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Wills & Probate FAQs

Anthony Gold solicitor Imogen Flynn answers some FAQs surounding

wills and probate.

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”) is a document used

to appoint another person or people to make decisions

for you if you are unable to do so yourself. These

people are known as “attorneys”. There are two types

of LPA, one which relates to property and financial

affairs and one which relates to health and welfare.

An LPA relating to property and financial affairs

allows your attorneys to deal with your finances,

for example to pay your bills, sell or buy property

or investments and operate your bank accounts.

An LPA relating to health and welfare allows your

attorneys to make decisions about matters such

as your medical treatment, your diet, where you

live and how you spend your time. There is also

the option to give your attorneys the power to

make decisions about life-sustaining treatment,

but you do not have to give them this power.

What could happen if I don’t make a Lasting

Power of Attorney?

If you don’t make an LPA while you have capacity

and you lose capacity to make decisions for yourself

or manage your finances then someone will need

to make an application to be appointed as your

Deputy. The process is more expensive and takes

longer than making an LPA yourself, as someone is

making the application on your behalf at the Court

of Protection. The Court will take a number of factors

into consideration when deciding if the person

who has made the application is a suitable Deputy.

Why do I need a Will and what happens if I

don’t have one?

By making a Will you can make sure your assets pass

to the people (or charities) you want. You also appoint

executors in a Will, that is, the people you want to

deal with your estate. Broadly speaking, that involves

applying for a Grant of Probate and settling any

inheritance tax, setting liabilities and collecting in

the assets (which could include selling property) and

distributing the estate. If you do not have a Will, then your

estate will be divided according to the intestacy rules.

How do I choose an executor?

It is important to choose executors carefully. It is

advisable to appoint two executors (or more, but no

more than four), or include a substitute appointment,

should something happen to one of them before you

and you don’t have a chance to change your Will. You

should ensure the people you choose have the right

skills to deal with the administration of your estate and

are capable of dealing with paperwork. Dealing with

an estate can be time consuming, and the process can

take a long time, especially if there is property to sell or

inheritance tax to pay. If executors make a mistake then

they can incur personal liability, so you may wish to

consider appointing a professional, such as solicitors.

You can appoint Anthony Gold as your executors.

Is a Grant of Probate always required?

If the person who has died has assets in their sole name

then a Grant will be required to collect these assets in

order to distribute them under the terms of the Will

or intestacy rules. A Grant may not be required if the

estate only consists of jointly owned assets which pass

automatically by survivorship or if there is only small

amounts of cash in the deceased’s bank accounts. It

is important to note there may still be inheritance

tax to pay, even if the assets pass by survivorship.

What are the current rules on inheritance


There isn’t any inheritance tax to pay on the first

£325,000, the nil rate band. Anything over this is taxed

at 40%. If you own a qualifying residence at the date

of your death and this passes to direct descendants,

such as children or grandchildren, then your estate

will also benefit from the residence nil rate band. This

is currently £150,000, but is increasing to £175,000

in April. Assets left to a spouse or civil partner are

exempt from inheritance tax, and the nil rate band

of the first spouse to die is carried forward to the

second death, provided this is not used up on legacies

or residue left to other beneficiaries. The residence

nil rate band is also transferable between spouses.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us!

020 8765 2700 anthonygold.co.uk

496 Streatham High Road, SW16 3QB (between Sainsbury’s and The Bull)

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