YSM Issue 86.3

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Sam Spaulding, JE ’13


Not many people can say that they have communicated with robots,

worked for Disney, and graced the stages of both Jeopardy! and Who

Wants to be a Millionaire?. But for Samuel Spaulding, a senior Computer

Science major in Jonathan Edwards, this is simply the beginning of

a promising future in social robotics.

As a member of his high school math and Quiz Bowl teams,

Spaulding’s interest in science started early. His interest in artificial

intelligence, specifically, was sparked during his senior year after

reading the book Gödel,

Escher, Bach: An Eternal

Golden Braid. However, it

was only when he came

to Yale that he became

interested in computer


“When I first got here,

I’d never taken a computer

science course,”

Spaulding recalled. “But

freshman year I took

this Intro Programming

class, really loved it, and

thought ‘Okay, computer

science is something that

I can really get into.’”

Drawing inspiration from

his interest in cognitive

science, Spaulding eventually

found a field that

combined both of his

interests — applying

artificial intelligence to


At the Yale Social

Robotics lab, Spaulding’s


Spaulding spoke about the nature of intelligence at the 2013 TedxYale


research involves finding

ways for humans and

robots to interact comfortably

with one another through spoken language. “The idea first

came when I was thinking, ‘How can you make interactions between

humans and robots more natural?’” Spaulding said. “Language is

the most natural way that humans communicate. It’s what we use

to communicate with each other. Speech technology like voice recognition

and synthesized speech weren’t good enough in the past

to justify working with, but they have been improving so rapidly

that it’s feasible to think now about this type of interaction.” Thus,

one of Spaulding’s goals is to teach robots about the environment

around them using speech.

In a project that culminated in his senior thesis, Spaulding created a

robotic system that adjusts its behavior depending on the verbal input

it gets from the user. After hearing the user describe an object, the

robot can identify the object and establish a sentiment score based

on what the user says about it. Something that the user describes in

a positive way would therefore be assigned a higher sentiment score

than something described negatively. Afterwards, the user will ask the

robot about the object at hand. For example, the robot may be asked,

“How do you feel about carrots?” The robot then selects behaviors

to execute that are socially appropriate, given the sentiment score

it has learned for carrots from the user’s description. By teaching

robots how to react to objects that they encounter, this undertaking

provides a step towards improving human-robot communication.

In addition to working in the Social Robotics Lab, Spaulding has

been putting his computer

science skills to use in various

ways. In the summer of

2011, he worked at Amazon

to develop a website that

assessed team performance.

The experience gave him

valuable programming experience

and showed him

how a standard software

engineering company functions

on a grand scale. Furthermore,

he worked on a

team to create an Android

app called SmileIKnow,

which became a finalist at

the Amazon Mobile Security

Hackathon. The following

summer, Spaulding worked

as a research assistant for

Walt Disney Imagineering.

“I was doing artificial intelligence

research for tools

that might eventually see use

in the parks,” he said.

When Spaulding is not


working on robots, he may

be found reading, playing

video games, or enjoying

the outdoors. As a trivia

enthusiast, he is also on Yale’s Quiz Bowl Team. “I like to keep my

skills sharp with bar trivia, go out and play on a team there,” said

Spaulding. “It’s a lot of fun.” And it pays off: he placed second in

the Jeopardy! College Championship.

Given his wide range of experiences, Spaulding had a lot to talk

about when selected to speak at the TedxYale conference this year.

Drawing upon his extensive background with artificial intelligence,

he steered away from the purely technical aspects of his research and

instead explored the unique nature of human intelligence.

Next year, Spaulding plans to continue his education at Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT). Indeed, with all that he

has achieved in the past four years, Spaulding will certainly have a

busy and rewarding post-Yale career ahead of him. “I’ll be going to

graduate school at MIT for robotics, so hopefully I’ll have a lot of

opportunities there,” he said. “I’ve got some ideas for things that

I’d like to work on.”

36 Yale Scientific Magazine | April 2013 www.yalescientific.org

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