Complete Calisthenics - Ashley Kalym

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Firstly, you can buy a pull-up bar. If you go down this route then it will probably

be one of the best decisions you can make on your physical-training journey. Pullup

bars come in various types, from those that bolt to walls to those that fit into

doorframes, and even stand-alone units. You should be able to find one that suits

your budget and living situation fairly easily. For example, I use a PowerBar ** at

home that I have been using dutifully for a few years now. It has never let me

down, was very cheap, and seems to fit a wide variety of doorframes.

If you cannot afford a pull-up bar, or have nowhere to install one, then there are

alternatives: anything that you can grab that is above your head would work. This

could include the underneath of stairs in a basement or cellar, a balcony, or

even a tree branch. As long as whatever you choose can support your weight

safely, I see no reason why it cannot be used to perform pulling exercises on.

Dip bars

Dip bars are another common piece of equipment found in not only commercial

gyms but also play parks and outside training areas. As the name suggests they

are normally used for triceps dips, but can also be used for other types of

exercises, including front and back levers, muscle-ups, handstands, and planche


The dip bars that are found in commercial gyms are often attached to a bigger

piece of equipment, like pull-up bars and leg-raise stations, so sometimes these

are not entirely suitable for a purely calisthenic workout, but can still be used

effectively. In play parks the dip bars are often much longer, which means that

two to three people can train simultaneously, or you can travel along them; turn

around; perform handstands, planches, etc.; and get a really good workout. As

with pull-up bars, dip bars can come in a lot of variations, with different bar

thicknesses, widths, and heights. It is rare to find stand-alone units that you can

buy, but if you look on the Internet you may find some.

As I have the space in my home, I have built a set of dip bars in my back yard,

and if you have the space and the spare time, I strongly encourage you to do this

as well (as long as the people you may share a house with allow it, of course).

Building your own means that you can customize the width, height, and thickness

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