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human, “If we die tonight, I want you all to know that it’s been

a hell of a ride. Let’s begin.”

My assistants, my “knights,” shook their heads, and

they knew we were all going to die. It wasn’t a question. We

knew what was going to happen.

My brother laid out a thirteen foot hexagram.

Following him, we laid out four triangles of manifestation in

the cardinal directions with the respective sigils. We placed red

candles on each hexagram vertex and black candles on the

vertexes of the triangles, and proceeded with the rest of ritual

as Koetting has given it in this work.

Causing each of my knights to become possessed by an

entity proved to be a Herculean task. I began with Belial. The

possession was quick and quite startling. The being took not

only control over my knight but his entire physical appearance


The gate was thrown open, and I fell to my knees.

Forcing my body to overcome such spiritual pressure, I

directed myself to the next corresponding Demon. With each

demonic possession I felt less attached to the people or myself;

fear of dying or any other consequence faded into the blackness

of the armies of fiends and demons just outside of the unified

ritual area.

The forest was littered ghoulish creatures, waiting for

their Masters call; the air was impossible to breathe; my vision

blurred, and at last I reached Abaddon. The possession of this

demon was astonishing. His entire existence was forced into

such a small body, manipulating the body’s muscles to expand

about six times their own size. He gave me a crooked smile,

and in perfect harmony all four bodies of the damned chanted,

“The gates are connected and opened!”

The ground physically began to shake. The reality of it

all hit me. Rock began to split, and I felt a tremendous amount


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