Complete Calisthenics - Ashley Kalym

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the book, and although these build huge amounts of strength, I personally

found that when starting to train with Olympic weightlifting and back and front

squats, my legs were far behind the rest of my body. This is only a concern, of

course, if lower-body strength or the specific ability to squat large loads is

important to you.

The second disadvantage is that because of the way the lower body is

constructed, it is hard to design exercises that incorporate decreased leverage

principles. The upper body is home to many exercises that rely on this concept

to increase strength gains, such as the planche, the front and back levers, and

many others. There is no way around this fact, which is why on nearly every

calisthenics video, the person either will look as though he or she doesn’t train

legs, or will not perform any lower-body exercises. This is a pity in my opinion,

because training the lower body can help enormously in muscle building and

strength gains in the rest of the body.

The third drawback is that as weight cannot be added to increase resistance,

except in the case of weighted pull-ups, for example, we have to rely on the

method of decreasing the amount of leverage to make the movement more

difficult. While this is an extremely effective way of making an exercise more

challenging, it is not the same as increasing the load on a barbell by a few

kilograms or pounds every few weeks. For example, if we were doing the

bench press, we could quite accurately keep track of exactly how much

weight we were lifting and how much it was increasing by each week or

month. For calisthenics we cannot do this. We can, of course, keep a record of

the number of repetitions, by how much our range of motion has changed,

and how long we held certain positions, but calisthenic training is a lot less

accurate in terms of recording progress.

The fourth drawback is disputed by some people but nevertheless remains a

popular opinion, which is that performing calisthenics cannot build lots of

muscle. I do not think this is true, simply because of the size of some people I

have seen performing calisthenic movements. A quick look on YouTube will

demonstrate that there are some seriously built individuals doing nothing apart

from bodyweight exercise. It is true that there is probably a limit to the muscle

size that calisthenics can give you, but if you want bodybuilder size then it

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