LHCH_Newsletter Spring Summer 2020

Newsletter for supporters of Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity

Newsletter for supporters of Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity


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work carried out

by extraordinary



2020 is

Year of the


May 2020 marks the 200th birthday of Florence

Nightingale and to commemorate the work of this

extraordinary woman and celebrate today’s nurses

and midwives - the World Health Organisation

has designated 2020 as the International Year of

the Nurse.

Of course, everyone knows the story of Florence

Nightingale and her famous lamp. Thanks to her and

her team of 38 nurses, fatality rates in Scutari hospital were reduced from

47% to 2% in just six months. But did you know that she also made a major

impact on the health of people living in the UK and her work on public

sanitation helped to increase life expectancy in the country by some 20 years?

Today’s nursing and midwifery professionals exemplify her spirit of dedication

and professionalism and their care makes a difference to millions of people

each and every day. So why not help us to celebrate their dedication by

taking part in our NHS Big Tea.

All you need to do is get together with some of your friends and family and

raise a cuppa to celebrate, say thanks and help support the nurses who have

touched you and your family’s lives.

Get in touch with the Charity Office for your own Big Tea

pack with everything you need to have a smashing time

and as Florence herself said: “The first sign of English

patients getting better is their craving again for tea.”

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