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Q. What tips do you have for beginner models

trying to build connections in the industry?

I think the rule every model should stick to

no matter a beginner or if you’ve been in the

industry for a while, is to genuinely be nice to

everyone on set. Any one of them could have you

in mind for an upcoming job. Plus you’ll enjoy

working on another level if you get to know the

people around you.

Q. What has been one of your favorite projects

to work on?

I recently did a really fun shoot with one of my

favourite makeup artists, where he transformed

me into a completely different person with huge

Afro type of hair with a lot of green and glitter

involved for the eye shadow. I really enjoy those

type of jobs when you’re playing around a bit

and dressing up. I also had the opportunity to

shoot with the coolest photographer in Cape

Town. As it was a test shoot, it was just him and

I joking ideas for the concept. I did my own

makeup and hair, and we both brought outfits

along. We drove along the coast and shot it the

most incredible locations. It is definitely one of

my favourite shoots to date.

Q. Are you pursuing modeling full time? and

How often are booked for jobs?

I’ve currently decided to stay in my home

country for a while. There’s isn’t enough work

available in Copenhagen to call it full time. So

I’m also working at a restaurant on the side, and

hope to study again later this year.

Q. Do you attend lot’s of castings and for those

that have never been to one, describe what a

casting is like? Is it very competitive?

I only attend castings when I’m working

overseas. In Denmark clients usually select the

models through direct bookings. Which makes

life a lot easier for everyone. I remember my

first casting was in Istanbul when I was 19. It

was one of the most nerve wracking experiences

ever. Every casting is different. But usually you’ll

be lining up. this can take anywhere between

1 minute to 5 hours. then once it’s your turn

you hand over a comp/set card to the casting

director. If they’re interested in your look your

photo will be placed in the “yes” pile along with

a bunch of others, and sometimes they’ll get you

to try some of their clothes or products on to see

how you suit their brand. If you’re lucky enough

to score the job they’ll book you through your

agency where all the details are sent over. The

casting process becomes less joyable if you view

it competitively in my opinion. The key is not to

take the “no’s” personally. Of course that’s easier

said than done at times.

Q. Describe your personality in three words!

Ahhh.. this is always such a difficult one to

answer. But if I asked someone close to me

to describe me in 3 words, I believed they’d

describe me as loyal, smiling and a little weird



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