KCSL Adoption Booklet

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption

Celebrating 120 Years of Adoption


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Reen Berges

Shawndra Harbaugh’s father

My father, Reen, was adopted in the early part

of 1949 around the age of six months. He

never knew any different. He was adopted and

didn’t really spend a lot of time thinking about it

or asking questions. He said he can remember

as early as age four or five knowing that he

was adopted, and that he had no desire to look

for his biological family because he knew who

his parents were -- his adopted mom and dad.

He said that he had great parents and never

questioned their commitment to him as their

adopted son. When Mike and I told him that

we were going through KCSL to adopt an infant

in 2009, he shared that he also was adopted

through the same agency.

On April 25, 2008, the League dedicated the Bette and

Mark Morris Center for Children and Families in Topeka.

Janelle Dubree

Advocates for adoption through fostering

e started our adoption story in

2002 with KCSL. Since then, we

have adopted 13 children, six of them

through KCSL. We originally looked to add

to our family through adoption because I

believed that although we had previously

given birth to our oldest son Dustin, in my

first marriage that I was unable to conceive

again. However, after starting the adoption

process, I became pregnant with our daughter

Cydnee, and when she was a year old,

Hershel was placed with our family. Later,

we saw the need for homes for children available

for adoption and made the decision to

continue to add to our family. I specifically

felt that we were meant to adopt sibling

groups that might otherwise be split up. We,

along with our birth children, have learned

compassion and how to handle various situations

and personalities. We get enjoyment

from watching all of our children’s faces in

their ‘FIRSTS’; rodeo, play, birthday celebrations,

going skating/bowling, participation in

sports/orchestra/band, cruise, vacation, zoo

outing...the list goes on. As a mother, I have

learned not to take my children’s negative

behaviors personally and by no means is it a

reflection on me as a parent. I have learned

not to expect an overnight healing as it may,

and does, take years for our children to heal.

We have always

been open about

adopting mainly

through the foster

care system and

are quite vocal

to others about

adoption. We

try to advocate

to others the

need for adoptive

homes and give information to those interested

in adopting. We decided to have open

adoptions with some of our children’s birth

families, when available, and some are quite

active in our lives.

Dubree children on a Disney Dream Cruise Vacation.


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