KCSL Adoption Booklet

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption


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A Radical Belief

n 1898, KCHS published the first

Home Finder Monthly Journal in an

effort to find safe homes for children.

At this time, it was a radical belief that

children grew best in family homes

and not in orphanages. Below is the

original message that was sent with the

Journal to explain its’ purpose:

The Home Finder will reach many

homes this month for the first time. We

offer no apology for sending the little

paper to those who have not asked

for it. We simply take this method of

making some of the good people of the

state acquainted with one of the most

efficient, economical and Christ like

charities of the country. We hope after

you read this paper you will be enough

interested in the cause which it advocates

to send us your name and 25

cents and have the Home Finder visit

your home once a month for a year.

The field which our little paper occupies

has never been entered before. The

facts which it publishes and position taken

will be an astonishment to many, and

yet we will put nothing in print which we

can not fully substantiate. The childless

home of the homeless child is such a

new thought and so radically different

from anything that has ever before been

attempted that many will say, “you can

never solve the homeless child problem

in this way.” It is just such people

that we are anxious to have read the

Home Finder. We know to a certainty

that there are more excellent Christian

families in Kansas wanting a child than

there are homeless children with which

the supply and demand. We want you

to be apprized of this fact, and to help

us put this supply and demand together.

For 12 decades, KCSL has been finding safe and

loving homes for children. These are their adoption

stories as told by moms, dads and children.


Look for popular

children’s toys from every

decade throughout this book.


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