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opening pathways above and below to allow the fiends to filter

into the Temple.

Cody began a mantra that he would repeat throughout

the ritual, despite the onslaught of abyssal streams:

“Lamvamramyamhamramaummm,” each syllable activating

the energy centers in each person in the room, opening not only

the Temple as a gateway into the world of spirits, but using our

own bodies to facilitate Their coming. Behind him, one of the

musicians began a drone on a Tibetan singing bowl.

I turned to the east. Amaymon’s sigil laid on the

ground, within the Triangle of Manifestation. I gazed into it.

Within seconds, the inked lines flashed and faded, and

reappeared in three dimensions. Amaymon’s presence trickled

into the Temple.

“Amaymon, I call you and conjure you forth to stand in

this Temple and to take your place within the Triangle. I

summon you to manifest before me in beholdable form and to

speak with me in a discern able voice. Amaymon, I give you

license to appear, I give you power to manifest, I give you this

call to come. Amaymon, come!”

The congregation repeated, “Amaymon, come!

Amaymon, come! Amaymon, come!” A peculiar yet familiar

fugue came over me, as if my brain was receiving too much

oxygen, as if I would black out at any moment. I stayed with

the fugue, recognizing it as a sure signal of the success of the

evocation, knowing that I could ride its waves into the world

between the worlds, where the materialization actually begins.

Swooning and swaying, losing all connection with the physical

world, with the basement around me, with the congregation

unsure if they should prepare to catch me if I started going

down, the fugue shattered, and my eyes looked to the Triangle

with new clarity. I could feel Amaymon there, in astral space,

preparing to breach the veil and enter our realm.


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