KCSL Adoption Booklet

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption


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blanks of the last 22 years. She was married

and had four girls when she separated from

her husband. During that separation, she met

my birth father and she became pregnant with

me. Then she ended up reconciling with her

husband. However, he did not want another

man’s child so she gave me up for adoption.

Then sadly they ended up divorcing anyway.

Erma then tells me that one of my half-sisters

had been abducted, raped and murdered in

Tulsa exactly one year from the day I called

her. She was having a very hard

day and my call was a gift

from God.

We ended up meeting

and she is the sweetest

lady, and it is

funny the mannerisms

we share.

She explained

that she grew up

in and around

Hutchinson. Her

parents were

full Amish! Her

maiden name

was even Yoder!

It makes me

smile thinking

of the laughs

we had joking

that the horse

and buggy

people were my family…they probably were

relatives! We have gotten together a few times

and send letters once in a while keeping up with

one another. She sends my kids and me cards for

all birthdays and holidays, and on each one she

writes, “God Bless You Real Good.” I think He


One day a few years ago on a Labor Day

weekend, I received a message on my home

phone late one night after a weekend at the lake.

It said to call her no matter what time it was. I

remember turning to my wife and I said, “I bet my

birth father died.” I called Erma and sure enough

I was right. Although Erma had told me about

my birth father I had never met or talked to him.

He had married and had a family and I didn’t

pursue searching for him. With Erma’s call I did

end up meeting my birth father, at his funeral. It

My Adopted Son

by Charlotte Stephens

Adopted a boy (pictured right) through KCSL in 1965.

was weird but interesting to see some physical


I tell my story because it amazes me how God

has worked in my life and those around me.

Today, I walk in the KCSL building on 13th and

Custer as the Board Chair for the organization.

To piece everything together like He did takes an

amazing plan. I look forward to seeing what else

His plan has in store for me!

I share my story in hopes that someone may realize

that it is God’s plan for them to enter a child’s

life. Thank you to God for bringing my mom and

dad, Stan and Nell to me. Thank you to mom

and dad for as good a life as anyone could ever

wish for. Thank you to Erma for giving me to my

mom and dad and for her prayers and blessings.

After many years of marriage I thought I’d never see

The joy and contentment a child could bring to me.

I worried and I wondered and said with such dismay

“If only I could have a child to call my own someday.”

After many years of hoping and praying, God finally answered with such joy

He said, “For you to love and care for I’ve given you a boy.”

He said “It is your job to give him love and teach him right from wrong”

“That’s the only way he will feel secure and grow up to be strong.”

How many years later I can tell God “Thank you it was all worthwhile”

Because I know I did good when his eyes meet mine with that beautiful smile.

Now my job of raising him is over as I travel on through life

But now to add to my joy and happiness he has two children and a wife.


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