Complete Calisthenics - Ashley Kalym

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In the next few pages we will look at the different types of equipment that can

be used in calisthenic training, where they can be found, and how important

each piece is to your success.


When starting your calisthenic training, you need to decide where to train. This is a

big decision, as it is most important that you enjoy your training, and if you do not

find a place that is suitable, then it is much more likely that you will give up. There

are numerous locations that can be suitable, and I will run through a few

suggestions here.

Firstly, commercial gyms and health clubs can be excellent for calisthenic

training, and hopefully nearly everybody reading this book will live relatively

close to one of these facilities. The benefits are that they normally have plenty

of equipment, they are indoors so the weather will not affect your training

schedule, and the prices are competitive. The downsides are that you will be

paying for many facilities (like swimming pools, etc.) that you will perhaps not

use. Also, the type of equipment they have will not be completely calisthenics

friendly. CrossFit gyms are very good for calisthenic training. Whatever your

opinion on CrossFit, and I have many, it cannot be denied that they have

some very good facilities with equipment that is pretty much perfect for those

interested in doing calisthenics.

Secondly, playgrounds and play parks are another viable option for those

wishing to train using calisthenics but who do not want to join a gym, or spend

any money on equipment. Most playgrounds these days have various pull-up

bars, dip bars, monkey bars, poles, ropes, and so on, and can be much better

to use than a commercial gym. The downsides are that nearly all playgrounds

and parks are outside, so if you intend on using somewhere like this for your

training, you will have to contend with the weather. The other is safety.

Playgrounds are designed primarily for children, and there could be issues with

adults working out in close proximity to children. In this instance, it would be

best to check with the local authority or council, and see if it would be

permissible for you to train there. Alternatively, you could just wait until the

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