
A month of devotions to inspire you in your journey of faith.

A month of devotions to inspire you in your journey of faith.


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Day Thirty One

Kingdom Secrets Release Abundance

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven

has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has

will be given more, and he will h ave an abundance.

– Matthew 13:11-12

Secrets. We all have them. The purpose of a s ecret is

to keep those who should not know somet hing from

knowing it. Jesus was telling his disciples that he had

chosen them to know the secrets of the kin gdom.

Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables so that only

those who were spiritually alert would hear the

message. Then he explained the parables to those who

were to understand the secrets.

Understanding the secrets of the kingdom will

release God’s favor. If we can hear the message of the

kingdom, and understand the purposes of the “s ecrets”

that he is revealing, then we will be able to walk in the

fullness of his intended abundance.

Knowing and understanding the principles of the

kingdom unlocks the door to God’s favor; diligent

obedience opens the door to abundance. God is not

only calling us to understand and believe but he is

calling us to diligent obedience to the principles so

that he can release his best to us. His best is reserved

for those who obey him.

Over the next few days explore some of the kingdom

principles that Jesus called, “Secrets of the kingdom.”

Search the Scripture to find the s ecrets of kingdom life

Jesus revealed while he was here on earth.

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