Complete Calisthenics - Ashley Kalym

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muscle. Eating enough food that contains protein will help you to keep the

muscle that you already have, which is important for obvious reasons. Protein can

be found in meat like beef, pork, and lamb; all types of fish; eggs; milk, cheese,

and other dairy products; and legumes, nuts, and seeds. If you eat a fairly varied

diet you should have no trouble absorbing enough protein into your body,

especially if you are not a vegetarian.

It is also worth understanding which types of protein are the best, as the higher

quality the protein, the better your results will be. All of the research points to the

fact that animal protein is the best for you, regardless of what vegetarians might

think. This is not a dig at vegetarians, but simply stating a scientific fact. Animal

protein is known to have a complete amino-acid profile, which is good for a

number of reasons, mainly that your body will be able to repair any damage

done to it and not be missing any vital nutrients to do so.

How the meat that you eat is fed has a drastic effect on the quality of the food.

For example, there is a huge difference between grass-fed and corn-fed beef.

Cows have evolved to eat grass; that’s what their ancestors ate, and that is

what their digestive system is designed for, so when they are fed grain they have

side effects, just as many people who eat gluten have side effects. The grass-fed

beef has a much better amino-acid profile and is much healthier for you, so, if you

can, try to eat grass-fed beef, higher welfare poultry, and other quality meat as

often as possible.

If you are a vegetarian then you can still build muscle and strength, as the

example of most vegetarian animals around the world will show you. The only

problem that some vegetarians have is that there may be some amino acids

missing from their diet. This can be rectified with various supplements, and is worth

looking into if you are a vegetarian.

As for the amount of protein that you will need, this varies according to a number

of factors, including your genetics, training history, body size, and training intensity.

A rough guide is to take on a gram of protein for every pound of lean body

weight, or 2 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight. For example, if you

weigh 80 kg, or 160 lb., then 160 g of protein per day is a good target to achieve.

Do not worry too much about this, as the majority of people take in sufficient

protein every day to not have to count the number of grams they are eating. If

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