A review of Darach Ó Séaghdha’s 'Motherfoclóir: Dispatches from a not so dead language'

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with the express intent of aiding Gaelic Leaguers in

their study of poetry from bygone centuries. Many of

the words given in Motherfoclóir therefore are not

only irrelevant to modern day speakers of Irish, but

are also entirely unintelligible to them. Sure the bean

an tí will only be laughing at you!

Rather than making a conscientious disclaimer, for

example, about the original context of Pádraig

Dinneen’s archaic words, it is Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla,

the most recently published Irish-English dictionary,

that Ó Séaghdha accuses of being “dated”. At least

Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla accompanies obsolete words

with the abbreviation “Lit.” as in the case of the word

‘meabhlach’ in which entry the ancient meaning

‘disgraceful’ is given alongside its current meaning,


“Who thinks like this anymore”, exclaims an

exasperated Ó Séaghdha who, having glossed over

the clear instruction that one of the meanings was

now obsolete, now rallies against the perceived

existence of two opposing meanings for this word.

Then, he arrives at the false premise that the Irish

language is guilty of an inhibitive, old-fashioned

worldview by which all that which is “attractive” is

also “disgraceful”.


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