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Describe your senior year in three words.

Fun, fast-paced, unforgettable.

If you could create one mandatory course for future seniors,

what would it be?

Home economics. It’s already an existing class but my school

doesn’t offer it. I feel like home economics teaches basic skills

that many students should know before being sent into the

world on their own.

“I will always remember…”

I will always remember the time my friend hosted our class

party at her house in fifth grade. She had an antique landline

on her nightstand, and one of the other girls thought it was

fake. The girl dialed 9-1-1 and an operator answered. She

wasn’t expecting anyone to answer so she freaked out and

hung up the phone immediately. A few minutes later, a police

officer showed up to the house and fussed at the girls for

playing on the phone. This all happened a few minutes before

I got to the party though, so I missed the best part of the party.

If you could change one school rule, what would it be?

We are required to wear outerwear with our school’s logo on

it. Most of the time it’s colder inside than outside, so I’d prefer

to be allowed to wear warmer clothes..

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself with a great job as a pharmacist. Hopefully, I’ll

either be married or getting married soon. If I’m married by

then, I might be expecting my first child.

Who was your favorite teacher throughout all of high school

and why?

Mr. Clendinning, one of the English teachers, was my favorite

by far. He’s helpful, funny, and very patient. Also, he deeply

cares for his students. He’s kind of like the school grandfather.

Soli Deo Gloria

What has been the highlight of your senior year?

Definitely the first day of school. We had policemen escort us

seniors to school. Also, our families, friends, and other students

were waiting for us to arrive at school and begin our senior

walkthrough. Once the walkthrough started, everyone lined

up from one end of the campus to the other just to celebrate

us. I felt like I was in a miniature parade.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

There is an elderly woman in my church named Miss Daisy.

She’s a sweet lady. Every time she sees me, she gives me a hug

and says, “Make sure you learn all you can while you have the


If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?

I’d change my attitude towards playing soccer. I became a

nonchalant player in the last few years. Many of my coaches

told me I had so much potential, but I just dismissed them and

went through the motions. I’ve recently finished my last season

of soccer, and I regret not doing all I could have. I should have

worked harder and given more effort.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen?

Don’t wish your time away. It doesn’t matter what stage of life

you’re, don’t wish it away. I remember being a freshman wishing

I could be done with school or wishing I could be close to

graduation. All that time I wished I could have been done with,

I wish I could experience one last time. Time is precious; it’s

the one thing we can’t get back after we’ve lost it. Make the

most of the here and now with the people around you.

What are your plans after graduation?

During the summer I’ll be working toward obtaining my

pharmacy technician certification. Afterwards, I’ll be immediately

pursuing my Doctor of Pharmacy. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do

some traveling here and there.

Hometown RANKIN • 75

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