Group Work - See inside

Group Work - See inside


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After weeks of testing new materials and searching for

different optimization shapes, the practical part of the

course was finally about to start in Rotterdam.

Day 1

An introduction to the building, different machines, tool

instructions, safeness and rules were given in the first

session, in order to get familiar with this working site.

Day 2

All the wood and Plexiglas were supplied that day.

Looking in detail at the rigidity of the Plexiglas and

the heaviness of the 18 mm wood, a change of the

thickness of the wood into 9 mm was a lighter and more

efficient solution. So, pieces that were not affected by

this new thickness dimension were cut.

The 2 mm cardboard of the module that was previously

selected did not work, as it was not stable enough

according to the required height. Therefore, a final

sheet of 4 mm wooden plate was used.

The Arduino programming started since the first day, as

it was going to take a lot of time, checking at first the

LEDs function.

Day 3

New construction drawing plans were made according

to the change of thickness of wood in the previous day.

The rest of the wood pieces were cut.

The micro-fans were removed according to the basic

smoke test, which proved that they were not needed.

With regards to the Arduino circuits, a set up of the

program was done.

Day 4

The cutting pieces and Arduino set up was still in process.

Meanwhile, it was decided to split the construction into

several parts, allowing to be individually assembled.

The order that was discussed to be joined was first the

main building structure, then, the smaller individual

parts, and lastly, the electronic circuits and smoke

installations. Unfortunately, the first part was already

assembled, making more difficult the installation of

the electronic circuits. However, it was finally solved by

putting strings and tape in the interior of the box.





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