AA Women's Edition #2

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Petra Prag Crutchfield tells Her Story

Mom Margot, brother

Walter & Petra

Petra with Claudia

Catholic Easter Parade

Petra’s favorite park in Ludwigshafen, called Ebert Park and

named after Fredrich Ebert the first President of Germany from

1919 until his death in office in 1925. The park also features a

small zoo, waterslide and playground.

Petra with aunt, uncle and

cousins at the pool

Petra in 70’s

I was born in Heidelberg, Germany to a single mother, who found the challenge of raising

a bi-racial child too much to handle. Her parents, my beloved grandparents(show on left), whom

I called Mutter and Vater (Mom and Dad) raised me as their own. This was quite a challenge for

them in the 1950’s, but they persevered and provided me with a great childhood! I was loved by my

family, had aunts, uncles and cousins and friends. Some of those

childhood friends I am still in touch with today, thanks to modern

technology! I attended Kindergarten, Elementary, High school

and College in Germany. I obtained an Associates in Business degree

while working as Legal Secretary apprentice at a law firm for

3 years. I passed my exam, received my diploma and continued to

work at that firm for a little while longer. On a friend’s tip, I was

lucky enough to land a Foreign Language Secretary job at an International

Engineering Firm. I thrived at that firm and climbed the

ladder all the way to the President’s Executive Assistant.

I met my then-husband, the father of my only daughter,

Iris, we started dating and later married. He finished his tour

in Germany and decided move to the US. He had a son from a

previous marriage, Wallace, which I helped raise. I realize now

how hard it must have been for my parents to see me go! We’ve

always been a tight knit family, and I looked at my cousins more

like brothers and sisters.

We traveled to Mayfield KY to meet my husband’s family,

bought a home, and relocated in June of 1980. At the time I did not realize the significance

Standing in front of the and trauma of such a major step! When you are young you feel that you can conquer the world!

Goethe Schule in Ludwingshafen

who you are, and my new family acted so different from when I first met them. I was very

I soon found out the harsh reality of such a move, you lose your identity! No one knows

unhappy. Life was pretty tough and lonely. Did I mentioned that the house my then-husband

purchased was located in Wingo? I went from an urban to a rural environment, I was used to sidewalks, public


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