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Describe your senior year in three words.

Challenging. Rewarding. Unforgettable.

If you could create one mandatory course for future seniors,

what would it be?

I would create a nap class for seniors. Sometimes these senior

classes can get stressful and overwhelming, and we all could

use a nice little stress-reliever to get us through the year.

“I will always remember…”

I will always remember being in my school’s show choir.

The group is so tight-knit. We have a great time singing and

dancing with each other, but we also know that we have each

other to lean on when life gets rough.

If you could change one school rule, what would it be?

We have to sit in assigned sections at lunch. I would get rid of

that rule, so everybody could sit and talk with their friends.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope to be working in a hospital as a pediatric occupational

therapist. I will also most likely have a few dogs and a small

house. I may be married and have kids in 10 years, but who


Who was your favorite teacher throughout all of high school

and why?

My absolute favorite teacher is my science teacher, Mrs.

Elizabeth Knight. We both share a love for science, and she

always lets me ask her all the many questions I have about it.

I always know I can talk to her if I ever need anybody to give

me advice or make me laugh. She never fails to brighten my

day and strengthen my passion for science.

What has been the highlight of your senior year?

My last few show choir competitions. The show choir girls

would get together and spend the night because we always had

to wake up at like two or three in the morning to do hair and

makeup. I also loved performing the show. There is nothing

like the rush of performing a show in front of an audience.

Show choir competitions have given me some of the best

memories that I will continue to cherish in years to come.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Definitely to be myself–because those who mind don’t matter,

and those who matter don’t mind. This has been so helpful to

me because I have struggled with trying to change myself to

please others throughout my life, but this only wears you down

and keeps you from being the best version of yourself.

If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?

I would change my perfectionist ways. There have been many

times in my life when I have chosen to stay home and do work,

so I could get a perfect grade. By doing this, I feel like I have

missed out on so many valuable high school memories that I

won’t get back.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen?

I would tell them to not worry about being the most popular

or the best looking person ever, but to strive to be the best

versions of themselves. Popularity and looks only bring

temporary happiness, but having good character will bring

a lifetime of joy and success.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to attend Mississippi College to major in biology and

minor in psychology. I then plan to go to occupational therapy

school to become a pediatric occupational therapist.

Hometown RANKIN • 85

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