BMH Connect Second Issue

BMH Connect Second Issue

BMH Connect Second Issue


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English short story


It was a rainy day, making wild the nature with thunder and storms. There sits a

2 nd Prize


Elizabeth Varkey

Associate Professor

pretty little girl, Sangreal in front of her hut. Her eyes seemed to be weary and her

clothes were fully dirty with mud and was torn. She hasn't taken food since three

days and was all alone at home. She was crying and her heart seemed to be worried

as she was awaiting somebody at her door. The rain drops were flashing on to her

face, but was still looking on to the road to hear the footsteps, as if she was

expecting somebody.

She has lost her parents two months back in a flood which had made her life

miserable. She was in the pits of pain and had no interest in anything nor did she

want to live. She remembered the days that she spend with her parents, the lovely

golden days. Days passed by, mourning and cursing her faith, came the fabulous

days of Christmas. She went back to the day where her parents decorated their

houses with lights and stars. The jingle bells echoed her ears, the beautiful nights in

songs. She couldn't bear the pain as she burst out in tears.

She planned to end her life as she felt all alone. It was a Christmas eve. She thought

of going to Church and pray to God to forgive herself for the decision she has

taken. The church door was decorated beautifully, with some words in a board.

With fearing eyes and shivering hands she read the verses written there. It stated

that 'Today is Christmas, and the old man in

white beard is waiting to give you a gift'….

The White

Rope to Life

'Don't worry'… 'I am there'…

She felt somewhat lightened in her heart, stood

still, closed her lovely eyes and prayed that, 'I

am alone in this world and I don't want to live

anymore. Kindly forgive me as I am eagerly

waiting to join my parents at heaven'. She immediately ran out to the hill tops. Her

eyes were overflowed with tears and her heart beats were beating hard. The valley

under the hill was glittering with the light of stars. With her eyes closed, she

jumped down from the hill top. She was flying deep in to the pits, suddenly her

dress caught in the branches of a tree. She was struggling hard to release herself but

her efforts were in vain. She cried louder asking for help, but no one answered.

Suddenly she saw a soft white rope, handing down asking her to hold it and climb

up. She was confused. She caught on to the white raid rope and managed to come

up to the hill top. While searching there she identified that it was the long white

beard of the Santa Claus braided finely, which came to save her. Suddenly the Santa

vanished, leaving a note 'Life is precious. You are the gifted life of God, you have

many things to do in your life,… there are miles to go before you sleep'.

The little girl looked here and there, but couldn't find him. The braided long white

beard showed a path to a place, where she found a house decorated with stars, lights

and illuminations. She stepped into the house in surprise and found this braided

beard curled around on the corner of the house. A box decorated in beautiful paper

was found lying near to it. She managed to open the box with an anxious and

fearful heart. While she unwrapped the box, found a button. She rotated it, suddenly

a voice waved out saying, I am your lovely beard, I will be there with you

throughout your life as I have no death.

The little girl was overwhelmed with joy and confidence feeling that she was not all

alone. She decided to obey the words of Santa, and lived happily with a thankful

heart loving and helping the needy.

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