KCSL Adoption Booklet

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption


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was beautiful, loving, touching, sad and oh

so powerful! That one letter set the tone and

the direction for all the years following that

moment. I had never met this woman, but she

already had my understanding and admiration

for her courage while I, at the same time,

shared her sadness. It was a letter of love and

pain in making a difficult decision for someone

else’s life. How incredible that letter was and

what impact it carried! To this very day she has

my undying respect and most sincere gratitude!

And while I can rejoice in the gift she gave us,

I am also still touched by sadness that she as

birth mother missed the joys we had raising her

baby, our daughter!

We were so appreciative that KCSL determined

it appropriate to share this letter with us. We

kept that letter and shared it with our daughter

as an older teen. It explained so much about

the lady who loved her so much she gave her


The years flew by too quickly and Amy has

grown and graduated from college and law

school. She is married with two beautiful

daughters of her own. She has known from the

earliest days when she herself was learning to

speak the word “adoption” and what it meant,

the meaning deepening as she matured. It was

always a natural part of our family life from

the earliest years forward through discussions,

conversations, story books, etc. We were very

comfortable and open about both our daughter’s


Knowing it was their decision to make, both

girls understood that we would be willing to

support them in looking for their birth parents

once they grew older (my choice ideally began

after college graduation). Our older daughter

indicated no interest and has remained of the

same mind-set. Amy was curious and did indicate

an interest. We had discussed pros, cons

and possible outcomes, but she had graduated

from college and was ready for the challenge.

If she was ready, then so were her father and

I! We would be there for her or assist if she

requested. There is nothing we would not do

for either of our girls.

Amy was successful in her search, and a meeting

of her birth and adoptive parents was

arranged. Attendees came from Montana,

Michigan and Texas and traveled to Amy’s

home in Ohio. I was gratified to be able to

join Amy in meeting her birth mother’s and

then birth father’s flights at the airport as they

arrived. A feeling of peace and resolution

overcame me as I felt so reassured for Amy

that the search and questions might somehow

begin to be resolved for her. From the adoptive

parents’ perspective this was such a positive

productive experience. Lots of conversations,

sharing of photo albums, questions asked and

answers received—better than anyone would

expect possible! And that lady who wrote that

letter to us as we were beginning our life with

our new baby? Yes, I really liked her just as I

suspected so many years earlier I would! She

was even able to attend Amy’s first baby’s baptism,

traveling from out of state to join our family

for the celebration!

And finally, both of our girls have grown to

be super human beings. Our older girl graduated

from college with a degree in Business

and Amy is a successful patent attorney and

outstanding mother to her two daughters. She

is still in touch with her biological mother. I will

leave it to Amy to tell that part of her story.

As adoptive parents, we can honestly state,

shout, confirm, share and brag to any and all

who will listen and put up with us: ADOPTING



daughters have brought us ultimate joy and

pride as well as two gorgeous loving granddaughters!

Given the opportunity, we would

do it all over again with one exception: we

would have adopted MORE children!! What

an almost magical experience it has been! How

fortunate we are!

Amy with her birth

mother, Aggie and her first child Gabriella.



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