Beginner's Guide to Home Care

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Beginners Guide to

In-Home Health Care

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Is it time your loved one receives professional care in the

comfort of their own home?

Are you aware more than 65 million Americans are responsible for not only the demands of work, children and home are also caring for

someone who is aging, ill or disabled? For most, managing all of these tasks feels overwhelming and takes away from their personal enjoyment

of life. Because of this, family members and friends are experiencing what many understand as feeling “burnt out” – in a state of emotional,

physical and mental exhaustion. When families or friends are trying to provide an individual with more care they are able to handle, in-home

care is a viable option.



At times, you won’t be able to provide your loved one with the help they need. Relying on a professional in-home caregiver can provide your

loved one with the care they need 24-7, 365 days a year.


In-home care gives your loved one the personal care they need while preserving their quality of life and

dignity. With a personal in-home caregiver, your loved one may continue to bathe, groom and take

medications with assistance when needed.


When aging, the struggle to keep up with household chores may become a burden. In-home care will

allow your loved one to keep their independence and receive assistance where they need it. We are

available to help with light housework, including laundry, vacuuming, cooking and cleaning the dishes.


In-home care allows your loved one to maintain their independence while making sure they’re

getting all of the nutrition they need to stay as healthy as possible. With our caregivers, y

our loved one has the tools on hand to keep their diet on point.

Does Your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?


The level of care may be adjusted according to the well-being of your loved one. When the time comes

for more advanced care, they have the ability to have a skilled nurse who is licensed, certi ed and

knowledgeable, care for them in their own home to meet their medical needs.

To us, caring for your loved one goes beyond surface level tasks. When we provide your loved one with in-home care, you’ll soon realize our

professional caregivers are great at what they do for one reason: They genuinely care! However, understanding your loved one may need a little

extra help at home can be confusing. To help you better understand if your loved one may bene t from our in-home care, ask yourself the


Does my loved one…

Does Your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?


Overlook tasks that pose a safety concern?

Feel confused, forgetful or lost?

Miss appointments?

Struggle to buy food and/or pay bills?

Forget to take or mix up medications?

Emotional and Social

Feel depressed or lonely?

Feel stressed or frustrated?

Show less interest in activities they used to enjoy?

Avoid social interaction and people?

Medical and Physical

Have trouble maintaining their household?

Have trouble dressing, bathing, eating or walking?

Avoid social interaction and people?

Notice a change in eating habits?

Bruise easily or fall more often?

Need additionally personal care?

Need additional medical attention?

Need daily treatments, such as IV therapy or dialysis?

Use medical equipment, such as an oxygen tank?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Is it time you relieve yourself of the duties you’ve been

providing for your loved one?

There are many di erent signs your loved one may bene t from a caregiver in the comfort of their own home. Our goal is to provide your loved

one with the care and quality of life they deserve. At times it can be hard to put yourself in the position of being your loved one’s primary care

provider; let us help. If you, as a caregiver, are feeling any of the following, it may be time to discuss potential care plans with our caregivers:

As a caregiver, do you feel…

Anxious about facing another day with your loved one?

Angry about the situation at hand?

Exhausted with sleepless nights because of concerns about your loved one?

Physically and/or mentally drained?


Rushed because you don’t have much time for yourself?

Sad your loved one needs as much care as they do?

Uncomfortable caring for your loved one?

Defensive about your loved one’s condition around others?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, it may be time for you to call the home health care professionals. To learn more about our

home health care services, feel free to set up a consultation online, or to give us a call at 239-249-8318.

We never would like to admit when we need help; if your parent needs help, the chances are that you don’t want to admit that either. But the

fact of the matter is, the older individuals get, the more likely they will need assistance. Loss of independence is a major factor in needing

home health care, but how do you really know if it’s time? Most often, family members will have to use their knowledge and pay attention to

whether or not their loved one is in need of home health care.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Signs Your Parent or Loved One Needs Home Health Care

#1 They start to forget important details.

Not all details are important, but if your loved one has started becoming much more forgetful than in the past, this could mean they need

assistance with a home health care aid. Individuals who are aging tend to have issues remembering important details, such as neglecting to

take medications, buying food, doing laundry or going to a doctor’s appointment. Let’s not forget to mention, forgetfulness tends to lead to

nancial issues as well. When someone becomes forgetful, missed payments on bills or forgetting to cancel an unneeded service can cause a

world of problems. So, if you’ve started to notice your parent becoming increasingly forgetful, it may be time to enroll them in health care


#2 They struggle with easy and normal daily activities.

Your parent or loved one may nd home health care extremely bene cial if they have started to struggle with normal, day-to-day tasks. Simple

activities such as cleaning and cooking may start to be much more exhausting and frustrating than in the past. If they have become much more

time-consuming than they once were, it may be time to reach out to our home health care professionals in Naples for advice.

#3 They need medical assistance.

Does your loved one or parent need attention from medical professionals regularly? If so, this could be a sure sign they are in need of a home

health nurse or aid. The help of a medical assistant will give your parent or loved one the assistance needed to stay healthy by having

medications administered or oxygen tanks replaced. Furthermore, if your parent or loved one has suddenly lost the ability to obtain their

weight, have lost energy or seems ill, they may not have the adequate care they need to stay healthy on their own.

#4 They require help to maintain personal hygiene.

Many individuals who struggle to maintain their personal hygiene may need extra assistance compared to a health individual. If you notice that

your loved one or parent has started to lose control on their personal hygiene, it may be time to seek out professional health care for help.

When you hire a home health care assistance, nurse or aid, your loved one can rest assured that all of their hygiene issues will be put to rest.

We can help with any type of hygiene help, including bathing, using the toilet, applying deodorant, shaving, etc.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Talking to Your Elderly Loved One About Home Health Care

When you realize that your elderly loved one may need in-home healthcare, it can be an overwhelming experience. You want to make sure your

loved one receives the level of care they need, but cannot provide it yourself. Whether they’ve experienced a bad fall or they have been

struggling to take their medication on time, you have a tough conversation ahead of you that you may be dreading. If your senior loved one is

resistant to change, you might anticipate that they won’t react well to this suggestion. However, it is worth the di culty to ensure that they get

the care that they need, and if you approach the conversation the right way, it doesn’t have to be extremely stressful. Here we will o er some

tips for making this conversation go as smoothly as possible.

Be Tactful

This conversation may be uncomfortable for you, but just imagine how your elderly loved one feels. It is incredibly vulnerable to admit that you

need help, and agreeing to home health care may simply feel like the next step towards the end of their lives. This is a sensitive subject, so it

needs to be approached with tact. Take some time to plan exactly what you want to say. Be speci c about what areas you think they need help

in — for example, they may need someone to remind them to take their medication, cook meals for them, or transport them to medical

appointments. It may be easier to have an open dialogue if you are speci c with your concerns.

Be Honest About Your Feelings

When you’re having this discussion, let your loved one know exactly how you are feeling about their health and safety. Your happiness is

important to them, and if they know that your worry about them is impacting your life, it may be what they need to hear to be more openminded

about the discussion.


You have their best interests at heart, but ultimately, the decision to hire an in-home health care worker impacts them more than you. They

are the one who will be interacting with this person on a daily basis, after all. Therefore, it is very important to let them voice their concerns

and to take them into serious consideration. Ask open-ended questions and listen to what they have to say. They should not feel coerced into

this important decision.


If, after a long conversation, your loved one is still hesitant, you might need to present a compromise. Consider hiring someone on a trial basis

with the understanding that if your loved one still feels uncomfortable after a certain period of time, they can opt out of care. In most cases,

they will see how helpful their home health care aide is and will want to continue with the services, giving you peace of mind.

At Gulfshore Home Care, we understand that talking to your loved one about private duty nursing isn’t easy. We would be happy to help ease this

transition by providing your loved one with the compassionate care they need. Contact us today to learn more about our private duty nursing

and other home health care services!

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Home Care Helps Seniors Cope with Loss of Independence

For people in search of nursing or personal care for a loved one, home health care is the most viable and a ordable option for many. Gulfshore

Home Care is designed to preserve as much of our clients’ independence as possible and of course our services allow clients to remain

comfortable in their own homes. However, even aging in place with the help of caregivers triggers fears for many seniors.

A loss of independence is a fear many seniors have. When this fear is realized, there are several

ways caregivers need to help.

According to an AARP study conducted in 2012, 57% of seniors over age 70 do not nd it easy to live alone and need help with daily tasks. This

loss of independence can have a toll on senior’s psychological and physical well-being.

Most people begin to live and perform daily life tasks independently by the age of 20. About 50 years later, many nd that independence is no

longer safe or viable. The loss of independence seniors face can often result if grieving, frustration, and other emotional upset. Caregivers with

Gulfshore Home Care can help seniors by understanding the process.

Types of Independence Seniors May Lose

As seniors’ bodies and/or minds degenerate, they can experience a variety of types of losses. Their independence can be impacted in ways that

change their lifestyles and even their understanding of the world.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Home Care Helps Seniors Cope with Loss of Independence ce

Some types of independence seniors may lose include:


Ability to live alone


Comprehension/decision-making skills

Strength to perform daily tasks

Energy to clean or cook

Social life



What to Make Accessible to Seniors with Mobility Limitations

TV remote or computer

A telephone

Basic contact sheet

A calendar or schedule

Reading or entertainment materials


Common Emotions Seniors May Experience

Loss of independence is an emotional experience for many seniors. They may experience and exhibit normal emotions like:







Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Home Care Helps Seniors Cope with Loss of Independence

How to Help Seniors Cope with Increased Dependency

Relying on other people’s assistance for basic tasks like bathing or common activities like driving can be frightening and frustrating for seniors.

With the loss of independence, seniors also tend to lose some control over their schedule, freedom, preferences, and more. Caregivers can

help make decreased independence more bearable using strategies like these:

Maintain a Standard of Dignity

Requiring assistance with activities like bathing or shopping does not mean that seniors need to give up their dignity. Caregivers should always

guard seniors’ privacy. It is also wise to use the terms a senior does when referencing body parts, activities, or even hygiene products.

Ask Instead of Telling

Caregiving for someone who has lost a type of independence is a supportive role, not a leading role. Caregivers should ask seniors about their

preferences, needs, etc., instead of telling them. For example, if a senior cannot cook for themselves, a caregiver should ask for input for meal


Give Options for Caregiving

Since dependence requires trust and can be very personal in nature, it is important for seniors to have choices. Learn if a senior prefers samesex

caregivers, certain routines, etc.

Stay Organized and Consistent

Dependence means a loss of control. Seniors have to wait on others for assistance, which can be stressful. Caregivers should remain consistent

in their routine so that seniors don’t need to be anxious about when or how their care will be provided. Organize necessary materials so they

are accessible to seniors who cannot mobilize independently as well.

Home Care Tip:

Many seniors fear losing their independence more than they fear death. Realizing this fear can lead to depression in seniors. Know the

symptoms of depression and help seniors get medical care if they exhibit signs of this mental illness. Gulfshore Home Care caregivers are

skilled in helping our clients lead digni ed lifestyles no matter their levels of independence. If you think you and/or your loved one may bene t

from home health care services contact Gulfshore Home Care today to learn more.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Home Care Helps Seniors Cope with Loss of Independence

How to Help Seniors Cope with Increased Dependency

Loss of Some Independence- Isn't loss of Full Indpendence

As important as it is for your parent to be independent, that does not mean they don’t need special care. However, that doesn’t mean you want

someone to wait on them hand and foot, discouraging them from being independent. That is when you need the type of home health care

worker who will understand your parent’s need for independence. At Gulfshore Home Care, we go the extra mile to ensure that your parent has

the quality home health care they need to maintain their health while still being their own person.

One of the strangest parts of your parents getting older is the element of role reversal. When you were young, they took care of you, making

sure that you were fed, clothed, and safe. Now that your parent is no longer able to fully take care of themselves, you must now step up. For

many adult children, this can be overwhelming, but it is also rewarding. However, just because you are caring for them, doesn’t mean that it

isn’t important for them to have independence. As your parent is more and more reliant on you, it is of even greater importance to them that

they have autonomy over their lives in some capacity. Independent seniors have richer, fuller, happier, and healthier lives than those who feel

completely dependent on their caregivers. It is crucial that you make a point to prioritize their independence so that they are healthy, both

mentally and physically. In this blog, we will explain exactly why it is so important for their health.

Mental Health

Imagine being your parent right now. They have lived as a fully self-reliant adult for years up until recently. Now, as they age, what was once

quite simple to do is much more di cult. They can’t rely on themselves to complete many tasks, and some of them might be as straightforward

as buttoning their own shirt. This feeling of being less capable of caring for themselves makes many seniors feel depressed, embarrassed, and

frustrated. They may feel like they are useless now, and for some seniors, these feelings of loss can translate to the desire to end their life.

With home care helping their independence, however, seniors are able to feel a sense of control over themselves and their lives. They are able

to maintain dignity and a sense of hope, which in turns, makes them more emotionally healthy and happier with their life.

Physical Health

A lack of full independence does not only impact the mental health of seniors, but also their physical health. The more dependent they are on

other people, the less likely seniors are to challenge themselves. They have low expectations of what they can do, and as a result, they don’t get

out there and participate in physical activity. This causes their physical health to decline. However, the more independent a senior can be with

home care, the more active they can be. We are at our most healthy when we are active, so by encouraging independence in your parent (while

under professional home care supervision), they will be better able to join in on physical activities.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Home Care Helps Seniors Cope with Loss of Independence

Activities That Encourage Independence

There are many ways you can foster independence in your parent. There are many activities that they can do that will help them feel more

independent, such as:

Attending community events

Maintaining their own hygiene

Light household chores

Writing letters and emails

Making phone calls

Participating in a group tness class

Volunteering with a local community group

Going for walks with loved ones

Learning how to use a computer

Playing games, alone and with others

Joining a group tness class

Sometimes, your parent may hesitate to participate in these activities, or they may even at out refuse to try them. While this can be di cult

to deal with, this does not mean you should try to force them. This can actually back re and make them feel even less autonomous. Instead,

gently suggest these activities every so often, then allow them to decide for themselves. Once they do participate in independent behavior, most

seniors feel accomplished and are proud of themselves for taking the risk.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Essential Qualities of an In-Home Caregiver

When you hire someone to provide your elderly loved one with in-home care, you want to do everything to ensure that they are the right match

for your needs. Even if they have the right quali cations, not everyone will have the right qualities to make them an excellent in-home health

aide for the elderly. In this blog, we will go over the qualities you should look for in an in-home health aide to make sure your loved one receives

the highest quality care.


Ideally, all healthcare providers should have a strong ability to be patient, but this is especially true when working with the elderly. Senior

patients may move slower, talk slower, and have di culty understanding or following a conversation. Confusion is a common problem for

elders, which can only exacerbate the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, an in-home health care worker must also be sensitive to

the needs of the family members of their patients. Some family members have a di cult time understanding exactly how much care is

required for their loved one, and a good in-home health aide will be able to patiently explain to them and help them navigate this new situation

with ease.


Compassion is an essential quality for in-home health workers to master. For many senior citizens, accepting the fact that their life is coming

to an end and that they now must rely more on people is extremely di cult. Even if they do not require hospice care, as they age, more and

more medical concerns come to light. An in-home health care provider must be able to empathize with senior patients as they go through this

time of life. While your loved one may be unable to feed, clothe, or bathe themselves, that doesn’t mean that they don’t desire autonomy and

feel embarrassed that they require care. The right in-home health aide will know to approach these types of tasks with compassion so that

their patients can maintain their dignity and as much independence as possible.


In-home caregivers need to be consistent and reliable if they are to care for the elderly. Particularly if your loved one has dementia, as seniors

can often become confused. It is therefore important that there is no ambiguity in their care. When an in-home health aide is consistent and

predictable, the patient can feel more secure and comfortable with them, which allows them to focus on their health rather than trying to

predict what their aide will do next. In particular, those who work with the elderly should be consistently positive so that the patient knows that

they can rely on them to keep their spirits up.


In-home caregivers need to be able to think on their feet and get creative when working with the elderly. Meeting their needs and designing a

treatment plan means that a home health aide needs to be able to consider a patient’s personality and speci c needs to treat them the way

they need to be. A creative in-home caregiver can think through the needs of a patient and implement a successful, customized treatment


If you need help nding a home health aide who embodies all of these qualities, contact Gulfshore Home Care. Our compassionate caregivers

are experienced in elder care, and we do everything in our power to ensure that we connect you with one who can help your loved one receive

the quality care they deserve. Contact us today to learn more.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

How to Hire a Private Duty Nurse

If the time has come for you to hire a private duty nurse for your elderly parent, you might be experiencing a lot of emotions about it, including

anxiety. After all, it is a major decision that can have an impact on the wellbeing and happiness of your loved one, and potentially the whole

family. Therefore, you want to make an informed decision by collecting all the important knowledge beforehand. Here we have highlighted all

of the factors you need to consider before hiring a private duty nurse to care for your elderly parent.

What You Need from a Nurse

First of all, you need to gure out if a private duty nurse is actually necessary. Another type of caregiver might be appropriate for your parent’s

needs. Think about the skills necessary for your parent’s care. For example, if they are mostly independent, but need help with transportation

and could use some company, our companion care services might be more appropriate. On the other hand, if they have complex medical

needs, a private duty nurse is necessary. Other factors you might consider are how many years of experience you would prefer, the qualities

you want them to have, and if your parent has a preference for gender. This should serve to narrow your search signi cantly.

The Ideal Care Plan

On top of what type of caregiver you need, think about the type of care is required. When you start working with your private duty nursing, you

will come up with a written care plan to lay out what services and care will be provided to your parent based on their needs. You may need to

work with a doctor on this as well.

Determine the Schedule

The duration of care needed for each individual patient will vary, so you will want to decide how often and when you need a caregiver. Some will

need round-the-clock private duty nursing, while others may be able to get by with a caregiver who comes in a couple of times a week.

Determining the schedule you need will also narrow the search.

Set a Budget

Regardless of who is paying for your parent’s care, it’s important to set a budget. This is particularly important if multiple family members will

be involved in contributing to the cause. Work together to decide how much everyone is able to give, and make sure everyone involved

participates in the search. Because this nancial matter a ects everyone, it’s crucial that everyone goes into it with both eyes open.

With all of this information gured out, we can help connect you with the ideal private duty nurse for your parent’s needs. At Gulfshore Home

Care, we specialize in connecting families with the caregivers they need to ensure their elderly loved ones are properly cared for. We can work

with your parent’s needs, schedule, and budget so that you know you are connecting with the ideal private duty nurse. If you’re ready to start

the search, contact us today!

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Contact Gulfshore Home Care

Whether you are looking for a reliable nurse for di erent medical services, or a professional aide for personal care services, Gulfshore Home

care is here to help. Because every client’s needs and lifestyle are di erent, our in-home care team will provide services speci cally based on

your loved one’s condition and circumstances:

Elder Care

24-Hour Care

Respite Care

Companion Care

Hospital Discharge

Chronic Conditions Care

Dementia Care

Nursing Services

After Surgery Care

Personal Care

We are located in the areas of Naples, North Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, and Marco Island. Please do not

hesitate to give us a call at 239-249-8318

With our home health care in Collier and Lee Counties you will be able to live a happy, safe, and independent life. We invite you read more about

our services and about us. Every situation is unique, so to have all of your speci c questions answered with personalized information from a

friendly local home care expert, call 239-249-8318 now!

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

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