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My Experience in Math lab

e mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody

can experiment and explore pattern and ideas.

It is a place where one can find a collection of games,

puzzles and other teaching and learning material. e

material is meant to be used by the students as well as

the teachers. It enables students to discover, to the world

of mathematics. It also enables students to test sum of their ideas and

beliefs about Mathematics. e maths lab provides an opportunity for

the students to discover mathematics through many of the activities.

ese activities help students to visualise, manipulate and reason out.

ey provide opportunity to make conjunctures and test them, and to

generalize observed patterns. To understand the concept easily, maths

lab is equipped with circular, jio board. interlocking

cubes, drawing templates, dies, frameworks, origami

sheets, patty papers, Penta blocks, plastic Mirrors,

playing cards, transparent jio board, rubber bands,

tangra, that help us to explore the interesting world

of mathematics. Online assessment is preparing us

for a future that is driven with technology of mathematics.

e maths lab is a combination of activities,

digital content and comprehensive assessment

that scatters to different types of learners.

us students reach and justify conclusions

based on their own mathematical

knowledge thus encouraging critical thinking

skills and allows them to explore their


B. Akarshan X-A

S. MD. Zaheeruddin X-A

Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths

“STEM” stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Stem curriculum

blends those subjects in order to teach 21st century skills or tools. Students

need it if they wish to succeed in the workplace of the future. Stem acronym

was introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the US National

Science Foundation (NSF). Stem focused curriculum has been extended

to many countries beyond the US, with program developed in

places such as Australia, China, France, South Korea, Taiwan, UK and

India too. A robust stem education creates critical thinkers, problem

solvers, and the next generation innovators. Taking into consideration

that India is one of the countries that produces highest number of scientist

and engineer's, the growth of stem has picked up significantly over

the last few years. According to the National Science Foundation (NSF),

it is predicted that 80% of the jobs created in the next decade will require some form of Math and

Science skills. Despite having the top quality talent, the exam focused education model of the past

has a limited those students when it comes to innovation, problem solving and creativity. is is

where the stem players coming to fill this gap. Research in India shows that children develop an

interest in system based fields at an average of 8. is is due to the fact that

Technology gadgets fascinate them. But, there reap from a user of technology

to an innovator really happens and if at all, it is a very slow transition. e

Indian educational sector is looking beyond the smart classrooms. Countries

around the world are adopting this methodology by introducing the national

curriculum that set frames the stem methodology. Being the second

most populated country with unmatched talent and culture, India has a

combined support from Government and to avail the benefits of stem education

in education society and schools too.

Mathematics enables us to face the situation and makes for practical. e more

Maths is Magical

Maths is a magical subject. Actually what is mathematics? In simple words,

mathematics is the study of science, arithmetic, geometry, Algebra and dealing

with quantities, magnitudes and their relationships etc.by the use of

numbers and symbols.

In 6th century BC with the pythagoreans, who coined the term “Mathematics”

from the “Ancient Greek”. Mathematics does not teach us to add

or subtract the problems but it teaches that there is always a solution to

every problem in life as well, sometimes we have to give many attempts to

solve them but eventually we get the solution.



Attributes of the term Mathematics


Mind set



in complex




number of

to tackle


the Talent






Attitude &


Handle human









you make efforts to solve the problem, the more we get closer to the solution. Actually

mathematics subject is the only subject which makes us to get more interest on

doing it more deeply. e aim of every teacher is to create interest in their students,

to get their curiosity and the magical trick will bring them to ask how and

why? But it is the only subject which is very interesting and provoke us in its


Here is a small poem on mathematics:

My dear mathematics

You are full of gymnastics

You are very problematic

I am all the more emphatic

Your son is geometry

Your grandson is trigonometry

Algebra is yours Sentry

Equations give our entry

K. Pranitha X-B


is King of Arts

& Queen of Science


of Indians in the field of

Mathematics is the study of topics such as

Quantity, structure and Space. It is all

Lucky Katariya IX-A

Mathem a tics

about accounting, calculation, measurement and systematic study

of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Mathematics has

become essential in every field in our life.

As they say, “Rome was not built in a day”. In the same way it has

taken about thousands of years of research and calculations of

maths to be formed.

Mathematics has no Generally Accepted definition but it has the

power to define everything else.

And artist uses paint to create a piece of art. In the same way math

is used to create marvelous structures like skyscrapers, Towers, buildings,

Bridge,dams etc.

Another term which we use for this artistic maths is Physics. Physics

When we start talking about the Indian mathematician the main

people who come to our mind are Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Srinivasa

Ramanujan and Shakuntala Devi. ese people have contributed a

lot in the field of mathematics.

Aryabhatta:- He discovered arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry etc. He gave us the formula

of (a+b) = a2+b2+2ab and 1+2+3…..+n = n (n+1)/2 and so on.

Brahmagupta:- (598-668 AD)He was the first person to use zero as a number. He formulated

rules to compute zero. He was the one to give the area of a triangle and the important

rules of trigonometry.

is nothing but an application of mathematics.We can even see its application

in the monuments of the olden days. erefore, we can

say that “Maths is the king of Arts”.

Now let's see how Maths is the queen of science.

Did we ever think that man would be able to fly in the sky, so high

to the other planets. is was made possible through the complex

calculations made with the help of maths in the field of rocket sci-

Ramanujan:- (1887-1920) He derived theorems of his own and modified Eulers identity


Shakuntala Devi:- (1939-2013) She was an Indian prodigy. She participated

in many competitions and won many awards. She is also known as a human

calculator. She has written many books that are in the school curriculum


ence. If we observe keenly we realise every subject of science, physics,

chemistry, biology etc uses maths. In other words, mathematics

has given birth to science.

us the world today indebted to the contribution of Indian Mathematicians.

us, we can say “Maths is the king of Arts and Queen of science”.

B. Persis Chrysolite VIII-B


of Mathematics

e importance of Mathematics could be

realized since ancient times in the form

of counting. In ancient times people

used simple Mathematics using thumbs

or fingers. It was the most basic form of

mathematics that laid emphasis on its

availability since humanity existed.

Since the start, mathematics, has become

K. Sindhu VIII-B

Math is Architecture

Architecture has in the past done great things for

geometry. Together with the need to measure the

land they lived on, it was people's need to build

their buildings that caused them to investigate the

theory of form and shape. But today in the 21st century

after the great pyramids were built in Egypt, what

can Mathematics do for architecture?

V. S. Sanjana VII-A

Architecture is the art and science of Designing buildings and other physical


From the rise of ancient Greece until the fall of the Roman empire great

buildings were constructed according to precise rules. e Roman architect

Marcus Vitruvius who lived during the first century BC believed that builders

should use mathematical principles when constructing temples.

the basis of scientific inventions, calculations,

new development and advancements, systematic study of shapes and

objects. e huge revolutions that has been faced in the history of

mathematics is related to the invention of zero. It was something that

had changed the dimensions of this subject. After zero, it became possible

to focus on wide scope of mathematics and its spectrum also in-

creased at a very large scale. ey provided those Mathematical rules

Maths has various roles in architecture. In maths, geometry has a crucial

part for designing. Architecture uses geometry to define the specified form

of the buildings. e planning of spaces includes many more shapes and

combinations of shapes. Trigonometry is one which decides the angle of the

building orientation.

Lewis Henry Sullivan was an American architect and has been called the

“Father of skyscrapers and Father of Modernism”.

that became the subject. During Alexander’s period it was called Hellenistic

mathematics and the Greek mathematician used all the logics to

propound specific set of rules in the history of mathematics.

e role of Indian mathematicians like Aryabhatta, Pingala and Brahmagupta

were immense within the invention of zero. ey provided

high level of contribution towards the use of zero in their theorems.

During their work this philosophers and the mathematician's provided

the use of zero in the decimal value system. However the role of

Greek mathematicians is great in the history of mathematics. e subject

is growing even larger and the world awakes for the new Mathe-

maticians from around the world.

Maths is Everywhere

Maths is everywhere. We need to learn maths as it is a part of our daily work. If you have

a poor understanding of maths it causes you to struggle in many other subjects but also

it affects our further studies. Whether we want to study Sociology, Psychology, Physics,

Biology or even Economics we need to know maths as it is connected to it indirectly.

Many classes include counting, estimating, measuring, weighing , using statistics

and analysing data which are connected to the mathematics. It is also connected

to Science & Technology including Geometry, Algebra and solving

problems in Chemistry. In day today life Doctors, Nurses and Bankers need

maths in their work. It helps us to think logically and solve problems practically.

So, everybody needs to learn mathematics to succeed in their life

and in their careers. So, math is everywhere.

S. Calvin Anthony Joseph VII-A

Maths is Fun

Maths is fun. it is a very interesting subject and we

never feel bored. It’s like a game where we have to

play with numbers. Reasoning of maths has more fun and when

you feel frustrated just solve the problems of maths. It becomes very interesting

The Contribution of

Indian Mathematician

when we challenge our friends with math problems and solve in a group.In this subject

we don't need to have rote memory. It is all about understanding. Mathematics

is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and

arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is

the building block for everything in our daily lives, including

mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art,

money, engineering, and even sports.

So guys enjoy maths rather than disliking it.

Maths is fun.

Mathematics is the study of numbers, counting and measuring,

but that is only the beginning. Mathematics involves the study of

number patterns and relationships, too. It is also a way to communicate

thoughts and perhaps more than anything, it is a way of reasoning

that is distinctive to human beings. Mathematics plays a

vital role in the modernization of this civilization as it is everywhere

and affects the everyday lives of people. Although it is abstract

and theoretical knowledge, it emerges from the real world. It

is also a way to correspond and evaluate ideas, a tool for organizing

P. Sahasra VII-B

and interpreting data and above all, perhaps a method of logical reasoning

unique to man. Mathematics is a necessary part of other sciences.

Mathematics has existed since the early age of human civilization.

But mathematics has achieved immense importance today,

since without its application higher technology cannot be mastered

and harnessed for increasing production of goods and services

and promoting human welfare. Over the centuries there has

been spectacular progress in the development of mathematics as a

branch of knowledge. And without the application of mathematics

on a wide scale no country can march forward in

line with the general progress of human knowledge

and thought. erefore learning of mathematics

and promoting the horizons of knowledge

by advanced research in mathematics

should be over emphasized. us, mathematics is

an important and inseparable part of human

life. India’s contribution in the field of

mathematics is immense and it should

always be studied from a thoughtful

Vedic Maths and its Importance

If you are writing JEE or planning to write it, then you must know that sometimes questions

are deliberately framed such that you will waste your time in calculations. ese questions

normally have two solutions to solve. Either by using shortcuts or by using very long method

involving lengthy calculations. If you know the shortcut then all well and good. Otherwise,

you end up with wrong calculations or even if you reach the correct answer, it is often wasting

twice or thrice the required time. But no worries! there is something which ancient mathematics

had developed to help us out. ere is a simple way to multiply or

square or find the square roots that are written in our Vedas.

e collection of these techniques is the branch called Vedic maths.

Let's Take a look at how Vedic Maths can make things really easy,not

only in exams but otherwise too.

e advantages of knowing the basics:-

Time saver | Vedic maths and calculations | Physical chemistry

e intelligence payoff!


M. Kenneth Justin VII-A

S. Loka Vardhini VII-B

Mathematics is Everywhere

We all use math in everyday applications, whether we are aware of it or not. If you look hard

enough you will see months emerge from some of the most uniquely people.

Mathematics is the universal language of our environment, helping mankind to explain

and create.From playing games to playing music, maths is vital in helping students convert

their dreams into reality.

One of the most obvious places to find people using maths in everyday life is at our grocery


V. Harshita VI-B

Grocery shopping requires a broad range of mathematical knowledge from multiplication,

Addition, subtraction, division and percentage.

Each time you calculate the price per unit and estimate the final price, Maths is used.

Poem on Maths

Maths is great,

my favourite number is 8.

But wait,

to solve you I am always late.

With all these shapes and angles

Again, you make my brain Tangle.

No matter how difficult you are to solve,

I always try to solve you without any rest.

Cause, I know you are the best.

Each time you tell me to find X and Y,

I give it a try,

But you always make me cry.

You are a big mystery,

With a very long history.

You make my brain Tangle,

With all your shapes and angles.

I know you are the best,

But I hate these tests.

I know you are the best

But your problems never let me rest.

K. Mrudula VI-B

Chandrayaan - 2

Climate Change is it real?

(i) What is climate change:-

Expanding the boundaries of human


Most of you are already familiar with the

Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan 2. It is gone

to discover the South Pole of the Moon. Moon

isn't just a natural satellite but a source of infinite

knowledge. It also can be a testbed for

future space missions.Who knows we can

even find aliens? If we manage to make some

kind of Lunar base with an observatory which

can help us know better

about our solar system.

Reading this article you may

have many doubts like why only

South Pole on the moon? when we are

going to inhabit Mars or how can we make

e general conditions prevailing in an area

over a long period of time is called climate.

e general prevailing weather conditions of a

region suggests weather, temperature, air pressure,

humidity, precipitation, Sunshine cloudiness and

winds throughout the year averaged over a series of years

is called climate change. Climate else's what conditions are going to prevail

at a given time of the year but not on specific days.

(ii) Causes and effects of climate change:-

Human process:- It is one of the main reasons for climate change like burning

of fossil fuels, Industrial and factories, cutting down of trees, increase

in the greenhouse effect and global warming which can be controlled by

humans are called human causes.

Natural process:- Due to earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, ocean currents,

tornado, drought, heavy rain Falls, hailstones, landslides etc. which cannot

be stopped by humans are called natural causes.

Moon a test bed or an observatory or if there are aliens? why

did not they dominate humans or from where can Moon

have knowledge about the solar system? Hmm, Let's fly

into the answers.

K. T. Joseph IX-A

Earth's rotation:- e seasons occur due to revolution. If the earth didn't

rotate one portion of the earth facing the sun would constantly get Sun's

heat and light and the other potion would remain cold and dark.is

would make both portions unfit for life. So revolution is also one of the

For the people who think that Mars is the next

main reasons.


home for humankind, sorry to break it to you that Mars is deadly. e

sun's rays falls directly making it Radioactive. Moon as a testbed will be

great because we have the required stuff. We can transport it with space

elevators to Space Station and then through Rockets because moon

has water and it just has the right fuel “Hydrogen”. Coming to

aliens they aren't creepy or aggressive as in movies.ey can even

Weather phenomena:- It includes all the disasters wind, cloud dust

storms, snow and fog etc. which happens daily for a small period of time

within the area this is called weather phenomena.

(iii) Conclusion:- Scientifically it is 97% true,


be just as small as microbes. Moon as a source of knowledge

will have the origin of the solar system as the South Pole was

not hit by meteorites and it is a spot where Chandrayaan 2

had landed. It also contains Fossil record of the early solar


that climate is changing


K. Deepika IX- A

Chemicals between Sea Water & Cloud Formation

Black holes: what we know so far

e formation of Clouds is part of the hydrologic cycle that repeats over a 9

day time frame. e water vapour molecule does not hold onto any of the chemicals

in the sea, they are left behind. Clouds are formed when moist, warm air

rises and expands in the atmosphere. e condensation or deposition of water the

earth’s surface creates clouds.

Chemical and physical properties of Seawater

e six most abundant ions of seawater are chloride (Cl_), sodium (Na+), sulphate

(SO42-), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+). By weight

these ions make up to 99% of all sea salts. Sea water or salt water is water from

Black holes are heavenly objects, whose gravitational pull is

so strong, that not even light can escape it. Einstein's

theory of relativity states that gravity can deform space

time. e boundary of a black hole is called the event horizon.

Huge stars die with the supernova explosion. is leaves behind the core. If the

core is big enough, it deforms space time so much and leads to the formation of a

black hole. Black holes also collide with each other and get bigger.

a sea or ocean. On average, sea water in the world's oceans has a salinity of

about 3.5%. ere is a chemical called aerosol in seawater.

Cloud formation

Depending on their type, clouds can consist of dry air mixed with liquid water

Black holes can be big or small. Scientists think that the smallest black holes are as

small as an atom. ey are tiny but have the mass of a large mountain. Some black

holes can be upto 20 times the mass of our Sun. e supermassive black holes have

masses that are more than 1 million suns together. ere is one in the centre of

Milkyway galaxy which has a mass equal to about 4 million suns.

drops, ice particles, or both. Low, shallow clouds are mostly made of water droplets

of various sizes. in, upper level clouds are made of tiny particles.Clouds

are made of water droplets or ice crystals that are so small and light they

are able to stay in the air. e potential of particles to form cloud

droplets [cloud condensation nuclei, CCN] was calculated from

Inside a Black hole is a singularity, a one-dimensional point where huge mass is compressed

into an infinitely small space. When huge masses are compressed in a small

space, the gravity and density tends to become infinite. is is a point where all the laws of

normal physics stop working.

chemical composition and particle size. Number emission fac-

tors are (3.43 + 1.26) x 106 (kg fuel)-1. e chemical composition,

sources and methods of production of cloud condensation

nuclei were studied over the the pack ice covered

If you fall into a black hole you would experience one of the two effects. One, instant death when you

pass the event horizon. is happens in smaller black holes. Two, spaghettification and being stretched

and torn apart. is happens in supermassive black holes.

in Arctic Ocean. Sea water refers to health and safety

and technical notes section below for additional information.

e freezing point of seawater decreases as salt

content concentration increases.

Chemicals in seawater: Predominantly sodium

Black holes are the mystery of our age. Until the 10th April, 2019, we had no idea about what a black hole

really look like. On this day the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

released the first ever image of a black hole which lies in the centre of

the Galaxy M87. e team is now working on the black hole in the

centre of our galaxy.

Na+, chloride Cl-

Chemicals in cloud formation: Calcium Ca+,

sodium Na+

Actually and really there is no connection

between sea water and cloud formation

[chemicals in it].

K. P. Malavika IX-A

N. Pranathi IX-A

Why is skin colour different ?

What are the dangers of not geeing

enough sleep during exams?

e skin colour of the humans defer due to pigmentation. It is the result of genetics

and also the product of both individuals biological parents genetic

makeup and exposure to the Sun. ere is a process called natural selection in

skin pigmentation primary to avoid ultraviolet radiation which penetrate the

skin. is also helps in controlling the biochemical products and effects.

e actual skin colour in many humans differ due to a pigment called melanin.

It is the most important substance in pigment. It is produced in the skin

cells called melanocytes. It is the determinant of darked-skinned humans. e

light skin colour which is bluish-white is connective tissue under the dermis

and by the haemoglobin which circulates in the veins of the dermis. Colour is


to lack of sleep we may

feel tired and restless the next

day. After several sleepless nights,

the mental effects becomes more serious. When

we don't sleep during exams we may fall asleep

during the day. If we wake up tired and spend the day

longing for a chance to have a nap, it's likely that we are

not getting enough sleep. Various factors can cause insufficient

sleep, including health conditions such as sleep apnea, but

in most cases its due to bad sleeping habits.

Aakash IX-B

not entirely uniform across are individual skin.

Example: e skin of the palm and the sole is white in colour. We can notice

this in the darked-skinned people.

e genetic mechanism behind human skin colour is mainly regulated by the

enzyme tyrosinase. is creates the colour of the skin, eyes and hair shades.

Skin colour evolve: Variations in human skin colour are adaptive traits that correlates

closely with geography and the sun's ultraviolet radiation. e sun exposure

damages the body. e solution was to evolve skin that was permanently

dark so as to protect against the sun's mere damaging rays.

People with naturally very dark skin because the pigment in dark skin doesn't

absorb as much UV radiation. As per to increase more melanin in skin you can

Actually, most of us don't get enough sleep due to some problems. we

must sleep for 8 hours for good health.

It is said that the best food for the brain is sleep and lack of sleep impacts

our health, safety and longevity. We are the people that burn

the candle at both ends, a nation where people stay up all night to

study, work or have fun.

However, going without adequate sleep carries both short and

long-term consequences.

Sometimes, we may have heard how animal and

human studies suggest that adequate sleep is

crucial for a long and healthy life.

increase eating vitamin A levels. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, it can build

in your body.

Effects of lack of sleep:-

Sleepiness Causes Accidents.

Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down.

Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Serious Health Problems.

Sleepiness is Depressing.

Lack of sleep ages your skin.

Sleepiness makes you forgetful.

Losing sleep can make you gain weight.

J. Priscilla IX-A

Lack of Sleep May Increase Risk of Death.

What effect can headphones have on hearing

Is stem cell treatment

really promising ?

We must not use headphones, they cause harm to our ears. ey are dangerous because, if you use improperly,

they can cause permanent hearing loss. But many young people are losing their hearing due

to exposure to portable stereo earphones. e government through the

occupational safety and health administration has long known that

noise pollution is one of the most common causes of hearing impairment

in adults. During the past years, the damaging effects

of excessive noise pollution from portable stereo earphones have

gained attention. If you can hear the sound being delivered

into a person's ear wired headphones or earphones, it indicates

the sound is too loud and over an extended period can lead to

L. Chinmayi IX-B

Stem cell research is one of science’s

most promising fields. It is used to

repair or replace tissues and organs

lost because of age or disease,

though they say effective therapies

are still years away. Stem cells are a

class of unspecialised cells with the

ability to develop into different

permanent hearing loss. e damage of noise pollution, especially

for young people, has gone from huge speakers and car stereo

speakers to sound delivered directly into the ear through headphones

or earphones. Headphones appear to be the most damaging.

Most portable stereo music systems produce sound in the range

of 95-108 decibels that can harm our ears. Headphones cause the hair

cells in the cochlea to bend down too much or too severely. If they don't

get time to recover the damage is done. On the whole it is better that

we use headphones with low volume.

types of cells, such as brain, blood and muscle cells. In

many tissues, they act as “a sort of internal repair system,

dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells”,

according to the National Institute of Health. In comparison,

adult stem cells count from already existing tissues and organs,

and their adaptation is much more restricted. Transplants

using stem cells from bone marrow or blood have been used

for years to treat diseases. Researchers are studying stem cell

treatments for an array of problems, including heart failure,

brain cancer etc...Age related macular degeneration is among

the most promising targets, partly because “the eye is an accessible

part of the central nervous system and you can look in and see what

you are doing”, said Sally Temple, co-founder of the Neural Stem Cell Institute in

Rensselaer, NY. Yet safe and effective treatments for eye disorders are years down the

road, she added. Some stem-cell procedures pose a greater chance of harm than


Like a coin has two sides this topic has advantages as well as disadvantages. I think

stem cell treatment is not promising while others say yes, it is.

R. Karthik Reddy IX-B

Nanotechnology in Science

Save Water

Water is boon

we must save water.

Water is life

Nanotechnology, the great beginning. Nanotechnol-

Water, Our planet’s most precious re-

for everyone's sake.

ogy is a common word these days, but many of us

source. Save water, the living source

Without water

don't realise the amazing impact it has on our daily

of all other living organisms on this

Nothing will survive.

lives. Nanotechnology is the understanding and

earth. Stop unnecessary flow or leak.

We need water and

control of matter on the atomic and Molecular

Use water wisely. Save every drop and

It is earth's need too

scale-this means things that are about hundred

protect lakes and rivers. It's a pride,

Water is blue,

nanometres. A nanometre is a one billionth of a

duty and responsibility.

It is good for you

metre. Henrich Rohrer, the father of Nanotechnolo-

B. Sumitra IX-B

Come….. join the hands …….

It's in ourselves

gy. ough nanotechnology is a relatively new science, it

e message of pledge and forever to

It's in our air

has numerous applications in everyday life. Nanotechnology is used in developing countries

to treat diseases and prevent health issues. Many scientists are looking into ways to

develop clean, affordable and renewable energy sources, along with means to reduce

energy consumption. Solar panels incorporating nanotechnology are more efficient

than standard designs in converting sunlight to Electricity promising inexpensive solar

power in future. Nanotechnology is used in numerous new kinds of batteries, light

weight and that have a higher power density and hold electrical charge longer. Agriculture

is the backbone of most of the developing countries and more than half of the population

depends on it for their livelihood. In agriculture, nanotechnology helps agricultural

Sciences and reduce environmental pollution by pesticides and chemical fertilizers

by using nanoparticles and nanocapsules. If you are a Tennis or Golf fan, you will

be glad to hear that even Sporting goods have been improved by nanotechnology that

is increasing the strength of tennis rackets by

adding nanotubes to the frames which increases

the control and power when you

hit the ball. Finally I conclude that dry

nanotechnology is probably a dead end.

save water.

MD. Shoaib Ahmed VI-A

Water, water is everywhere

Water is wet, water is cold

Water is a liquid we all know

But sometimes it falls as snow

and sometimes like ice

Water flows in a river

When it's cold,

it can make you shiver

Waste no water anywhere,

Sow a seed and water it,

see a lovely plant from it.

Water…... Water…..It's everywhere

Turn on the tap

And the water flows

Does anyone know

Where the water goes?

Water is clean

And water is cool,

Living in river

And raining in pools

Get water triable

And well can dry up

Water is so precious

To all the living organisms.

Transparent Political Structure


K. Vanisha John IX-B


India, officially the Republic of India, is a

country in South Asia. It is the seventh largest

country and the second most populous

country. And the most popular democratic

country in the world. It is a Federal Parliamentary

Democratic Republic in which

President is the head of the State and Prime

Minister is the head of the Government. Elections

enable every adult citizen of the country to

participate in the process of government formation.

Gopal Krishna Gokula in 1911 demanded from the British colonial government

that they make a law for free and compulsory education for all

children of the country. Finally, in 2002, the parliament recognised Education

a fundamental right. e 86th amendment of the Constitution

that made education a fundamental right was passed in the year 2002.

is 86 th amendment says that “e state shall provide free and compulsory

education to all children between the ages of 6 and 14 through a

law that it may determine”. is law finally passed in 2009 and is called

the Right of children to free and compulsory education.

Government transparency is important for democracy.

In politics transparency is used as a means of holding

public officials accountable and fighting corruption. When

a government meetings are open to the press and the public,

its laws and decisions are open to discussion. It is seen as transparent.

Transparency improves trust and also requires trust.

e Right to Education has been recognised as a human right, this act

makes a fundamental right of every child between the ages of 6 and 14

and specifies minimum norms in elementary


Finally I conclude that we must create a country which has transparency

political structure and must follow the rules of the political department

of India. We should create a country where the political

leaders are accountable to us. We must use our main sovereign right

where the people have the supreme power and must not misuse it

by following and encouraging corruption.

K. Kamal X-B

e teaching learning process and evaluation

procedures shall promote achievement of appropriate



e curriculum and evaluation procedures

must be in conformity with the values enshrined

in the constitution and make the

child free of fear, anxiety and help the

RIGHT TO education

child to express news freely.




The Power of


Advertising is a form of communication.

In this millennium we find

“Good advertising does not

just circulate information.

It penetrates the public

mind with designs and


Procrastination means the action of delaying or postponing something. It may

cause due to laziness of a human. It could be further stated as a habitual delay of

starting or finishing a task or work. It is a negative quality of a person. It is a

common experience by humans everyday.

that advertisements making has a


tremendous effect on the individual

simple and easy technique for the propaganda of any product.

Procrastination may also cause a change in human behaviour, such as depression, irritating

behaviour and stress.

All the business firms are using the most creative ideas to sell their products. e

companies have to attract consumers so that they need to make sure that the advertisement

is attractive. e growth of the products or services highly depends on the

advertisement. ey also need to do more promotion or advertising in order to keep

the customers interest on the products or services.If they fail to do so, then the sales

of the products will go down and the company will suffer losses.

Here are some tips to x Procrastination in you:

Forgive yourself for procrastinating in past.

Stop delaying your work more further

Commit to one work at a time

Take a break after every work

Promise yourself from procrastinating

Companies can choose different media of advertisement, such as advertising in

newspapers, magazines, online and so on. It also depends on the cost that the company

is able and willing to pay. In the modern advertising strategies, various appeals

such as emotional fear and ID humorous are included. ese appeals tend to rise

high brand awareness and brand among a large audience.

Effect of celebrity Ambassador:- We find many film stars and celebrities who

works as brand ambassadors. is has a magnificent effect on sale. Especially the

youth get fascinated by the ads. ey tried to imitate and follow them compared to

other endorser types. Famous people achieve a higher degree of attention and recall

to do work on time

Don't be lazy

Procrastination can be caused by

fear of failing at the task that need

to be completed. is fear can promote

to Procrastination in various

ways, such as causing people to

avoid finishing a task, or by causing

them to avoid getting started on the

task in the first place.

create positive feelings towards brands under perceived by consumers as more entertaining.

e celebrity endorser is a ubiquitous feature of modern marketing. Choosing

the right endorser will increase customers confident towards

our products and at the same time the sales will be increased

as well. Advertisement of some products like Coke, Coca

Cola, Sprite which are mostly consumed by youngsters so

we find many movie stars in their ads. Advertisement

should never have a negative effect on the customers. Especially

children try to imitate the actions which may

create and unnecessary trauma in the society.

Finally I feel advertisement has immense effect on the

sales of a product.

K. Akshit Sai X-A

V. Sai Neha IX-B

Ethics for Politicians

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture

of charity. It is an act of justice.

“Single dedication towards a solution of a problem free world and Society”.

Nelson Mandela

Politicians without ethics is dangerous for Indian democracy as it produce distrust

at all levels. Political leaders forget that they might be subject of attention

during election, leave behind a toxic residue of hatred long after elections are

over. Ethics serve as a guide to daily living and helps us judge the politician.

Poverty and Social life

Mohammed Abdul Faisal


Politicians need to follow few ethics in order to be a good politician. e most

important is taking responsibility for his actions. A politician always needs to

take responsibility at any cost because people have elected him / her and

people trusted them. He needs to solve people's problems not for votes but for


Honestly, this is the quality that the politicians lack. Politicians

are like real life actors. ey need to be honest

with the people of their locality and must know everyone's

problem and how to solve them. If he is

honest people will be happy.

Finally, a politician should be reliable to the

names, to build trust factor among the people of

his constituency. He should be more dedicated

and corrupt free. ese are a few factors which

helps to politicians to make a country a better

place to live.

V. Sai Neha IX-B

e meaning of poverty is to be poor. ere is a lot of poverty in our society.

Children take up jobs because of poverty and illiteracy. In many

houses we see a lot of people not having proper clothes, food, shelter and

money. Poverty may occur when a person does not have minimum living

standard. Government is trying to reduce poverty in the state and the

country by providing basic needs to their life standards like food, shelter,

jobs, welfare freedom and financial services.

Social life:- Human beings are social animals and having a social life is

one of the most important influences on mental physical health. Most of

the humans live in groups in which each depends on the other for their

survival and support.e meaning of social life is people living an enjoyable

life with their friends and family. Technology has changed the way of

people's interaction with others in our daily lives, but it hasn't affected

the basic needs to form supportive bonds with other people. Social life is

a healthy life in the world. With the help of social life we can live friendly

in the society. ere will be no problems between each other. When there

is a mutual understanding and love among individuals though there may

be poverty and dispute people can live with peace

and harmony in the


You are what you eat

Obesity and Social life

V. Arjun Reddy VII-B

Obesity - a serious threat to life.

Obesity generally occurs when a person consumes more than the required

amount of food on a regular basis and does not indulge in physical activities

to burn the excess fat.

e problem can also be genetic and may even be caused as a side effect of certain medicines

or physiological factors such as sadness, depression, nervousness, etc.

Follow a healthy diet that is full of various micronutrients.

However, keep a tab on how much you eat.

Instead of having 3 large meals a day it is suggested to have 4 or 5 small meals.

Squeeze in at least half an hour each day to exercise.

Keep a check on your body weight as well as your waistline.

Obesity is not just a problem in its own; it can lead to various serious health problems

such as cardiovascular diseases, brain stroke, infertility, sleep apnea and diabetes.

If you do not prevent this problem from occurring, you will have to undergo extensive

treatment to cure it.

While doctors prescribe medicines, make changes in the patients diet and advice and exercise

Regime to treat this problem, in certain cases the patients may even have to undergo a surgery.

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