Introducing a Paperless Lab - Vialis

Introducing a Paperless Lab - Vialis

Introducing a Paperless Lab - Vialis


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ELN<br />

Andreas Schild<br />

How optimization and simultaneous electronic support of actual laboratory<br />

processes can boost efficiency<br />

Ulf Fuchslueger<br />

<strong>Introducing</strong> a <strong>Paperless</strong> <strong>Lab</strong><br />

<strong>Lab</strong>oratories working in the<br />

pharmaceutical industry in<br />

the areas of R&D and quality<br />

control find themselves<br />

increasingly having to cope with<br />

conflicting demands — tougher regulatory<br />

requirements and harsher economic<br />

realities. In order to meet these<br />

demands, new ways of dealing with<br />

process, data and system management<br />

are necessary. This article shows how<br />

the paperless lab (as an integrated<br />

process, and not as a system implementation)<br />

can meet these challenges<br />

and boost efficiency.<br />




On the one hand, the authorities<br />

require more data with more quality,<br />

such as with the new EU GMP<br />

Annex 11 and the more intensive FDA<br />

inspections regarding 21 CFR Part<br />

11. And, on the other hand, there are<br />

the commercial pressures requiring<br />

more data in less time, typically with<br />

the same level of staff or less. On top<br />

of that, advances in technology and<br />

laboratory equipment mean that even<br />

more data is being generated faster,<br />

which creates almost insurmountable<br />

obstacles for conventional<br />

documentation and datamanagement<br />

processes in<br />

regulated laboratories.<br />

These obstacles, in turn,<br />

causes bottlenecks<br />

for the development and approval<br />

processes.<br />



When you look at data management<br />

in the lab, what you usually<br />

see is a mixture of various independent,<br />

non-integrated data-processing<br />

systems on paper and in electronic<br />

form. Often, paper is the preferred<br />

documentation medium when you<br />

have a mix of countless computer-<br />

Scientifi cComputing.com 7 April 2012

ELN<br />

Table 1: Typical key performance indicators for quality<br />

control and development laboratories.<br />

KPI Value*<br />

Effort documentation and control 45%<br />

Number of quality-relevant transfers 100<br />

(per approved batch)<br />

Number of redundant data transfers 250<br />

Process time up to 20 days<br />

Systems in operation (paper and 10<br />

electronic)<br />

*With the exception of the documentation and control effort, all numbers<br />

refer to the approval or analysis of one batch. Quality-relevant<br />

transfers have a direct impact on the result; redundant data transfers<br />

provide references and cross-references.<br />

ized systems, such as analyzers, offi ce applications<br />

and higher-level systems like laboratory information<br />

management or enterprise resource planning<br />

(ERP) systems. Such a scenario results in producing<br />

a hybrid system with numerous media gaps — this<br />

is the real root of all evil, leading to ineffi ciencies,<br />

quality and compliance risks and unnecessarily long<br />

throughput times, which prevent businesses from<br />

hitting their targets.<br />

Table 1 shows the typical key performance indicators<br />

of such a laboratory. The high level of quality<br />

risk (due to the high number of manual<br />

data transcription steps) is countered<br />

with extensive control steps — but<br />

that results in less effi ciency and longer<br />

throughput times. The use of isolated<br />

systems prevents the timely transfer<br />

of information, which leads to further<br />

unforeseeable delays and additional costs.<br />

And last, but not least, it can result in a considerable<br />

amount of the enterprise’s intellectual capital<br />

being wasted. The cost of using various isolated<br />

systems to collect data for modern knowledge-management-systems<br />

(statistics, data mining, reporting,<br />

exception handling, etcetera) is simply too high. So,<br />

much knowledge that could be extracted from the<br />

data collected remains untapped.<br />

In the industry, there are three different approaches<br />

to addressing this root problem. The fi rst — and<br />

actually no real solution — is the optimization of the<br />

existing hybrid system by adapting the existing processes<br />

and systems. It goes without saying that such<br />

an approach only brings selective and slight improvements.<br />

The second is the introduction of electronic<br />

documentation systems (often described as electronic<br />

lab notebooks) that show the paper data in electronic<br />

format. While the introduction of such a system<br />

brings certain benefi ts for quality and compliance<br />

purposes, the real problem is simply transferred from<br />

paper to an electronic format (“paper on glass”) and<br />

the hoped-for gains in effi ciency are only very small.<br />

And the practicality of introducing electronic documentation<br />

into the laboratory (using tablet-PCs or<br />

other mobile devices) is highly questionable. The third<br />

Acronyms<br />

ELN Electronic <strong>Lab</strong>oratory Notebook � ERP Enterprise resource Planning<br />

� GMP Good Manufacturing Practice � LIMS laboratory information management<br />

system � MES Manufacturing Execution System � PLM Product Lifecycle<br />

Management � SDMS Scientific Data Management System � SOP Standard<br />

Operating Procedures � SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats<br />

approach, which we discuss in more detail below, is<br />

the optimization and simultaneous electronic support<br />

of the actual laboratory processes — the introduction<br />

of the paperless lab.<br />


Since introducing a paperless laboratory involves<br />

more than simply implementing another IT application,<br />

the procedure model we use here takes into account<br />

other perspectives in order to build a sustainable<br />

overall concept. These perspectives fall into three main<br />

areas — the business needs, the user’s needs and the<br />

technical perspective.<br />

The business point-of-view defi nes the project’s<br />

goals and vision and ensures that the introduction of<br />

the paperless laboratory complements the company’s<br />

overall business objectives. Typical goals for producers<br />

are increasing net cash fl ow, reducing development<br />

time and, thereby, generating additional sales or<br />

reducing warehousing and stock costs to free up more<br />

capital. Naturally, various other goals or combinations<br />

of targets are possible — but what is decisive is that a<br />

quantitative connection can be made between laboratory<br />

activities and business objectives. This is achieved<br />

by defi ning a business-specifi c cause-effect model and<br />

implementing it into a corresponding fi nancial model. 1<br />

That is the only way that you can ensure<br />

that the implementation project meets the<br />

company’s targets and that the cost-benefi t<br />

analysis accounts for all relevant factors.<br />

The user’s point-of-view is the central<br />

element to developing the paperless<br />

laboratory concept. Based on a thorough<br />

process and system analysis, the user’s per-<br />

Scientifi cComputing.com 8 April 2012

ELN<br />

Figure 1: Distribution of tasks for a specific laboratory process as a<br />

percentage of work hours. The colors display the categorization in four<br />

categories; the documentation and control categories could be<br />

substantially reduced by the introduction of a paperless laboratory.<br />

Figure 2: Distribution of non-process activities per department as a<br />

percentage of work hours.<br />

spective will be summarized in the form of process descriptions and data streams. As well as the<br />

actual laboratory procedures — such as sample fl ow and processing, supporting processes will<br />

also be mapped (such as apparatus maintenance, reference substance management and reagents)<br />

in actual state. For every process step, information will be collected from any systems used, any<br />

responsibility changes and any data inputting and outputting. Key performance indicators will be<br />

collected from the process analysis for later integration into the fi nancial model. Vital interfaces<br />

with higher-level processes will be analyzed and documented. The analysis process is also the<br />

foundation for the subsequently conducted multi-moment analysis — a methodology that allows<br />

quantitative information to be derived from and for processes.<br />

Multi-moment analysis 2,3 provides statistically sound and accurate information about the use<br />

of resources per process step or sub-step — and for all processes. To collect data, every laboratory<br />

worker is equipped with a mobile device or PDA (confi gured for their particular tasks) that<br />

requires them periodically, but randomly (on average every 20 minutes) to select the task they are<br />

currently performing from a list. The impact of multi-moment analysis on the workfl ow is minimal,<br />

because just a simple click suffi ces — no recording of times or other parameters is required.<br />

Over a typical period of two weeks, suffi cient data is collected to enable highly detailed statistical<br />

analyses to be made on costs, time and clustering for processes, process steps and task categories.<br />

Figures 1–3 show examples of various evaluations from a multi-moment analysis. The multimoment<br />

analysis not only allows processes (independent of whether a new system is introduced<br />

or not) to be optimized where the greatest need or benefi t lies, but also permits the work stages<br />

to be categorized — thereby enabling a quantitative assessment of the potential benefi ts that the<br />

implementation of a paperless lab would bring (Figure 3). That, in turn, provides the foundation<br />

for a fact-based business case and for the comparison of various implementation scenarios and<br />

their economic benefi ts. The qualitative process description (together with the key performance<br />

indicators and quantitative statements from the multi-moment analysis) thus provides the crucial<br />

information for the paperless laboratory concept development.<br />

Taking the technological (i.e. IT and equipment) point-of-view — and looking at the existing<br />

infrastructure, company standards and long-term strategy — enables a comprehensive concept<br />

to be developed for the automation of the laboratory data-fl ow process. Only then will such a<br />

concept be in line with the company’s commercial targets.<br />

To develop the paperless lab concept — as well as considering the three perspectives outlined<br />

above — you also need a set of principles that allow for a defi nition of process targets based on<br />

the process description of the actual-state processes. The key principle and the vision of the paperless<br />

lab is the self-documenting process — a process that produces GxP-compliant documentation<br />

and eliminates unnecessary tasks from the workfl ow. That naturally means that manual<br />

Scientifi cComputing.com 9 April 2012

ELN<br />

data collection and transfer are eliminated<br />

wherever possible by interfacing to and from<br />

devices and systems — and where that is not<br />

feasible, by using barcodes for fast, error-free<br />

data collection. That also means that redundant<br />

or fragmented data is eliminated, that the<br />

“single-source-of-truth” principle is implemented<br />

and that data is available to every authorized<br />

user in real time. That, in turn, leads<br />

to improved processes, faster decision making<br />

and better teamwork.<br />

The application of these principles to the<br />

actual-state processes enables target-processes<br />

to be defi ned and functional requirements to be<br />

established. As part of the paperless lab concept,<br />

the delta between the current functionality and<br />

the required functionality will be generated in<br />

the gap analysis. This is the only way the fi lling<br />

of such gaps may be conceptually approached — naturally<br />

always considering the underlying business targets.<br />

Possible scenarios also include the modifi cation<br />

of existing IT systems by adapting existing applications<br />

to close functional gaps and multiple scenarios<br />

to close the remaining gaps with other applications.<br />

Once, the only kind of application specifi cally aimed<br />

at laboratory use was a laboratory information<br />

management system (LIMS). However, today there<br />

are many types of applications providing overlapping<br />

functionality. For example, electronic laboratory<br />

notebooks (ELN), sometimes for quality control<br />

referred to as laboratory execution systems or LES<br />

(derived from manufacturing execution systems or<br />

MES); archiving or raw-data management systems<br />

(scientifi c data management system or SDMS);<br />

specialized applications for device and system<br />

Figure 3: Aggregate values for all process and non-process activities for<br />

five different categories per department and as a total amount. The<br />

documentation and control categories show the potential of the<br />

introduction of a paperless laboratory.<br />

integration, increasingly also software that was not<br />

originally laboratory-specifi c, such as product-lifecycle-management<br />

(PLM) systems or ERP systems.<br />

Some software fi rms also offer combinations of the<br />

above-named applications, and there is generally a<br />

trend toward an extension and overlapping of functions<br />

or convergence of applications.<br />

There is no quick answer as to which application<br />

combination is the best for a company. But, by using<br />

SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities<br />

and threats) to compare the various possible combinations<br />

— naturally accounting for the overall business<br />

targets and not just the needs of the laboratory — the<br />

selection can be reduced to one or two scenarios.<br />

The next step is to select suitable products to fi t the<br />

desired application combination for the developed<br />

scenario. With a sound concept, defi ned target pro-<br />

cesses and their functional requirements, that<br />

is a relatively easy undertaking. As well as the<br />

functional considerations, it is also necessary<br />

to consider the complexity of the IT landscape<br />

and soft factors, such as the readiness of the<br />

software suppliers to cooperate.<br />

Before making any fi nal selection — and to<br />

clear up any technical issues and to get prospective<br />

users involved at an early stage — it<br />

is recommended piloting the whole solution in<br />

small, well-defi ned stages. Such a pilot scheme<br />

— which costs little in terms of money and<br />

risk — should cover as many areas of the paperless<br />

laboratory as possible and helps fi netune<br />

the fi nal implementation planning. The<br />

implementation of the fi nal solution is made<br />

in accordance with widely accepted standards,<br />

such as GAMP. 4 Because the pharmaceutical<br />

industry is so highly regulated, the whole system<br />

must be validated to meet strict requirements. 5,6 The<br />

work invested in the procedure model (e.g. process<br />

analysis, concept development, setting target<br />

processes and piloting) pays off here, contributing<br />

toward the necessary documentation. It should not<br />

be forgotten at this point that the paperless laboratory<br />

is not just the introduction of a system, but is<br />

also — above all else — process re-engineering. It is,<br />

therefore, necessary to support the new optimized<br />

process landscape with all necessary standard operating<br />

procedures (SOPs) and guidelines to maximize<br />

the benefi ts of the paperless laboratory.<br />


Because of its integrated and process-oriented<br />

approach, the benefi ts of the paperless laboratory<br />

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compared to using a specifi c application (such as an ELN) are several factors higher.<br />

The automation of the data fl ow and the continued elimination of documenting and<br />

related control activities signifi cantly boost effi ciency for laboratory staff and management.<br />

Already through these effects alone, effi ciency gains of 20 to 30 percent are<br />

feasible (depending on a company’s situation).<br />

Additionally, the virtual elimination of manual tasks substantially reduces processing<br />

times and quality risk. System-specifi c automatic checks ensure compliance and data<br />

consistency and reduce control activities to atypical results (“review by exception”),<br />

thereby accelerating processes and improving resource allocation. Since automatic documentation<br />

also automatically generates numerous process-relevant parameters — such<br />

as throughput times for certain tasks, equipment utilization or sample logistics — there<br />

is an excellent source of data for laboratory management. The paperless laboratory<br />

delivers key performance indicators for its own continual improvement, free-of-charge<br />

— and enables the comparison of organizational units using high-quality data. And<br />

the availability of real-time data benefi ts other areas outside the laboratory — such as<br />

simplifying inter-departmental cooperation, supporting knowledge management and<br />

improving follow-up processes. From the users’ point of view, the paperless lab substantially<br />

simplifi es the workfl ow and reduces the number of systems implemented. It also<br />

supports user-specifi c portals and sharpens focus on what is important.<br />

It is clear that the sum of the paperless lab’s benefi ts is enormous. As with all investment<br />

projects of this size, after implementation, evidence should be presented to show<br />

that the estimated business case and the reality correspond. This can be done at any<br />

time with the help of multi-moment analysis, which can also be used to quantify the<br />

impact of any process change on the workfl ow.<br />


1. Ritter J. Reducing Cost by Automating <strong>Lab</strong>oratory Workflow. G.I.T. <strong>Lab</strong>oratory Journal. 2009;13(7<br />

– 8):32 – 34.<br />

2. Haller-Wedel E. Das Multimomentverfahrenin Theorie und Praxis. Munich (Germany): Carl Hanser<br />

Verlag; 1969.<br />

3. Simons B. Das Multimomentzeitverfahren, Grundlagen und Anwendung. Kologne (Germany):<br />

Verlag TÜV Rheinland GmbH; 1987.<br />

4. ISPE: GAMP 5, a risk-based approach for GxP compliant computer systems; 2008.<br />

5. Food and Drug Administration: 21 CFR Part 11.<br />

6. EU-GMP Annex 11.<br />

Ulf Fuchslueger is the owner and Andreas Schild is a senior IT consultant at <strong>Vialis</strong><br />

AG, Liestal, Switzerland. They may be reached at editor@Scientifi cComputing.com.<br />

April 2012

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