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Business Expert Magazine


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the influence of humidity, and other factors.

The characteristics of waste are important when

selecting a specific Waste to Electricity (WtE)

technology. An optimized plant that treats

preselected waste can recover two or three times

more electricity and heat than a more traditional

plant that treats raw waste.

There is a wide range of WtE technologies.

Successful implementation of WtE conversion

technology depends considerably on the efficiency

of the process, which, in turn, depends on the

quality of the considered waste.

Recovery of energy and materials from MSW

through the production of a Refuse Derived Fuel

(RDF) is one of the feasible alternatives. RDF is

the product of processing MSW to separate the

waste to energy technologies such as Incineration,

Plasma Pyrolysis or Gasification.

A proposed new generation solution for

Bangladesh is to generate biogas, electricity, and

compost from the MSW. The process begins with

the recovery of recyclable material by passing

MSW through screen and sorter conveyer belt.

Then bypassing through Organic Liquifying press,

organic and inorganic components are separated.

The bio-degradable organic wet portion is sent to

anaerobic digestion. The biogas thus generated

can be then used to generate electricity by using

gas generators. The solid residue generated from

the biogas operation is used as organic fertilizer

(compost) after dehydration. The liquid portion

can be collected as liquid fertilizer.


Pollution Control

noncombustible from the combustible portion,

enabling better reuse of materials and recycling

of MSW with the possibility of achieving higher

efficiencies in energy recovery treatments. RDF has

several advantages compared to raw MSW. RDF

is an efficient fuel due to its high calorific value,

more homogeneous chemical composition, more

convenient storage, and handling characteristics,

and fewer carbon emissions.

The composition of MSW in Bangladesh has very

low heat content (3-6 MJ/kg) due to the high

percentage of moisture. Because of high moisture

and organic content, a great amount of additional

energy is required to preprocess the MSW to

prepare as feedstock for a conventional type of

The inorganic or non-biodegradable portion

obtained from the pressing process is further

processed by screening, manual, optical and

magnetic separator. The residue is then shredded

and dried to obtain RDF. The RDF is used to

generate electricity by Grate Incineration or

Gasification based gas turbine. This process has a

substantial amount of by-products as ash (3%-5%),

which can have secondary demand in the cement

manufacturing plant.

Converting MSW to energy has numerous

economic, health and environmental benefits,

including, serving energy demand; several useful

by-products; minimum end residue produced and

little to no waste products; clean & healthy city;

and besides all that, sustainable pollution control.

December, 2019

Monthly business magazine

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