XD5002 Design Document - Amazon Alexa App Redesign

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Final Design

Amazon Alexa Interactive Prototype

Through the various iterative wireframes, I was led through the design process to this

final output [7] . Using Adobe XD, I was able to elaborate and expand upon my ideas,

which I aim to justify below. Furthermore, I have also included alternative UI layouts,

which allowed me to explore appropriate design practices, to ensure the smoothest

experience for my end-userbase as possible.

My homepage makes use of the

aforementioned widget style. This

allows for greater customisation

to the needs of each individual

user, as well as providing a more

personalised and engaging


The Contacts & Calendar screen

provides integration between the

user’s online calendar and the Echo

System. This interface provides a

greater level of event detail as well

as allowing for calling to other Echo


The Organisation screen makes use

of the tabbed house style in order to

provide a variety of alarm settings

that can be configured and changed

in order to control the user’s Smart


[7] https://xd.adobe.com/spec/282cd86f-a042-4808-5f68-364fabbb8994-5e1d/


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