SOWBO Magazine 4th edition

About Our Magazine SOWBO Magazine is the publication and news extension of our organization. The magazine uses a holistic focus (mind, body, spiritual, and financial) to reach women worldwide. We wish to share your business with other women entrepreneurs. Additionally, we want to hear your business journey of success and share it to help motivate and encourage other entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs.

About Our Magazine

SOWBO Magazine is the publication and news extension of our organization. The magazine uses a holistic focus (mind, body, spiritual, and financial) to reach women worldwide.

We wish to share your business with other women entrepreneurs. Additionally, we want to hear your business journey of success and share it to help motivate and encourage other entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs.


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Editors Corner<br />

Tonya?s Talk<br />

Financial Facts<br />

A Path To financial Success<br />

Success Quotes<br />

Trailblazers in Business<br />

Featured Story<br />

The Barbershop Talk<br />

From A King To My Queens<br />

Taking Care of your -Mind, Body, Nutrition<br />

Success In Fitness<br />

Healthy Her<br />



Author?s Spotlight<br />

Transitioning for Change<br />

Beware Of Success Advice. Even Mine.<br />

Events/Conferences<br />

Edit or-in- Chief Tonya D. Lat ney<br />

Graphic Designer Andrea Sm it h, SAS Web & Graphic Design<br />

Cont ribut ing Writ ers<br />

Daw n M. Scot t , Vanlencia Griffin-Wallace, Karen Sout hall Wat t s<br />

Florence Norville- Cheek, Mat t Spiedel , Sherod Jones<br />


<strong>SOWBO</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Societ y of Wom en Business Ow ners<br />

Em ails: Sow bo12@gm ail.com <strong>SOWBO</strong>@societ yofw om enbusinessow ners.com<br />

Websit e: ht t p:/ / w w w.societ yofw om enbusinessow ners.com<br />

Telephone:1-888- 702-7428

From t he Edit or<br />

Tonya Lat ney,MS, BSN,RN,CWP Edit or -in- Chief<br />


Is there a true meaning to success? What is success?<br />

Merriam-Webster defines success as getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame<br />

(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/success).<br />

My personal definition of success is feeling happy, controlling my own life, and beating to my own<br />

rhythm instead of the world?s rhythm.<br />

I have had many people compliment me on how I walk into a room to teach or speak. I believe<br />

success is an attitude. Success is self-satisfaction. I love referring to Maslow?s hierarchy of needs<br />

because success to me is self-actualization, learning to be all that you can be, and reaching your<br />

own personal potential and purpose in life.<br />

In my life, I have learned to define success not by what society states it should be but by my own<br />

definition. If you are reading this article, then I am successful on the journey that I have set out to<br />

achieve.<br />

I challenge you today to set your own definition of what success is for you.<br />

Connect with <strong>SOWBO</strong>. We would love your feedback and suggestions.<br />

Tonya Latney, MS, BSN, RN, CWP<br />

Email: sowbo12@gmail.com<br />

Twitter: @sowbo12<br />

Instagram: sowbo12<br />


A Pat h To<br />

Florence Norville-Cheek, MBA<br />


Here are some of the definitions some of my<br />

clients have shared over the years:<br />

-Being able to retire at age 55<br />

-Being able to afford an annual vacation<br />

-Paying my bills on time and having money to save<br />

-Acquiring five rental properties in fifteen years<br />

-Living a debt free life<br />

-To be better off this year than I was last year<br />

The path to financial success is littered with clues.<br />

Let?s examine some of the strategies financially<br />

successful people employ.<br />

1. Est ablish Goals<br />

When I say ?financial success, what<br />

images come to mind? Do you see<br />

beautiful people traveling the world<br />

first class, someone driving off into the<br />

sunset in a brand-new red Ferrari or a<br />

smiling family standing outside a<br />

mansion? Whether you answer ?yes?<br />

or ?no?, you?re correct.<br />

Financial success means different<br />

things to different people, the sooner<br />

we define it for ourselves, the earlier<br />

we can take steps to achieve our own<br />

version. If you haven?t thought about it<br />

before, take a few minutes to write<br />

down what financial success means to<br />

you.<br />

Identifying clear goals is crucial to financial<br />

success. A financial goal is the exact amount of<br />

money needed for a specific purchase or service<br />

at a definite date. Making the goal precise helps<br />

you determine how much you need to set aside<br />

each month and allows you to track your<br />

progress.<br />

2. Know your Current Financial Sit uat ion<br />

Taking stock of your current financial situation<br />

today can help you determine what you need to<br />

do tomorrow. Are you on the right track or do you<br />

need to make changes? The net worth and cash<br />

flow statements are critical to understanding how<br />

you?re doing financially.<br />

Your net worth is a snapshot of your finances at<br />

one point in time. It is a good idea to calculate<br />

your net worth at least once a year. Your net<br />

worth should increase over time. If it is not, either<br />

you are not saving enough or taking on too much<br />

debt. Adjusting your spending and savings plan<br />

can help you change this.<br />



Do you know exactly where your money is going each month? If not, you are not alone. Many of us<br />

are well aware of the symptoms of financial distress we are experiencing, but are not sure of the<br />

cause. Assessing your cash flow can help you figure that out.<br />


If your income exceeds your expenses, you have a positive cash flow. If your expenses exceed your<br />

income, you have a negative cash flow.<br />

3: Creat e a Spending & Savings Plan<br />

Once you take stock of your current situation, it is time to create a spending and savings plan. Your<br />

plan should show where you want your money to go in the future. How much will you contribute to<br />

your retirement fund? How much will you spend on groceries?<br />

While you are creating your plan, remember that your expenses (including the money going into<br />

savings) should never exceed your income. If you have a negative cash flow, you will need to make<br />

adjustments. Your plan is only helpful if you follow it. Tracking your expenses on an ongoing basis<br />

will help you to see where tweaks are needed.<br />

4: Est ablish an Em ergency Fund<br />

An emergency fund provides a cushion that allows you to pay for expenses should the unexpected<br />

occur. Financial experts recommend saving at least three to six months?worth of living expenses.<br />

Since you don?t know when you will need the money, make sure it is in an account that is easily<br />

accessible and where there are no penalties for early withdrawal. Saving is easier if you make it<br />

automatic.<br />

5: Invest Diversely<br />

There are three main types of investment classes:<br />

- Stocks: A share of stock represents a percentage of ownership in a corporation. You can make<br />

money from receiving dividend payments and selling the stock for more than you bought it<br />

for. Historically, stocks have provided the greatest return long term. However, there are no<br />

guarantees.<br />

- Bonds: A bond is a loan to a company or government, with you, the bondholder, as the<br />

lender. Organizations issue bonds when they want to raise funds. Generally, you receive the<br />

principal, at maturity of the bond and interest periodically while you are holding the bond. In<br />

general, bonds are between stocks and cash equivalents in regard to risk and return.<br />

- Cash equivalents: Cash equivalents are assets that can be readily converted into cash. They<br />

tend to be low-risk, so there is little or no danger that you will lose the money you deposit. As<br />

a result, cash equivalents provide a low return.<br />


A good way to reduce the risk of losing money when you invest is to diversify. A well- balanced<br />

portfolio has a mixture of stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents.<br />

6: Make Sure You?re Covered<br />

Events such as a severe illness, car accident, or house fire can put a serious cramp in your financial<br />

health, even if you have savings. Having the right amount of insurance will help protect you from<br />

the financial consequences associated with many of life?s adversities.<br />

Healt h insurance is something everyone should have. Many employers offer group health<br />

insurance to their workers and, in some cases, their dependents. You may have to pay a portion of<br />

the insurance premium, but in most cases you?ll pay far less than you would if you had to buy a<br />

policy on your own.<br />

If you are employed, it is a good idea to have disabilit y insurance, which replaces a portion of<br />

your income if you are unable to work. There are two types of disability policies: short-term, which<br />

only provides coverage for a limited period of time and long-term, which provides benefits until<br />

retirement age.<br />

If you have love someone, or owe someone you need life insurance. Life insurance is not just<br />

intended to replace loss wages but services as well. (For example, a stay-at-home mother may<br />

want to purchase life insurance to pay for child care if she dies.) There are two basic types of life<br />

insurance: term and whole life.<br />

In most states, the law requires that drivers have at least liability aut o insurance, which covers<br />

your legal costs (up to a limit) if you injure a person or damage property with your car. If your car is<br />

several years old and worth little, liability coverage may be adequate. However, if your car is newer,<br />

you may want full coverage insurance. (This will likely be required by your lender if you have a car<br />

loan.)<br />

If there is a mortgage on your property, your lender probably requires you to have hom eow ners<br />

insurance. Even if you do not owe anything on your home, allowing the insurance to lapse could<br />

be a grave mistake. For most homeowners, their home is their greatest asset ? without insurance<br />

coverage, a disaster could lead to financial ruin.<br />

Renters insurance covers personal property loss and liability for renters. Don?t assume that your<br />

landlord?s policy will cover your losses ? in most circumstances, it won?t.<br />

7: Est ablish a Good Credit Hist ory<br />

Your credit report and score can affect your life in many ways. Obtaining a mortgage or car loan<br />

(especially one with a good interest rate), renting an apartment, finding a job (many employers<br />

check credit reports), and obtaining car insurance with low rates is usually easier with a good credit<br />

history.<br />

Your credit report tracks your credit activity, while your credit score is a numeric summary of the<br />

information in your credit report and is designed to measure your ability to repay what you owe.<br />


It is very important to use credit responsibly. Always make your payments on time and keep the<br />

balances on revolving credit low. Missing payments and carrying high balances will hurt yourcredit<br />

report and score.<br />

8: Delet e your Debt<br />

Having debt not only absorbs a significant portion of your income each month but also costs<br />

thousands of dollars in interest payments. Conversely, paying off your debt can provide a feeling of<br />

relief and give you more money for other things, like savings.<br />

9: Buy a Hom e<br />

Purchasing a home can be a wise investment. While the real estate market fluctuates, most houses<br />

gain value over time. Additionally, Uncle Sam subsidizes your property investment with tax breaks.<br />

However, homeownership isn?t right for everyone. It is important to honestly assess your financial<br />

obligations and determine if you can carry a mortgage and how much can you afford to pay. Don?t<br />

just rely on the lender?s approval amount to tell you what you can afford ? take a close look at your<br />

budget.<br />

The path to financial success requires being intentional about allocating your financial resources<br />

towards your goals. It also requires discipline, persistence, knowledge, determination and the<br />

conviction to define what is most important to your happiness.<br />

Florence Norville-Cheek, MBA<br />

Financial Services Professional<br />


?The goal of Jazz for Peace is to heal our planet, and the secret to our success is<br />

to help outstanding causes, because by helping the world?s greatest causes not<br />

only can you address our current problems but you can also address our future<br />

problems before they have a chance to grow and become destructive? ~ RICK<br />

DELLARATTA, Founder - Jazz for Peace?<br />

Persistence is the key to success, set goals moving forward never looking back.<br />

Goals you can hit every day that are realistic. Take a chance or you will never<br />

know. Failing is just a learning lesson on winning. When we fail we learn from it.<br />


We are a mother and daughter milliner designing team team in the Philadelphia<br />

area. We strive to make that perfect pie (success) by adding the best ingredients. And<br />

what works for us is passion and love for what we do. Our best ingredients are<br />

knowing, rusting and believing in ourselves and knowing that Success is a continual<br />

climb which needs the best ingredients to survive. BRENDA/ PHENISE - PLAIN ELAIN<br />

For me the ingredients to success start with giving ourselves the permission to<br />

be successful and then come the desire to make a difference and add value to<br />

others. It pushes you to dig deeper in yourself and learn more and start<br />

dreaming and create a clear vision for your future. When you discover why you<br />

were born and your purpose in this world you then move step by step towards<br />

?your own authentic? success. CLAUDINE CARON<br />

Success is waking up every day with the satisfaction that life is good with you in<br />

it. Everything else is gravy and falls into place.CAROL DEKKER<br />



Featured Story<br />

Ar t ist<br />

Dawn M. Scott<br />

Resilience and perseverance produces strong<br />

roots, resulting in a solid foundation for a<br />

purpose driven life. Speaking of roots, the gift of<br />

art is a part of my family tree. It seems the<br />

concept of individual seasonal color and fashion<br />

is incorporated into my DNA. When I see people,<br />

my eyes are often, immediately drawn to how the<br />

colors they are wearing coincide with their<br />

seasonal color palette. My mother often kept a<br />

copy of Vogue on the coffee table. I currently<br />

work with charcoal, pastels and acrylics. I would<br />

certainly welcome the opportunity to work with<br />

oils and watercolors. The mixing of colors<br />

through painting and the feel of pencils and paint<br />

in my hands served as a means of escape. When I<br />

can?t express myself, I feel caged. Leaving me<br />

melancholy and withdrawn. My current body of<br />

work has a theme, which has been derived from<br />

a former life of survival, pain and emotional<br />

suffering, but has also served as a light during the<br />

darkest hours in my life. Hardship and adversity<br />

were friends of mine, which Td Jakes states,?the<br />

depth of your adversity is often an implication of<br />

how high an individual is destined to climb?.<br />

Through personal experiences, I am inclined to<br />

believe nature has its percentage in child<br />

development, but nurturing is a major role in<br />

children growing into healthy positive individuals.<br />

Dawn M. Scott was born and raised in the<br />

Cameron Street Projects, Harrisburg, PA ?income<br />

based housing? with four sisters. She has been<br />

drawing since the age of five years. One of her<br />

first dress designs was of her sisters?prom dress.<br />

After high school she completed an Associate?s<br />

Degree in Apparel Design at the Clarissa School<br />

of Fashion Design, 1991. Uncertain of what path<br />

she wanted to embark upon, she began<br />

entertaining the opinions of others which<br />

resulting in the derailing of her creative self.<br />

She obtained her Bachelor?s degree in Human<br />

Services Administration, at Chatham University,<br />

2001. After working within the field of social<br />

services, primarily ?children and families?, for<br />

over ten years she was laid off. Hence the<br />

meaning ?Starving Artist?. She was given this time<br />

to create and are located in the seating are<br />

donated works to shelters, and social services<br />

agencies. A notable donation was presented to<br />

Health Center 9, 131 East Chelten Avenue,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa. She provided the clinic with<br />

three 24X36 works which are located in the<br />

seating area. The clinic met her needs while she<br />

was laid off. The clinic provided her medications<br />

she could never afford without medical<br />

insurance.<br />

Provided with time to reflect, she still refrained<br />

from pursuing her passion in art, patternmaking<br />

and fashion design. She obtained a Master?s<br />

Degree in Psychology and Public Administration<br />

at Walden University, 2011. She has always had a<br />

heart for the homeless population and continues<br />

to volunteer with Enon Tabernacle Baptist<br />

Church, Philadelphia, Pa Missions Ministry. She<br />

has also received training as a literacy tutor<br />

through the Mayor?s Commission on Literacy,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa. working within<br />

After years of working within the field of social<br />

services, God has granted her the grace and<br />

means to return to school. She is currently<br />

pursuing an undergraduate degree in fashion<br />

design. Her dream is to work as a professional<br />

patternmaker. Td Jakes stated ?If God provides<br />

you with a gift He will make room for the gift?,<br />

meaning the gift through his grace will provide<br />

the means to sustain you. She has been trusting<br />

God and though there have been mountains to<br />

climb he often makes a way.<br />


?Purpose Driven?-My purpose is to show<br />

others with prayer and a good sense of<br />

humor, we can convert our hustles into<br />

productive behaviors, which can assist us<br />

living a meaningful life. God promised he<br />

would turn those negative trauma filled<br />

experiences into therapeutic narratives to<br />

assist others whom are having similar<br />

experiences. Mindfulness of the concept;<br />

people, places and things, each day moves us<br />

closer to functional existences and further<br />

away from the behaviors, which keep us<br />

bound; and those unhealthy-mental strong<br />

holds, which often have us thinking we are<br />

unworthy of love. Maintaining focus and the<br />

promise of how ?God will make room for our<br />

gifts? meaning our gifts can be contributory in<br />

earning an honest living.<br />

Success<br />

My perception of success is based upon an<br />

individual?s experience in life. Many of us<br />

including myself were raised to view success<br />

as an experience based upon; obtaining a<br />

high school diploma, several<br />

degrees/accolades, a great salary, a pension,<br />

awards, a big house; marrying the most<br />

popular folks, though the nerdy dude makes<br />

the most money, and who will usually love<br />

you for you; and obtaining many friends<br />

though just a few good ones would suffice.<br />

These things are important and can aid in<br />

taking care of self, but this is a societal based<br />

mindset. What we are not informed of is how<br />

dysfunction, strongholds and abuse can<br />

interfere with our paths in life, not to mention<br />

how these three things can keep us bound<br />

psychologically and impair our ability to live a<br />

life of normalcy and peace. ?Keep Your Peace<br />

to Keep your Power? Joyce Meyer.<br />

Success manifests itself when love, trust and<br />

forgiveness is replaced with emotional pain.<br />

Without forgiveness and confronting our fears,<br />

those burdens keep us bound, hence the<br />

term...? secrets keep us sick?. Releasing<br />

unforgiveness, hate, resentment and mistrust<br />

allows God to work on our hearts, which<br />

enhances relationships moving us on the road<br />

to destiny. Doing the work to heal helps us to<br />

trust again. We need to trust which invites<br />

folks into our lives to move us toward our<br />

destinies. The experiences are often pleasant<br />

and not so pleasant, but they all teach us<br />

something ?Nothing is Wasted? Td Jakes and<br />

?The Breaking was Necessary to Build Me?<br />

Dawn M. Scott.<br />

Developing strength, peace, happiness and a<br />

solid foundation in your faith is everything.<br />

Without a love of self, nothing in life will go<br />

well. If we don?t fight for ourselves no one will,<br />

but God. God has a path for each of us and we<br />

cannot be consumed with the perceptions of<br />

others which may deter our destinies. Build<br />

your strength and go forth to serve while<br />

empowering others.<br />

Love and Peace be with you,<br />

Daw n M. Scot t , M.S.<br />



Vanessa Jackson, Ow ner<br />

The Cheesecake Lady<br />

Facebook @cheesecakelady.org<br />

Telephone: 267.575.3952<br />

Inst agram @philacheesecake<br />


Barbershop Talk<br />

From A King To My Queens<br />

Success means so many different things to<br />

many different people. I believe success is a<br />

combination of things that all work together.<br />

It?s what you feel is important for YOUR life and<br />

YOUR future. When you find out these things,<br />

THEN you find out what success truly means to<br />

you.<br />

I would say health (physical/mental), your<br />

relationship with God, and the well-being of your<br />

family is what is vital in being successful. I use to<br />

think it was all about money, but as I matured I<br />

realize that wasn?t correct.<br />

If you are happy and at peace with yourself you<br />

are successful. If you are healthy and looking to be<br />

a better version of yourself every day you are<br />

successful. Also, if you have goals and have plans<br />

on reaching them, you are successful.<br />

My wife, Zachia Jones, is a very strong and driven<br />

woman who pushes me to be better everyday.<br />

Having a strong woman in your corner is vital for<br />

any man that is looking to be successful. She gives<br />

me confidence to take on the things the world<br />

throws my way. Idon?t think that I could reach my<br />

highest heights without her. The right woman will<br />

propel an average man to an extraordinary level.<br />

The definitions of success ranges wide, but<br />

ultimately I believe it really lies inside of you.<br />

Sherod Jones<br />


Be encouraged and inspired by the thought<br />

provoking writings of these Authors.<br />








Author's Spotlight<br />


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr.<br />


Somebody had to<br />

be her e to tell the<br />

stor y.<br />

Valencia Griffin-Wallace<br />

I have been writing since a<br />

young age. My mother kept a<br />

poem I wrote when I was 8<br />

years old and I probably have<br />

been writing ever since. It is one<br />

of my first loves along with<br />

drawing. Writing is an<br />

expression of a story rather it<br />

be yours or not, it is a creative<br />

outlet of emotions put on<br />

paper. I decided to finally<br />

publish because our stories<br />

should not die in us or with us.<br />

My past wasn?t pretty, but it was<br />

the pain that fueled my<br />

purpose. That story has to be<br />

told for my future generations<br />

to know that whoever I become,<br />

I literally fought to become her.<br />

The highest hope for my<br />

favorite book, Motherless Child<br />

is that it become a teaching,<br />

motivational, and life-giving tool<br />

for those who have dealt with<br />

addiction. Drugs have been a<br />

problem long before my birth<br />

and will continue to be if we<br />

don?t deal with the why behind<br />

it. Since it is not being dealt with<br />

properly, kids grow up like me,<br />

dealing with situations due to<br />

the drug use of someone close<br />

to them.<br />

I needed a representation of<br />

childhood innocence, but<br />

loneliness at the same time.<br />

Since, I didn?t?have any pictures<br />

of me looking innocent and<br />

lonely, I needed to find one. The<br />

little girl on the cover seems to<br />

be like any other child just<br />

trying to enjoy typical childhood<br />

things like blowing a ?wish,? but<br />

it makes you ask what is she<br />

wishing for? My answer<br />

combined with the title tells it<br />

all. To be normal.<br />

Being my own boss definitely<br />

helps. I actually wrote the book<br />

years ago, but since I was in a<br />

different place emotionally, it<br />

didn?t ?read? right. So, when I<br />

went back to rewrite it, I had<br />

some memories that I forgot. It<br />

was a little easier. I dedicated<br />

plenty of late nights until it was<br />

finished. When you have a goal<br />

date, it makes it easier to<br />

strategically set aside time for it.<br />

18<br />

When formulating the chapters,<br />

I started with my life timeline<br />

and filled in the memories and<br />

events accordingly. I also<br />

listened to music from that time<br />

period in my life, it helps with<br />

putting you back in that era<br />

emotionally.<br />

The only thing I knew was I<br />

wanted it to have an ?aww?<br />

effect when people saw the<br />

cover. I had the picture toned<br />

down because I didn?t want it to<br />

be bright and shiny. I needed it<br />

to be a book cover that made<br />

you know, this was a story of a<br />

different kind of childhood.<br />

Money was never a factor when<br />

writing it. It of course is a form<br />

of passive income now, but I<br />

never planned on it making me<br />

rich. I think that takes away<br />

from the honesty of writing<br />

your story. Sure, I could have<br />

made it 10 steps to blah, blah,<br />

blah and put in some redundant<br />

catch phrases, but I had to be<br />

true to who I am, was and<br />

growing into.

Promoting, marketing and publicizing was all<br />

God. A while ago, I started a private community<br />

on facebook called Define U. The group is very<br />

supportive, and we promote each other. So<br />

when it came time to promote it, they crowned<br />

up, bought copies, gave reviews and shared it a<br />

whole lot. I also have a podcast, Define U Radio<br />

and did a few press releases, but if I had to saw<br />

what made the difference to it becoming a best<br />

seller, God-size connections, support and love.<br />

I plan on releasing at least one book a year for<br />

the rest of my life.<br />

Self-publishing made sense to me. I didn?t want<br />

to go through the process of proposals and all<br />

of that which could have delayed the book<br />

coming out at the time it needed to be.<br />

I didn?t really have a budget when doing the<br />

book, I was willing to spend what it took to get it<br />

out there and hit #1. It helps that I know how to<br />

do graphics and marketing, so where some<br />

people have to budget for that, I didn?t have to.<br />

he one thing about me becoming an author<br />

with now 8 books under my belt including 4<br />

anthologies and 5 best sellers, is this is my<br />

passion and purpose. Some people write<br />

because people will tell you it is good for your<br />

brand, but there are a few who write because<br />

we were born to do it. If you have a passion and<br />

can?t see yourself doing any one thing the rest<br />

of your life, definitely do it and continue to do it.<br />


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Karen Sout hall Wat t s<br />

N o doubt you?ve read many self-help<br />

books or heard dozens of inspirational<br />

talks that began with some version of,<br />

?What?s your personal definition of<br />

success?? We now accept the concept that<br />

each individual is entitled to define success<br />

in their own terms, and that this is the<br />

beginning of crafting a personal success<br />

plan. We journal, make vision boards, and<br />

join master-mind groups. Yet, the same<br />

gurus who tell us our success will be<br />

individual and unique hand out an awful<br />

lot of one-size-fits-all advice.<br />

There do seem to be a couple universal<br />

truths regarding success. We?re all driven<br />

to seek it in some form, even when we<br />

can?t easily or clearly define it. ?Overnight<br />

success? is usually the result of significant<br />

time, hard work, and sometimes luck.<br />

However, the diversity in the way we<br />

experience the journey to success seems<br />

to be a deeper universal truth. Some of us<br />

are afraid of success, fearing that every<br />

achievement will increase expectations and<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr.<br />

eventually lead us to fail spectacularly. Then there<br />

are those who burn for success, the visible, showy,<br />

flashy kind, and are willing to risk anything to<br />

achieve it. And let?s not forget those who see<br />

success in terms of legacy and changing the world,<br />

or a tiny corner of it, for the better.<br />

One of the toughest assignments I?ve ever given as a<br />

college instructor is the Personal Success Plan. Why?<br />

Because students kept asking me exactly what it<br />

needed to include. Convincing students that as<br />

unique individuals they needed and deserved a<br />

unique plan for success was harder than I expected.<br />

You too, deserve advice and a success plan that fits<br />

you. What does that look like? Well that depends.<br />

Ask yourself what forces are driving you. Clarify your<br />

values and passions and confront your fears and<br />

guilt. Without doing this work, you won?t understand<br />

your motivations. This clarity allows you to verbalize<br />

your goals to a coach or mentor, or to wade through<br />

the seas of information available to find those ideas<br />

that suit you best.<br />

Take time to stop and reflect after wins and losses.<br />

It?s not unusual for someone to reach a key<br />

milestone, look around, and think, ?This isn?t really<br />

what I wanted.? Similarly, a moment that feels like a<br />

failure can suddenly open your eyes to what?s most<br />

important to you. Has your picture of success<br />

changed? Did you allow another?s views or advice to<br />

push you in the wrong direction? What do you need<br />

to do to correct course?<br />


Remember your personal life balance<br />

between what you dream to be and what<br />

pays the bills. Assess any advice from an<br />

expert for its does-it-work-in-real- world<br />

quality. Success doesn?t happen in a vacuum.<br />

Don?t be afraid to seek success advice from<br />

those who understand your faith, culture, or<br />

community. Whether your success is a small<br />

suburban home with a white picket fence, or<br />

an intergenerational co-housing community,<br />

you deserve advice that matches your goals.<br />

The same holds true for those who labor to<br />

succeed in areas that society doesn?t honor<br />

with accolades or riches like parenting or<br />

social justice work.<br />

You wouldn?t squeeze your feet into shoes<br />

that didn?t fit. You wouldn?t eat food you were<br />

allergic to or didn?t like. Don?t mindlessly<br />

swallow success advice just because it comes<br />

from someone rich or famous.<br />

Be wary of persons or personalities who<br />

claim to know it all. Carefully scrutinize<br />

guidance from any source? even me.<br />

About the author: Karen Southall Watts is an<br />

author, speaker, and educator who lives in<br />

Vancouver, BC.<br />

Her latest book, The Solo Workday: Manage<br />

your time and gain new clients while working<br />

alone is out now at Amazon.com<br />

Karen Sout hall Wat t s<br />

~Professional Encourager~<br />

Twitter: http://twitter.com/AskKaren<br />

LinkedIn:<br />

www.linkedin.com/in/karensouthallwatts/<br />

Website:www.karensouthallwatts.com<br />


Renew ing The Mind Minist ries<br />

Worship Arts Ministry<br />


www.rodneytalley.org<br />


Events/Conferences<br />


presents<br />


Join us a Speaker, Guest or Vendor<br />

Feat ured Speaker - Bridget Mart in<br />



www.patriceandtheshow.com<br />




Matt Spidel<br />


Success in fitness is not simply helping<br />

people achieve their goals? it?s much<br />

deeper than that. Success comes when you<br />

have established trust and support with<br />

them. Success involves establishing<br />

long-term relationships with them as they<br />

move toward their goals. They are so excited<br />

and understand the value of how you help<br />

them. You are the only person they talk<br />

about when conversations include fitness,<br />

and they will refer people to you. When your<br />

name is brought up, all they can do is smile<br />

and tell everyone about how you helped<br />

them. In some extreme cases, you are the<br />

best part of their day.<br />


Success in fitness can sometimes be greatly<br />

misunderstood. Yes, achieving the goal is<br />

your priority. As you reach small goals, you<br />

begin to trust the process. When you trust<br />

the process, you begin to enjoy the journey.<br />

The journey doesn?t just strengthen you<br />

physically? it also strengthens you mentally<br />

and emotionally. I believe that true success<br />

in fitness happens when you have changed<br />

for the better both inside and out. Through<br />

the process, you achieve the goals as well.<br />


5 Tips To St art To Have Success In Your Healt h<br />

Wom en are pulled in so many different directions: family, work, and business. Because of this,<br />

many times your self-care gets neglected. My model this year is ?my health is part of my business?<br />

because if there is no me, then there is no business.<br />

I want to challenge women to take the time to learn five numbers:<br />

1. Weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)<br />

2. Cholesterol level<br />

3. A1C<br />

4. Blood pressure<br />

5. Blood type<br />

Weight and BMI<br />

Being overweight can lead to many health problems. The extra weight can actually slow your<br />

progress and productivity, making you tired and sluggish. So, get a scale and a mirror (yes, I said a<br />

mirror), and really look at the true you. Be honest if you do not like what you see. When we look and<br />

feel our best, we do our best.<br />

https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.h<br />

tml<br />

Cholest erol level<br />

Learn what the difference is between HDL and LDL and the effects it can have on your body.<br />

https://www.healthywomen.org/condition/cholesterol<br />

A1C<br />

Are you eating a proper diet and getting exercise? Do you have risk factors or a family history of<br />

diabetes? Understanding your A1C will help you avoid diabetes if it is related to your weight, diet,<br />

and exercise. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/a1c-test/about/pac-20384643<br />


Blood Pressure<br />

There are many people who do not understand exactly what hypertension or hypotension is and<br />

the life- threatening effects it can have on the body. They think that once they are diagnosed with<br />

hypertension and the physician prescribes a daily medication, they are safe. This is not true. Take<br />

the time to understand what the two numbers mean and how, if not taken seriously, they can<br />

affect your life. https://www.healthline.com/health/high-blood-pressure-symptoms-women<br />

Blood Type<br />

Do you know your blood type? There are many beliefs that your diet and blood type can play a<br />

factor in your overall health. I myself have never tried the method; however, I do know that there<br />

are certain foods that I cannot consume because they make me mentally and physically tired. Do a<br />

little research, and see if there is any truth in eating right for your blood type, but if nothing else,<br />

make sure you know what your blood type is. Many do not know this information.<br />

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/the-blood-type-diet-review<br />

Tonya Lat ney, BSN, RN<br />


It ?s t im e t o t ake flight t o your dream<br />

St eps t o st art ing a journey t o your dream<br />

1. Believe & trust in your dream<br />

2. Visualize your dream<br />

3. Write your dream down<br />

4. Set long term & short term goals with deadline/target dates<br />

5. Connect with like-minded people<br />

6. Start your Business Binder<br />

7. Anticipate the changes that may need to change to reach<br />

your dream<br />



Business Directory<br />

The Debra Tucker Agency<br />

Destiny Tours & Travel<br />


Life Home Auto Commercial Specialty<br />

225 Berlin Rd. Suite 2<br />

Cherry Hill, NJ 08025<br />

Travel To The Destination<br />

You Always Dreamed Of<br />

45 E. City Line Ave. #318<br />

Bala Cynwyd PA 19004<br />

Phlembotomy Healthcare , LLC<br />

Stephanie Hill, Associate<br />

Dawn A. Huling, OWNER<br />

Phlembotomy Healthcare Leading The Way<br />

On Stick At A TIme<br />

Office: 267-230-9919<br />

Cell: 267-900-2610<br />

phlembotomyhealthcare@aol.com<br />

Independent Associate Representing Aflac<br />

1020 N. Delaware Ave, <strong>4th</strong> Flr.<br />

Philadelphia, PA 19125<br />

Office: 215-344-0244 ext. 210<br />





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