Families London SW Mar-Apr 2020

Parenting magazine information for those with children in SW London.

Parenting magazine information for those with children in SW London.


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Education for the 21st century

By Alison Melrose,

Head of Prince's Gardens Preparatory School

Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School is a brand spanking new, independent

school opening in Kensington this September. The head teacher Alison Melrose is

very passionate about the 4Cs of education; but what are they and why are they

pivotal in our children’s lives?

The happiness of a child is a true measure

of success and it’s a fact that children

learn best when they are happy. At

Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School, we feel

the 4Cs—creativity, collaboration,

communication and critical thinking—all help

to build confidence and support the need for a

broad curriculum; successfully preparing each

pupil for life as an intellectually accomplished

and fulfilled adult. We don’t know what the

future holds for our children so we must

prepare them to be adaptable to change

as well as having an excellent

academic education. Knowledge

will get them so far, but they must

also be able to think on their

feet, work in a flexible manner,

be independent learners and

have the human element, which

robots and AI can’t deliver.

Creativity, collaboration,

communication and critical


The 4Cs can be found across the curriculum

being applied in all aspects of education. Gone

are the days of the teacher standing at the

front of the class with an endless monologue.

We all learn in different ways and the three

most well-known areas are visual, auditory and

physical, ensuring we teach to all learning

styles is pivotal in engaging with all children.

For example, in a music class where the

children are playing musical instruments, not


will get them so far,

but they must also

be able to think on

their feet, something

robots and AI can’t


only do they need to listen to their teacher, but

they also need to work collaboratively to play

the same piece of music. They need to think

critically about how they stand, how much

space they need so they don’t bump into their

neighbour, or poke them in the eye with a bow,

and then they create some wonderful music

and have the confidence to perform in front of

an audience. These active and engaged

children retain information and are inspired to

find out more, which ultimately results in

greater progress.

Outdoor learning and

residential trips

And while progress is important

for the children, we also need to

ensure that we are mindful of

their wellbeing—healthy minds

and bodies. Prince’s Gardens has

its own two-acre outdoor area

behind the school which is very

unique in terms of London schools. We

also have access to a 70-acre outdoor learning

centre in Hertfordshire supporting the

character education programme in tandem

with an excellent academic programme. And

we have initiatives such as outdoor learning

and residential trips which provide fantastic

opportunities for collaborative and active

learning. Prince’s Gardens has a specialist

teaching room called The Maker Space where

children can really develop the 4Cs. All of

these activities develop character, teamwork,

resilience and a sense of pride.

As always, communication remains hugely

important in education, particularly in terms of

feedback. Teachers must understand what

good feedback looks like and give personalised

responses for each child in a meaningful way.

Not necessarily to praise, but to guide the path

forward as to what went well and how the

work could be even better next time. At

Prince’s Gardens we feel feedback delivered to

each pupil in class is much more meaningful

than a comment in a book that they read a

week later.

Technology in relation to the 4Cs is also key

within classrooms. It allows collaborative

learning with teachers able to sit with pupils

but still display and model parts of the

curriculum, or the children’s own work, from a

tablet directly to a screen. Classes can be

delivered with children around the world,

including Skype calls and collaborative

activities to share learning about different

cultures and languages.

Ultimately, schools must be nurturing

environments where we support children to be

the best version of themselves, make friends

and to try out a wide variety of activities and

subjects to find where their talents lie. And

most of all, to enjoy their childhood and

develop great social and emotional skills. At

Prince’s Gardens we want the children to step

out confidently in the future, be ambitious and

tenacious whilst also being mindful of the

world and their responsibility for it; and the 4Cs

are pivotal in helping us deliver that.

10-13 Prince’s Gardens,

London SW7 1ND




March/April 2020 • Families South West 13

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