March 2020

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Steel Cladding



Being subject to high levels of industrial traffic, equipment and often located on busy urban

sites or exposed rural locations, industrial buildings come with an individual set of

requirements when it comes to their construction. In this article, Leighann Harris, Account

Manager at Hadley Group, explores the factors contractors need to consider when installing

external cladding on industrial buildings, so that they can ensure both high levels of client

satisfaction and a long-lasting, high-quality installation.

Ensuring that an industrial building’s

structure is able to deliver high levels of

strength and durability is imperative,

especially if it is to withstand the oftendemanding

environment for many years to come.

It is therefore perhaps no surprise that the

material of choice for industrial buildings

continues to be steel.

Indeed, while steel cladding is now increasingly

starting to find its way on to modern housing

developments, favoured for its clean and

contemporary design lines, it is still perhaps most

commonly recognised as

forming the face of the

UK’s industrial

buildings, renowned

for being both hardwearing

and resilient.

However, with so

many steel building

products and systems

available on the market, it

can be overwhelming for

contractors to identify the cladding

“Understanding the various processes can

enable you to discern a steel cladding product

which is of better quality, or which is able to

deliver higher levels of strength and durability”

best suited to a particular

application or project


Corrugated or boxprofile

cladding is

perhaps the most

common choice for

industrial building roofs

and walls, particularly

when compared to flat sheet

cladding, with the corrugations

increasing the cladding’s overall tensile

strength and making the structure more resilient

to impact and weight loads, consequently

reducing the likelihood of dents or warping.

Differing manufacturing processes

It is also worthwhile for contractors to be aware

of the various steel manufacturing and

fabricating processes and the benefits of each.

While this may not appear immediately relevant,

understanding the various processes can enable

you to discern a steel cladding product which is

of better quality, or which is able to deliver higher

levels of strength and durability. For example, the

cold rollforming process involves steel being

passed through a series of contoured rolls,

progressively manipulating the metal until the

desired cross-section profile is achieved. Being

work hardened in a cold state allows for a highly

adaptable manufacturing process and the

potential for custom product design, as well as

56 TC MARCH 2020

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