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McLaurin Destined for Greatness / Susan Bryant

The senior class of 2020 at McLaurin High School is special. In this class, there are athletes, scholars, wallflowers, and an array of other personalities that paint a perfect

picture of grace, diversity, and strength. This class WILL persevere. This class WILL overcome. This class WILL take the hand they have been dealt and they WILL go on to

do great things. In this class, there are future lawyers, doctors, teachers, welders, and a wide variety of other jobs that will be filled by this amazing class. The 2020 class

of McLaurin High School can handle anything that is thrown at them. They have faced an unprecedented ending to their high school days. We are certain that they will

be able to handle whatever life brings and they will do so with amazing grace and strength. We are proud of them, but most of all, we believe in them! This McLaurin

High School Class of 2020 WILL do great things.

Marice Graham

If nothing else, this year has shown

me the principle behind certain things.

For instance, to have a normal

graduation ceremony is fine. That is

what everyone is used to and what

everyone expects. However, not being

able to have one has shown me to

appreciate the principle behind

graduation. It’s not so much about

walking across the stage, all the cords

and medals, it’s about what you’re

graduating to. Whether that is a new

place to live, a new work place, a new

state, or even a new country, you’re

graduating to better and bigger things.

And frankly whether a ceremony occurs

or not, the new stages in our life will

take place regardless.

Lily Kaczkowski

Covid-19 has had a big impact on my

senior year. From graduation to end

of year hangouts with friends, it all

looks completely different that what

I had expected. But I’m so thankful

for the internet and improvisation.

I’m still finding a way to make the

end of my senior year a great one!

Kenning Bridges

As a senior, I assumed there’d be

certain things about high school I’d miss

most: pep rallies, football games, club

trips, and annual traditions. However,

because of this unexpected situation,

I now know that, while I will certainly

miss the bigger events of high school,

what I’ll miss most are the small things,

everyday things: hallway hugs,

lunchroom conversations, seeming cool

to underclassmen, a routine, laughing

with friends, club meetings, and even

just the familiar faces of the people I’ve

spent the last 12 years with! My high

school story has been a wonderful one,

from it’s beginning to it’s quite unique

ending! This wasn’t an ending anyone

expected, but it’s surely an ending

no one will ever forget!

Jakub McLean

As a senior in high school I was really

looking forward to this year. Until the

coronavirus completely shut down

anything school related. I have had to

change the way I learn, and be okay

with losing some major parts in my

final year of high school. I have lost the

chance to finish my varsity baseball

season, go to senior prom, and have a

traditional graduation with all of my

classmates. This year was so critical for

me due to this being my last year to

play baseball at McLaurin. I played one

game with my team, and then Covid-19

completely ruined the rest of my senior

year along with every other senior in

this class. Even after everything has

been cancelled, I would not change

one thing. These hard times have

shown me more about the people in my

community and how much they truly

care for everyone around them.

Brooke Musgrove

I started off the school year with many

expectations. I knew that I was going to

have all of these things that cemented a

person’s senior year. I looked forward to

pep rallies, a senior walk, prom, awards

day, graduation, and plenty of time to

hang out with friends before we all go

our separate ways after graduation.

However, after spring break things took

a turn for the worst. All of these things

that would close my senior year started

getting cancelled or changed. I will not

be having a senior awards night or

prom. My graduation will be vastly

different than the years before me.

A piece of my senior year feels like

an unfinished book. However, all of us

will be part of history books because

of the bizarre way that we are ending

our senior year.

Sam Atarji

This dramatic turn in the school year

has really been a shock for me. The

highly anticipated senior events

towards the final stretch of high school

seemed to vanish into thin air. If

anything, this experience has made me

realize how much I really do love school

and question if I took high school for

granted. It’s upsetting to not have prom,

a traditional graduation ceremony or

senior signing day, but some people

lost more than a dance, they lost their

own life or a loved one and I’m thankful

to still be here.

114 • JUNE 2020

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