YSM Issue 86.3

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Can Viruses Adapt to Erratic Temperatures?

Yale researchers led by Professor Paul Turner of the Ecology and

Evolutionary Biology Department have shown that viruses have

significant difficulty adapting to rapidly changing temperatures.

Although viruses are known for their adaptability under different

environmental conditions, Turner found that they suffer when

temperatures change too unexpectedly. His findings are especially

relevant in the face of the rapid temperature changes predicted by

various climate models. If viruses like the ones which cause the

common cold fail to adapt to temperature changes despite their

simple structure, what does this research imply for other, more

complex animals such as polar bears or even humans?

For this particular project and many others, Turner used the

vesicular stomatitis virus, a popular subject for studies in viral evolution.

It contains only five genes that evolve very quickly, making

the virus ideal for laboratory use. Within a day, Turner produced

four generations of the virus. and eventually created 100 generations

in total for the study.

Turner and his team then divided these viruses into four groups

and assessed their ability to adapt to different set temperatures.

The first group was tested at 37 degrees Celsius, approximately the

temperature of the human body and a standard temperature for

research. Next, the researchers tested another group of viruses at

29 degrees Celsius, the “low temperature” for the experiment. The

third group of viruses was exposed to both the low and high temperatures

on alternating days. Finally, the fourth group in the study

was subjected to erratic temperature changes, where temperatures

ranged anywhere from 29–37 degrees Celsius on any given day. The

goal of the experiment was to assess the phenotypic and molecular

changes of the viruses under the different temperature conditions.

If the viruses underwent significant mutations at their respective

temperatures and produced significant phenotypic change, they

increased their fitness. If they failed to do so, their adaptability and

therefore their fitness

left them susceptible to


The results showed

that viruses had the highest

fitness gains in the

alternating, yet predictable

temperature pattern

(group three). Viruses

in the two treatment

groups (groups one and

two) which employed

constant temperatures



Glycoproteins on the surface of the

virus enable invasion into host cells

and may be the most affected by

temperature changes.

had the next highest fitness

gains. The viruses

in the final group, which

encountered the random

temperature changes,

had the lowest fitness

gains. This means that


Arthropod-borne viruses, such as the vesicular stomatitis

viruses shown in thie electron micrograph, are used by the

Turner Lab as experimental models.

the viruses exposed to erratic temperatures were the least successful

in adapting and improving their likelihood of survival.

The viral gene that produces glycoprotein, which is responsible

for virus entry into the host cells where it reproduces, seems to

be the gene most affected by the temperature changes. Across all

the temperatures tested, the majority of genome substitutions

occurred there. This suggests that glycoprotein plays a key role

in supporting the viruses’ vitality as temperatures change, though

what that role could be is not yet fully understood. As a result, the

functional role of the glycoprotein in temperature adaptation is

the next area of interest to Turner’s group.

These results would seem to beg the question: Are the kinds of

rapid changes in temperature Turner used in his study prevalent

in the real world? “If you don’t like the weather in New England,

wait a night,” Turner answered. “In many parts of the United

States and around the world, the weather already changes by eight

degrees from day to day.” He added, “if we shift our frame of

reference to the world, the change might not be as astounding just

yet.” However, climate models currently in use or in development

show that these kinds of temperature jumps are certainly plausible.

If viruses, the most adaptable life form known, are unable to

adapt to such changes in temperature, how can other species expect

to do so? If efficient reproductive machines such as viruses cannot

adapt to fluctuations in an eight degree window of temperature

change, then what can the koalas or polar bears of the world do

in the face of climate change? Finally, what does climate change

coupled with Turner’s findings imply about the survival capability

of the human species? Of course, much research is needed to

address these questions, and it is for this reason that Turner urges

the government to allocate more money for basic research at Yale

and throughout the nation. “I worry about the future of scientific

research,” he concluded. “I worry about the world my children will

live in without the discoveries made possible by basic research.”

www.yalescientific.org April 2013 | Yale Scientific Magazine 11

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