakes.<br />

It had also been prone to<br />

flooding, she said.<br />

City council planning and<br />

delivery transport manager<br />

Lynette Ellis said both of these<br />

issues would be addressed during<br />

the repairs.<br />

“We are repairing and resurfacing<br />

the existing road. If there<br />

are drainage issues that can be<br />

corrected, these will be done at<br />

the same time.”<br />

Ms Money said the damage<br />

to the road had had a negative<br />

impact on people’s well-being.<br />

“Every day they’re reminded<br />

that this road has needed to be<br />

repaired for eight years and it<br />

hasn’t been done yet.<br />

“Plus, the flooding that continually<br />

gets onto that stretch of<br />

road, hasn’t helped the situation.<br />

“To have that fixed, we can<br />

finally put that behind us.”<br />

Ms Money said if funds were<br />

left over after the Bower Ave/<br />

Wattle Drive section of New<br />

Brighton Rd was fixed, these<br />

would go towards repairing the<br />

area between Bower Ave and<br />

Palmers Rd.<br />


The $1.2<br />

million repair<br />

of New<br />

Brighton Rd<br />

between<br />

Wattle Drive<br />

and Bower<br />

Ave is set<br />

to begin in<br />

October and<br />

be finished by<br />

March next<br />

year.<br />

PHOTO:<br />

MARTIN<br />

HUNTER<br />

She hoped the repair of the<br />

rest New Brighton Rd would<br />

be completed soon after the<br />

first section was finished next<br />

year.<br />

Asked if this would happen,<br />

Ms Ellis said: “The remainder<br />

of the road is regularly assessed<br />

and prioritised with other roads<br />

in the city and any works to<br />

be undertaken will need to be<br />

co-ordinated with other utility<br />

works that may be required.”<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


City council staff are arranging<br />

for the Shaw Ave public toilets<br />

and gardens in New Brighton<br />

to be placed on a regular<br />

maintenance schedule. The<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board asked for this to happen<br />

and has voiced concerns about<br />

the state of the area in the past.<br />


The Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board has<br />

recommended the city council<br />

gift the dwelling and garage<br />

situated at 266 Pages Rd to the<br />

East Christchurch Housing<br />

Trust and that it enters into a<br />

lease of the land for six years. It<br />

has also recommended the funds<br />

earmarked for the demolition<br />

of the dwelling and garage be<br />

gifted to the trust to go towards<br />

its renewal.<br />


Nerissa Leigh McDowell of<br />

Marshland has received $500<br />

to go towards representing<br />

New Zealand at the Canada<br />

Cup International Softball<br />

Championships in Surrey,<br />

British Columbia, this month.<br />

The grant came from the<br />

Papanui-Innes Community<br />

Board’s discretionary response<br />

fund.<br />

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• By Matt Slaughter<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Council hopeful finishes<br />

clearing shingle pile<br />

PHIL MAUGER has followed<br />

through with his promise to<br />

clear a pile of shingle in a car<br />

park near The Bower.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> previously<br />

reported the Maugers<br />

Contracting Ltd boss, who<br />

is trying to oust Burwood<br />

Ward city councillor Glenn<br />

Livingstone for his seat in<br />

October’s local body elections,<br />

got a digger and started clearing<br />

piles of shingle last month,<br />

which had been there since the<br />

earthquakes.<br />

But one pile remained and Mr<br />

Mauger said it would be cleared<br />

by <strong>July</strong> 5, and it was.<br />

Mr Mauger said he was always<br />

going to follow through and get<br />

the job done as soon as he and<br />

his staff were on the east side of<br />

town.<br />

“Our gear was in the area and<br />

it was a bit wet on Friday, so we<br />

said stuff it, we’ll go and do that<br />

because we can do that in the<br />

wet weather.<br />

“We’ll always get around to<br />

getting it done, it just came<br />

down to timing because it had<br />

to fit into what we were doing<br />

because we were doing it for<br />

nothing.”<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board chairwoman Kim Money<br />

spoke to <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> last month<br />

about the need to clean up the<br />

shingle piles, which led Mr<br />

Mauger to take matters into his<br />

own hands.<br />

Ms Money praised Mr Mauger<br />

for finishing the job.<br />

“I just think it’s great when<br />

people put their hand up and are<br />

willing to help the community,<br />

which is awesome and saves<br />

the council a job and it’s been<br />

done a little bit earlier than<br />

anticipated.”<br />

THe city council told <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong> last moth dumping in<br />

the car park is illegal and has<br />

now placed signs in it saying:<br />

“Contractors are not to stockpile<br />

materials in this area.”<br />

TEAMWORK: A crew from Phil Mauger’s contracting business<br />

cleared shingle from a car park near The Bower.<br />

Cr Livingstone told<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> last month he<br />

believed Mr Mauger cleaning<br />

up the shingle piles was<br />

“electioneering.”<br />

Mr Mauger said others had<br />

expressed the same opinion<br />

online, but he had done what he<br />

said he was going to do and was<br />

not worried what people thought<br />

of his actions.<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

“You’re never going to please<br />

everyone all of the time.”<br />

He said he would use the last<br />

of the shingle, which had been<br />

cleared to cover muddy and wet<br />

ground at his worksites.<br />

Mr Mauger said his focus<br />

was now on door-knocking<br />

and talking to residents about<br />

changes they wanted to see in<br />

Burwood.<br />

Pedestrian safety outside<br />

hospital could be improved<br />

Readers react to the war<br />

of words which erupted<br />

between Burwood Ward<br />

city council candidates<br />

Phil Mauger and Glenn<br />

Livingstone over the<br />

removal of shingle from a<br />

car park near the Avon River<br />

Sandy Robb – Great to see a<br />

man like Phil Mauger standing<br />

for Burwood. An action man is<br />

what is needed, not a talker. He<br />

will get my vote.<br />

Brian Seque – As someone<br />

who has lived in Burwood for 30<br />

years and has seen nothing of Cr<br />

Livingstone in all the times he<br />

has been the councillor, I have<br />


CONCERNS: Hans Wouters<br />

discussed dangers for<br />

wheelchair users such<br />

as Brett Ladbrook when<br />

crossing the road outside<br />

Burwood Hospital.<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

IMPROVED pedestrian safety<br />

measures outside of Burwood<br />

Hospital could be a step closer.<br />

New Zealand Spinal Trust<br />

chief executive Hans Wouters<br />

said a meeting at the Burwood<br />

and Mairehau Rds intersection<br />

last Tuesday between it, city<br />

council staff, the Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board,<br />

New Zealand Transport Agency<br />

and Canterbury District Health<br />

Board representatives went well.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> reported last<br />

month the trust wanted traffic<br />

lights to replace the traffic<br />

islands and roundabout at the<br />

intersection to keep unexperienced<br />

wheelchair users from<br />

Burwood Spinal Unit and other<br />

patients safe while crossing it.<br />

Mr Wouters said the trust’s<br />

safety concerns were heard at<br />

the meeting and city council<br />

staff would now report back to<br />

those who attended with their<br />

feedback.<br />

City council transport operations<br />

manager Steffan Thomas<br />

told <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> last month<br />

there were plans to improve the<br />

intersection, but Mr Wouters<br />

had been told this would be “a<br />

couple or three years down the<br />

track.”<br />

Mr Wouters hoped the meeting<br />

will lead to these improvements<br />

happening sooner and<br />

traffic lights would be chosen as<br />

the best option to improve the<br />

intersection.<br />

“I’m confident that once the<br />

report comes back, those people<br />

on the inside will be saying<br />

okay, so what’s next? Who has<br />

the ball? Let’s get movement to<br />

make it happen.<br />

“I think what we’ve been able<br />

to do is just say, look, you’ve<br />

got it earmarked way down the<br />

track, but really, we need to<br />

bring it forward, because it is<br />

an issue that’s not going to get<br />

better.”<br />

also seen none of his so-called<br />

work for the community. In fact,<br />

the last time of hearing anything<br />

about him was his motion to city<br />

council that QE II should be shut<br />

for a time for the Muslim women<br />

community to be able to swim.<br />

Why has he not been lobbying for<br />

the roads to be repaired? They are<br />

still disgraceful after eight years.<br />

He, I think, is past his use by date<br />

and should step aside for new<br />

blood to come through and look<br />

after the interests of the east side.<br />

If he is looking for the tap on the<br />

shoulder for higher political office,<br />

then he needs to be told that<br />

is not going to happen. But hey,<br />

anything is possible within this<br />

left-leaning council.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 5<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Estuary edge images and info wanted<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

PEOPLE HAVE been asked for<br />

their insights on the estuary edge<br />

before and immediately after the<br />

earthquakes.<br />

The city council and Coastal<br />

Futures want people to share<br />

photos of the<br />

estuary edge and<br />

its surroundings<br />

from this time<br />

period and any<br />

observations<br />

about what has<br />

changed.<br />

David<br />

Griffiths<br />

City council<br />

head of planning<br />

and strategic<br />

transport David Griffiths said<br />

the goal of this project was to use<br />

photos and people’s knowledge<br />

to help address earthquake<br />

legacy issues and develop a<br />

strategy to protect surrounding<br />

properties from flooding and<br />

erosion.<br />

Mr Griffiths said what people<br />

shared would be used to identify<br />

the needs of nearby residents and<br />

what they think should be done.<br />

“A contractor has been commissioned<br />

to undertake technical<br />

work to identify the pre and<br />

post-earthquake physical state<br />

FUTURE PROTECTION: The city council want photos of the estuary edge before and just<br />

after the earthquakes and residents’ insights on what has changed to help the surrounding<br />

area prepare for the future.<br />

of the estuary edge and changes<br />

that have occurred. Drone<br />

footage being commissioned by<br />

ECan is being shared with the<br />

council to inform this work.<br />

Community members have been<br />

asked to provide any photographs<br />

they have of the estuary<br />

edge that might support this<br />

analysis of earthquake-generated<br />

change.”<br />

Southshore Residents Association<br />

chairwoman Lynda<br />

Burdekin said much of the<br />

infrastructure in place to protect<br />

properties closest to the estuary<br />

edge from erosion had been<br />

wiped out due to the earthquakes.<br />

Very little had been done since<br />

to replace this infrastructure,<br />

Mrs Burdekin said.<br />

She was pleased the city<br />

council was finally working with<br />

residents to establish the best<br />

way to protect their properties in<br />

the future, but felt this had taken<br />

too long to happen.<br />

“It’s the first time in nearly<br />

eight years the council have<br />

agreed that there is an issue and<br />

it needs to be looked at.”<br />

Mrs Burdekin hoped the city<br />

council would listen to people’s<br />

input and the amount of protection<br />

around the estuary edge<br />

would return to pre-earthquake<br />

levels.<br />

“We’re interested in having<br />

things back to where they were<br />

because that’s not really been<br />

looked at in all these years, but<br />

also with an eye to the future,<br />

what we can do practically and<br />

sensibly to ensure that people<br />

in Southshore can live in their<br />

homes safely for a decent length<br />

of time,” she said.<br />

The photos and information<br />

collected during this project<br />

will be reported back to the city<br />

council in August.<br />

Mr Griffiths said this was<br />

part of the city council’s new<br />

role leading the Southshore and<br />

South New Brighton regeneration<br />

strategy, which it took over<br />

from Regenerate Christchurch<br />

in May.<br />

Possible delays to Oram Ave project criticised<br />

•From page 1<br />

Last week’s article was posted<br />

on the Peoples Independent Republic<br />

of New Brighton Facebook<br />

group and received 156 comments<br />

from people who shared<br />

Cr East’s disappointment.<br />

“Again, and again and again<br />

– poor old New Brighton on the<br />

backburner once more,” read one<br />

comment.<br />

Another read: “Once again, the<br />

mayor, council, and Development<br />

Christchurch Ltd are throwing<br />

the residents of New Brighton,<br />

who want to see their neighbourhood<br />

move forward with the extension<br />

of Oram Ave, under the<br />

bus regarding this much-needed<br />

improvement for the area. It<br />

would be so nice if just once they<br />

would stick to the plan and get<br />

things completed as planned.”<br />

Said another comment: “I’m<br />

prepared to start a petition about<br />

Oram Ave and progressing New<br />

Brighton development. What do<br />

you all think?”<br />

Some commentators wanted<br />

the city councillors who opposed<br />

the funding being made available<br />

sooner for the extension to<br />

be named, but Cr East said this<br />

never went to a vote.<br />

He said if it had, he felt the<br />

proposal would not have been<br />

supported and in spite of it not<br />

being his preferred option, asking<br />

for more information ensured the<br />

proposal was still on the table.<br />

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However, Cr East said he<br />

was “not surprised at all” the<br />

commenters shared his concern<br />

about the delay this could have.<br />

“When matters concerning the<br />

Coastal Ward and the Burwood<br />

Ward are considered in council,<br />

it’s never a straight forward<br />

process, there’s always more<br />

consultation required or some<br />

delay.<br />

“A similar sort of project<br />

anywhere else in the city seems<br />

to sort of go through with<br />

consummate ease.”<br />

When asked to comment on<br />

Cr East’s statements, and those<br />

on Facebook, the city council<br />

did not respond before <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong>’s deadline.<br />



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DISAPPOINTED: The Peoples Independent Republic of New<br />

Brighton Facebook group has erupted with criticism over the<br />

decision not to start the Oram Ave extension as early as hoped.<br />

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Cost $29 for a full buffet breakfast, tea and coffee.<br />

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Ray White Morris & Co Property Management Limited<br />

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6 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Thank you for<br />

helping your<br />

Fall Zones<br />

community<br />

To all of you who have had your<br />

trees trimmed before they became<br />

a problem, thank you for keeping all<br />

the families in your community warm,<br />

happy, healthy and connected.<br />

You can be proud of the fact that you have allowed your<br />

neighbours to stay warm, cook dinner and even charge<br />

their mobile phones. You may not have realised that what<br />

you’ve done has had much impact, but from all of us here<br />

at Orion, we just want to say thank you.<br />

Notice and Growth limit zones<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Power line voltage A. Growth limit zone B. Notice zone<br />

66,000 volts 4.0m 5.0m<br />

33,000 volts 2.5m 3.5m<br />

11,000 volts 1.6m 2.6m<br />

400/230 volts 0.5m 1.5m<br />

We’re not exaggerating.<br />

On our network, 10-20% of all unplanned power outages are<br />

caused by trees — including vegetation — coming into contact<br />

with power lines. Other than this, fire damage to property from<br />

branches sparking in dry conditions and serious injury from<br />

electrocution from contact with trees touching power lines are<br />

also possible consequences of not maintaining your trees.<br />

How close is too close?<br />

While most damage is caused by trees falling on power lines,<br />

significant risk exists from trees merely touching them. This risk<br />

increases the higher the voltage of the power line.<br />

The minimum distances that must be maintained between trees<br />

and power lines, as defined in the Electricity (Hazards from<br />

Trees) Regulations 2003, are outlined in the diagrams above.<br />

All vegetation should be kept out of the growth limit zone and<br />

preferably the notice zone.<br />

Sometimes it may not be practical to have a tree trimmed at the<br />

rate at which it grows and unfortunately, this means it may need<br />

to be removed. Other situations may require trees to be removed,<br />

most commonly when they are at a high risk of falling due to<br />

disease or adverse weather events.<br />

Where do I start?<br />

Before you begin, remember to keep yourself, and those around<br />

you, safe. We recognise that not everyone is experienced in tree<br />

trimming and are happy to advise you on what to do. We can arrange<br />

for trees near power lines to be trimmed at your expense, however<br />

we recommend you hire professionals to safely carry out the work.<br />

If you or someone working for you intends to work within four<br />

metres of power lines, a close approach consent is required from<br />

Orion before you start. As a tree owner, you may be liable for any<br />

damage caused by carrying out trimming or felling of trees.<br />

Will I be fined if I don’t comply?<br />

If a cut or trim notice is given to you and you fail to have the tree<br />

trimmed and/or advise us of the time and location of the trim<br />

without a reasonable excuse, this is an offence. This will make you<br />

liable for a fine not exceeding $10,000. If the offence continues,<br />

you will be liable for a further fine of not more than $500 for every<br />

day or part day during which the offence continues.<br />

More info can be found on our website and if<br />

you have any questions or notice any trees<br />

touching power lines in your area, please call<br />

us on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898.<br />

oriongroup.co.nz<br />

Orion New Zealand owns and operates the electricity distribution<br />

network in central Canterbury between the Waimakariri and Rakaia<br />

rivers and from Canterbury coast to Arthur’s Pass.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

Buying flower shop the right decision<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

NEW BRIGHTON Florist<br />

would have closed if it wasn’t<br />

for Pauline Turner’s decision six<br />

years ago.<br />

She took over its ownership<br />

at a time when the earthquakes<br />

were fresh in people’s minds and<br />

some businesses in the area were<br />

struggling.<br />

The New Brighton resident<br />

of about 20 years said her love<br />

for its seaside surroundings and<br />

people meant this was a chance<br />

she was willing to take.<br />

“The old owner was going to<br />

close the doors. I thought that<br />

can’t happen, the shop has to<br />

stay open because it’s a bright<br />

little spot.”<br />

Ms Turner worked at New<br />

Brighton Florist for seven years<br />

before buying the shop, which<br />

had been open since 1964.<br />

This decision was not a financial<br />

one, but her way of giving<br />

back to a community, which had<br />

been hit hard after the earthquakes.<br />

“It was to support the New<br />

Brighton area, totally.”<br />

The community had been supporting<br />

her in return ever since.<br />

“The local people have really<br />

appreciated it and they’ve been<br />

extremely loyal.”<br />

Ms Turner moved to Russley<br />

from Hertfordshire in England<br />

as a six-year-old. She knew<br />

she wanted to move to New<br />

Brighton when she first visited.<br />

“I was 10, we’d come to New<br />

Brighton to the beach and that<br />

was that, as far as I was concerned<br />

that was where I<br />

was going to live when I grew<br />

up.”<br />

The birth of her two children<br />

Steven Turner and Alice<br />

Henderson in the 1980s meant<br />

the time was right to make the<br />

move.<br />

They lived in Marriotts Rd until<br />

the children reached school<br />

age, then shifting to Woolston<br />

so they could attend Rudolf<br />

Steiner School.<br />

After both children graduated,<br />

Ms Turner moved back, buying<br />

a house in Lonsdale St and<br />

starting her job at New Brighton<br />

Florist.<br />

This saw two dreams come<br />

true at once. She was able to<br />

use her years of experience<br />

in floristry to give back to<br />

LOYAL:<br />

Pauline Turner<br />

has not looked<br />

back after<br />

taking over the<br />

ownership of<br />

New Brighton<br />

Florist to save<br />

it from closing<br />

six years ago.<br />

PHOTO:<br />

MARTIN<br />

HUNTER<br />

the community she loved the<br />

most.<br />

Ms Turner said she hadn’t<br />

looked back since her decision a<br />

few years later to buy the florists.<br />

She was exactly where she<br />

wanted to be.<br />

“It’s a community, I see New<br />

Brighton as a beautiful, supportive<br />

community.<br />

“It’s like an extended family<br />

feeling.<br />

“I wouldn’t want to be<br />

anywhere else.”<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

OPEN: Volunteers celebrating<br />

the launch of the Riverlution<br />

Community Gathering Space<br />

and Cafe on Wednesday.<br />

Community<br />

space opens<br />

in Richmond<br />

RICHMOND Community<br />

Garden and Greening the Rubble<br />

has launched the Riverlution<br />

Community Gathering Space and<br />

Cafe.<br />

Volunteers who helped to set<br />

up the new space gathered at the<br />

River Rd site on Wednesday to officially<br />

open it and celebrate their<br />

hard work. They were treated to<br />

an afternoon tea.<br />

Richmond Community Garden<br />

co-founder Cathy Allden said a<br />

number of community members<br />

and businesses had helped to<br />

make the project possible.<br />

The garden’s chairwoman Hayley<br />

Guglietta said the area would<br />

be great for Richmond.<br />

“The Riverlution Cafe is a really<br />

important connector between the<br />

people starting to use the river<br />

trail and our suburb.”<br />

If you get a recall<br />

letter, get the repair<br />

work done now.

8 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />


Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Services to community recognised<br />

•From page 1<br />

Since moving to Christchurch<br />

from Suffolk in England 11<br />

years ago, Mrs Gibson said she<br />

“saw there was a need for help.”<br />

She said of volunteering at<br />

the church: “it was what I was<br />

meant to do.”<br />

Mrs Gibson had seen<br />

hundreds of people get exactly<br />

this out of the activities she<br />

helped to organise.<br />

And this was what had kept<br />

her coming back for so many<br />

years.<br />

“We get a lot of people<br />

that just want to come and<br />

talk and it’s their only outing<br />

for the week, so it’s that<br />

fellowship and companionship.<br />

As well as being a church<br />

group, we are there for the<br />

community to give them an<br />

outing, give them a place to go<br />

if they want to sit and talk and<br />

be warm.<br />

“We’re doing our little bit to<br />

help the world go around and to<br />

make the place a nicer, friendlier<br />

place and, for me, it’s my way of<br />

serving the lord.”<br />

Mrs Gibson said having her<br />

volunteer work recognised<br />

with an award had been a great<br />

feeling and her proud daughters<br />

Sarah and Clair had come to<br />

watch her receive it.<br />

Other award winners<br />

Jim Nicholls – For his<br />

services as the Kite Man. He has<br />

voluntarily flown his colourful<br />

and spectacular kites on the<br />

foreshore of New Brighton and<br />

North Beach for many years,<br />

including as part of multiple<br />

community events. He loves to<br />

pass his passion on to others who<br />

are interested in the hobby of kit<br />

flying and created a free website<br />

to share useful advice and tips.<br />

David<br />

Collins – For<br />

services to the<br />

Dallington<br />

Community. He<br />

has volunteered<br />

as part of the<br />

Dallington<br />

Community Cottage Trust, as<br />

part of Civil Defence, with the<br />

Scout jamboree, as a member of<br />

the Shirley Primary School PTA,<br />

his church, as part of Canterbury<br />

Neighbourhood Support and<br />

as a volunteer driver for Archer<br />

Retirement Home.<br />

John and Heather<br />

Pickworth – For their work with<br />

the community lunch programme<br />

as part of Compassion Trust.<br />

They have been involved in the<br />

programme for just over four<br />

years. In the last year alone, them<br />

and their team have provided over<br />

972 voluntary hours to provide<br />

fortnightly community lunches<br />

for those in need.<br />

Sarah Butterfield – For<br />

services to the eastern suburbs.<br />

She has been involved in groups<br />

such as the Avon-Otakaro<br />

Network, Avon-Otakaro<br />

Incorporated, Food Resilience<br />

Network, Central City<br />

Christchurch Aunties, Wainoni<br />

Avonside Community Services<br />

Trust, Soil and Health and New<br />

Brighton School boards. Her<br />

work with these organisations<br />

has provided valuable input to<br />

many programmes and projects<br />

in the eastern community.<br />

Joy Brandon – For services to<br />

the Parklands and wider eastern<br />

communities. She has been<br />

involved in a number of groups,<br />

including Parklands Ladies<br />

Probus Club, Neighbourhood<br />

Watch, the Older Generation’s<br />

forum, bowls, the Child Cancer<br />

Foundation, Christchurch<br />

Marathon and Rotary.<br />

Annie van der Dussen<br />

– For her volunteer work<br />

with Arthritis Hydro. She is<br />

a supervisor for water-based<br />

exercises at the Burwood<br />

Hospital Pool. The exercises in<br />

the hydro pool provide relief to<br />

arthritis sufferers, with people<br />

from across Christchurch<br />

attending. This service has<br />

survived due to work from<br />

volunteers like her.<br />

Soozie<br />

Bragg – For<br />

services to<br />

the South<br />

New Brighton<br />

Community.<br />

She has been<br />

actively involved<br />

in a number of organisations<br />

including Renew Brighton, The<br />

Bridge South Brighton Trust,<br />

Sustain South Brighton, Te<br />

Waka Aroha South Brighton and<br />

recently organised the Save Our<br />

Suburbs Community Safety Expo.<br />

Fay Dearden – For her work<br />

with Arthritis Hydro. Arthritis<br />

New Zealand was previously<br />

operating the hydro pool at<br />

Burwood Hospital and was<br />

looking at closing it down. The<br />

running of the service was taken<br />

over by volunteers to ensure<br />

its survival. She volunteers as<br />

a supervisor for water based<br />

activities at the pool.<br />

Jack Lawson – For<br />

his work with the Burwood-<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community Watch.<br />

He has been a member since<br />

2007 and is on a monthly roster.<br />

His nominators reported the<br />

excellent way that he interacts<br />

with the Community, who feel<br />

safe when the community watch<br />

is around.<br />

Timothy Evans – For<br />

services to the Brooklands<br />

Volunteer Fire Brigade. He has<br />

been a member of the brigade<br />

for more than 25 years. During<br />

that time, he has given time<br />

and expertise to planning for<br />

scenarios and training. He was<br />

heavily involved in the work<br />

around the earthquakes and Port<br />

Hills fires.<br />

Leonie<br />

Hawkey – For<br />

her work at<br />

the Wainoni<br />

Avonside<br />

Community<br />

Services Trust.<br />

She helps with<br />

monthly themed fundraisers<br />

and generously contributes her<br />

home baking. She is often the<br />

photographer for the events and<br />

is great at sending these photos to<br />

local reporters.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 9<br />

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10 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

COMPETITIVE: The Avonside Girls’ High School combined year 9 and 10 netball team finished<br />

fourth at the South Island tournament at Hagley Park last week. ​<br />

Avonside claim fourth at<br />

SI netball tournament<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />

AVONSIDE GIRLS’ High School<br />

finished fourth in the combined<br />

year 9 and 10 grade at the South<br />

Island junior netball tournament<br />

at Hagley Park last week.<br />

Avonside went through pool<br />

play unbeaten, taking down<br />

Golden Bay High 36-20, South<br />

Westland School 39-2 and<br />

Cromwell College 34-19 to<br />

comfortably top their group.<br />

Their unbeaten run continued<br />

in the round of <strong>16</strong> games, when<br />

they beat Catholic Cathedral<br />

College 46-<strong>16</strong> and South Otago<br />

High School 36-12 to again top<br />

their group heading into the<br />

quarter-finals.<br />

Avonside prevailed in their<br />

tightest contest yet to make the<br />

semi-finals, thanks to a<br />

27-21 win over Buller High<br />

School. The final-four<br />

match against Papanui High<br />

proved a step too far for the<br />

team and they were beaten<br />

37-13 for their first loss of the<br />

tournament.<br />

The third and fourth play-off<br />

was more competitive against<br />

Gore High, but Gore eventually<br />

prevailed 30-22.<br />

It was the tournament’s 22nd<br />

year at Hagley Park.<br />


School cyclist Amelia Sykes<br />

continued to show she is one to<br />

watch in the future by winning<br />

the under-<strong>16</strong> individual time<br />

trial at the South Island road<br />

championships at Ruapuna<br />

Raceway last week.<br />

Sykes, who has won a silver<br />

medal in the event at the national<br />

level in March, won the event<br />

with a time of 5min 12.67sec.<br />

She was almost four seconds<br />

clear of Amye Kellow from<br />

Christchurch Girls’ High School<br />

with Cashmere High School’s<br />

Annabel Bligh a further 11sec<br />

back in third.<br />

Sykes has regularly competed<br />

for Canterbury and has impressed<br />

on both the road and<br />

the track in recent seasons. She<br />

has won national gold medals<br />

on both surfaces.<br />

More than 230 riders took<br />

part in the South Island road<br />

event, organised by Cycling<br />

Canterbury Schools at Mike<br />

Pero Motorsport Park. They<br />

competed in individual time<br />

trials, team time trials and road<br />

race events.<br />

SPORT<br />


Sykes successful<br />

in cycling<br />

under-<strong>16</strong> time trial<br />

TALENT: Avonside Girls’ High<br />

School cyclist Amelia Sykes<br />

added a South Island road<br />

title to her growing list of<br />

accomplishments last week.<br />

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Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 11

12 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Panel repairs in handy,<br />

central city location<br />

As we all know, having our car off the road<br />

for panel repairs can be frustrating, but for<br />

customers of Smart Repairs (NZ) Limited in<br />

Lichfield Street, this isn’t a problem.<br />

“With our focus on fast and efficient<br />

turnaround, getting customers back on the<br />

road as quickly as possible is our aim” says<br />

Brian, who owns Smart Repairs with his<br />

wife Maxine.<br />

As specialists in small to medium vehicle<br />

repairs, no job is too small. Their services<br />

include panelbeating, spray painting,<br />

paintless dent removal (PDR) and mag<br />

wheel repairs and painting.<br />

Customers can be assured of top-quality<br />

workmanship at Smart Repairs, with Brian<br />

and Glenn having over 50 years’ industry<br />

experience between them.<br />

Customers also have the use of a free<br />

courtesy car, so they can stay on the road<br />

while their vehicle is in the workshop.<br />

There is a free pick-up and delivery service<br />

within Christchurch available on request.<br />

Accidents happen, but there is no<br />

need to panic - the Smart Repairs team<br />

can provide quotes for all insurance<br />

companies, and carry out those repairs<br />

quickly and professionally. With their<br />

friendly, personal approach they make it<br />

easy for customers who may be unsure<br />

what to do if their vehicle has been<br />

scratched or dented. They offer free advice<br />

and assessments, and are happy to discuss<br />

the options for your vehicle repair.<br />

“We take pride in our work and want<br />

to ensure that our customers are happy<br />

with the results,” says Maxine. “We stand<br />

behind our repairs”.<br />

Eftpos and credit cards are accepted.<br />

Smart Repairs (NZ) Limited is located<br />

at 272 Lichfield Street, Christchurch.<br />

Opening hours are Monday to Thursday<br />

7.30am - 4.30pm<br />

Friday 7.30am – 4pm. To enquire about<br />

repairs to your vehicle please call in and<br />

see the team, or phone (03) 377-0409.<br />

A 10% discount is offered if you<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 13<br />

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for Your next VeHICLe?<br />

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One location for<br />

every type of vehicle<br />

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for a pleasant buying<br />

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and low mileage selection<br />

is something we work<br />

hard to provide.<br />


& OPERATED<br />

ESTABLIShED 1993<br />

VALUE<br />




PLUS<br />


2008 toyota passo<br />

$6,499<br />

Popular and pleasingly spacious 5 door hatch, features<br />

an economical 1.3 litre engine with automatic trans<br />

and overdrive, looks lovely in blue, smart keyless<br />

ignition, rear wiper, low kms, ABS and airbags, won't<br />

last long at this price!<br />

PLUS<br />


2008 toyota rumion<br />

$8,999<br />

Stylish family hatch, features a 1.8 litre engine with<br />

tiptronic trans, looks great in white with subtle factory<br />

body kit and driving lights, black interior, reverse<br />

camera, push button start, rear wiper, good kms, ABS<br />

and 8 airbags, upgrade your family vehicle today!<br />

PLUS<br />


2009 mazda atenza<br />

$13,999<br />

The Axela has quickly become a very popular mid-sized<br />

family hatch and preferred in it's class by many, 2.0 litre<br />

engine with i-stop, tiptronic trans, paddleshift option,<br />

4.5 star fuel efficiency, stands out in electric blue with<br />

driving lights and <strong>16</strong>" alloys, push button start, low<br />

kms, safety of ABS, T/C and 6 airbags, nice car!<br />

PLUS<br />


2018 nissan march<br />

$13,999<br />

The March is a light steering, easy to drive, popular,<br />

economical and surprisingly spacious 5 door hatch,<br />

features a 1.2 litre engine with automatic trans and 5<br />

star fuel efficiency, travelled very low kms, looks sharp<br />

in silver, keyless entry, rear wiper, ABS, T/C and airbags,<br />

fantastic buying for a near new vehicle!<br />

PLUS<br />


2008 suzuki swift<br />

$12,999<br />

An evolution of all Swift elements to arrive at a cutting<br />

edge sports experience, performance and character to rival<br />

the best European hot hatches, "Sport Super <strong>16</strong>00 Clone"<br />

edition, 1.6L engine, 5 speed manual trans, stands out in<br />

yellow, wide body kit, rally mud flaps, white 15" Advanti<br />

racing alloys, bolstered seats, low kms, a must see!<br />

PLUS<br />


2007 nissan skyline<br />

$9,999<br />

Sporty and well sought after 250GT Skyline 4 door sedan,<br />

high response 2.5 litre V6 engine, tiptronic trans, sharp in<br />

white with chrome detailing, carbon fibre roof wrap, boot lip<br />

spoiler and 19” alloys, black partial leather interior, powered<br />

front seats, reverse camera, push button start, good kms,<br />

ABS, T/C and airbags, test drive won’t disappoint!<br />

PLUS<br />


2008 toyota axio<br />

$8,999<br />

Reliable, spacious and economical 4 door sedan,<br />

features a 1.5 litre engine with automatic trans and<br />

5 star fuel efficiency, travelled very low kms, reverse<br />

camera, keyless entry, ABS and airbags, looks good<br />

finished in a light brown pearl, great vehicle and<br />

great buying!<br />

PLUS<br />


2012 toyota 86<br />

$24,999<br />

Look no further for your new sports car! RWD Toyota<br />

86 travelled very low kms, features a 2.0 litre boxer<br />

engine, tiptronic trans returning a 4 star fuel rating,<br />

looks awesome in red on <strong>16</strong>" alloys, keyless entry,<br />

safety of ABS, T/C and 8 airbags, awesome handling,<br />

surprising fuel efficiency and striking looks!<br />

PLUS<br />


2017 nissan bluebird sylphy<br />

$15,999<br />

The Bluebird has long been a popular choice for those<br />

wanting an economical, reliable and comfortable family<br />

sedan, 1.8 litre engine, automatic trans, sharp in white<br />

with chrome detail, very low kms, reverse camera, keyless<br />

entry, ABS, T/C and airbags, the perfect family sedan that<br />

encompasses family motoring with a touch of luxury!<br />

PLUS<br />


2006 honda inspire<br />

$7,999<br />

A luxury family sedan, good performance supplied from the<br />

iVTEC 3.0 litre V6 engine and ride comfort is high thanks to<br />

the smooth shifting tiptronic trans and superb handling, sharp<br />

in silver metallic, driving lights and <strong>16</strong>" alloys, black interior,<br />

woodgrain accents, smart keyless ignition, reverse camera,<br />

climate A/C, ABS, T/C and airbags, an absolute must see!<br />

PLUS<br />


2004 toyota sienta<br />

$5,999<br />

The Sienta is a versatile hatch with the bonus of an<br />

extra two seats available for use when needed to<br />

seat 7, features an economical 1.5 litre engine with<br />

automatic trans and 5 star fuel efficiency, travelled<br />

low kms, sliding side doors, keyless entry, rear wiper,<br />

ABS and airbags, great buying!<br />

PLUS<br />


2011 honda fit shuttle<br />

$12,999<br />

The Shuttle is the wagon version of the popular Fit,<br />

features an economical 1.3 litre hybrid engine with<br />

automatic trans, travelled very low kms, looks good<br />

and stands out finished in red, cruise control, smart<br />

keyless ignition, rear wiper, ABS, T/C and airbags,<br />

will sell quickly!<br />

PLUS<br />


2003 mazda atenza<br />

$6,999<br />

Well sought after family wagon, 2.3L engine, tiptronic<br />

trans, looks good in white with body kit, driving lights<br />

and 18” alloys, black partial leather interior, keyless<br />

entry, rear wiper, ABS and airbags, if you’re looking<br />

for a stylish modern wagon with plenty of room,<br />

comfort and safety features look no further.<br />

PLUS<br />


2006 toyota caldina<br />

$7,999<br />

A popular mid-sized family wagon that many are attracted<br />

to due to the sleek, low slung sporty styling, 2.0 litre<br />

engine, automatic trans, 4 star fuel efficiency, stands out<br />

and looks great in blue with body kit, driving lights, 17"<br />

alloys, black interior, reverse camera, keyless entry, rear<br />

wiper, ABS and airbags, hurry - won't last long!<br />

PLUS<br />


2004 mazda mpv<br />

$5,999<br />

Well sought after family wagon with room to seat 7,<br />

looks sporty and stylish finished in white with body kit,<br />

driving lights and <strong>16</strong>" alloys, features a 2.3 litre engine<br />

with automatic trans, twin sliding rear doors, keyless<br />

entry, rear wiper, ABS, T/C and airbags, upgrade your<br />

family wagon today!<br />

Registration for 6 months is $301<br />

Value Cars Warehouse<br />

4.72<br />

32 Moorhouse Ave, P: (03) 366 7768 IMVDA<br />


14<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 15<br />

Senior Net New Brighton<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday and<br />

Thursday 10am-noon (by appointment)<br />

Go along for a group offering<br />

assistance to mature people with<br />

modern technology including<br />

computers, tablets, smartphones,<br />

email, Facebook, Skype, Word,<br />

cellphones and the internet. Ph:<br />

382 6048<br />

202 Marine Pde (next to the<br />

New Brighton Club)<br />

JP Clinic at Shirley Library<br />

Tuesday, 10am-1pm<br />

A justice of the peace will be<br />

available to members of the community<br />

to witness signatures and<br />

documents, certify document<br />

copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations as well<br />

as sign citizenship, sponsorship<br />

or rates rebates applications. No<br />

charge.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

SAYGo Steady As You Go<br />

Falls Prevention Exercise<br />

Class<br />

Tuesday, 10am<br />

This is a specially-designed<br />

class to help you not to fall. There<br />

will be a $2 koha entry. There is<br />

no booking fee required, those<br />

interested are invited to just turn<br />

up on the day and see what the<br />

class can do for them.<br />

Parklands Community Centre<br />

Email matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

Ascot Sit and Be Fit<br />

Wednesday, 1-2pm, and Thursday,<br />

9.30-10.30am<br />

Complete a class of exercises<br />

without even leaving your chair.<br />

The cost of the class is $4 and<br />

with this, you’ll get a cup of tea<br />

or coffee.<br />

Ascot Community Centre<br />

Rocket Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along and take part in<br />

different activities based on<br />

local and current events in<br />

a learning environment.<br />

Homework help is available<br />

during this time. Free and no<br />

bookings required.<br />

Aranui Library<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Tuesday and Wednesday, 1.30-<br />

3.30pm and 1-2.45pm<br />

Go along to the Scrabble<br />

Club. No obligation, just go<br />

along when you can and join the<br />

friendly group. All materials are<br />

supplied. No fee.<br />

Parklands and Shirley<br />

libraries<br />

CV help<br />

Thursday, 10-11.30am<br />

A librarian will be on hand<br />

to assist customers who need<br />

help with their CV or<br />

resume.<br />

New Brighton Library<br />

hot<br />

ULEBs are<br />

Metro Ultra Insert<br />

Pyroclassic Mini<br />

and Pyro IV<br />

Woodsman<br />

Serene<br />

Metro<br />

Ultra<br />

Technology Help Drop-in<br />

Sessions<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to drop-in sessions<br />

for help with email, searching<br />

the internet, using the library<br />

catalogue, eBooks, and general<br />

computer queries.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

Cards Club<br />

Friday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />

This weekly club will be held<br />

every Friday, just go along and<br />

join the fun. Free, no bookings<br />

required.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

Makerspace<br />

Friday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to weekly<br />

Makerspace sessions and get<br />


INSERT<br />

Fits existing masonry<br />

fireplace and chimney.<br />

NEW<br />

hands-on with activities for<br />

all ages. Something new every<br />

week.<br />

Aranui Library<br />

Culture Exchange<br />

Friday, 3.45-4.45pm<br />

Go along and make new<br />

friends, practice English and<br />

learn about New Zealand and<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

New Brighton Seaside<br />

Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

Go and enjoy a warm and fun<br />

atmosphere beside the seaside.<br />

With live entertainment, food<br />

and free face-painting.<br />

New Brighton Pedestrian<br />

Mall<br />

Hairy<br />

Maclary<br />

Party Time<br />

will be held<br />

at Shirley<br />

Library<br />

today from<br />

10.30am<br />

until noon.<br />

Go along<br />

for a party<br />

morning<br />

with Hairy<br />

Maclary<br />

stories and<br />

crafts.<br />

Golden Oldies Movie<br />

screening – Lucky Me<br />

Monday, 1.30pm<br />

Three struggling theatrical<br />

performers meet a famous songwriter<br />

who is trying to convince<br />

a wealthy oilman to finance a<br />

musical he is scripting, promising<br />

them stardom if it happens.<br />

$2, go early for a cuppa and a<br />

chat.<br />

New Brighton Museum, 9<br />

Hardy St<br />

Marshland Table Tennis Club<br />

Monday, 7.30-9.30pm<br />

Go along every Monday night<br />

until October 14. Casual players<br />

are welcome – $5 for adults per<br />

night, $3 for juniors under-18.<br />

Marshland Hall, 430<br />

Marshland Rd<br />

When the latest Ultra Low Emission Burners<br />

are here, Simply Heat will have them.<br />



Inside colour: flame red<br />

Exterior colours: 200+<br />


SERENE<br />

Latest in the range.<br />

NEW<br />


right where any old<br />

woodburner did.<br />

95 Byron Street, Sydenham,<br />

opposite Clip ‘N Climb<br />

Call today 03 365 3685<br />

www.simplyheat.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/simplyheat<br />




BYRON ST<br />



<strong>16</strong><br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


The Ryman Difference<br />

Putting residents first! Our winning formula for over 30 years.<br />

Fair terms<br />

The weekly fee is fixed for the entire<br />

time you occupy your townhouse or<br />

apartment, guaranteed.*<br />

There are no hidden costs such as<br />

waitlist fees, surprise move-in costs<br />

or administration fees. And you<br />

will benefit from one of the lowest<br />

deferred management fees in the<br />

retirement sector, capped<br />

at 20 percent.<br />

Resident-focused<br />

innovation<br />

Ryman Delicious menus offer<br />

choice and freshness, our<br />

myRyman electronic care<br />

programme enables individualised<br />

care at the touch of a button, and<br />

emergency power generators in<br />

every Ryman village centre keep<br />

residents safe and warm even if<br />

the lights go out.<br />

Care options that<br />

suit your needs<br />

We’re dedicated to caring for you<br />

now and into your future.<br />

We provide independent living,<br />

and assisted living in a serviced<br />

apartment. Plus, resthome and<br />

hospital care, and in most villages,<br />

specialist dementia care.<br />

For more information on the Ryman difference phone<br />

Josie on 0800 000 290 or visit www.rymanhealthcare.co.nz<br />

Where community shapes the heart of your retirement<br />

*Some conditions apply

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 17<br />

Tasty Bites<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Gluten and dairy-free treat options<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Are you intolerant to gluten<br />

and dairy but love a sweet<br />

treat? These two recipes<br />

are all straightforward<br />

and simple, giving you<br />

allergy-friendly options<br />

Carrot cake<br />

Serves 8-10<br />

Cooking time 10min<br />

Ingredients<br />

150g flour mix (see below)<br />

180g sugar<br />

2 tsp ground cinnamon<br />

1 tsp baking powder<br />

½ tsp salt<br />

80ml canola oil<br />

40g sweetened soy yoghurt<br />

2 eggs<br />

200g grated carrot<br />

Icing<br />

100g spreadable cream cheese<br />

50g butter<br />

100g icing sugar<br />

Decoration<br />

25g crushed pistachios<br />

Pecans<br />

Toasted flaked coconut<br />

Edible flowers<br />

Homemade flour mix – makes<br />

1kg<br />

500g rice flour<br />

300g cornflour (cornstarch)<br />

100g potato starch<br />

100g almond meal<br />

2g xanthan gum<br />

Directions<br />

Heat the oven to 180 deg C.<br />

Combine the flour mix, sugar,<br />

cinnamon, baking powder and<br />

salt. Add the canola oil, soy<br />

yoghurt, eggs and grated carrot.<br />

Whisk until the batter is well<br />

combined and smooth.<br />

Pour the batter into a greased<br />

loaf tin and bake for 40min.<br />

Allow to cool.<br />

To make the icing, beat the<br />

cream cheese, butter and icing<br />

sugar until creamy. Spread<br />

the icing over the top of the<br />

cake. Decorate with pistachios,<br />

pecans, flaked coconut and<br />

edible flowers. The homemade<br />

flour mix can be varied by<br />

incorporating 100g tapioca<br />

starch or chestnut flour<br />

(reducing the quantity of rice<br />

flour by the same amount) for<br />

cake batters.<br />

Matcha cream puffs<br />

Serves 4-6<br />

Cooking time 30min<br />

Ingredients<br />

Choux pastry<br />

250ml water<br />

6g salt<br />

100g butter or margarine<br />

150g flour mix (see carrot cake<br />

recipe)<br />

5-6 eggs<br />

Icing sugar<br />

Matcha cream<br />

100g single (pure) cream<br />

200g mascarpone cheese<br />

15g sugar<br />

15g matcha powder<br />

Directions<br />

Heat the oven to 200 deg<br />

C. Combine the water, salt<br />

and butter or margarine in a<br />

saucepan and bring to the boil.<br />

When the butter has melted,<br />

add the flour mix to the boiling<br />

butter mixture and quickly mix<br />

with a spatula until the mixture<br />

is well combined and comes<br />

away easily from the side of the<br />

pan.<br />

Pour into a mixing bowl and<br />

add the eggs, mixing with the<br />

spatula until smooth. Spoon the<br />

dough into a piping bag fitted<br />

with a 1cm plain nozzle.<br />

Pipe small balls of choux on to<br />

a baking tray lined with baking<br />

paper. Bake for 30min. Let the<br />

balls cool before cutting off the<br />

top third of each puff.<br />

To make the matcha cream,<br />

Whisk the well-chilled cream<br />

with the mascarpone until light<br />

and airy, then add the combined<br />

sugar and matcha powder.<br />

Spoon the cream into a piping<br />

bag fitted with a 1cm star nozzle<br />

and pipe into the choux. Replace<br />

the lids and dust with icing<br />

sugar.<br />

Myth # 2<br />

You can trust<br />

everything you<br />

read.<br />

Yeah right! There’s a lot of news<br />

available out there, but some sources<br />

are more informed than others.<br />

2 out of 3 readers agree newspapers are<br />

their most trusted source of news and<br />

information*<br />

If you’re going to believe everything<br />

you read, make sure you’re reading a<br />

newspaper.<br />

Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 18 - Q4 18 (Base: AP 15+ who have read Daily/Weekend newspaper in last 7 days)

18<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Calling for exhibitors<br />

weddingshow<br />

Sunday 25th August, <strong>2019</strong> Air Force Museum, Christchurch<br />

To exhibit at this fantastic show, please email mark.sinclair@starmedia.kiwi for more info.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 19<br />


Modern diet<br />

leads to illness!<br />

It’s not what you eat but what you absorb<br />

More health<br />

benefits with<br />

Advanced<br />

Omega-3-PC<br />

Fish Oil<br />

It is well known how important omega-3 fatty acids are to good<br />

health. It is estimated most people don’t even get a third of the<br />

recommended omega-3 fatty acids on a weekly basis. Countries with<br />

a higher amounts of omega-3 in the diet are known to have lower<br />

cardiovascular disease & in many cases better overall health. Recent<br />

research has shown inflammation to be a big part of disease & the<br />

ageing process. Fish oil can help reduce inflammation by providing<br />

essential fatty acids required by the body to heal itself & maintain<br />

good health. Fish oil supplements have become hugely popular for<br />

this reason. Until now most fish oil only contained omega-3 fatty<br />

acids in triglyceride form. Fish however naturally contain omega-3 in<br />

triglyceride & phospholipid form but until recently the phospholipid<br />

form was lost due to the manufacturing process.<br />

GO-ADVANCED OMEGA-3-PC sets new standards in fish oil as<br />

it contains omega-3 attached to both triglycerides & phospholipids.<br />

Studies have shown GO-ADVANCED OMEGA-PC to be far better<br />

absorbed leading to increased levels of vital omega-3 fatty acids in the<br />

organs thru giving the potential for more health benefits.<br />

GO-ADVANCED OMEGA-3-PC is produced from fresh wild<br />

deep sea cold water fish using a new advanced & more natural<br />

cold extraction process that better preserves the natural nutrient<br />

profile found in fish. It is manufactured to high GMP standards &<br />

is molecularly distilled to remove any containments, toxins & heavy<br />

metals like mercury.<br />

Further information on this revolutionary new fish oil & how<br />

it may benefit you is available from the Natural Health Advisers,<br />

at Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview Road, New<br />

Brighton, phone: 388-5757. We are always happy to help!<br />

Two Australian<br />

Naturopaths Stephen<br />

and Shane noticed at<br />

the end of the 20th<br />

century more and<br />

more of their patients<br />

were experiencing<br />

gut, bowel and<br />

digestive issues that<br />

were often leading to<br />

more serious chronic<br />

health conditions.<br />

Being Naturopaths<br />

they wanted to find<br />

what was going<br />

wrong and began<br />

extensive research.<br />

What they found was<br />

although their clients<br />

were generally eating good food they were not<br />

obtaining all the nutrients required for good health<br />

from this food. Further research showed one of the<br />

main problems was the digestive system, “it’s not<br />

what you eat but what you absorb.” Another wellknown<br />

problem is the soils the crops are grown<br />

in have been depleted of many trace elements and<br />

other nutrients that are known to be essential for<br />

good health and therefore the crops and food are<br />

also depleted. If we do not obtain all the nutrients<br />

we require the body will compensate to some<br />

degree but a lack of too many nutrients will<br />

eventually lead to health issues.<br />

Based on this they developed<br />

VITAL GREENS, now call VITAL<br />

ALL-IN-ONE, a<br />

nutrient dense<br />

powdered<br />

formula<br />

that provides superior absorption as well as<br />

comprehensive nutrition. They decided on a<br />

powdered formula that could be made as a great<br />

tasting drink because liquid nutrition is the easiest<br />

way for the body to absorb nutrients especially if<br />

digestive issues are present. The formula provides<br />

78 vital ingredients that work together in synergy<br />

optimising each other’s absorption and benefits.<br />

Vital Greens contains a carefully balanced<br />

blend of nutritionally rich greens, vegetables,<br />

fruits, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids,<br />

plant and herbal extracts, superfoods, powerful<br />

antioxidants, probiotics, essential amino acids,<br />

digestive enzymes, fibre plus a uniquely alkalising<br />

pea protein. It provides superior nutrition to a<br />

multivitamin and just about anyone will benefit<br />

from it. It is designed to provide all the nutrients<br />

the body requires for good health. It is also ideal<br />

for those in poor health, those recovering from<br />

injury or sickness, children, athletes, poor eaters<br />

and the elderly. It is also suitable for people with<br />

dietary restrictions and is gluten, wheat and dairy<br />

free. VITAL ALL-IN-ONE will help remove toxic<br />

waste from the body while supporting all organs.<br />

You’ll often notice more energy and endurance,<br />

better sleep, a more positive mood, skin problems<br />

improving, less sickness, improved eyesight and<br />

overall better more optimum health.<br />

Further information and how to obtain the<br />

maximum benefits from VITAL ALL-IN-ONE<br />

as well as tastings is available from the Natural<br />

Health Advisers at Marshall’s Health<br />

& Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview<br />

Road, New Brighton,<br />

phone: 388-5757. We<br />

are always happy<br />

to help!<br />

NOT all FISH OIl IS CreaTed eQUal!<br />

ONLY GO OMEGA-PC retains the natural Phospholipids that have been shown to be so beneficial for Good<br />

Health BUT are lost in other brands of fish oil due to the less natural manufacturing processes used!<br />


Omega-3 fish oil normally contains the vital Omega-3 fatty acids in a triglyceride form. Fish however naturally<br />

contain Omega-3 in a triglyceride & phospholipid form but until recently the phospholipid form was lost due to the<br />

manufacturing process. GO OMEGA-PC is produced using a new more natural cold extraction process that better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile found in fish. Studies show GO OMEGA-PC offers superior absorption with<br />

increased omega-3 fatty acids in organs giving the potential for more health benefits.<br />


• Superior absorption of vital Omega-3, as<br />

shown in research<br />

• Advanced new cold extraction better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile<br />

found in fish<br />

• Naturally contains phospholipids to<br />

support cellular health<br />

• Contains vitamin D3 to support immune,<br />

bone & cardiovascular health<br />

• Supports cardiovascular health - Countries with<br />

a higher Omega-3 intake have much lower rates<br />

of heart disease<br />

• Supports blood circulation, healthy cholesterol &<br />

healthy blood pressure<br />

• Supports joint health, joint mobility & repair<br />

• Supports overall health & wellbeing<br />

• Natural anti-inflammatory - can help reduce pain<br />

Look for<br />

Omega/PC<br />

on the label<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />



200 Softgels ONLY $19.90 SAvE $18.10<br />

400 Softgels ONLY $38.90 SAvE $37.10<br />

600 Softgels ONLY $56.90 SAvE $57.10<br />




101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


Take the VITAL ALL-IN-ONE 12 day Challenge to Better Health!<br />

VITAL ALL-IN-ONE has been developed to provide superior nutritional<br />

support to your body. It is near impossible to obtain all the nutrients your<br />

body requires from a modern diet. VITAL ALL-IN-ONE contains 78 vital<br />

nutrients in a balanced & highly absorbable form to help you receive<br />

all the nutrients you require for optimum health. It consists of a blend<br />

of nutrient dense greens, fruits, herbs, superfoods, vitamins, minerals,<br />

antioxidants, prebiotics & 14 billion probiotics, essential fatty acids, fibre,<br />

digestive enzymes, plus a uniquely high alkalising pea protein.<br />

- Increased Energy & Endurance<br />

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- 78 Vital Nutrients to Support Optimal Health<br />

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- Gently Detoxifies, Cleanses & Energises Every Cell in Our Body<br />


Super Low Prices<br />

120g only $23.90, save $11.00<br />

300g only $54.90, save $20.10<br />

600g only $94.90, save $44.10<br />

1kg only $139.90, save $59.10<br />



Bringing You the Best<br />

in Natural Health!<br />



101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


FREE<br />



20<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />


Substantial Scarborough Home!<br />

142 Scarborough Road, Sumner<br />

Price by negotiation<br />

5 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 5 toilets | 3 living rooms | 1 office/study<br />

4 car-garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing Number SM0222<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


This striking executive home makes<br />

an immediate impression and enjoys<br />

an irreplaceable dress circle position<br />

opposite Nicholson Park at the top of<br />

Scarborough Hill. Incredibly positioned<br />

with breathtaking 270˚ views that cannot<br />

be built out over Sumner Beach and the<br />

city with a backdrop of the Southern Alps<br />

and the Kaikoura Ranges.<br />

This spectacular level corner site was a<br />

determining factor in the distinctive design<br />

by acclaimed architect Alick Bellerby which<br />

won ‘house of the year’ on completion.<br />

Spread over a 360sqm of approximate<br />

floor plan with generously proportioned<br />

living areas, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and<br />

level access to 4 car garaging.<br />

The kitchen is the hub of the home<br />

connecting 2 of the living rooms. Warm oak<br />

floors and full height windows flood the<br />

home with warmth and light and optimise<br />

the sea views. A separate downstairs media<br />

room is a great space for teenagers, a work<br />

from home office space or maybe a gym.<br />

Look out over the manicured gardens<br />

or step outside to a private Halswell stone<br />

courtyard and BBQ area. Here you have<br />

the ability to host everything from intimate<br />

dinner parties to large gatherings in a very<br />

private and sheltered setting.<br />

The established and easily maintained<br />

<strong>16</strong>13sqm grounds include level lawns, rose<br />

gardens, planted borders and offers an<br />

enviable microclimate with total privacy.<br />

Located between Sumner Beach and<br />

Taylors Mistake Beach, allows plenty of<br />

recreational pleasures such as surfing,<br />

boating, walking and cycling right on your<br />

doorstep. While close by in the Sumner<br />

Village you can enjoy the cafes, restaurants,<br />

library and boutique shops.<br />

Sublime design, superior construction<br />

and a prestigious location combine to make<br />

this a compelling lifestyle offering. With<br />

our owner now committed to Auckland<br />

you could secure this home for immediate<br />

possession. Present all offers.<br />

Open Homes: Sunday 14 <strong>July</strong> 2:00pm -<br />

2:45pm.<br />

See you at the open homes or for a<br />

private viewing or for more information<br />

contact Alison Carter of Harcourts<br />

Grenadier Sumner (Licensed Agent<br />

REAA 2008) on 384 7950 or mobile 0274<br />

318 960.<br />

growing with you June 2018 | 100%<br />

Plants For<br />

winter wow<br />

Cool Choices<br />

For Colour<br />

& Contrast<br />

From swamp<br />

to sea views<br />

The journey<br />

begins with sarah<br />

the Gardener<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Snap it up<br />

Enter our annual<br />

Birdlife Photo<br />

Competition to win<br />

great prizes!<br />

clear the air<br />

Why groWing<br />

indoor PLAnTs is<br />

so good for you<br />

give it a grow<br />

from gArLic<br />

To chinese<br />

ArTichokes,<br />

We hAve your<br />

groWing TiPs<br />

covered<br />

the latest releases<br />

into the rose world<br />

+ rose care<br />

through winter<br />

The magazine for<br />

gardeners who like to get<br />

their hands dirty<br />


$43. 50*<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />


0800 77 77 10<br />


2<br />

PEGASUS [Edition POST datE]<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 21<br />


Get rid of<br />

dampness in<br />

your house<br />

Now with the colder and wetter weather<br />

on its way, home owners are focusing on<br />

ways to make their homes comfortable,<br />

warm and healthy for their families<br />

throughout winter. Rising damp is an issue<br />

that affects many of our older properties<br />

which suffer from poor, or no, insulation.<br />

In Canterbury especially, post-quake, many<br />

people have relocated to homes that suffer<br />

from rising damp which can be associated<br />

with health problems. Independent tests<br />

have shown that up to 40 litres of water<br />

can rise from the ground and enter a<br />

house every day, leading to mildew, mould,<br />

condensation and musty smells. Moulds<br />

can produce various allergic reactions<br />

and the frail, elderly and very young are<br />

especially vulnerable.<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd is a<br />

locally owned and operated firm. The<br />

team understands the problems caused<br />

by rising damp and are there to help.<br />

They will come to your damp home<br />

and pump a lightweight, flowable foam<br />

concrete under your timber floored home.<br />

Specially adapted for our New Zealand<br />

conditions and applications it provides a<br />

layer of protection against rising moisture.<br />

An unexpected benefit that the team at<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete have noticed<br />

recently, is that many owners of properties<br />

which had underfloor foam concrete<br />

installed, reported that it also provided<br />

protection against liquefaction after<br />

the earthquakes.<br />

Contact Canterbury Foam Concrete<br />

Ltd now for your free, no obligation<br />

quote and complimentary appraisal of<br />

your underfloor ventilation needs. Phone<br />

03 376 4608 or 0508FOAMCO for more<br />

information.<br />

What makes a great<br />

Heat Transfer System?<br />

There are a number of Heat Transfer<br />

systems on the market. Smooth-Air<br />

ventilation specialists offer a range of HTU<br />

Heat Transfer Units with carefully selected<br />

components to optimise the system:<br />

They use insulated duct to transfer the<br />

heated air with as little heat loss as possible.<br />

The fan moves sufficient air for the distance<br />

and number of rooms, without being noisy.<br />

The diffusers send the heat to the floor,<br />

not to skim the across the ceilings. All<br />

components are good quality - designed to<br />

operate for years without problems.<br />

Smooth-Air’s HTUs come in a range of<br />

options: One to four rooms, with or without<br />

thermostat and with a choice of grilles and<br />

diffusers. HTUs improve energy efficiency<br />

in your house, as you are using excess<br />

heat. They have low power consumption<br />

- only 80watts for the three room system.<br />

Circulating air through the house also<br />

reduces the risk of damp.<br />

You can also choose the HTU version<br />

with downjet diffusers, which throw the<br />

warm air downwards to the floor. These<br />

downjet diffusers can also be adjusted to<br />

regulate which room receives the most<br />

warm air.<br />

An average size living room requires 2-4<br />

kw of heating, yet appliances such as log<br />

burners generate heat in the region of 10<br />

-20kw. This leaves an excess of 8 -<strong>16</strong>kw of<br />

heat which sits at high level in the heated<br />

room, usually above door level.<br />

Heat transfer units work best where very<br />

hot air has ‘stratified’ into a layer near the<br />

ceiling. So heat pumps, which circulate<br />

warm air around the room with no<br />

layering, are not suitable as a heat source<br />

by themselves. However, if you have both<br />

log burner and a heat pump, heat transfer<br />

systems with thermostat can work very<br />

well: The heat pump stops operating once<br />

the heat from the fire has heated the room,<br />

and the heat transfer kicks in above this<br />

point, once there is a layer of hot air at the<br />

ceiling.<br />

Contact Smooth-Air on 0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684) to ask how they can help<br />

you with your Heat Transfer, as well as<br />

any other ventilation requirements.<br />

Transfer your heat to the bedrooms<br />

Smooth-Air<br />

Ventilation Equipment Suppliers<br />

to<br />

Smooth-Air also has a wide range<br />

of ventilation equipment to bring<br />

fresh air into your home.<br />

trade<br />

&<br />

retail<br />

T. 03 376 4608<br />

E. info@foamconcrete.nz<br />

W. www.foamconcrete.nz<br />

Domestic<br />

Commercial<br />

Industrial<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ WINTER Specials!!<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 17 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />

0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684)<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

Transfer<br />

the excess<br />

from your<br />

log burner<br />

to your bedrooms<br />

264 Annex Rd<br />

Riccarton<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 343 6184<br />

heat<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

7.30am - 5pm<br />


22<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />

seller, visit www.postanote.co.nz and search the ID#<br />

1992 Isuzu Bighorn<br />

HeVa 6.3m Folding Roller<br />

2003 Mini Cooper S, 1.8<br />

Mazda3/Alexa Wheels 15inch<br />

Mini Clubman<br />

Hutch Dresser<br />

$4,500<br />

ID 29655<br />

$14,000<br />

ID 2<strong>16</strong>71<br />

$5,600<br />

ID 23996<br />

$200<br />

ID 29866<br />

$7,500<br />

ID 29732<br />

$150<br />

ID 29793<br />

Mazda MX-5 Miata<br />

Chinese Fan Palms<br />

Honda Accord Euro CL 9<br />

Whitebait Net<br />

Nissan Maxima<br />

3 Plastic Drums<br />

$3,500<br />

ID 29833<br />

$25<br />

ID 29854<br />

$8,000<br />

ID 29801<br />

$950<br />

ID 29773<br />

$900<br />

ID 21212<br />

$25 each<br />

ID 17340<br />

Victa Tornado Line Trimmer<br />

Holden Caprice Sidi V6<br />

Pure Wool Wall Hanging<br />

1997 Honda Legend<br />

Cobra Eliminator Kayak<br />

Yardman GLX92RA Ride On<br />

$140<br />

ID 29594<br />

$22,000<br />

ID 26191<br />

$950<br />

ID 19025<br />

$2,000<br />

ID 29798<br />

$800<br />

ID 26<strong>16</strong>6<br />

$1,450<br />

ID 29875<br />

Sharpe Microwave Grill<br />

2008 Hyundai Tuscon City<br />

5kg Washing Machine<br />

Kemble Piano<br />

3-seater & 2-single Seaters<br />

Brake Kit<br />

$70<br />

ID 29711<br />

$8,500<br />

ID 29537<br />

$150<br />

ID 29710<br />

$1,100<br />

ID 29707<br />

FREE!<br />

ID 29705<br />

$80<br />

ID 26069<br />

Subaru Legacy B4 Manual<br />

Nissan Truck, Long Deck<br />

Ford Model A 19-inch Wire Wheels<br />

2005 Ford Mondeo Zetec<br />

File Cabinet<br />

Ingersol Rand Rattle Gun<br />

$3,000<br />

ID 29697<br />

$750<br />

ID 29693<br />

$150<br />

ID 29681<br />

$6,000<br />

ID 29677<br />

$190<br />

ID 29776<br />

$600<br />

ID 26130<br />

Subaru Impreza AWD 2L<br />

Haines Hunter v17r. 18 foot<br />

Honda 3-wheeler ATC 200cc<br />

Wing Chair & Footstool<br />

1988 Volvo 740 GLE<br />

Freedom Jelly Bean Desk<br />

$7,500<br />

ID 29549<br />

$10,000<br />

ID 29561<br />

$300<br />

ID 29527<br />

$450<br />

ID 10720<br />

$4000<br />

ID 29870<br />

$200<br />

ID 23770<br />

Green & Grey Roofing Screws<br />

Subaru Legacy Sport<br />

Steps<br />

2009 Ford Mondeo<br />

Massage Table<br />

Mercedes a<strong>16</strong>0<br />

$100<br />

ID 28806<br />

$8,500<br />

ID 29501<br />

$30<br />

ID 29637<br />

$7,000<br />

ID 29542<br />

$100<br />

ID 13919<br />

$7,800<br />

ID 27795<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 23<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Collision Repairs<br />

QEII Collision Repairs.<br />

Free Courtesy Cars<br />

(conditions apply),<br />

All Insurance work,<br />

Rust Repairs & Private<br />

work.Spray-painting.<br />

Free pickup & delivery.<br />

Ph. 03 388 5187<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CASH FOR<br />

STAMPS,<br />

COINS &<br />

GOLD<br />

Free Appraisals<br />

Call Matt at<br />

The Stamp and<br />

Coin Exchange<br />

134a Riccarton Rd<br />

0800 39 24 26<br />

We can come to you.<br />

Call today.<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Trades & Services<br />


full renovations<br />

specialists, LBP builder,<br />

free quote, all building<br />

property maintenance ph<br />

03 383 1927or 027 245<br />

5226 ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience.Uk trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />

Villa Restoring, New<br />

Homes, Weatherboards.<br />

Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />

Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />

9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />

0374<br />

*****************<br />

CARPET & VInYL<br />

Laying. Exp Repairs,<br />

uplifting, relaying,<br />

restretching. Email<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz ph<br />

John on 0800 003 181 or<br />

027 24074<strong>16</strong><br />


Prompt & reliable<br />

registered electrician<br />

with 24 years experience<br />

for all residential and<br />

commercial work, new<br />

housing and switch board<br />

replacements. Phone Chris<br />

027 5<strong>16</strong> 0669<br />

FEnCInG<br />

25 yrs exp. Fencing, all<br />

styles & gates. Ph Mark<br />

0273 313 223<br />

Trades & Services<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />

PAInTInG<br />

& Decorating Wingfields<br />

Contracting, all interior<br />

& exterior painting & all<br />

forms of interior plastering<br />

& jib fixing, ph Mark 021<br />

171-1586<br />


A Top Plumbing job<br />

completed at a fair price,<br />

prompt service, all work<br />

guaranteed, ph Brian 960-<br />

7673 or 021 112-3492<br />


Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Call Trevor 332 8949<br />

or 021 043 2034<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

audio amps, soundbars.<br />

Aerial & satellite<br />

installations, kitsets, 480D<br />

Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />

1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-<strong>16</strong>55<br />

Computer ServiCing<br />

Computers New or X-Lease<br />


• PC and laptop service & virus removal<br />

• At home WiFi setup<br />

• On-site service & network setups<br />

• Laptop repairs to broken screens, power<br />

sockets and liquid damage<br />

• Insurance quotes and repairs<br />

• Tablet & smart phone repairs<br />

Serving christchurch for over 30 years<br />

Unit 1/100 Fitzgerald Ave (Next to Cartridge World)<br />

03 379 3428 | computercentre.co.nz<br />

• New homes<br />

• Extensions<br />

• Renovations<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Builder<br />

• Light Commercial<br />

• Repairs and<br />

Maintenance<br />

Brandon Taw<br />

Phone 027 370 2572<br />

enquiries@tawbuilders.co.nz<br />

www.tawbuilders.co.nz<br />

Letterbox Advertising<br />

Flyers and Newspaper Inserts<br />

DESIGN<br />

We offer professional<br />

design services.<br />

PRINT<br />

We print your gloss<br />

mailers and letterbox<br />

flyers.<br />

Delivery<br />

Canterbury wide<br />

coverage or targeted<br />

zone deliveries.<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />

• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />

• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />

• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />

• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />


plumbING AND GAS<br />

• Gas fitting – servicing, new, renovations<br />

• Gas hot water installs<br />

• Gas cookers and gas fires<br />

• Kitchen / Bathroom renovations<br />

• Backflow testing and installs<br />

• Filtration – whole house, kitchen tap<br />

• Domestic maintenance<br />

Email: james@plumbingandgashq.co.nz<br />

Text: 021 174 9265<br />

0800 H20 LPG<br />

4 2 6 5 7 4<br />



HOLDERS!<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />

FREE QUOTES Contact: Michaela Malloch<br />

P: (03) 379 7100 or 021 932 177<br />

E: michaela.malloch@starmedia.kiwi

24<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


on trend...<br />

More on<br />

trend items<br />

on sale in<br />

store!<br />


ON SALE<br />

3 Drawer Bedside $ 179<br />

Queen Bed $<br />

459<br />

5 Drawer Tallboy $<br />

399<br />

8 Drawer Chest $<br />

499<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 29/07/19.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.<br />

On Trend On Sale now on. Ends 29.07.19. In store and online.

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