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High Blood Sugar Levels

Can Be Normalized

The glucose levels in the human

blood do increase due to several

factors. Such increments are responsible

for various types of abnormal

behavior of the human body.

This type of disorder has been increasing

due to life style factors

such as food habits, stress levels,

etc. The researchers could not invent

any medicine to cure the disorder

yet!. The transformation of life

style can reverse the disorder.

Consuming unprocessed foods is

one of the most important steps to

control the increasing blood glucose

levels. The dark colored vegetables

are highly helpful. The patients

need to take foods rich in fiber

and proteins. Among the fruits, its

advised to avoid the excessive consumption

of mango, banana, sapota,

etc which do contain excessive

amounts of sugar. The green leafy

vegetables, bitter gourd, brinjal,

etc need to be consumed everyday.

Shifting to the consumption of

brown rice from white rice is vital in

controlling the above said disorder.

Whole wheat bread, oats, cooked

vegetables, boiled eggs, nuts,

salads, etc need to be taken as a

break fast.

The symptoms are variable from

person to person depending upon

several biological factors. But the

general symptoms of high blood

sugar levels include, frequent urination

especially during the nights,

dry mouth, excessive thirst, etc. In

some patients, the symptoms cannot

appear, hence occasional blood

sugar diagnosis is the only way to

know the status of one’s blood

sugar levels. In the initial stages of

the disorder, its ideal to avoid consumption

of any drugs. Physical exercise,

alteration of food habits, etc

can bring the blood sugar levels to

normal range!. But the uncontrolled

high blood sugar levels will damage

several organs such as the eyes,

heart, kidneys, etc. The damage

caused does depend upon several

factors and is variable from person

to person. The rich people can afford

expensive foods such as eggs,

vegetables, fruits, etc.

For the poor people there are some

simple home remedies to control the

increasing blood sugar levels in the

blood. Reduction of weight is one of

the best remedies. obesity is one of

the major causes of several life style

diseases. The neem leaves should

be boiled for about twenty minutes,

and then filtered to be consumed

everyday for about a week depending

upon the sugar levels. Similarly,

fenugreek should be soaked

throughout the night, and can be

taken with empty stomach early in

the morning. Consumption of millets

too is advised. The major remedy is

to transform the life style.


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