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explained that they would not be allowed only to witness, but

that the demons demanded that everyone in attendance take

part, even if only in some subtle, invisible way. They agreed.

Cody, being a Master Mason, among various other titles

in diverse organizations, suggested that, due to the extreme

nature of the ritual, the Temple space be “tiled,” or protected

from outside interruptions or interferences. This is done by

posting a “tiler,” otherwise known as a “Black Guard” at the

entrance. While in modern freemasonry, the presence of a tiler

is largely a ritual formality, in other, more sinister workings,

the Black Guard is sometimes a very physical necessity, and

requires more than a daytime accountant with a ritual sword.

It is no secret that many occult orders have ties with

neo-Nazi groups, or that those who lean towards National

Socialism also find relevance in the occult. This is something

often denied or minimized by those in both parties, but any

person with an eye and a brain can see the link.

Cody put in a call to one such group, and found a

“Soldier,” a young, strong man with tattoos covering every

inch of skin beneath his jaw, recently released from prison for

aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, who was delighted to

tile our ritual space.

Word spread of the evocation from the few who knew

of it. A group of musicians with heavy occult leanings was

playing in the area, heard of the ritual, and contacted me to ask

if they could take part. After meeting with them, I saw no

reason to exclude them. Cody and John also invited people

with whom they had performed ritual. By the time the ritual

began, the basement was filled with a congregation, packed

shoulder-to-shoulder, at least thirty others besides the original

five participants.

The Black Guard’s eyes focused.


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