Avisure Capability Statement.V2(Arpil2020)

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client profiles


Vancouver International Airport


Vancouver, Canada


Wildlife Hazard Management


Vancouver Airport is situated on the Fraser River delta which attracts 10s of thousands of

geese each winter resulting in a significant aviation hazard. This program involves providing

on ground delivery of our team of wildlife biologists and trained technicians to manage this

risk 24/7. In arguably the best resourced airport wildlife program in the world, coordination is

required of various world leading innovations including the use of dogs, falconry and boats

on the foreshore areas to disperse birds.


Bahrain International Airport


Bahrain, the Middle East


Wildlife Hazard Assessment

Bahrain International Airport required the assessment of current wildlife hazards on- and offairport

across each season, a risk assessment, an evaluation of current wildlife management

practices and associated documentation, a compliance audit against national regulations and

international standards, recommendations for the development and implementation of a

comprehensive wildlife hazard management program, the development of species strike risk

profiles, and the delivery of training for wildlife control personnel.


Broadspectrum Pty Ltd


RAAF Edinburgh, East Sale and

Point Cook


Wildlife Management Program

Since February 2011 an Avisure Wildlife Management Officer has been dedicated to the

daily assessment and management of their wildlife strike risks. Key to the success has been

the implementation of an aircraft and wildlife separation model; the first of its kind in

Australia. The program includes bird surveys, updated risk assessments, stakeholder

engagement, training and reporting. Since the program commenced, there has been one

damaging strike (which occurred off airport) compared with six damaging strikes in the three

years preceding our involvement.


Sydney International Airport


Sydney, Australia


Wildlife Hazard Management

Sydney airport is the busiest airport in the southern hemisphere and requires a sophisticated

wildlife management program to identify and mitigate strike risk. This includes bird and bat

surveys, risk assessment, project design, client training program, reporting and stakeholder

engagement. In an Australian first, Sydney Airport has developed a decision tool to assist

land users in the vicinity of the airport to assess proposed developments against Guideline C

of the National Airports Safeguarding Framework. Avisure has been their technical

consultant since 2008.


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