The Wokingham Word, March 2020

Spreading smiles across Wokingham

Spreading smiles across Wokingham


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March in your Garden

by Gardeneer

March – the beginning of spring and a favourite time of year.

The warmer weather brings the garden and one’s enthusiasm

for gardening alive. There is still time to plant climbers,

trees and shrubs; new herbaceous perennial plants can be added to

borders; and bird-lovers can put up nesting boxes (on the north sides

of trees) before nesting season starts in earnest.

Needless to say, of course, March brings in a long list of things to

do: mow the lawn, repair bald patches of grass by seeding or replacing

with ready grown turf, prune roses, split clumps of herbaceous plants

and move them around, dig over beds and borders, provide plenty of

ventilation for plants in greenhouses as days can be warm but nights

still frosty and, and, and!! However, if there’s simply too much to do or

you haven’t got the time, call Gardeneer and one of their teams will

come and do it all for you.

Recent high winds may have caused structural damage to fences,

pergolas and sheds. It is worth a quick check to see all is well. If there

is damage, get it fixed quickly before the climbers grow too big and

make the job even more difficult. Call Gardeneer because we can help

with this.

March is the ideal time to look at changing the layout of your

garden. Whether it’s one small flower bed or a full garden layout,

Gardeneer can help and advise on suitable plants and design

schemes to transform your garden. They provide a one-stop

service from design and plant selection right through to build and

completion, working with you all the way to ensure you are delighted

with the finished result.

On the downside, be prepared for the inevitable invasion of slugs,

snails and other pests. Emerging seedlings and awakening perennials

are particularly susceptible to hungry slugs and snails that readily

attack any young, leafy growth. Remember that dogs, cats, birds and

other wildlife can be seriously affected if they eat slug pellets. The

safest and most economical way to use them is to place a dozen or so

under a slate or tile at strategic places around the garden. Birds, too,

can become a nuisance at this time, pecking at emerging buds and

vegetable seedlings. Fruit cages and cloches offer the best protection

but netting and black cotton thread can offer temporary protection

until growth is established.

On a high note, though, Crocus and daffodil bulbs, hellebores and

sweet scented daphne are providing so much colour and will soon be

joined by primroses, primula, polyanthus and camellia. Heartwarming

and uplifting!

Summer flowering corms such as gladioli and crocosmia can be

planted later in the month. If you stagger the time of planting over a

few weeks, you will be able to enjoy a longer flowering period.


m Plant summer-flowering bulbs

m Mow the lawn on dry days (if needed)

m Prune bushes and climbing roses

m Remove perennial and annual weeds.

m Protect plants from slugs and birds.

m Finish digging and fertilising areas to be planted or sown

m Provide ventilation to plants under cover

m Plant shallots, onion sets and early potatoes

m All lawns need feeding in order to maintain vigour. When feeding,

look out for signs of pest or disease and apply moss killer if

required. Regular maintenance is the best way to approach a lawn,

and may avoid the need for renovation later on.

m Visit your local garden centre or nursery now, to stock up with

herbaceous plants, while there is still a good selection. Established

perennials that have been growing for three years or more will

need lifting and dividing, so they continue to flower well.




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Landscape and garden design

• Patio, deck, fencing and gate replacement: your ideas and colour scheme

Regular garden maintenance

• Mow, weed, prune and clear leaves

Tidy ups, turfing and artificial turf

• Spring clean to get the garden started

0118 989 2627 • 07412 353 282 • info@gardeneer.co.uk • www.gardeneer.co.uk

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The Wokingham Word 9 MARCH 2020

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