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Primary Times Birmingham

Be inspired to illustrate with…

Nick Sharratt

Primary Times teams up with renowned illustrator, Nick Sharratt, to show the

wonders of stretching a child’s imagination through drawing


Nick Sharratt is the artist behind

hundreds of beloved children’s book

characters created by authors including

Jacqueline Wilson, Julia Donaldson,

Jeremy Strong, as well as timeless

fairy-tale characters and characters of

his own creation – his personal

favourites being Timothy Pope and his

dad in ‘Shark in the Park’.

As an advocate of creative expression,

Nick has always had a passion

for drawing.

“I’ve loved making pictures for as long as

I can remember. It always felt incredibly

natural and enjoyable for me. I was the

artist of the class at school, and I was

very happy with that role!”

Whether it was for school or a

competition he’d found on a box of

cereal, Nick took drawing seriously and

encourages other children to do the same.

“Young children are brilliant at picture

making, but they can quickly become

self – conscious about it. I think

everyone has the potential to draw. It’s

a brilliant activity to do; it involves all

kinds of thought processes, and as with

everything, you have to work at it if you

want to improve. I used to be a

perfectionist and start a drawing, do a

few lines, then turn the page and start

again. I’d go through a whole pad that

way! But I taught myself to complete

my pictures and even if the drawing was

not quite what I’d expected, it gave me a

sense of achievement.”

Starting out as a magazine illustrator,

Nick has now illustrated over a hundred

books and written more than fifty of his

own. But, how does he do it?

“By the time I’ve read the manuscript,

I’ve got a clear idea of what the

character will look like as it seeps into

the story. When I’m working with

Jacqueline (Wilson), I just try and create

a visual interpretation from Jacky’s description.

There will always be mentions

of the character’s size, hair, dressing

style etc within the story. I spend a lot of

time thinking about hairstyles for my

characters, as hair can really reflect the

character’s nature.”

Having achieved his childhood aspiration

of becoming a professional artist, Nick

encourages children to find joy in art too.

“It’s so important to find time for drawing

and story-telling at a young age, as more

than anything else it’s fun! It’s a fabulous

way to stretch your imagination as

a child.

“When I used to go into schools it was

brilliant to see a classroom with art on

the walls. I think it’s good for children to

be shown how to draw things by their

parents or teachers or via YouTube.

There are lots of videos demonstrating

how to draw a character sharing top tips

such as starting with the shape of the

face. Group drawing activities are also

fantastic, where everyone contributes to

a picture so it’s a team effort.”

Illustrations in books are a great way to

grip the reader and create a memorable

story. “When I think of the books I had as

a child, the words are a bit hazy but the

pictures come back sharply in my

memory. Children interact with visual

images in a really direct and intense way

and it’s amazing to think that my

illustrations might be enjoyed like that.”

Nick’s top tip for aspiring artists is simple,

keep drawing!

Discover more of Nick’s tips and tricks

from his YouTube films and book ‘How

to Draw the world of Jacqueline Wilson’

(Random House Children’s Books) and

keep up to date with his latest books at


www.primarytimes.co.uk/birmingham | FEBRUARY HALF TERM 2020 9

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