XD5002 Design Document - Amazon Alexa App Redesign

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Through my user research, I discovered that my target demographics, were

comprised of the following key groups of people for the most part: 18-29 years

old at 24% and 30-44-year-olds at 20% of total users [2] . However, there are also

potential sub-demographics of Elderly people and young children for instance.

With this in mind, I established the following personas and scenarios, to best

reflect a broad spectra of my userbase.

Rebecca, 23

Rebecca is a motivated Young Professional in the digital design field, who has

been living in Newcastle for 2 years. As an employee of her field, she lives an

active, busy lifestyle and strives to find ways to be able to streamline tasks and

objectives that she desires to achieve. She invests heavily in the latest technology

trends, and recently invested in an Amazon Smart Home system, including

multiple Echo and Echo Dot devices, as well as some Smart Light Bulbs and Smart

Plugs. She would like to be able to manage her devices through a simple and

responsive interface, from wherever she is, allowing her to have greater control

over her home. Furthermore, she is planning to invest in a Smart Thermostat in

the near future, and would ideally like each system to integrate successfully with

one another – to reduce the clutter and hassle of having to deal with several

incompatible systems.


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