Families London SW Mar-Apr 2020

Parenting magazine information for those with children in SW London.

Parenting magazine information for those with children in SW London.


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6. Get outdoors. With the right clothing and bundling, baby can spend

quite a bit of time outdoors. Not only is the fresh air good for you both, but

if the weather is nice and sunny, the vitamin D will do you good too! Try out

a farmer’s market for bright colourful fruits and vegetables, talk a hike

through the forest or even just sit in the park and take in your surroundings.

Your little one will love taking in all of the new sights and sounds.

Families Roving Mums recommend: There’s no shortage of parks and open

green spaces in London to take a walk or sit for a while. Head to a farmers

market and get some shopping done at the same time. Check out

www.lfm.org.uk to find one close to you.

Get outdoors-it will lift your spirits

7. Take in a movie. There’s no better time to take in some of the movies

you might have been missing. Many cinemas offer mum and baby movie

times with lower sound and softer lighting. Plus you’re among other moms,

so no need to worry if your little one starts to cry!

Families Roving Mums recommend: Many cinemas offer baby movie times,

check out their website for details. Try Odeon’s newbies, or Big Scream at

Clapham Picture House or The Ritzy in Brixton.

8. Learn baby sign language. It can be difficult to understand what all of

those cries and noises mean the first year. It can make you feel frustrated

and at a loss as to what your baby wants and needs. Why not give baby sign

language a try! It will allow your infant to communicate their needs more

clearly to you and it’s an amazing bonding experience.

Families Roving Mums recommend: There are many classes out there,

including those online. Check out Sing and Sign www.signandsign.co.uk or

Tiny Talk www.tintalk.co.uk, which both run classes in the South West area.

9. Get physical. Exercise will not only help you shed any extra baby

weight, but will make you feel better too with a kick of endorphins. Why

not involve your baby if you can? Try some mum and baby yoga, or

dancing with baby, buggy fit. It gives you time together, plus a good boost

of energy!

Families Roving Mums recommend: Why not give a baby and yoga class a

try, some buggy fit or even a dance class with baby. Not only will it boost

those endorphins, you’ll meet some other mums looking for a bit of

company too!

10. Story time at the library. All children love to be read to, no matter

what their age. And they benefit from being read to also. Check your local

library for story times so you can join other mums and your baby can fall in

love with books.

Families Roving Mums recommend: Check the website of your local

council to find the library closest to you and what they offer. You may find

they also offer special seasonal activities and even meet ups for mums and


The first year is hard, and it can be even harder doing it by yourself. Try

one, or try all of the points above and hopefully you too will start to grow

your own village. Child-raising isn’t easy and we all benefit from one.

Learn baby sign language



March/April 2020 • Families South West 39

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