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Fr.P.JohnThadews,CouncilorinCharge SouthEastProvince


Fr.SandeepReddy,CouncilorinChargeVisakhapatnam Province

Fr.RaviKumar,SecretaryVisakhapatnam Province








I am glad that General Secretariat for Education is publishing Fransalian

Edu Times International 2019, connecting all the educational institutions

of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales around the world. I consider this

a great forum to celebrate our achievements and to complement each other.

e apostolate of ‘Formation of the Young’ has a strong foundation in our

Congregation from the time of Father Peter Mermier, our beloved Founder.

Formation of the hearts of the young has been one of the foundational

apostolates of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales. is apostolate has today become a relevant

tool for evangelization and social and economic transformation.

I believe that the success of education cannot be quantified because life is not all about the record

of the number of straight ‘A's and 100% results. e success of education is about the hearts one

has touched, lives one has improved, and the people one has made proud of.

e goal of education can be summarized in the words of Jesus. “I came that they may have life

and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). e goal of education is to help students to discover the

deeper meaning of life, to plan for their future, to prepare them for a more human society, and to

build a harmonious society.

I congratulate Rev. Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhyil, the General Secretary of Education in the MSFS

Congregation, all Provincial Councilors In charge of Education, and all the members of the

Education Forum for their dedication to this sacred call of evangelization through this prime

apostolate of our Congregation.

Live Jesus!



August 21, 2019



It is my pleasant task to have initiated the publication of the 12 th issue of

Fransalian Edu Times International. A change of guard was affected by 20 th

MSFS General Chapter and Fr. George Parampukattil laid down his office as

General Secretary of Education after rendering his services for twelve years in

succession. All MSFS Provinces and Educational Institutions are indebted to

him for his animation and efforts for implementation of Congregational

policies and programs especially in a time when the MSFS Governance

underwent a sea change. Fr. George Parampukattil has given us the road map

to work on to enhance God’s Kingdom through our Educational Institutions. I thank him and

wish him God’s Blessings.

Education for MSFS is one of its foundational apostolic objectives. Our Founder Fr. Mermier

sharing his insight on Education said “Formation of any kind is a work of love; it aims at

opening of the heart rather than the mind” He advised his fellow Priests “love the pupil be a

mother to them by your tenderness and a father to them by your prudence” is is the first

lesson and orientation to MSFS Educators in our pursuit for holistic formation with all

emphasis on the spiritual intellectual and professional dimension of life but not devoid of values

lived and taught by Jesus and followed by St. Francis de Sales. It is imperative that we guard

against all obstacles of the principles of holistic formation of our Students which encompasses

psychological social and emotional growth of a student. Such approach to education will make

social and cultural differences and preferences of individual person non- existent. It is exactly

like the approach of a doctor who engages himself in the treatment of the whole person rather

than just treat the symptoms. Such Doctors examine the entire background of the patient and

help them.

Fransalian Educators cannot lose sight of Children lacking basic needs for a minimum standard

of well- being due to persistent lack of income. Cause of poverty is very much associated with

lack of good education. Poverty is also a multifaceted concept which may include social

economic and political elements. Again the solution is only good education. I wish that our

Educators imbibe the spirit of these underlying principles of education which is very dear and

close to the heart of our Founder Fr. Peter Mermier. Fransalian Edu Times International is the

medium which Connects the entire congregation at International level. e highlights of this

issue is news from our Mission units in Africa. We have informative articles and pictures from

Chad Cameroon, Mozambique and Zambia besides East Africa Province. I thank Delegation

Superiors and Mission in Charges from these units and all the Principals of Schools in India. I

appreciate and acknowledge their efforts in the best interest of Nation building. May the Good

Lord Bless us all …

Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhyil

General Councillor in Charge of Education.




A Value Centred Pedagogy from a Deweyan Perspective

Abstract: It is an irony to find that the Christian educational institutions in India, are

being subjected to opprobrium and hostility by many who have been educated from the

same institution. erefore, this article aims to present the potential threat to our

educational institutions faced today due to our outdated modus operandi and to find a

plausible panacea from the integrated and thematic curriculum based on real-life context

proposed by John Dewey. e progressive vision of Dewey exhorts the role of education

to transform the world into a more humane, just, and egalitarian society.


Fr. Anson Kalialth

In the long-standing history of India, the contributions of Christian missionaries towards the nation-building,

particularly the envious contributions of the Christian educational institutions popularly known as convent

schools are undoubted. Today our schools lose no opportunity to take pride in claiming to have inherited that

legacy and vouch to impart value education. Yet the emerging trends in our India compel us to ask ourselves that,

how much have we succeeded in imparting values of social justice, equality and human dignity to our students?


In 2018, the Supreme Court of India highlighted the deteriorating conditions for religious freedom in some

states, concluding that certain state governments were not doing enough to stop violence against religious

minorities. In their annual report United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, raises

concerns about the rising threats and targeted attacks on the religious minorities in India. What puzzles most of

us are; why do they throw stones at the school which educated them? Why such an enormous percentage of

hostile responses from the people around us? However, today the breaking news about the attack on missionary

schools no longer breaks our hearts unless it happens to the institution which one heads it. We have almost

habituated today to accept such unprecedented atrocities as quotidian and mundane. While many of us busy

engaging in circulating solutions through virtual communications, we fail to take the bull by the horns.

Alarmingly, we can find roots of such hostility springing out of a new trend called majoritarianism that slowly

devouring the tenants of democracy. A trend which insists to follow everyone the food habits, language, religion,

educational policies, etc. of the majority; a trend which slowly but systematically annihilating any possible

threats it might have on its venture to establish some of the hidden agendas of its founders and proponents

emerging out of vested interest of certain members of a community or out of corporate who find our educational

institutions as a potential threat to their profit margin. We are challenged today, to resolve by imparting holistic

education with certain principles in mind such as social values, critical thinking, critical dialogue, and personal




John Dewey emerged as a transformative educationist in the early 20th century in America, however, his

proposals had a heyday of both support and criticism from its very beginning. He proposes unlike his

contemporaries to take pedagogy to an intersection where both individual interest and social cause coalesces into

a holistic perspective. Dewey defines education ''as the process of the reconstruction of experience, giving it a

more socialized value through the medium of increased individual efficiency." He states that, ‘Children always

brought their interests and activities from home, and it was the task of the teacher to make use of this ‘raw

material’ by guiding their activities at school toward ‘valuable results’.His writings on democracy and education

express his philosophy of education as a way of social reform. He saw education as a means of serving the

democratic process through making corrections in the economic evils and by obtaining political ends that would

lead to a progressive society. Hence, education for Dewey is the culmination of his political ideas that shapes a

society in which one exercises one’s rights without denying the others. erefore, we are to encourage, the

traditional backgrounds and cultures of each student without letting them develop hostility to the diversity of

cultures and practices. A teacher must educate the child to agree to disagree and respect the differences.


As Dewey insists, "Education fails because it neglects the fundamental principle of the school as a form of

community life.” He conceives the school as a place where certain information is to be given, where certain

lessons are to be learned, or where certain habits are to be formed. e teacher is a part of this, not as an

authoritative figure, but as a member of the community who is there to assist the student to become an integral

part of the community. According to Dewey, our curriculum should reflect the need of society because the

progress is not in the succession of studies alone, but the development of positive attitudes towards oneself and

others. As he Proposes, we must encourage critical thinking which can be generated through collaborative

learning between teachers-students and student-student. Healthy debates and studies of other cultures and

individual rights and duties must be given primary importance. A school culture must inhibit the promotion of

one particular culture and exhibit openness to all the cultures. On the whole, we are challenged by John Dewey

to create an ambiance for the children to develop an attitude to find oneself as an integral part of the whole and

as an individual responsible for the well being of the society.


e critical task of education in a democratic society is to help children develop the character, the habits and

virtues that would enable them to contribute towards the wellbeing of everyone. By and large, educational

theorists believe that a child is like a seed and if they are guided to nourish and nurture, they would naturally

bear flowers and fruits. Today’s children are tomorrow’s lawmakers, who would decide either to quash or to

uphold the special privileges and status of the minority. erefore, it is important to make them know today that

the opinions of the others, even if they are few are to be respected. Creating the conditions for the development

of democratic character in the classroom is not an easy task unless the teachers and administration are open to

dialogue, evaluation, and change.

e most difficult challenge ahead is to create a generation who can decide after careful critical thinking and by

interacting with the real-life situations. We must educate our children not to be frenzied by the mobocracy but

to stand by truth and justice. Let us treat them with respect and dignity so that they, in turn, learn to express

mutual respect and appreciation to one another. As Dewey exhorts the role of education is to transform the

world into a more humane, just, and egalitarian society. erefore, let our curriculum include some of the basic

principles of democracy such as rule of law, protected rights, and freedoms, free and fair elections, freedom of

the press, respect of human rights, minority rights, basic human dignity, etc. us we must create a linkage

between education, democracy, experience, and society. Because, unless, we bring about some revolutionary

reformations in our educational philosophy, approaches, and pedagogies, we may continue to form citizens who

are hostile to the very institutions that formed them.


Mercy Ships, an entrepreneurial project like no other

Last January, four students from Institut Florimont flew to Guinea Conakry to

spend a couple of days on the ‘’Africa ship’’, a hospital ship belonging to the

NGO Mercy Ships.

At the origin of this unique experience, a contest launched by the ‘’Junior

Entrepreneur’’ Program implemented by APEF (the parent’s association at

Florimont) in 2016. e aim was to develop a new way of communicating and

crowdfunding in favor of the young children of Guinea Conakry so that they

can access essential surgery. After some days of intense work on this exciting

project, the winning team was given the exceptional privilege to spend a few

days on board the ‘’Africa ship’’.

e four students took off on January in order to meet with the patients and the 400 volunteers of 40 different

nationalities, working to offer essential surgery and medical trainings to the local population. During their stay

on the hospital ship, the students sympathized with the families living on board and shared their experience with

their fellow students who stayed in Geneva communicating with them by Skype every morning.

e students also had the chance to visit the Hope Center in Conakry, as well as the dental and eye clinics set up

by Mercy Ships in favor of the local population.

Back to Institut Florimont, the students decided, together with all the stakeholders, to create a ‘’live’’ fundraising

platform. ey succeeded in collecting more than CHF 10,000 to help Mercy Ships!

Results to the Exams :

Swiss Maturity : 100 %

French Baccalaureate : 100 %

International Baccalaureate (IB) : 95 %


‘e Heart of Education is Education of the Heart,’ once our founder Fr. Peter Mermier echoed in his sermons to

the confreres and in the same line our heavenly patron Saint Francis de Sales said that ‘knowledge is the eighth

sacrament for the priest.’ ese words of our Patron and Founder continue to inspire and motivate us in our

Apostolate of Education.


FOSTER (Fransalian Organization for Social Transformation, Education and Renewal) strives to transform lives

through its multifaceted projects: SFS Children’s Home, SFS Daycare Center, Simba Clay Furaha Project,

Mermier Boys and Girls Homes and St. Francis de Sales Mission Schools (Pre –Primary, Primary and Secondary).

We solely aim at education for transformation of all kinds of people irrespective of tribe, religion and culture

through our institutions.

St. Francis de Sales Mission Schools aim at imparting high-quality education to prepare the young for

opportunities of life in the fast advancing technological modern society. We emphasize the integrated growth of

the pupils viz. physical, psychological, intellectual and enable them to discover their personal and social rights;

and live for truth, justice, religious harmony and peaceful co-existence of people of all walks of life.

SFS Children’s Home

In order to actualize the dream of eradicating poverty and enabling the orphans, the Children’s Home was

established as a center for the rehabilitation and education of the less fortunate boys who come from vulnerable

background. SFS Children’s Home seeks to provide them with the basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter

coupled with counseling, school education and trainings. In addition to that, we aim at reintegrating these

children back to normal stream of social life.

SFS Daycare Center

Its aim is to encourage and promote the overall personality development of the poor children from neighborhood

in a child-friendly manner and in a conducive environment. We believe that meaningful and happy learning

experiences in the early years will provide a child with a sound foundation for future education. We expose these

children to stimulating experiences which promote healthy mental growth, great freedom and overall personality

development. We identify their development patterns and education potentials and prepare them for primary






MK 12:31


Mermier Boys & Girls Homes

Mermier Boys Home and Mermier Girls Home cater for the need of the children who hail far from Tabora town.

We have a good number of boys and girls from different parts of Tanzania. e Mermier Homes also foster their

formation as a whole: spiritual, social, physical, intellectual, creative and aesthetic by providing them with

opportunities to participate in various programs and helping them to develope their gifts and talents.

St. Francis de Sales Mission Schools

Having the motto knowledge, love and service, St. Francis de Sales Mission Schools were established to impart the

education of the heart. In this aspect the contribution of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy is indescribable as they

work with a wholehearted commitment for the growth of the mental development of the children. We encourage

the young minds to recognize their own strengths, individuality and potentiality for development and

independence. Our schools have been doing well in their exams both at Regional and National level. We strive to

enhance broad development and admiration of the national identity, personal integrity, cultural and moral values,

customs and traditions, to transform the lives of the students to create a better world.

SFS Daycare Center

Its aim is to encourage and promote the overall personality development of the poor children from neighborhood

in a child-friendly manner and in a conducive environment. We believe that meaningful and happy learning

experiences in the early years will provide a child with a sound foundation for future education. We expose these

children to stimulating experiences which promote healthy mental growth, great freedom and overall personality

development. We identify their development patterns and education potentials and prepare them for primary


Bro. Frederick MSFS



St. Francis de Sales Vocational Training Centre, situated at Mwakata, one of the rural areas in Shinyanga Region,

Tanzania was started in the year 2003 with the aim of training young people in vocational and technical skills in

order to help them to be equipped with necessary skills in different fields like Carpentry, Motor Vehicle

Mechanics, Secretarial, Computer, Electrical Engineering, Tailoring and Driving.

SFS Vocational Training Centre continues to remain to be the best Institution in supporting and equipping the

young persons in their entrepreneurship skills. It creates ambience and serene atmosphere to the young persons to

secure opportunities to train and better their practical skills in different technical subjects. ese efforts have

boosted and opened the great chances of employment and entrepreneurship enterprises in different areas of

Tanzania. During the Academic Year 2019, 247 students have enrolled for different courses. ey are given ample

time to have practical experience in their respective area of study in various companies, factories and garages.

We are happy to collaborate with the Government of Tanzania, Don Bosco Network, Pact Tanzania and Red

Cross Organization which play an important role in helping the youths to have a better future. We offer high

quality and affordable education that gives its students a high chance of securing jobs. Our vocational curriculum

aims at providing employable skills and meets the job market demands. e skills will enable the individuals after

completion to create their jobs or find employment opportunities and be self-reliant. We train the students to have

practical knowledge and skills in areas of their specialization. We also create and teach self-awareness skills to the

youth which helps them to have a sense of self understanding and creates personal conviction that will enable

them to overcome the emerging challenges of today.

Our Venerable Founder said, “e education of the heart is the heart of the education”. erefore, the institute

aims at the holistic aspect of the entire human person. We work to ensure that our formal education really pays

attention to the education of the heart. It has enabled them to learn values, ethics, discipline, responsibility and

has developed a sense of mutual trust, confidence and accountability.


It has always been our focus and dedication that our Institute gradually progresses and meets the national and

international standards of vocational Training. is year we have upgraded our Institute with new facilities which

enable us to compete with the modern platform of the vocational training centers. ese facilities include: modern

Design, Sewing and Clothing Technology (DSCT); additional hostel facilities for girls; safe drinking water

facility; multipurpose hall and a canteen.

Fr. omas Njue MSFS



One of the foundational charisms of the MSFS congregation being the education of the Youth from the very

beginning of Chad Cameroon mission MSFS fathers gave great emphasis for the education by way of establishing

schools and boys’ homes in the mission centres. We established integrated learning institutes for the orphans and

poor children in Cameroon and Chad. e quality of Chadian and Cameroonian Education continues to decline.

Shortage of classrooms, other educational infrastructure continues to plague the educational system in this part of

the world. e compounding factors to the educational dilemma faced in Cameroon and Chad are HIV/AIDS

and single parenthood. AIDS has left many children homeless, as orphans, or in the care of destitute relatives.

Good many girls become pregnant at an early age of 14 to 15. Many boys who are minors are the fathers and they

are not in a position to take up their responsibility of the father as a result many children are with their young

mother of 14 or 15. Good many families consider these children as a burden to the family and their education is

neglected to a great extent.

e Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales arrived in Chad in 1999 and in Cameroon in 2000 With the support of

the local partners, MSFS confreres and funding agencies we established five primary, secondary and High schools

for the orphans and other underprivileged children in Cameroon and Chad. In Cameroon and Chad primary

school education is free (since 2000), as a result of free primary education many children who had previously not

attended school have now been enrolled to the primary schools. e quality of education however has

tremendously declined in recent years. is is the result of a scarcity of books, teaching aids, classrooms, desks and

general education infrastructure. e teacher to student ratio poses the biggest challenge. Classes of over seventy

children in classrooms without desks are a common occurrence.

Many families lack the capacity to provide these children more than a single meal per day. Meetings the daily

needs of such families have become a major challenge to the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales and other religious

congregations in Cameroon. Single parent children are an added problem. In Bero, Chad MSFS fathers provide

midday meals for 300 students. To impart quality education in Africa all our Province educational institutions in

India organise an African day and collect funds to help. Guided by a Charism of the Congregation, promotion of

youth through formal and non-formal education” the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales have outlined the

following objectives in our educational institutions.


To witness to the Gospel principles by their religious and development endeavors in education, health,

agriculture, and women development programs.

To give non-formal education to youth who have no chance to continue their higher education due to the

financial difficulties they are facing, especially youth from remote areas.

To alleviate problems of unemployment by the facilitation of self –employment opportunities through

vocational and technical training.

To help the students to act rather than react, to meet adversities courageously, and to think differently and


Adhering to their commitment to live these objectives in their communal life and apostolate, the MSFS have

established five learning institutions where the children of West Africa receive high academic, moral and spiritual

formation and where their characters are lovingly nurtured to become responsible Cameroonian and Chadian

citizens and leaders. Ultimately, our educational institutions will promote sustainable social economic

development of a populace long economically disadvantaged due to poverty and lack of quality education. MSFS

fathers are proud to say that all our educational institutions are not gaining a penny as profit all our institutions

are supported by the congregation for its daily running. Following are our five Schools.

Fr. Manoj Arackal MSFS

our schools at chad cameroon

















































is Beautiful

Mozambique Mission has gone in big way for the education of the little children, by establishing full-fledged

Pre-Primary schools in five of our Centres. ey are in Mavila, Bela Vista, Catembe, Matola, and Pont do Ouro.

ough we do not have magnificent structures, we are thoroughly engaged in the Apostolate of education in our

own small little way. We hope that with the providence of God these little Centers will grow into big Schools in

the days to come. Plan for a school is being mooted at Ponta do Ouro.

Mavila Pre-School



is Fun

Matola Pre-School

Sharing the Table

Catembe Pre-School

Joy of Learning

Team Work

Group Fun

Bela Vista Pre-School

its meal time

Special place for Special ones


ere had been a question always as to what is our special contribution to the people of Odisha especially of the

Christian Tribals of the Chotanagpur area. e School with the hostel facilities is to cater to the educational needs

of the Catholics of all the parishes around Bamra with a special focus on the MSFS parishes in Rourkela Diocese.

English medium education has to be made available to the poor tribal Catholics as cheap as possible. To meet this

end constant financial support of the Province is needed besides the man power support.

e MSFS had bought a piece of land years ago in Bamra. Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhyil towards the end of his tenure

as the Provincial made sure that the Provincial Administration take a decision to start the School in this land and

the work for the School building began immediately. After handing over his responsibility as the Provincial he

opted to be in Bamra to complete the building and to begin the School. e foundation stone for the School was

laid on 13 th May 2017 by him in the presence of all the four Provincial Councillors.

e work on the School building, hostel and the residence for the priests progressed on a war footing with the

Province administration supporting with all the finance needed. Fr. Jacob initially was supervising the work

staying at Divya Jyoti Ashram, our minor seminary in Odisha. From 17 th July 2018 he started staying at the

residence in Bamra. He was joined by Br. Amrit Kujur, a regent and Sr. Jyoti Minz and Sr. Rosita Kerketta of

Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery as our collaborators in this mission.

18 th March 2019 was the first day of the St. Francis de Sales School,

Bamra with Classes from Nursery to fifth and the hostel for boys and

girls. A simple prayer service marked the beginning of another

Fransalian School and first of its kind in the Civil State of Odisha and

in the district of Sambalpur. A Preprimary branch of the School was

started in the Panderpalli parish premises too.


22 nd July 2019 was another red-letter day in the

history of Bamra Mission which was also the 50 th

working day for about 300 students and 26 Staff

Members. e School was formally inaugurated on

this day. Our invited guest arrived from 09.00 am.

Students lined up outside the gate and welcomed the

guests and parents. Inaugural Ceremony began with

the lighting of the lamp by his Lordship Bishop

Niranjan Sual Singh of Sambalpur Diocese, MSFS

Provincial Fr. John Britto Muthuswamy, Fr. Agnelo

Fernandes MSFS and other specially invited guests,

followed by a prayer dance put up by the students of

Classes 1 to 3. e School Community then

welcomed officially the Chief Guest, the Guest of honour and the special guests by presenting bouquets. Bishop

Niranjan Sual Singh conducted the prayers and blessed the school followed by the Inauguration of the School by

cutting the ribbon at the main entrance of the school and unveiling the plaque by Rev. Fr. Provincial. Students of

Classes 4 and 5 entertained the audience with their spectacular performance through a cultural dance depicting

life of rural Odisha. e entire program was well moderated by the student leadership squad and teachers played

their role at the background.

Bishop Niranjan Sual Singh addressing the audience said that a quality English Medium School is imperative in

Bamra since similar Schools are located at a distance. He said that the two months’ old School does not seem to

be lacking in anything compared to an established School. Fr. Provincial wished the school community God’s

Blessings for the future educational activities. He thanked Fr. Jacob for his pioneering works and said that now the

School is safe in the hands of the new experienced Principal Fr. George Joseph Kurickal. Ms Meenakshi Mahji the

Sarpanch of Govindpur Bamra wished that the School will do everything possible for the education of children

from economically underprivileged background, very specially of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribe

background. Sr. Jyoti Minz proposed the vote of thanks and Fr. Jacob Karamakuzyil honoured all the guests by

presentation of Shawl. e Contractor Mr. Jaison and the Architect Mr. Parag Date was specially honoured along

with other officials of Surya Construction Company on the occasion. e Inaugural Ceremony was concluded

with the singing of the School Anthem by the Student Leadership Squad of the School at 11.30 am. In the

afternoon Fr. Provincial blessed Mermier Children’s Home near the priest residence in the presence of MSFS

Odisha Apostolic Community.

Fr. George Joseph



On 9 th February 2019, the school celebrated its first Annual Parents’ Day. e theme of the program was

Incandescence. Rt. Rev. Ambrose Rebello, Bishop of Aurangabad was the Chief Guest and Rev. Fr. Shijumon was

the Guest of Honour. All the parents gathered early for the programme waited patiently in anticipation to see their

children perform on the stage. It was a joyful day for the Fransalian School of Excellence as the students for the

first time would be showcasing their talents before a large gathering.

INCANDESCENCE represents colours and colours add beauty to life. Every good word we say and every good

deed we do add colour to the lives of people. Every class by way of songs, dances and skits brought out the theme

that was based on different virtues: compassion, love, honesty, courage, etc. Everyone whole heartedly participated

in the program. e entire program was marked by a great level of discipline, unity and coordination. e grand

finale went far beyond anyone’s imagination.

All the parents were thrilled to witness a program of such high standard. ey remained calm and quiet and

enjoyed the entire programme. ey expressed their appreciation to the Management and teachers for the trouble

taken to prepare the students for the wonderful show, as for many it was for the first time they had witnessed such

a program. e Chief Guest, Bishop Ambrose Rebello acknowledged the tremendous growth the school had made

within a short span of ten months. He appreciated the entire Fransalian family for the success of the program.

It is beautifully said, “You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth

having.” (Frank L. Wright) ere are difficulties and hurdles, ups and downs, challenges and obstacles but

nothing is impossible.



St. Francis De Sales Sr. Sec. School - neemuch


Character building is not an alternative to academic achievement, rather an essential adjunct of it. Just as the

school provides lessons on reading, writing and arithmetic, from the very beginning it also focuses on helping kids

learn Human Values and to be good citizens.

e emotional and social maturity of a child provides the important underpinning for child development in all

other areas.When educators ignore children’s emotional and social development, this can often lead to adulthood

where, though adults who are academically gifted but struggle in their daily lives due to lack of self-esteem.

As children get older, many schools offer a variety of extracurricular opportunities to further the youngster’s

appetite for the future.A single place, a child can join the football team, Kho-Kho team, volunteer to work with

younger children, run for school treasurers post and give chess club a try. All of these experiences help to develop

a child’s interestwhich buildsself-esteem and brings a bright future. When balanced with academics then only it

becomes fruitful.

Ideally, the school’s role is to bring each student to his/her individual maximum academic potential. It is not

enough to teach the ABCs and 123s and call it a day. A significant amount of school work throughoutthe grades

is dedicated to helping children become expert problem solvers and solution-seekers, skill that will come in handy

in just about every personal and professional aspect of a child’s adult life.

e recent initiatives of having smart classrooms in public school could go a long way in addressing this need of

enabling ecosystem with features and facilities like digital content, broadcasting classes conducted by experienced

teachers, interactive classes through video conferencing etc. Field trips and interactive projects whenorganized by

the school lets the child try out new things,while different subjects in school gives him/her a taste of what could

await in the future. Teachers are key in ensuring the student’s likes and dislikes for attending classes or interests in

a particular subject, which can be linked to their subject and to his/her quality of teaching.

e challenge of improving quality of teaching could be done by in-service training and supported by modern

teaching aids, tools and methodologies like smart classroom and digital course content thus making teaching a

satisfying and fulfilling profession which makes a teacher proud.

Hence all the above are needed but also the support of Parents and the skill and patience of the teachers and the

interest of the child makes both teaching and learning process a success. ese are my reflections and proposed

orientations for which SFS School Neemuch is striving hard to achieve.

By Lakshita Sharma



e 9 th Annual Parents Day of St. Francis de Sales School, Tuman was successfully organized on 24 th January 2019

with the soul reviving theme “NAVRAS”. Rev. Fr. John Britto Muthusamy, the Provincial of Nagpur Province,

graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Mr. Ajabrao Neware, the Police Inspector of Aroli was the Guest of

Honour. Unique ‘Rasa’s’ were performed by different classes which adorned the stage like vibrant colours of the

rainbow. Each class embellished their performances with meaningful presentations which was a delightful treat for

the audience.

Fr. Provincial’s speech was another jewel to our crown as he praised our school as one of the best in the vicinity.

He also appreciated the contributions made by teachers in the field of education and thanked the management to

make him a part of the initiative.

e programme was a grand success due to the endeavors of the dedicated staff and students. e parents, guests

including the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour were extremely impressed with the proceedings of the day and

the cultural extravaganza put up by the students.

With the successful organization of the Annual Parents Day, another feather was added to the SFS cap of

achievements. Staff and students diligently performed their assigned duties to the best of their abilities and deserve

earnest admiration.

By Fr. Amal Raj MSFS


SFS Delhi has always been committed to the holistic growth of its students. We have successfully managed to take

that up by a notch every year. Staying true to the vision of holistic development, we at SFS are driven by missions

that we undertake for the betterment of the quality of education and the lives of our students.

is school has played a pivotal role in my transformation over the years. It helped me identify my passion for

acting. One of the key things that were imbibed in me was humility. If it were not for SFS, I would not be the

person I am today.” says Vikhyat Gulati, a leading theatre professional. is testimony proves that over the years,

the school has successfully stuck to its core operating values of humility and kindness.

Each stakeholder at SFS plays a key role in the wholesome development of our students. From teachers to support

staff, each and every person’s contribution, is what makes SFS stand out. e past year too, saw a lot of feathers

being added to our cap. We excelled not just in academics but also in the non-academic spectrum.

Over the years, the numbers of actors, singers, debaters, athletes etc at SFS, have constantly increased. Under the

able guidance of our teachers, these numbers grew exponentially in the past year. Enabling students to find their

niche is a very important responsibility that our teachers take upon themselves. is has resulted not just in the

betterment of the students’ life but has also helped in creating an ecosystem of support and enablement that helps

a lot more children to come forward and take up challenges.

is year, we closely worked on developing a better line of communication with the parents of our students to

ensure that both home and school are in sync for our students. is has helped us to understand and solve the key

points and to further strengthen their overall development.We also helped expose our children to various

countries and institutions, industry experts, from musicians to athletes, to gain a deeper understanding of the

various options that are open to them.

e school also organised various events like the Annual Parents’ Day, the school fete, various training sessions for

teachers, support staff and children etc. rough all of this, SFS stands true to its motto of knowledge, service and

charity and will continue to do so...

By Ms. Elsie Abraham


If your actions inspire

others to dream more,

learn more, do more and

become more,then

you are a leader.

e academic year 2018-19 began on 2 nd April where the Principal welcomed every one of the Fransalians and

wished all with the quotation ‘everything begins well ends well” and put forth the same expectation.

e momentous day of 21 April 2018 dawned to bestow responsibilities on the enthusiastic young talents with

investiture ceremony. To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of being an

important and integral part of the administrative body. To increase the effectiveness of teaching a day’s seminar for

teachers was organized on capacity building highlighting the personality of a teacher, impartial attitude,

approachable, lesson planning and an example to lead. A much sought after resource person in the person of Ms.

Versha Menku was invited for the same who left no time unused to inspire the teachers in taking care of their


“Winner Never Quit and Quitters Never Win.” e most awaited event of the year was organized on 6 th October

2018. It was the 9 th Annual Cross Country Race of the school which were conducted under the leadership and

supervision of P.E Department Mr. Vijender Singh and Miss Anju Dalal. It was the first time our school organized

in village ‘Chhara’ for about 4 Km. Art and craft exhibition was held with the theme “Galaxy of Creative Art”

on, 27 th October on the PTM day.

e Art and Craft exhibition was inaugurated by the School Principal Rev. Fr. Deepak Kindo in the kind presence

of three distinguished judges Mr Khemchand, Mr.Narayan, Mr Mukesh Yadane. Fr principal welcomed the

judges with saplings.

8 th December 2018 witnessed the mega event e.i. that was the ‘Annual Parents’ Day with the theme

“Extravaganza of Colours – Har rang kuch kehta hai” amidst great zest, vibrancy and elation, honorable

Deepender Hooda M.P Rohtak graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and honorable Geeta Bhukhal M.L.A

Jhajjar was the Guest of Honour. Among other dignitaries present were Rev. Fr. Deepak Kindo, e Principal,

Rev. Fr. Nobit the Vice- Principal, Bro. Ambrose, the Supervisor, Fr. Jas the, Episcopal Vicar of Delhi

Arch-diocese, Sr. Anjela FMCK Provincial Superior and many others. e programme commenced with the

lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries.


e power of imagination makes us infinite. Saint Francis De

Sales School, Seraikella, has achieved the status of one of the most

preferred institutions of the place. e session of 2018-19 was a

great year and we consider it a moment of pride to showcase all the achievements of the school, staff and the


Excellence in academics is the hallmark of a good institution and the class X results of the school prove that our

students have made us proud. Bhudev Parit was the school topper achieving 95.8%. e credit of the excellent

performance is attributed to a number of new initiatives undertaken by the school.

To provide a conducive environment, the students are mentored to participate in a variety of competitions.

Mermier Day Football tournament was conducted in SFS School, Seraikella and won the second position. Our

students participated in Inter- School Quiz competition held in K.V.P.S.D.S. Girls High school, Seraikella and we

got the Runners- up trophy in both junior as well as senior group. On Independence Day, our students

participated in the cultural event held in Town Hall and bagged the First prize.

We have Nine clubs from classes 4 to 10 to develop a variety of skills and bring out creativity. e students

organized a Donation Drive for Kerala flood victims, to show their charitable demeanour.

Constant improvement is the key to success. We have introduced a few infrastructural developments such as

second floor construction, children’s park, boundary wall around the school. We had a special awareness

programme for girls in our school.

We celebrated the feast of our Founder Fr. Peter Mary Mermier and our patron, St. Francis De Sales. e students

presented beautiful programmes.

On 12 th November, we celebrated our Annual Parents’ Day on the theme ‘Odyssey’. e Chief Guest of the

programme was Mr. Chavi Ranjan, IAS, Deputy Commissioner Seraikella-Kharswan District. e Guest of

Honour was Rev. Fr. Augustine Topno, Administrator of Jamshedpur Diocese. We had a spectacular stage show.

e audience were dazzled by the wonderful performances of our young stars.

e Annual Sports Day was held on 12 th January with great zeal and excitement. e Chief Guest was Mr. Pankaj

Kumar Singh, Commandant, CRPF.

We thank Almighty for all the benevolence showered upon us and pray that the coming year brings abundant



“The more difficult

the victory, the greater

the happiness in winning”


Sports and games are the most happening thrills of life. ey teach us

qualities like dedication, leadership and discipline. It is a fact that any

kind of exercise is good not only for one’s body but for their spirit too.

At St. Mary’s High School, Jalna we lay special focus on awakening

the sportive talent of our students. To celebrate the spirit of team

work the Annual Sports Meet 2018-19 was organized at St. Mary’s

with a great real, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. e

programme began with the welcome of the dignitaries Mr. Ashok

Gaikwad, the Vice Chairman of PTA and Mrs. Ujjwala Bhandari,

the Joint Secretary of PTA 2018-19. Fr. Shijumon the principal

administered the oath followed by a special prayer to commence the

event. e St. Marians mesmerized the spectators by their thrilling presentation of welcome dance. e awesome

techniques and different formation made the audience spellbound.

e Olympic torch was led by the best athletes of the school Aniket Walke, Tejasvini Walke, Vidhi Biyani and

Nandini Kakde. Sports drills were displayed by the students of class 5 to 7 on the theme of patriotism, martial arts

using various sports equipments. Sports events like frog race, 50 -meter, 100

-meter relay race and some funny games gave an opportunity to the students

to showcase their strength, agility, unity, will power and team work in vario

-us forms.

e school Principal Fr. Shijumon congratulated the winners and

expressed gratitude towards the dignitaries and parents for their

gracious presence and support.

Report By Mrs. Sarita Amrute


World filled with Knowledge

World is filled with Knowledge

Of Various things of the Universe,

Variety of people you’ll see

Studying nature’s different kinds

Why one is deaf and the other is blind

Which make us bend before Almighty’s knees

e world is filled with knowledge

From one edge to the other on our body

Dwell on the words of the religious holy

Which gives for life strong message?

We broke our head on Concepts

And learnt moods of nature

Feelings and Passions of ages

Left on us cravings for better future

My Teacher,

My Inspiration..

Teaching is leaving a vestige of one’s

self in the development of another.

And surely the student is a bank

where you deposit your most

precious treasures.

Ms. Pranjal Surve,

Class VIII

A Wonderful teacher

With a special gift for learning

A heart that deeply cares,

A harbinger of love and care

You add a lot of love

You mean a lot to us.

You never know how much.

You helped

To change the world

rough every life you touched.

You sparked the creativity

In students whom you taught,

And helped them strive for goals

at could not be bought,

You are such a special teacher

at no words can truly tell

How much you’re valued

For the work you do so well.

Ms. Anjali Mangnale, Class X

My teachers have shown me the path full of values. ey endowed

me with the treasure of knowledge in my mind and impacted my

heart. As the head girl of the school, I thank all my teaches for

making us to know, to love and to serve.

Ms. Kagne Harshita, Class IX


St. John’s High School, is a thriving co-educational State-Board school, located in the heart of Nagpur. We provide

high quality education to over three thousand students aged between 4 to 16.

Our enrolment has an upward trend, reaching, nearly a thousand- nine hundred students this year as more and

more parents flock to this temple of learning making St. John’s as the first choice for their wards.

e school is a warm and happy one with a philosophy firmly grounded in positive education with well- being at

the very heart of all we do. Our mission of ‘Aim High’, perfectly captures the ethos of this great school, where

students thrive in a nurturing yet challenging environment- able to achieve the best possible educational outcomes

and to flourish as individuals during the experience.

We set standards and goals for ourselves and strive to achieve them- be it in the area of academics, sports,

discipline, leadership and more. Various co-curricular activities are held under different clubs to develop a child

physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas. Regular club-activities are held

in which the students participate and display their calibre.

It is the magnificence of this great institution that has brought stardom to

our school. It was none other than the Superstar Mr. Amitabh Bachchan

who inaugurated and witnessed the phenomenal exhibition coined

‘Big B @ 76’ put up by the budding artists from all over Asia at

St. John’s High School.

By Mrs. Mamta Jadhav









Gyan Mata Vidya Vihar high school is the pioneer of education in Nanded, Maharashtra. Since 32 years our

institute catered entities with for excellent education. e school instituted in the year 1987 in a mini school

building and aggrandize with time. is institution is well known in the region for imparting education and its

infrastructure. To add another feather in the cap, a new wing is constructed adjacent to the old building.e

modernistic architecture is double storey. ere are classrooms on the lower level. ese classroom are well

equipped with interactive white boards, bulletin boards and has proper teaching learning ambience.

e captivating construction has many stairs leading to the upper level, that has modernized auditorium with all

the essential aminities. e auditorium is fully air conditioned to provide adequate cooling even at the maximum

point of gathering. It has a ramping arrangement of seats to give a clear view to the audience. It has good acoustics

to allow sound to travel naturally for a long distance. It has a big stage with motorized curtain system. Green

rooms are behind the stage. To reduce the hassels caused by surprise power-cuts a generator in installed for the

backup. As per the norms of the government it also has a fire-fighting system. is auditorium has the potential

to hast vivid events and seminars. We Gyan Matians are eagerly waiting for the inauguration of the auditorium.

e quantum leap in infrastructure would take Gyan Mata to new heights. I land and express my gratitude

towards MSFS organization and Rev. Fr. Provisional Fr.Muttuswamy,who initiative to contruct such massive

furnished hall. I pray almighty God to bestow his blessings on MSFS organization and all the people associated to

them. May they continue the noble work of imparting education and strengthening lives.


SFS Degree College, Aalo, Arunachal Pradesh

SFS College, Aalo established in the year 2007 is permanently affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, AP

and Recognized under 2(F) & 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. Over the years it has become one of the best Hr.

Educational institutions in the state. In this academic year 2018-19 there are 407 students on the roll. Every year

college gets good result including many top ten ranks. Last year there were ten tanks including god medal for

political science.

College is known for organizing various co-curricular extracurricular activities and extension program for the

overall growth of the students. Some of the activities that the college organised are the following:

National Seminar Organized

e English Department’s National Seminar was organised by Centre for

Research, Department of English, SFS College, in collaboration with

FAsCE India, Guwahati on 26 th and 27 th of October 2018 on the topic

“Voice and Silence in Indian English Literature”.


e Chief Guest for the inaugural function was

SahityaAkademi Awardee Shri Yeshi Dorjee Tongchi.

Key note address was given by Dr. Rama Prasad Biswas,

Assam University, Silchar.

A good number of papers were presented from both

within and outside Arunachal Pradesh. Technical

sessions were chaired by Dr. Rama Prasad Biswas,

Assam University, Silchar, Dr. Miazi Hazam, Rajiv

Gandhi University, Dr. R Sughathan, NEFTU,

Dr.Chandan Kumar Panda,Rajiv Gandhi University.

National Conference on Substance Use and Abuse

On 16 th March, 2019, the department conducted its

first ever National Conference in collaboration with

FasCE India. e theme for the National Conference

was “Substance Use and Abuse: Implications and

Societal Response”. e Chairpersons for the technical

sessions were Dr. Bino omas, NIMHANS, Bangalore

and Dr. Fr. Joseph K S, Don Bosco University. e day

was successful with a very good interaction between the

students, Paper presenters and the resource persons.

National Conference on Substance Use and Abuse

SFS College, Aalo organized the 3 rd Commencement Ceremony of the graduating batch of 2019. e functioned

was graced by the presence of Prof. Saket Kushuwaha, Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, as the

chief Guest, Shri. Jummar Basaar, SP, West Siang, Aalo as the Guest of Honour and Rev. Fr. Emmanuel MT,

Regional superior of Dibrugrah Region of MSFS as the special guest besides many other dignitaries including the

parents of the graduating students. 153 students participated in the function. Prof. Kushuwaha encouraged

students to have clear vision for their future and work hard to achieve it. During the function many awards were

presented like best staff of the year and best student of the year which were won by Miss. Monalisha Bora and Miss.

Tokyo Siram respectively.

Fransalian scholarship for meritorious students consisting of cash prize and certificate of merit were also given

away to 45 students who secured above 60 % marks for the semester exam.


Faculty Development Programme

Empowering the human resource, so to say the teachers, and

enhancing their skills and potential is the way that SFS sets its

wheels on progress.

Providing the maximum exposure to them through orientation

programmes and motivational sessions has become the way of

SFS in empowering and ennobling them over the years.

Mr Anjan Chowdhury, the founder director of Indian Skills Academy, Guwahati, helped the participants to

enhance their performance as teachers through sessions on “Behavioural Remodeling for classroom delivery of

teachers” on the first four days.

And Mr Saumyajit Choudhury, the founder-director of SkillGym (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, trained the

teachers through effective use of ICT tools for classroom delivery on the last two days.

e whole FDP was conducted by Electronics & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati, under Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India.

A total of 54 teachers participated in the training. “ese were days of sound investment of time, energy and

resource, great learning, immense exposure, deeper understanding and genuine revelation...,” expressed a

participant teacher speaking about the six-day Faculty Development Programme.

DeSalite Cultural & Literary Competitions - 2019

DeSalite Inter SFS School Cultural & Literary Competitions - 2019 was

held at SFS School & Jr. College, Dhemaji, on May 04, 2019. Organised

by Fransalian Board of Education, Upper Assam, the competitions

comprised of five events; namely, Prepared Speech in Jr. & Sr. categories,

Quiz, Group Song and Cinematic Group Dance. e competitions were

well participated by all the five Fransalian Schools of Upper Assam and

closely fought as every participant was one better than the other in their

performance. SFS School, Dhemaji, emerged the champions and Don

Bosco School, Silapathar, and Christ King School, Gogamukh, became

the First Runners Up and Second Runners Up respectively.


Republic Day 2019

On 26 th January 2019, SFS celebrated the 70 th Republic Day evoking the feeling of patriotism in the hearts and

minds of all present there. e students performed various programmes such as patriotic songs and dances

dedicating it to the motherland. Rev. Father George Panthanmackel was welcomed and honoured as the Chief

Guest of the day. e march past was led by the NCC, scouts and guides saluting the nation. e day reminded

us about the numerous sacrifices made by our fighters to build a stronger India.

CIC Model United Nation 2019 at SFS

e morning of 11 th January 2019 marked the start of the Corporate Industrial

Conclave Model United Nation 2019. e event started with the arrival of the

chief guest Mr Satyakee D’Com Bhuyan. Rev Father George omas, in his

speech, said that this was indeed a great opportunity for the students of SFS and

all others to become better citizens of tomorrow. is was followed by the

inspiring speech of the chief guest.

It was a two day event with a total of 6 committees and nearly 160 delegates. e standard of debating was set very

high and the delegates maintained the same level throughout the programme. e delegates were well prepared and

the first timers were in awe of it all. ere were many prizes given out but the most coveted ones were the trophies.

Gurukul Grammar School won the best Delegation Award with 19 individual prizes. St Francis de Sales School

bagged the most promising delegation trophy.

e programme came to an end with a beautiful show organised by the organising committee. With hard work

and determination, this event was something nobody envisaged of.

e 4 th Inter School Karate Tournament

e 4 th Inter School Karate Tournament, organised by SFS, Narangi,

under GOKKAA, India, was held in the premises of the school on 24 th

March 2019. ere were about 174 participants from schools in and

around Guwahati.

e parents of the participants were in awe of the talent possessed by their

wards and the pride was quite visible. SFS won the first prize trophy with

8 gold, 10 silver and 9 bronze medals. ey have done the school proud

once again.


Inauguration of School Extension

A long cherished dream of St. Francis De Sales School, Bahalpur, Assam, was materialised on 18 th February 2019

with the inauguration and blessing of the extension of school building. Inauguration of the Annual Sports of the

school on the same day added colour to the occasion.

e new school building was inaugurated by Fr. George Panthanmackal along with Fr. Sabu Francis, Mr. Joachim

and Christina from Germany. e guests were received by the school band after which the inauguration and

blessing of the new building took place.

e building was blessed by Fr. George Panthanmackel,

Provincial of North East India Province. After blessing

and inauguration of the building, the inauguration of

the annual sports and games along with felicitation of

the guests were held.

Fr. Biju Kanichery, the Principal of the school, while

welcoming the guests, thanked Fr. George

Panthanmackel, the Provincial for the help in making

the extension of the new building. e ground floor of

the new building serves as the administrative block

while the first and second floor have six each

classrooms. e program was attended by many parents

and students of the school.


Academic Excellence Award 2019

SFS School Pasighat was awarded with annual excellence award-2019 for the academic performance in class X

CBSE Exam 2019 in a function organized by the Academic Board, Adi Bane Kebang at the Convention Hall,

College of Horticulture and Forestry Central Agriculture University, Pasighat.

Mr Taba Tebir, the Minister of Education, Govt of Arunnachal Pradesh, presented the best School Award among

the Private School category to St. Francis de Sales School (SFS School), Pasighat, East Siang District, for the

outstanding performance in the field of academics in AISSE 2019.

Vana Mahotsav Celebration

Vana Mahotsav is an annual tree planting movement in India which began in the year

1950. It has gained significant, national importance and every year millions of saplings

are planted all across India in observation of Van Mahotsav week. It is generally celebrated

in the first week of July.

On 6th of July, SFS School, Pasighat, observed Vana Mahotsav in the school. Class 7, 8, 9

and 10 brought flower pots as part of the celebration. A house wise collection of plants

and flower pots was conducted as a competition, awarding points. Students exhibited their creativity by decorating

the notice boards as well.

Capacity Building Programme

A Capacity building program on social science subject was held at St. Francis de Sales School, Pasighat, Arunachal

Pradesh, on Aug 08 & 09, 2019. Ms. Anisha Roy, Vice Principal of Little Star School, Digboi, Assam, the resource

person authorised by the CBSE conducted the programme.

Fifteen Social Science teachers from seven schools around Pasighat attended the training. Ms. Roy guided the

participants through innovative ways of teaching the subject with a lot of proficiency and preparedness. e

participants all were enthusiastic

and energetic during the

two-day Program.


Christ King High School, Gogamukh, emerged the overall champions, for the third consecutive year, in the

Interschool Sports Meet of Gogamukh region, organised by All Assam Students Union (AASU) from March 9 to

11, 2019.

e All Assam Students Union organises the interschool sports competition every year in Gogamukh and many

schools of the area participate in the same. Around twenty five schools took part in the event this year. ere are

various sports events such as athletics and games conducted in which students participate actively with a lot of


Established in 1982, Christ King High School Gogamukh, has been a source of quality education for students of

the area. More than three thousand students have successfully completed their high school education through this

institution and it is now a prominent school in the vicinity of Gogamukh.

Begun with just 37 students on the roll, there is a total of 1800 children studying in the school at present. e school

achieves 100% result in the Class X Board exams year after year. e school caters to different communities and

tribes of the area such as Mishings, Bodos, Adivasis, Assamese and Nepalis.


SFS HIGH SCHOOL, TELAM established in the year 1982, is situated in a small hamlet called Telam. It took

years for the institution to take a proper shape and grow as a premier institution of the area. Telam still remains an

underdeveloped village and has a tiny town. e school caters to the needs of the students in Telam and its

surrounding areas. Beginning with 20 students in its inception and to reach an enrolment of 800 was a painstaking

growth and slow, yet steady.

e school witnessed various activities during the course of the academic year apart from the regular teaching and

learning experiences.

Inter - SFS Schools football tournament

e first ever Inter-SFS Schools football tournament of the

north-east India province was held at Don Bosco School, Silapathar

on the 16 th & 17 th of March 2019. It was a great contest and being

the first ever such tournament of the province, it had its excitement

and newness. All the schools that participated had produced their

best efforts and performances. It was an honor for SFS School,

Telam to be the champions and to lift the championship trophy. e

hard work of the mentors as well as of the students paved way to achieving such a feat.

ematic Assemblies

e school is regular in conducting theme based assemblies to promote knowledge,

awareness and action. Every class chooses a theme; banners based on it and carry out a useful

activity to spread in action the theme that they have chosen during the course of the day or

week. Its bearing fruit as close interaction and action happens between teachers and students

and among students themselves. It also promotes social commitment to the students.






SFS School Gangapur City had its humble beginning in a

rented building at Saloda mode, Ganagapur city in 2001.

Since then it has an educative mission with special favor for

the lower middle class and the poor. e school is open to

all, irrespective of caste and creed. rough the years and

through a diversity of projects, the Fransalian focus has

always been “Service to youth” according to the pedagogy

and the spirit of Fr. Mermeir the founder. Within 19 years

we have become a full fledged school, with the strength of

the school always fluctuating. e school has so far sent 11

batches for H.S.C Examinations and witnessed always cent (100) percentage results. It has sent 8 batches for S.S.C

EXAMS and witnessed 100% results four years and 94% results for next 4 years anks to the hard work put in by

the dedicated staff. For all round development of the child, due importance is always given to co-curricular and

extra curricular activities. e school celebrates special days dedicated to the leaders, festivals, culture, teachers,

children and so on. Our students also participate in various competitions conducted by the various organizations

like, SOF Olympiad, CBSE TOURNAENTS, RBSE, competitive exams and CBCI NATIONAL LEVEL QUIZ

COMPETITIONS. Sports and games hold a special place in this school. e school celebrated its Annual Fiesta

with the theme let me glow and grow this year

Unnecessary pressures are placed on the children by the parents who are Under the influence of coaching centres.

e coaching classes have become ubiquitous in the lives of GANGAPUR CITY students as Kota stands with its

imperial power of coaching centers in large number. e students whom we groom and nurture, when they are

about to bloom in SFS they are drawn towards the coaching centers. is makes our teachers’ hardwork go in vain.

In today’s competitive world where a lot of importance is given only to the academic performance. We also need to

inculcate moral values in students. We pay special attention towards the same.

By. Fr. L. Jesudass MSFS


Bishop’s pastoral visit to Hindaun mission

e 25 th January 2019, was a day of joy and celebration at St. Francis de sales school kanchroli, Rajasthan. On that

day the Bishop of Jaipur His grace most Rev. Oswald Lewis had visited our school. e newly constructed building

was blessed and inaugurated on 8 th September 2018, by Rev. Fr. Jayaseelan selvaraj, MSFS, Provincial superior of

Pune Province. e Bishop of Jaipur Oswald Lewis could not attend that inaugural function, due to his busy

schedule and other commitments later he made it a point to visit the newly constructed school building at Hindaun,

Rajasthan. He was given official welcome by Fr. Michael Msfs and Fr. Naveen Msfs during the school assembly and

Fr. Michael introduced the bishop to the teachers and students. e Bishop joined for the school assembly and

prayed for the staff, student and the growth of institution. In the school assembly Bishop Oswald Lewis advised the

student to be a good citizen of India. He told the

student that school is a temple of learning; it is

the place where we get knowledge through

teachers. And also it is the place where you learn

the good moral values through value education.

He also emphasized that each student has a talent

and potential to excel in every field. He advised

the student to make use of the opportunity given

in the school.


S.F.S. School with a difference and striving towards excellence

It is said that; winners don’t do different things: they do things differently.

To make this concept a reality we the management staff and students carried out different curricular and

extra-curricular activities differently especially last one and half years. By the grace of God St. Francis de Sales High

school, Tirwade, Kadgaon reached its 11th successful years of its existence. At this juncture we the management

have undertaken and carried out lot of developmental programmes and projects to increase excellence both in

academic and infrastructure wise.

Academic excellence:

Consequently for the past 4 years the 10 th STD batch achieved

100 % results.

For the first time 5 girls in our school crossed more than 90% in the

board exam last academic year.

Discipline and cleanliness minsters have been introduced along with

the student’s council at our school.

Extra-Curricular achievements:

Two full days orientation was organized for the teaching staff on PDP (Personality Development Programe)

From last year, SFS Inter School Marathi Elocution competition is being held on a grand scale in memory of our

patron St. Francis de Sales. Around 20 to 25 schools participate in the same.

Besides these, various activities and competitions are held in order to encourage our students and teachers during

the academic year. Grandparent’s day and Women’s day are highlights of our school.

Master. Purvang Jadhav from 6 th STD won 3 rd place in Judo Tournament and secured Bronze medal in Kolhapur

District level.

Master. Dig Vijay from 7 th STD Won first place and a gold medal at Taluka level in Wrestling Tournament.


Repairs – Renovation & Modifications:

From this academic year transport facilities are made available to promote more admissions from rural set up.

In order to create a conducive atmosphere, good ambience and to maintain the stability of the building painting

works have been carried out thus given a brand new look to the structure.

In order that students may have an access to a safe and hygienic drinking water an Aqua Guard (50 Ltrs) has

been installed.

To have better communication and to impart knowledge and information about the current events we have

installed a speaker in each class for announcements and daily assemblies.

We have upgraded our School by introducing E – learning system by installing 12 LED’s (TV) in each class.

We have displayed SFS/ Founder’s and Salesian thoughts on the walls.

A new library is set up.

Dance class is started from this academic year.

A new AV room is set up with a new projector.

Today we are catering to almost 480 students who are from backward and rural set up. ough it’s a mission

school we are blessed with all the facilities required for a school. us our school is the talk of the town because

of our quality education, best infrastructure and overall development of the students.

By. Fr. Leo James T


Independence Day

St. Francis De Sales High School, Nallasopara East celebrated 73 rd Independence Day with full enthusiasm, thrill

and vigor. e program commenced with a short prayer on the school ground at 7.00 a.m. ereafter the national

tricolor flag was unfurled and national anthem was sung in chorus followed by pledge and oath. e Chief Guest

Miss Manali Patil, the S.S.C Topper of 2018-19 batch graced the occasion by hoisting the flag and delivering her

speech glorifying the sacrifices of freedom fighters. In continuation, the Principal of the school Rev. Fr. Paul

Sagayam gave his official speech on Independence, elaborating every child’s duty towards self and the nation.

To infuse the spirit of patriotism in every heart, Patriotic songs were sung by 2 groups. On the occasion of

Independence Day, Government had under taken an activity for “Child Protection and eir Rights”. Based on this

topic oath was administered to bring awareness regarding Child Protection and their Rights. To carry forward the

message of Child Protection a rally was conducted to bring in awareness among the people. Students in large

number moved out of the school and took to the streets shouting the slogans like “Child is meant to learn and not

to earn, Show child love and care, Child labor is just not fair, Let children earn knowledge not money” etc. Great

many residents of Nallasopara witnessed the rally.

After the rally the students dispersed with sweets. All were happy and delighted on this auspicious occasion greeting

“Happy Independence Day”. Program thus ended at 8.15 a.m


Healthy food for sure is the prerequisite for a healthy life. Among many other factors, food does come across as a major

constituent of not just healthy life but a happy and fulfilling life.

“Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or those plants absorb in order to maintain life and


is is how the basic definition of food goes.On the contrary, today we live in a world where food has not just failed to

contribute to a healthy life but has become a major cause of unhealthy life.

Food has Become Poison: “Food” essentially meant that which nourishes and strengthens the living being. But today, it has

become the major cause of sicknesses. Most of the life threatening diseases of humanity are food related. Food has become

poison. Two common most diseases that are growing in an extremely alarming rate in the world, especially, in the Indian

Subcontinent are Diabetes and Cancer. Both of these are directly connected food. e intake of more of unhealthy food and

very less of active life style and exercise contributes to this menace. In such a context taking time to reflect on the topic,

‘Healthy food, Healthy Life’, is noteworthy.

What is healthy food? If the very definition of food refers to something that is meant to nourish and strengthen us, where did

this ‘Unhealthy Food,’ come from? What made it unhealthy?And what is healthy food then? e answer to this kind of

question is not something impossible to find but very less reflected upon or even asked.

Sight Vs Taste : Today no one judges the quality of the food based on how healthy it is to the body and mind. Today we go

by sight not by what is right. If something looks colourful or attractive we go for it without even judging how healthy it is,

whether it has a nourishing effect or perishing effect upon the consumer. We are brain washed by media and advertisements,

whose focus is not our health but money. Our eyes are captivated by the ads that we watch and we start consuming those food

materials gradually. From the tradition of testing food quality by eating an ounce of it, we have moved to testing its quality

based on how it looks. But is it our mouth or our eyes that eat the food? is is a major question we need to reflect on. What

is beautiful need not be tasty and healthy. is is the major precaution we need to keep in mind.

Hotel Vs Home : When food is made at home, along with the regular ingredients added to give taste to food are added lots of

emotional ingredients of love, care and concernto ensure that the food is healthy as well. It’s not just a vague mixture of only

masala and raw food materials but a mixture that makesthe meal special and healthy.When the food is made, our parents, near

and dear ones give utmost care to ensure, cleanliness, taste, right proportion of everything, to add not just taste but health.

ey don’t just add any amount of oil, masala, or any colour, chemical to add more taste, better look etc.

ey would probably compromise on taste but not health. On the other hand, the food that we get from Hotels does not come

with the mixture of love and care nor with the guarantee of right proportion of oil, masala, etc.

Moreover, no one serves a personalized meal i.e.,according to the health, choice, taste preferences and necessity of each

individual. Food is not customized according to individual needs. We really don’t have any choice over the amount of sugar,

salt, oil, masala, ghee, butter, cheese, etc., added to the food served. ey might add any proportion of fat, oil, masala,

chemicals etc., in order to increase its appeal and sale rate.

Commercial Vs Customised - Careful : On the other hand, when a mom or dad or a dear one cooks food for us, they prepare

a customized meal according to each individual need. If someone has diabetes, making sure to control the intake of sugar,

cholesterol reducing the fatty substances etc. Because it is not just made to make money but made to make lives, made to

sustain growth and energy.

Today everything has become a business. Food industry is a very big business. So the focus of everyone has become not serving

a healthy food but making maximum money. e height of this corrupt practice can be well understood from the recent

advertisements played on TV. Mom handing over the mobile with the food app, in order to keep herself glued to the TV, So

that the child can order one’s desired food, while she could be glued to the TV undisturbed. is is the idea that the

advertisement tries to convey. How degrading of the high standards of family values that we upheld so high so long.

Cooking was never considered a burden in the families. It was always considered a well-loved hobby and commitment to

family and friends that every parent and near and dear ones enjoyed doing. ey always took so much happiness when we used

to happily relinquish their preparations. An app cannot give what a mother can do. ere is nothing like mommy’s food.ere

is nothing like Daddy’s food as well. Homemade food is healthy food; mommy’s food is yummy food.

To conclude, we can’t eat food through eyes but only through the mouth. erefore, quality is not in the colour but care in the

making.So to live healthy let’s eat healthy, to eat healthy let’s eat at home. Homemade food is healthy food. Let’s not

commercialise what contributes to growth and nourishes and nurtures – ‘food’. Live healthy live happy, live happy live healthy.

Fr. Tony Prem Aanand MSFS, Manager.


With the beginning of this academic year a new chapter was carved on the annuals of Missionaries of St. Francis de

Sales, Pune Province. As its mission unit in Nallasopara gave birth to a new High School in Nallasopara West. Until

last year the Primary school was officially in the west and the secondary school was in the East. Children used to do

their Primary Schooling in the West and do their Secondary schooling in the East. In the year 2017 the old building

of the Primary School was destroyed and a new School building was constructed in the West by Veteran, Pioneering

Missionary of this mission, Fr. Joe Rebello and consequently permissions for two separate schools were sought and

with this academic year two full-fledged schools officially started functioning in Nallasopara. One in the East and

one in the West.

is has brought a lot of happiness to the students and parents of both west and east, as they are no longer have to

commute between east and west. is allows the East children to study in the East and the West Children study in

the West school, cutting short by a large extend their time, money and energy that they need to spend on traveling

from one side to another.

e school in the west has started on a very positive note and lots of activities both curricular and extracurricular are

conducted in order that the school caters to the all-round development of the students. e school management

appreciates the efforts of the Provincial administration and the contribution of all the confreres who made it

possible. Let us keep this institute in our prayers that it journeys a long way in building the lives of people in this

area and ensuring the education of the heart.


SFS School Pune – A New Beginning

When we think of renewal we often think of rebirth; something old dies and something new is born. When problems and

failure seems to be hanging on, unwilling to give way to success, we can still begin to think about what we can do to renew

ourselves and to make anew.

We at SFS School Pune strive to keep our vision alive to build ‘A holistic society of compassionately human, spiritually

enlightened, intellectually awakened, professionally skilled, socially committed and culturally integrated persons based on the

values as lived and taught by Jesus Christ and followed by St. Francis De Sales and thus march towards our mission of

equipping the younger generation with needed life-skills to become catalyst of social transformation, votaries of national

integration & ambassadors of universal brotherhood.

To achieve the best result year after year we need great dedicated teachers. With the sole purpose of updating teachers'

knowledge, the school hosted a series of Teachers' Workshops. It was an attempt which inclusively engulfed various significant

aspects of teaching and life skills. We are indeed proud to declaim that Mr. Mukund Sing Negi our Physical Education teacher

has been nominated for the ‘Shikshan Gaurav Puraskar’ by the Pune Zilla Parishad Education Department and will be

awarded as ‘Adarsh Shikshak’ on 5th September 2019.

To motivate students to endeavor for better and deeper understanding of facts so as to enhance their reasoning, analytical and

problem solving skills we conducted various Olympiads. Our students also appeared for Maharashtra and National talent

Search Exam. Many of our students participated in Music Olympiad initiated by Maharashtra Government and excelled at

state level.

Our Under-17 Girls rowball Team brought glory to the school as they brought home the SFS Interschool Girls U-17

rowball Championship Trophy beating the defending champions Nirmala Convent High School, Pune in straight sets

demonstrating a stunning spectacle of skills and determination. With gritty performance at the Zilla Parishad tournament 4

of our girls were selected for the Maharashtra State Under-17 rowball Team to play at the National Level. OurUnder-14

Boys Basketball two of our students represented the Pune District Boys Basketball Team at the District championship.

Talented inline skater Aryan Bhavsar is worth mentioning who won loads of medals at various inter-school skating

tournaments in the past year amongst other students who succeeded in bringing glory to the school in different sports.

Pune’s fastest boy Sprinter Sujal Tathe scripted history for our school by becoming the first student from St. Francis De Sales

School to reach the National level as he clinched silver medal in both the Boys Under-14 100m and 200m Run events in the

State School Athletics Championship.

Towards the end, I thank the supportive management whose continuous support to

our ideology of education has enabled the school to come this far. Teachers and the

entire staff members also deserve applause for their tireless efforts in implementing

the route map of imparting quality education.


A New Beginning with a Fresh ought brings Growth and Maturity in everyone...

St. Joseph High School, Kurla (W) began its new academic year with zest and zeal in the month of June. Having in

mind that the purpose of the Fransalian Educational Institution is not a mere academic focus that it also aims at

educating the young heart with moral values and principles to be better citizen of the country and a fitting member

of the society wherever one lives. In order to fulfil this objective and the vision of the School, we planned out various

activities for the year on various occasions. e investiture ceremony instilled in the heart of the students a sense of

responsibility that they have in the smooth running of the school and their shared-duty to maintain discipline and

cleanliness in hand with the teachers. We would be happy to highlight couple of major activity that we initiated this

year. Firstly to name, celebrating one day as Eco Day in a grand scale with enactments, songs and dance on the

importance of Ecology; special assembly too was organized praying for the nature and ending with planting trees.

Another event of this year was to inaugurate English Literature Day in loving memory of Rev. Fr. P. J. Mendes, the

pioneer of Kurla mission and the founder of St. Joseph High School, Kurla. is day was initiated as a day to

acknowledge and honour the great work and the contribution that Late Fr. P. J. Mendes has made to the

congregation. His humility coupled with piety and perseverance was highlighted during this day. An inter-school

competition was organized on this day for various categories and the sense of perseverance to achieve feat of success

was emphasized. e winners were awarded with trophies and certificates. ese events have given the staff and

students a good beginning and many more activities are lined up for the year. All these activities are oriented towards

implanting in the mind of the students a sense of importance of language and culture and not just to remain

technocratic. We work together to achieve growth and maturity from the well-begun academic year.

Investiture Ceremony

Primary Section

Secondary Section

Primary Section

eco club day

Secondary Section






SFS Matriculation School, Perumbakkam celebrated its decennial celebration with unprecedented fanfare on March

5, 2019 at the school premises. e celebrations commenced at 5 pm, with the blessing and inauguration of the two

additional class rooms by Very Rev. Fr. K. Ignacimuthu MSFS, e Provincial Superior of South-East Province. e

school was decorated elegantly. A grand stage had been set up with professional sound system and LED Screen.

Rev. Fr. J. Savarimuthu, the Principal, delivered the welcome speech and invited Rev. Fr. K. Ignacimuthu MSFS,

e Provincial of South-East Province, the chief guest, on to the dais. He was given a floral welcome before he

inaugurated the program. In his address, he also invited the Guests of Honor, Mr. A. Anandan, the DEO of

Villupuram, Rev. Sr. Jothy, e Provincial of CSST, Villupuram, Rev. Fr. A. Luckas, Mr. Stephen, Director of GICE,

Mr. Raphael, e PRO of Transport Department, Mr. Madhan Er

Prizes were given away to the toppers and other students who had brought laurels to the school in various

competitions and contests. Addressing on the occasion Rev. Fr. K. Ignacimuthu MSFS, e Provincial of South-East

Province, lauded and praised the school for raising the educational standard in the village. He also assured the

gathering, that after duly fulfilling all the legal implications, the proposed new wing will be constructed at the

earliest. e DEO was very much appreciative of the service, rendered by the Fathers, in this locality.

After the formal functions, the Cultural Event was diligently organized. e performances opened with a group

dance by the KG students. e students presented mesmerizing cultural events such as dances, plays, yoga

demonstration, taekwondo demonstration, mime, etc. All the students participated in the program.

e Correspondent, Rev. Fr. P. S. Joseph, thanked the

chief-guest, dignitaries, and parents for having spared their

time to attend the function; he also thanked students,

teachers, and the Principal for organizing the function

successfully. e audience’s attendance was around 2500.


It gives us immense Joy and happiness to share in the Fransalian Edu times International about our SFS school in

Sendurai in Dindigul district. We envisage and we would like to realise the dreams of our Founder Rev. Fr. Peter

Marie Mermier in educating the poorest of the poor in this locality. e inspiration we receive from our heavenly

patron St. Francis de Sales enables us to be optimistic in molding and educating the young minds of the children.

e academic year 2018 – 2019 has thrown on us a lot of challenges and called us to be more and deeply

committed. Our school gives special care and attention for all the children especially the slow learners. We foster

innovations and creativity not only in bringing up the academic excellence of the students but also in catering the

various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We the management and staff strive to bring about a holistic

and all around formation of the students.

Academic and Co-curricular Activities

e farmer who sows expects a good harvest. We had toiled and worked

hard for a good result in 10 th Std exam. We are extremely happy to say that

we have achieved cent present result in the SSLC Public examination and

scored highest marks in this locality. roughout the year, quite number of

various academic competitions were conducted to bring out the hidden

talents of the students. Various activities in the educational curriculum

sought by the different Literary association were conducted within the

school premises.

Science Exhibition

Blooming and future scientists from SFS exhibited their talents through their models in school level competitions.

e children were well prepared and they themselves explained the exhibits. We were astonished of their

performances. Many parents appreciated our exhibition through their valuable presence and positive comments.

Colours Day

LKG and UKG Children celebrated their Orange and Red colours day. On that day all the teachers and KG

students wore the respective colours and participated in the event Joyfully.


“Go Green to Glow”

Our Motto remains the same to protect and leave the nature for the future generation. that is - “Go Green to Glow”.

We invited a renowned Social activist and a researcher on Sea Turtles, Human Migration of Tamil Community and

on Kumari Kandam, namely Mr. Orissa Balu, who stressed the need of the modern world to plant trees to save the

earth from global warming. He too demonstrated how to plant a tree in tropical areas using less water and watering

at the root of the plants and trees. To mark this event, the students participated in the Marathon race and the kids

of our SFS school went around in Sendurai, explaining the greenhouse effect through placards, posters and slogans.

Based on our Motto, Education tours and visits were organized for different classes. Our visits to Agricultural

College in Kudumiyanmallai was an eye opener for our students to understand and extent their horizon. e best

form of education consists in visiting many places of historical and geographical importance. All our visits were

enjoyable, informative and become the source of knowledge and learning.

We the SFS in Sendurai strongly believe that through our effort in education we can bring out the best in the

children. We never give up our hope and optimism. Certainly it will bring forth the best result in the years to come.


KBM DESALITES - e Trend Setters

e First and the best three 10 th std batches : “Where there is will, there is a way,” goes the saying. It was certainly

an effective life giving proverb with regard to our 10th std students from the very 1st batch [2016-17] onward. We

acknowledge the divine intervention all through our challenging years and the confidence which teaching faculty

created combined with the great support extended by the management [MSFS fathers] in the community: Namely;

Rev. Fr. J Stephen the Correspondent, Rev. Fr. Martin Anand- the procurator and Rev. Fr. M. Simon Prabu – the

principal. Academic Excellence is the hall mark of SFS MHSS in Kelambakkam. We integrate the value Education

and research based training from the kindergarten onwards. e students are trained to solve their little issues with

regard to food habits, cleanliness training and disciplined life style by respecting one another and recognizing the

contributions received through parents, teachers, and well-wishers. We are happy and proud to announce that our

SFS School stands 1 st in Kelambakkam among other age old learning centers for the past three consecutive years and

last year Desalites (2018-19) achieved the 2nd place in Chengalpet District (10 th std).

SFS MHSS KBM completes its 1 st Decade victoriously from Clay to Wooden 2009-2014 and from Wooden to

Tin 2014-2019. Now marching from Tin to Crystal 2019-2024. e Silver in 2034 is and Golden in 2059. e

journey continues…

Wordsworth English Language Lab:

Our students are introduced this year (2019-20) to English

Language lab with modernized AV computer lab with Smart

board installation for language fluency. English language

communication skills laboratory plays a significant role in

enhancing the English language skills of students. e lab

training is given with the assistance of networked computers

and words worth software. e lab develops among the

students a habit of listening, speaking with accurate

pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation and

rhythm, learning stress pattern, phonetics and grammar.

Both fluent and less fluent students improve their

effectiveness with the help of language lab. [WWELL-Mrs.



remain the foundation envisioned by the visionary conferrers namely the then parish priest Rev. Fr. Edward who

drew courage and strength from the pioneer missionaries Rev. Fr Britto-MSFS[late] and all dedicated and

committed fathers who did the foundational process in our SFS School in and through Kelambakkam Parish

especially in its initial and critical era. is would revive the spirit of our founder Rev. Fr Peter Marie Mermier- the

servant of god who called us to imitate Jesus Christ. We as Fransalians both priests and brothers strive for perfection

and to be at our best in all we do and undertake. Rev. Fr. Amirthanathan – MSFS has taken charge as Procurator

during the academic year 2019-20; we wholeheartedly welcome him and wish him to be part of intellectual

revolution and ignite the minds of Trend Setters (KBM DESALITES).

Present Status of SFS School at Kelambakkam

Management: 3-Priests

Teaching staff: 50

Non-Teaching staff: 25

School Strength: 1653

11 th std – 1st Batch 2019-20

10 th std – 4th Batch

100% result with distinction for past 3-years

eme of the year: “ Rule of Life”

Wordsworth English Language lab installed [ 2019-20]

Decennial year celebration.

Let Jesus Shine

Let Jesus Reign

Let Jesus Come!

By. Fr. M. Simon Prabu MSFS


SFS Matriculation Higher secondary school, Pudukkottai turns Silver with its pride and glory.

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”

John 9:5

“I am the light of the world; he who foows me wi not walk in rkne, but wi have the light of life”

John 8:12

Shine! Let the beacon of light through SFS continue to shine! With immense sense of gratitude and joy, we celebrate

the Silver Jubilee of SFS School, Pudukkottai. We are greatly privileged to look at this magnificent institution as it

stands today with its captivating structure, enhancing facilities, faculty and students strength.

e life of S.F.S. School started with just 16 children in a thatched shed guided by Fr. C. Sebastin Raj, Fr. R. Mathias

shouldered the responsibility in the following year. I st Std was started in the same year and there were 44 children in

total. e first batch of 23 students appeared for their board exam in 2004 and all of them passed the exam with

First Class and in the following year the school was raised to higher secondary school. Fr. Mathias served the school

for 8 years as principal (1996 – 2004). Year by year the strength of the school was increasing. e fame and name of

S.F.S School was spreading fast in the heart of the town.

In 2004, the strength of the school was 1850. It had 60 teachers to animate them. It was at this time that Fr. A.

Lawrence took up the task as its principal. In 2005, Fr. S. Arockiasamy was appointed as the Principal. He installed

many infrastructures such as, new Chemistry, Physics, Computer and audio and video labs. During his tenure the

school was taken to the loftiest heights in the realm of academics. In 2008, he was honoured by the government of

Tamilnadu with the Best Teacher Award. e building too found its extension in the form of Britto and Mermier

Blocks, of which the latter was blessed and inaugurated by the Superior General Rev. Fr. Agnelo Fernandes. In 2010,

the school made history by securing District First in SSLC. Fr. A. Arul Francis became the principal in 2011. Fr. A.

Lawrence took over once again as Principal from the year 2016. anks to the dedicated and relentless commitment

of many Msfs confreres, teachers and the public, it has now grown into a full pledged academic institution catering

to all. Over these years, it has indeed achieved great academic results setting a trend for other institutions.

e world today is under fast transformation due to Information and Technology. e child needs to build up

greater skills like critical thinking, problem solving, learning to communicate effectively etc. Today’s education is not

about acquiring knowledge. It is about a different approach, an approach of the Fransalians, which is to educate the

heart. It is to relate to the students in a different way. Soon the world would be replaced with robots. Children need

to compete with machines and they need to become smarter than these machines. Our children ought to realise and

recognise their uniqueness and individuality as human beings, in confronting the active changes and challenges of

the world around them. Schools play a vital role today in preparing the students to be meaningful and value based

world citizens of tomorrow.

Creating human person, equipped with deeper knowledge of science and humanities, has been the hall mark of our

institution. Greater care is taken to impart knowledge in tune with the needs of the society and changing

circumstances. A quality institution needs to have well established infrastructure. SFS School stands tall in this

aspect. e pre-requisite for any learning is discipline. “God has equipped you to handle difficult things. In fact, he

has already planted the seeds of discipline and self-control inside you. You just have to water those seeds with his

Word to grow” said Joyce Meyer. Our children grow as disciplined children.


Emphasis is placed on cultural and co-curricular activities. e teaching faculty is constantly motivated towards hard

work and dedicated service. e students are challenged to take up new methods of learning. Greater opportunities

are created in the areas of sports and games. Students are enabled and encouraged to be part charitable and

humanitarian projects. e marginalised section of the student community is taken care of by means of education


A Silver Jubilee is a time to pause and reflect on all the good work done. It is a time to look back and thank every

person who has contributed for the growth of this institution. I thank God, the Almighty, the members of Msfs

family and everyone who were part and parcel of the growth of SFS School, Pudukkottai.

By Fr. A. Lawrence MSFS



Go Green - Tree Plantation Drive

Massive tree plantation drive was carried out in SFS- Virudhunagar Campus. e aim is to battle climate change

with one of the methods which really works - growing more trees. Planting trees in our campus is one of the best

things we can do for the local environment and for the planet. It’s no secret that trees help the environment, but you

may be surprised by all the benefits that planting trees can provide. Trees are like the lungs of the planet. ey

breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Colour’s Day for the KG Kids

We celebrated the PINK colour’s day on 26/09/2019. Our KG

kids were very exuberant and joyful on this day. ey all had

participated individually by bringing their own favorite articles.

e day started with the school assembly, conducted by them.

ey all displayed such a heroic courage standing on the

stage in front of all the students. eir memory enthralled

everyone present. At the age 3 and 4, they could memorize large text and conduct the assembly in a

perfect manner. Kudos to all the K.G Staff and students.

Handwriting Competition

As someone said, “Handwriting is necessary in every age, it is just as

vital to the enduring saga of civilization as our next breath”. To

inculcate the habit of good handwriting and appreciate the children

with beautiful handwriting, SFS-Virudhunagar organized English

Handwriting Competition. All the students participated in it with a

lot of excitement and passion. It activates the brain and contributes to

reading fluency. Handwriting Competition was held on 24th August,



Gaja Cyclone” Helping Hand

Cyclone Gaja made landfall over Tamil Nadu coast on 16 th November 2018 at

1:45 AM, wreaking havoc as it passed the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu.

Cyclone Gaja made its landfall with wind speed of 120 – 140 kph, leaving

behind a huge trail of destruction in most districts of Tamil Nadu. e

students of SFS- Virudhunagar adopted villages near iruthuraipoondi,

Kurumbal and Vilakudi. ey distributed the relief materials for almost 160


“Leaders are not born, they are made”

e Investiture Ceremony marks a significant beginning of the new academic session. e Investiture Ceremony

is a platform to showcase the leadership skills and abilities of the students and is the most prestigious ceremony

in the schedule of school events. “A true leader works for a cause in the spirit of selfless service and not for

applause.” e formal start of the Investiture Ceremony began with a march past led by the newly formed student

council lead by the Guard of Honour and the school band. e student leaders were bestowed their badges by the

Chief Guest, Dr. Vimalesh Lysander , which was followed by the oath taking ceremony by the Student Council

Members. Dr. Vimalesh Lysander , addressed the school with a motivational activity for the student leaders. He

also addressed the parents, about the evil effects of obesity and encouraged them to promote daily exercise and



“Tomorrow’s Leaders, Born at SFS”

the slogan that spurs SFS Matric Higher Secondary School at Vaniyambadi to focus on the students’ Metamorphosis

from infants to Leaders who function as Change Agents in the society. Transcending the focus only on Academic

excellence, Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and fostering of skills and talents in the students we instill

social responsibility and Leadership qualities, which in turn become the WHY for excelling in Academics,

Co-Curricular, and nurturing and developing Skills and Talents. Being socially responsible Leaders is not just

knowing the needs of the society and having sympathy rather being sensitive to the needs and empathizing with

them by responding to the situation promptly and motivating others also to do the same. We take many such

initiatives through Social outreach and Awareness Programs in the vicinity of the school.

Save Water and Agriculture

As water gains the status of Rare Resource, students of our School put

up a road show in Vaniyambadi bus stand with a rally, demonstrated the

importance and means of saving water and Agriculture that is being

destroyed by both the government and private organizations. e move

was very much welcomed by the people and the government authorities

and had a telling impact in the people of Vaniyambadi.

Dengue Awareness Program

Yet another outreach program undertaken by the Desalites is Dengue

Awareness Program, wherein the students provided Nilavembu Syrup

to the public and distributed bit notices in Vaniyambadi town.

Plastic Awareness Program

Despite the ban on Plastic by the Government of Tamil Nadu people

seem to pay little attention to the impending dangers of plastic and

the need to avoid using them, which triggered the Desalites to

educate the crowd about the

urgency in doing away with plastic

through their action. All the higher

class students went down to the

streets of Vaniyambadi with brooms

and sacks in their hands, removing

every last plastic piece on the

streets, thus showingan example to

all the inhabitants to keep the town

plastic free.


Cycle Rally

Marking the occasions of the international Yoga Day and the commencement of Silver Jubilee of the school, the

Desalites went on a cycle rally from Vaniyambadi town to the school on June 21, 2019. At the end of the rally

was a cultural program arranged in the school headed by the DSP of Vaniyambadi, who advised the students to

do regular sports, which help them to develop

leadership skills along with physical and mental


Population Awareness Program

With regard to population hike India is moving at a pace faster than that of Usain Bolt to secure the position of

China. Taking upon themselves the task of conscientising the residents of the village Valayampattu, on July 16,

2019 the Desalites put up a street show, consisting of a skit, dances and speeches, that depicted the danger of

population and the urgency to keep it under control.

We, in SFS Vaniyambadi, continue to create socially responsible Leaders who work as the Change Agents in their

family, which also extends to the entire society, for which they feel the need to keep them informed and updated

in almost all the academic disciplines and equipped with the required skills and talents.


let your LIGHT shine

“e secret of success is good leadership.” Under the able guidance of Rev. Fr. A Jabamalai, SFS PUBLIC SCHOOL

is marching towards an extra mile in the momentous task of moulding minds. Our school has always endeavoured

to impart virtues to children, which is a very important and indispensable parameter in their holistic development.

is temple of real knowledge is a name with a mission to nurture each child to make a compassionate and a

discerning individual through a holistic quality education.

SFS PUBLIC SCHOOL focuses on developing the minds of the future citizens – from the disciplinary mind to the

synthesizing mind – to the creative mind – to the respectful mind, then to the ethical mind and helps them to

become proactive contributors to a healthy society.

We not only value academics but also our creative tendencies, and cultivate it into something great which stays with

you for the lifetime. It brings the wide-ranging expansion in students’ capability and disposition thereby increasing

their chances of sustaining in the ever fierce practical world.

Now this is the platform we give due recognition to the aptitude and acumen of our brimming students, future

leaders of society.

SFS prodigious parody of success

e assimilation of fine ideas, talents, traits towards

character building, man making and personality

development is what education offers. It goes without

saying that these students should have exhibited

exemplary behaviour and are role models for their peers.

11 students had appeared for ISC First Batch (XII) board examination 2018-19. Lorrainne Maria omas stands first

with 95%. 65 students had appeared for ICSE X board exam and 52 have passed with distinction and 13 with first

class. Vinit Puranik and Varshini N Shetty stand first with 98%.Our students have secured centum in Maths, Physics,

Chemistry, Biology, English, Geography and Computer Applications.

Our Chess Prodigy

Be who you are and be that we – St. Francis de Sales

Lorainne Maria Thomas

Vinit Puranik

Varshini N Shetty

is grade II wunderkind took all in her stride before the age of six; she astonished everyone

with her early achievements in chess. She has played in state level and national level chess

championships and has won laurels.


NCC inculcates in the youth a sense of nationalism and secular outlook that contributes towards the building of the

nation. It also provides a platform for individual upliftment through the process of channelizing the energy of the

youth in constructive pursuits. Multitalented, hardworking and the rising star of NCC, Sgt. Shreyan C Rai is a role

model for his peers. He has represented our school in many national level camps and aspires to join our prestigious

Indian Air Force.

Regardless of the individuals chosen field of endeavour, everyone is endowed with those abilities that can benefit one

self and others. All that we need to do is to create such an environment in which our talents could thrive and the

abilities be improved. It involves thinking about the positive aspects of your personality positively, while it helps in

unleashing our hidden potentials.

erefore, discover your hidden talents and start using them effectively and efficiently, so that you may not only pass

a successful life, but also create such environment for others that you can benefit them also. In this way, you will find

ways for cultivating joys and bringing happiness. Let your light shine...


SFS Academy founded in the year 2014 had emerged out of the mother school, SFS High School which has the legacy of

providing education in and around Electronic City for the past 37 years. e founder Principal, Rev. Fr. Soby omas had

started the CBSE wing with great hope and aspiration. Within a very short time span of four years, the school has a strength

of more than 2000 students. It goes without saying that it has emerged as the most eminent CBSE School in the vicinity.

Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. e students of SFS Academy take pride in excelling in various

academic activities.e first batch of SFS Academy has come out with flying colours scoring 100% distinction marks in 10 th

CBSE board results for the academic year 2018-19 under the able guidance of the Principal, Rev. Fr. P. M. Lawrence. e

Sahodaya School Complex has organised the felicitation of the toppers and SFS Academy has bagged seven prizes in several

subjects such as Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences. Many students have scored 100% in maths, science and social. SFS

Academy is proud to be the topper in science all over Karnataka and the topper in social studies all over Bengaluru.

In collaboration with Karadi Tales Company Pvt Ltd, the school provides the little ones (Pre-KG to Grade 2) spoken English

coaching through a series of audio books in order to set right their pronunciation and intonation at the formation stage.

Students are also trained to master the classical dance forms of Bharatnatyam and

Kathak by experienced trainers. e school choir is a dynamic group which is

equipped with specialised trainers for the guitar and the keyboard. e interested

students are trained in art and craft activities provided to develop fine motor skills

,hand-eye coordination, self-expression, innovation and creativity.

NCC training in SFS Academy provides the students with a golden ticket to the

defence and public services of our country. e students are also sent for inter-school

and state level competitions. In collaboration with the Leapstart, the children are

provided ample exposure through Early Childhood, Primary and High School


SFS Academy helps to develop a child’s cognitive abilities, self-confidence, discipline, focus and control

through Horse Riding. e school ensures the safety of every child as they are trained with proper gear.

Skating is a great way to improve heart health, strengthen muscles and burn calories. SFS Academy

ensures that the children learning this sport are taken care of by experienced trainers and proper gears.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art characterised by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and

spinning kicks and fast kicking techniques. e school provides this unique training not only for

self-defence but also for health benefits like balance, flexibility and stamina as well as enhancement of

self-esteem, focus, level of concentration and discipline.

Robotics is introduced in SFS Academy to address the growing demand for hands-on experience in the

learning of science and technology and develop the spirit of teamwork. e school

emphasizes on compulsory field trips for students to agricultural farms and orphanage

in order to develop a sense of social responsibility. e school has introduced

E-Library to provide the kids with unlimited online resources of audio and visual

books so that they grow into avid readers. SFS Academy releases calendar, newsletter

and a school magazine to highlight the different talents and achievements of the


e grand celebration of humanity, ‘Ubuntu’ which means ‘ I am because we are’ was

initiated by SFS Academy to instil in students the belief of the universal bond of

sharing that connects everyone. e money raised in this fest was used to help the

starving people in Africa.

With these wide range of activities along with the various club activities such as debate, seminars, presentations, field trips,

exhibitions, rallies, online blogging and different competitions, the school definitely encourages the budding mathematicians,

scientists, IT professionals, musicians, dancers, social activists, historians, political leaders, authors and poets of tomorrow.


MSFS Fathers are always in the forefront of providing quality education to the rural populace of Karnataka having

its schools in many of the interior parts of north and central Karnataka. Now the missionaries of St. Francis de Sales

of South west Province have another feather on the cap this academic year, as the province has ventured and begun

a new school at Chattaradahalli, in Sorabha Taluk, Shivamogga District. e new School at Chattaradahalli is well

equipped where theDesalites can build their capacities and their aspirations with the support of teachers and quality

infrastructure at place. May 29, 2019 was a memorable day for the people in and around Chattaradahalli, as the

new School Building was blessed by Rev. Fr. Benny Koottanal, Provincial Superior of South-west India Province in

the presence of Rev. Fr. Vinod Kanat, Provincial Bursar.

e new building houses ten class-rooms, school office, principal’s office, two staff rooms and two toilet blocks. is

academic year four classes are opened Pre-KG, LKG, UKG and I standard and the school has 246 students on roll.

e school at Chattaradahalli is committed to cater particularly to the backward classesand less privileged sections

of the rural belt of Sorabha and Shikaripura Taluks and for upholding the lofty objectives of moral values, faith in

God, Selfless Service etc.


SFS Public School & Junior College, Ettumanoor, has been crossing

new boundaries in the realm of educational excellence. If the Board

exam results are anything to go by, the academic year 2018-19 was

exceptionally memorable. Not only did all the 122 students of Std X

and 134 of XII come off in flying colours, but a good number hit the

headlines with their outstanding performance in competitive

examinations for admission to various professional courses. Of the

students who took the AISSCE exam in March 2019, as many as 14

secured seats for MBBS in various medical colleges; two made it to IITs, four to NITs, one to IISER, one to IISC,

two to IIIT, two to BArch, and eight to government engineering colleges. ese students will serve as goodwill

ambassadors of SFS Ettumanoor wherever they choose to study in India. It has been an eye-opener to the parents

and the public alike who watch with wide-eyed wonder our school’s performance year after year.

Another event that caught the attention of the public was an anti-drug campaign under the aegis of the school on

26 June 2019. As part of the Nallapaadam project, students of SFS School organized an awareness programme in

the town to drive home the evils of substance abuse and drugs. e meeting that preceded the rally in the town

was held at the school, presided over by Shri Ajaykumar K.V., project director of TRADA. An anti-drug pledge

was taken by the students. On their way to the town, the students held high placards bearing anti-drug slogans.

e rally crisscrossed the town of Ettumanoor and arrived at the KSRTC bus-stand and the private bus-stand

where several dignitaries delivered speeches on the ill-effects of drugs.


“Let our advance worrying become

advance thinking and planning”

Winston Churchill


Continuity and Change at St. Francis de Sales (SFS) College, Bengaluru

A Degree College, like any other organisation requires high level goals with long range planning and strategies to

accomplish the Vision and Mission, which it dreams of. ere are very many colleges which have taken off due to

great innovative planning. ere are colleges that began small, but steadily reach gargantuan proportion. ere are

colleges which neither grow nor stop functioning but slog on. ere are also many colleges which start with a lot of

pomp and fanfare, hang on for a while but are not able to survive and sustain. “Planning is bringing the future into

the present so that you can do something about it now. Failing to plan is planning to fail”, Alan Lakein.

Strong Foundations – New Horizons: Continuity and Change at SFS College, identifies how we intend to honour

the developmental path we have followed and how we will position ourselves for the challenges and opportunities

that lie ahead. Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS-SWIP) Fathers, who started St Francis de Sales (SFS)

College has set in motion a number of forward looking initiatives. SFS College is the flag ship institution of

MSFS-SWIP. e institution is running Eleven Bachelors Degree programs and Eight Postgraduate Degree

Programs. Here we have a strategic plan and it represents both continuity with our past and responsiveness to

change for the future. Our first fifteen years (2004-2018) were eventful. Our college is permanently affiliated to

Bangalore University. e College was granted “A” grade by the NAAC team in May 2015. In the year 2016-17 the

College began five Postgraduate courses. In the same year, for the benefit of students and staff, the College signed a

memorandum of understanding with Dayton University, Ohio, USA, for exchange programmes. University Grants

Commission, New Delhi, has granted SFS College recognition under section 2(f), & 12(b) of the UGC Act, in

2018. SFS College was honoured with Chanakya Award by Public Relations Conference of India for teaching

excellence and contribution to Education in 2018. We have signed MOU with three foreign universities namely,

AIMST University Malaysia, Geneva Business School, Switzerland and University of Malaya, Malaysia in 2018. e

college has initiated the process of getting the Autonomous status from Bangalore University and UGC. From the

academic year 2019, the College will be starting another two more undergraduate programmes and four

postgraduate programmes including two diploma courses. e College is also preparing for the second cycle of

NACC visit and accreditation in 2020. Furthermore, now the institution is working at achieving Centre of

Excellence status in line with UGC recommendations.


While planning for the future, we must know that more than just

the political and social scenario in the country is changing, the

emergence of New Educational Policy, many new Universities

and Colleges within the vicinity of our institutions is

transforming educational arrangements, giving new vitality and

opportunities to the aspirations of the potential students around

us to choose their choice College or Universities. Beyond our

control, these forces are impacting students and changing the

nature of higher education. e emergence of the

knowledge-based economy requires workers with strong basic

skills, English fluency and higher levels of education than ever

before. All of these forces create challenges and opportunities for

us. Although we are a vibrant and evolving institution, with

features unique to our Fransalian mode of education, our

ongoing challenge is to ensure that our programs and services

remain responsive to the needs of the student community in the

years to come.

In short, our strategic plans would focus on good governance,

best in class teaching and learning, research and innovation, and

highly employable students who act as brand envoys for the


Fr. Roy P K MSFS, Principal.



SFS Public School, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore, was established in 2013 by the

Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales. Having started as a small with an initial

strength of 6 students of NEST, a home for orphan and semi-orphan

children, the school now has close to 400 students from classes pre KG to 10.

e first batch of students will be taking their 10th standard board exams this

year. e school shifted from its humble and basic premises to its large, new

campus in 2018. e new campus boasts of state-of-the-art facilities such as

a library ,full fledged laboratories, smart boards etc. In addition to offering

coaching for various sports, the school also offers a multitude of co-curricular activities such as yoga, music,

dance, karate, horse riding etc. e schools strives to brighten the future of students with the “Salesian spirit of

attentiveness to the individual, characterized by firmness and gentleness”, making them useful to society and

helping them to become aware of their own dignity and destiny.

e aim of our institution is to inculcate in our students values and

responsibilities which would enable them to meet challenges in all

walks of life. e focus is to develop sound moral, intellectual and

physical capabilities so that students realise their responsibilities as

citizens of a progressive, democratic country. As is rightly said, the

school believes that ‘the destiny of our nation is shaped in our



SFS Schools Koppal wins many accolades over the Years.

e missionary dynamism of our congregation was at the periphery of

North Karnataka mission in the early 90’s. Under the able leadership

of Fr. Sebastian Conrad, we could venture into the difficult terrains of North Karnataka and give new lease of life

to this dormant and scattered people of faith. us within a couple of years spectacular changes were unleashed

both in faith and education. e hurdles and setbacks made us proactive to missionary dynamism and educational

endeavours. A handful of Catholics and meagre financial resources did not refrain us to give the best to the people

of God. e vulnerable situation did not taunt us back but instead boosted our morale to start up an academic

institution with low infrastructure. Today SFS has groomed into a learning hub of academic standards and

discipline for the people of all walks of life. e sprawling beauty of SFS Campus has stood as a beacon of

educational, social and cultural epitome of excellence. More than two decades of an unassailable reputation and

excellence in education, SFS Schools have won many accolades in Koppal district. is backward district of North

Karnataka lacked facilities including education, health, and basic amenities. We could achieve one of the targets

to provide best educational environment to this multicultural city of Koppal.

As we started with a dozen of students in the early 90’s, today SFS has promised

to pose around an exciting capacity of 2700 plus students at the galore. e

growth of SFS did not incapacitate us to start an offshoot for the fast developing

city of Koppal. us in the year 2004 SFS ICSE School started to envision our

futuristic attempt to give a quality education on the anvil. e paradigm shift in

education focused us to reshape the educational scenario with latest techno savvy

classrooms and adapt student centred education in classrooms. We have integrated

rigorous study of science, maths and arts as the foundational classes for the entrance coaching for NEET, JEE, and

Civil Services. All the faculties are facilitators for the co-curricular activities round the clock within the campus.

Interschool and intra school competitive programs and exams have always been tested by students of all grades.

e social awareness programs conducted in school bettered children’s empathy and love for the poor. e visit to

slums and orphanages hoped to change the mindset of every child in school and they set aside a program named

“I Share, We Care” for a noble social cause. e far reaching effects are unbelievable and voluntary financial

assistance galloped for different intentions and purposes. Our schools in collaboration with the Diocese of Bellary

have given faith formation, counselling, and career guidance to the youth for the past twenty five years. e

unbeatable history of SFS in Koppal District is a point for reflection and action plan for further development in

and around of North Karnataka. Time now beckons us to invest our resources in higher education of learning and

social security for the poor and the marginalized people in society. Policy based programs and collaboration with

the Dioceses of North Karnataka surely will have wide and far reaching effects in Catholic faith formation and

education of youth.


e Sunrise School of Visakhapatnam

Kotak Salesian School is a unique school designed to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. It provides

exemplary education to students who learn by actively discovering and integrating knowledge in a dynamic social

community. e holistic approach to learning promotes the development of every student’s mind, body and soul

in an academically stimulating environment. e Management and the faculty members of the institution believe

in interactive and task oriented learning with the help of effective monitoring tools like the digital Smart boards,

Maths, Science and English labs and the continuous evaluation system, the all-round growth of a student is


e institution’s environment incorporates teaching and learning strategies that focus on the overall development

of the child’s personality. It is an excellent example of pooling in of talent, of diverse people who have come

together to create a world class institution.

e school offers students immense opportunities for growth so that they develop a positive outlook in life. It

plans programmes that challenges students to grow physically, intellectually and emotionally. e S.O.S Club

actively organizes weekly collection to enhance the spirit of charity among the students. e social awareness that

it creates helps them to come forward eagerly and contribute generously towards this cause. is fund is

distributed to the needy, especially to students who come from economically weak background, to the victims of

natural disasters, the Old Aged Homes and Orphanages.

e school harnesses the inherent potential of the students and serves as a platform to exhibit young talent.

Besides celebrating all the National Festivals, Christmas is the most exclusive as it consists of the maximum

number of participants. e event is a breath-taking spectacle which fills one with awe and glory. e traditional

red and white colours are a fascinating spectrum, as the grand celebrations to rejoice the birth and growth of peace,

on the last day, marks the finale of celebrations.

e principle-centered educational experience Kotak provides, endows the students with skills and character, to

excel in the modern world to be a credit to their families, the school and to the wider community of fulfilled lives.


“We may encounter many defeats

but we must not be defeated”

Maya Angelou


e National Cadet corps with its Head quarters at New Delhi is a voluntary organization of youth wing which

recruits cadets from High School, College and university all over India. e NCC organization is administered

through the ministry of defence (MOD). e defence secretary is overall in charge, who is responsible to the

Government of India for efficient functioning of the NCC and other matter. e NCC is headed by director

general (DG) an army officer of the rank of lieutenant- general who is responsible for the functioning of the NCC

in the country through the general NCC situated at Delhi. It’s a Tri -Service organization comprising the Army,

Navy and Air wing.

e NCC teams attended for a camp at “OP ZINDAL HIGH SCHOOL, KOTHAVALASA,

VISAKHAPATNAM, from 2 nd to 11 th May 2018. In the camp the cadets participated in Drill, theory based on

Rifle shooting, flying and fire safety classes. e NCC cadets have offered voluntary services by taking part in

International yoga day celebrated on June 21 st 2019 in Visakhapatnam, Blood donation, swatch Bharat campaign,

drug abuse rally and tree plantation in school premises on special occasions.

e NCC platoon took part in the common Republic day and Independence Day celebrations held at Trishna

Grounds, Visakhapatnam and Steel Plant.


e first Alumni Meet was held on 12 th Jan 2019 in S.F.S. School,

Seethammadhara, at 9 a.m. It was a much awaited dream of the Alumni

which was brought to reality by Rev. Fr. Inna Reddy, the Principal of our

school who took the initiative and registered the Alumni Association with

a team of old students and teachers forming the executive committee.

e committee members were further divided into groups and a lot of

planning and official meetings took place for the success of the event. On

the 12 th Jan 2019, around 600 -700 students paid their homage to their

Alma Mater. ere was a feeling of festivity and cheerfulness in the atmosphere and joy knew no bounds when they

met their friends of the yesteryears.

ere was a plethora of cultural activities and wherein the Alumni showed their gratitude in felicitating 50 retired

teachers, Principals and Correspondents who were there from the inception of the school with a shawl and a

memento. e retired contingent staff were also honoured with a gift.

A grand array of delicacies were arranged for lunch and every individual who entered the portal of this institution

registered themselves in the association. ey left with the reminiscence of those happy nostalgic experiences which

were cherished in their journey of life.

On the persistence of many old students from abroad, the governing body has decided to hold another Alumni Meet

on 28 th Dec 2019.

Mrs. Vera Fernandez



e eme for the Academic year 2019-20 is “BACK TO BASICS”. is theme is chosen to improve basics of

human Education and life. e call Back to Basics focuses on giving more impetus on aspects like Listening,

Speaking, Reading, writing, good manners, discipline, honesty, sincererity, integrity, dignity of labor, respect

towards nature, consideration towards the poor, democratic values etc.. Proper and balanced human growth takes

place only when these basics of life are taught and practiced correctly.


73 rd Independence Day at Shanthinagar was a remarkable as we had witnessed two significant events, the

inauguration of the New Arch and the celebration of our country’s Freedom. Rev. Fr. Chinnappa Reddy,

Provincial Superior was invited to inaugurate and bless the newly constructed Arch. It brought a fine ambience to

the School and fecilitated a convenient entry and exit. e Prayer of Blessing and inauguration marked the official

opening. To cherish and treasure this day a few saplings were planted symbolizing our oneness with the nature.






















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ForSteeringandanimatingFransalianEducationForum RegionalforEleven



elevenyearshadhisunmistakabletouchfrom theconceptualizationto

Execution.MaythegoodLordBlesshim inalhisfutureendeavours.














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