August 2020 Newsletter

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August 2020 Calendar of Events

Rabbi’s Message - Rabbi John Franken

President’s Message - Mike Gordon

August Zoom Information and Links - Temple Adas Shalom

Religious Practices Message - Melissa Immel & Mark Wolkow

Sisterhood News - Pat Wolkow

Tree of Life Order Form


Adult Education Message - Stephen Marksamer

Virtual Trip to Israel - August 10 th -13 th & August 16 th

Fundraising News - Terry Weiner & Randi Chancey

Kehillah MAGNET Message - Jill Young & Joel Yoffee

Gabe & Tyler Sober B’nai Mitzvah - August 22 nd

Taking Hold of Torah - August 1 st , 8 th , and 15 th

Special Thanks to Our Monthly Donors

Mi Sheberakh List - We Pray For Healing

Recently Passed

August 2019 Yahrzeits Observed


Temple Adas Shalom’s August 2020 Calendar of Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

2 12 th of Av 5780 3 13 th of Av 5780 4 14 th of Av 5780 5 15 th of Av 5780

9 19 th of Av 5780 10 20 th of Av 5780 11 21 st of Av 5780 12 22 nd of Av 5780

16 26 th of Av 5780 17 27 th of Av 5780 18 28 th of Av 5780 19 29 th of Av 5780

23 3 rd of Elul 5780 24 4 th of Elul 5780 25 5 th of Elul 5780

7:00 pm

RPC Meeting via Zoom

26 6 th of Elul 5780

7:00 pm

Choir Rehearsal

30 10 th of Elul 5780 31 11 th of Elul 5780

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Temple Adas Shalom’s August 2020 Calendar of Events

Thursday Friday Saturday

1 11 th of Av 5780

Parashat Va’etchanan

9:30 am - Taking Hold of Torah

Rabbi John Franken

6 16 th of Av 5780

7:00 pm - Board Meeting via Zoom

7 17 th of Av 5780

7:52 pm - Candle Lighting

6:30 pm - Shabbat Torah Live! Streaming


Kalina Abrams, Ryan Baker, and Mike Mullis

8 18 th of Av 5780

Parashat Eikev

9:30 am - Taking Hold of Torah

Rabbi John Franken

13 23 rd of Av 5780 14 24 th of Av 5780

7:43 pm - Candle Lighting

6:30 pm - Shabbat Live! Streaming Service

Sophie Schorr

15 25 th of Av 5780

Parashat R’eih

9:30 am - Taking Hold of Torah

Rabbi John Franken

20 30 th of Av 5780 21 1 st of Elul 5780

7:33 pm - Candle Lighting

6:30 pm - Shabbat Live! Streaming Service

Gabe & Tyler Sober, Rabbi John Franken

22 2 nd of Elul 5780

Parashat Shof’tim

10:00 am - Gabe and Tyler Sober B’nai

Mitzvah and Shabbat Torah Live! Service

Gabe and Tyler Sober, Rabbi John Franken

27 7 th of Elul 5780 28 8 th of Elul 5780

7:23 pm - Candle Lighting

6:30 pm - Shabbat Live! Streaming Service

Rabbi John Franken, Mike Mullis

29 9 th of Elul 5780

Parashat Ki Teitzei

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Rabbi’s Message

Rabbi John Franken

Join us for an online Memorial Service to acknowledge and honor the memories

of loved ones who recently died. We will come together to comfort one another,

in ways that have not been possible during these unique times.

To participate via Zoom Video Conferencing: RSVP Here

or watch the livestream on the JCS Facebook page

Following the service, Rabbi Jessy Dressin, Baltimore Board of Rabbis and

Donna Kane MA CT, JCS Grief Clinician will discuss coping with loss during

the upcoming Jewish High Holidays.

Sponsored by Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc., Baltimore Jewish Council and Baltimore Board of


Live-captioning is available through Maryland Relay Service. Please follow this

link: hamiltonrelay.com/maryland/how-it-works/rcc-remote-conference-captioning.html

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President’s Message

Michael Gordon

Over the last several months, I’ve been taking a peek at the character of the

congregation. What I’ve learned is that you care a great deal about your relationship

with G-d, about the well being of your family, about the condition of the congregation,

about your Jewish being and experience, and the sustainability of Temple Adas Shalom.

As we move forward through this Coronavirus journey into a post-pandemic world, we

believe that this is a time for reimagining the future in a way that will make the future

better than the past. To this end, the board, in partnership with the Rabbi, is looking to

transform membership function. The plan is to steer from a focus on the headcount and

annual fund drives to a focus on the quality and quantity of engagement opportunities

for all segments of our congregation. We now have our first student board member,

Kalina Abrams, who will remind us of the need to help our youth continue their

religious journey into adulthood. Adult education is off to a great start in preparing

many high-quality opportunities for continuing education. You just received a survey

that will help us sharpen our focus. The newly reinvigorated Finance Committee has a

primary objective of providing for the financial sustainability of Temple. As we work to

achieve this, we are very conscious of the fact that a number of our congregants are

faced with serious financial difficulties. Those of us who have been more fortunate will

be called upon to step up so we can lessen the burden on those who are struggling. Our

Fund Raising Committee is exploring many new activities that will both generate

revenue and engage the congregation. In all areas, we are seeking to build new

partnerships with the local community and local businesses.

The Religious Practices Committee has provided us with a solid foundation

cornerstone for all of our activities. We have “Zoomed” into the streaming delivery of

Shabbat Services, B’nai Mitzvah, and shiva minyanim. We can visualize a future where

we will deliver a hybrid model of in-person and streaming services. We’ve seen

participation from congregants who couldn’t otherwise attend Shabbat Services. We’re

looking for ways to provide a virtual Oneg experience. At the same time, our Religious

School is focused on continuing to provide meaningful education in the world of Zoom.

Many of you have asked about where we stand with opening the building. We have a

Safe Opening Committee co-chaired by Mark Wolkow of the RPC and Barry Baker

representing the medical and data-driven perspectives. It has been decided that the

High Holiday Services will be streamed and is a common approach among Reform

Congregations across the county. Likewise, following the lead of the Harford County

Public Schools, the first semester of religious school will be conducted online.

As we find a deeper purpose in our Jewish experience, we will strive to make the new

year a positive experience for all members of our congregation. This experience is a

sacred partnership that we all share in having. I can promise you that we will stay

focused on making tomorrow the best it can be. We will use this pandemic as a catalyst

for looking at our world in a new way.


August Zoom Information and Links

Temple Adas Shalom

The following is a list of services that we have planned for live streaming

with the appropriate links.


Saturday, August 1 st , August 8 th and August 15 th

Live Streaming starts at 9:30 am

https://zoom.us/j/99051944541 * Meeting ID: 990 5194 4541

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,990519445412# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)


Friday, August 7 th , August 14 th , August 21 st , and August 28 th

Live Streaming starts at 6:30 pm

https://zoom.us/j/95157809086 * Meeting ID: 951 5780 9086

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,95157809086# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)



Saturday, August 22 nd

Live Streaming starts at 10:00 AM on Saturday

https://zoom.us/j/94242714949 * Meeting ID: 942 4271 4949

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,94242714949# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

More links for August can be found on the home page of our website at


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Religious Practices Message

Melissa Immel & Mark Wolkow

2020 Summer

Whoever thought “Zoom” would be in all of our vocabularies, and a

comment event for so many people? Religious Services via

teleconference? Online B’nai Mitzvahs? Six months ago, you couldn’t

have made this stuff up, and now it is part of everyday life! In fact, we

completed our first two Zoom B’nai Mitzvah events in July. They were

different, for sure, but we were able to pull them off successfully. Doing

these online has at least one positive outcome – people who live far away

or have difficulty traveling have the opportunity to be a part of the event,

an unexpected benefit for the families.

What’s coming up in August? We have our regular services, led by Rabbi

Franken and lay leaders. All have music led either by Mike Mullis or

members of the choir, and each service includes a relevant drash or

discussion on a topic pertinent to our lives today. Rabbi is also running

three Taking Hold of Torah sessions on Saturday mornings in August.

You’re welcome to tune in while you are having a relaxing Shabbat. And

on the 21st and 22nd, Tyler and Gabe Sober will help lead services and

become B’nai Mitzvah!

As you will (or have) read in the President’s letter to the congregation, to

ensure the safety of our congregants, staff, and guests, we will be

conducting our High Holiday services virtually. If you have any thoughts,

ideas, suggestions regarding the High Holidays, please contact Melissa or



Melissa Immel and Mark Wolkow

RPC Co-Chairs

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Sisterhood News

Pat Wolkow

Sisterhood Members and Perspective Members, please use this link to complete a

survey for your interests in our Mission. https://harfordjewishcenter.org/sisterhoodsurvey/

As promised, here is a list of events (through December) and activities on our “TO DO” list:


Religious School Breakfast

Kehiliah Wine & Cheese

Sisterhood Breakfast or Lunch

Sponsored Family Activity

Sisterhood Paid-Up Event

Kids Gift Shop

Sisterhood Chanukah Party


Pantry Management

Towel Wash Coordinator

Keurig Maintenance

Kashering Coordinator

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts Bags

Mah Jong Set-up and Calls

activity will not happen.

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The Religious School breakfast planning is

underway. Be on the lookout for an E-mail and

Facebook post about how we will make this event


In the survey referenced above, we will ask Sisterhood

Members (present and future) to sign up to assist with at

least one of these listed events or activities. All

interested will collaborate as a team to plan, and

execute your plan. Each event or activity has an

Executive Board Member as a liaison to be your

contact, and guide you in meeting success with your

choice. These liaisons are not in charge…a member of

the event or activity team will lead the group. We have

tools set up to help you.

Here is the catch….if nobody signs up….the event or

WHY??? In a discussion we had at one of our events last year, and in passing, there

were concerns mentioned that events were not advertised timely or not what you

expected or wanted exactly. With just a few, trying to make it all happen, we

sometimes missed the mark. It is discouraging for members, and disappointing for

those we serve. So the Board decided that the above is a step in a good direction. So

please give us a hand.

Who Is: Marcia Buchness?

Marcia is currently Co-Vice President of Sisterhood with Barbara Litofsky. Marcia

became a member of the Temple Adas Shalom family along with her husband Neil and

children Spencer and Madison in 2002.

Marcia has been an active member of Sisterhood for several years serving in positions of

Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and Co-Vice President.

Three reasons Marcia loves being a member of Sisterhood: Camaraderie, Positivity,

Multi-generational Experiences.

Favorite Sisterhood Event: Chick Flick Night (Chinese Food, Movie, Popcorn, PJ's)


High Holiday Notes of Interest, Donations & Scholarships, & Bio of another Sisterhood Board Member

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Religious Practices Committee, Mike Gordon, & Rabbi

Dear Friends,

From the first week we found ourselves sheltering in place, we have been

sharing the message that while our building is closed, our Synagogue is very

much open and thriving. We have found new and innovative ways to connect

and “be together” virtually for worship, education, pastoral and communal

gatherings. And while we certainly miss being together in-person, we have

created new holy spaces where we have been able to pray, celebrate, and mourn

with one another. While the meeting place may be “virtual,” the care, passion,

compassion, prayer, and friendship are all as real as ever.

Since the beginning of this pandemic, your Temple leadership’s decisions have

incorporated not only sound, up-to-the-minute medical information, but also

rests on our core Jewish values.

Pikuach nefesh – saving a life. It is the cornerstone of who we are as Jews, so at

the forefront of every decision is the safety of both our staff and our


Kol Yisrael arevim zeh l’zeh – we are all responsible for the safety and wellbeing

of one another. We cannot make any decisions in a vacuum;

Equity – we strive for fair access to what we have to offer for our entire Temple

Adas Shalom community.

With guidance from the CDC, our Reform Movement, the State of Maryland,

and health care professionals within our congregational family, it has become

increasingly apparent that the risks involved in gathering, praying communally,

singing and chanting are significant and not yet contained, even through careful

social distancing and wearing of masks. And, with respect to High Holy Day

services, our most special and sacred portions of that experience – singing

together, listening to our beloved Sig Gast and talented choir lead us in prayer,

hearing the sounds of the Shofar, participating in the Hakafah with past and

present Temple leaders holding our Torah scrolls, sharing the bima with one

another, and greeting and wishing everyone Shanah Tovah – cannot be enjoyed

safely in our sanctuary at this time.

We have determined that in order to make our High Holy Day services

meaningful, spiritual and safe for everyone, we must conduct these services

virtually. This is the best decision we can make to honor both our tradition and

our entire Temple community. We remain committed to continuing to offer

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vibrant, sacred and inclusive pathways for remote participation, and to do so in

ways that remain true to who we are as a Congregation.

We do not make this decision lightly, and we recognize that this decision for

some is a painful one. So much has been taken from us in these last few months.

It is difficult to let go of the hopes and expectations we have for many aspects

of our lives right now, including our High Holy Day season. But if we lean into

chesed, loving kindness, as we seek out new and creative ways to show love to

our neighbors and ourselves, and we remember that Temple Adas Shalom is not

a building but rather a family, we can collectively make this High Holy Day

experience meaningful, engaging and spiritual for all of us. We can allow our

clergy and Religious Practices Committee (RPC) to focus their time and our

resources on reimagining a sacred and powerful worship and study experience

that is right for this time and place.

As with all decisions our leadership team is making during these times, we

recognize that our plans must include room for flexibility. We will continue to

monitor the latest scientific information from the sources noted above, and

work toward in-person gatherings based on what we learn. In the meantime,

we have been begun working to create innovative ways to experience this

unique High Holy Day season, and are in regular contact with URJ staff, other

Rabbis, and Temple leaders from across the country. As almost every Reform

congregation is now planning on virtual services, there are many ideas being

shared across URJ communication networks.

Our community is so much greater than the four walls of our building. Temple

Adas Shalom is a group of resilient, committed, loving and caring individuals

and families. Our strength lies in our hearts, and no pandemic can take that

away. Let’s do what we do best; let’s rise up together in community and move

forward from strength to strength. This is who we are, so let’s get started.

Zoom links and more information is forthcoming. If you do not have access

to a computer and instead wish to listen in by phone, please contact the

office to arrange for the use of prayer book. A limited number of large print

copies are available.


Mike Gordon, President

Rabbi John Franken

Melissa Immel, Co-Chair Religious Practices Committee

Mark Wolkow, Co-Chair Religious Practices Committee

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Adult Education Message

Stephen Marksamer

Hello. Last month I introduced our new Adult Education initiative. Our committee has

a robust, diverse membership comprised of

Terri Broemm, Rabbi Franken, Denise Gordon, Melissa Immel, Michael Kropp, Mike

Mullis, Stu Needle, Mark Wolkow, and myself.

Our Mission is simple and straight forward: To promote an engaging and living Judaism

through learning.

Our Vision is strong: We envision a culture where our congregants will seek answers, discover new

areas, find relaxed & serious study on both Jewish tradition & religious or non-religious topics.

Our Goals are reaching:

Expand membership & grow our congregation

Offer diverse programs

Create value that will engage the congregation

Offer Judaism as a richer part of people’s lives

Engage the congregation to inspire a deeper purpose

Creating a Jewish relevance/making Judaism meaningful

To make all this happen, we have much work in front of us. Communication of adult

education opportunities is vital. Development of our webpage, leveraging our Facebook

pages (public & private), and selected e-mail flashes are all part of our plan. However, for

congregation relevancy to happen, communication, and feedback from all of you, are


I urged anyone who has said to themselves, “I would love to have a class in…” or “wouldn’t it be

interesting to learn more about…” or “Now that I have more time on my hands, …”, to send me that

thought last month. I reiterate here.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Adult Ed committee

at adulted@templeadasshalom.org. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Our offering this month is a collaboration with the Jewish National Fund. A Virtual

Tour of Israel. Please locate the flyer in this newsletter. It has a lot of details. It’s an

excellent opportunity to visit Israel on your couch!

Stay healthy and stay safe!


Stephen Marksamer

Chairperson – Temple Adas Shalom Adult Education

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Fundraising Co-Chair News

Terry Weiner & Randi Chancey

Good morning, afternoon or evening (depending upon when you read this)!

Allow me to introduce myself as one half of the fundraising leadership for

Temple Adas Shalom. My name is Terry Weiner and my partner in this

is Randi Chancey. Our mission is to raise funds for our synagogue during

the coming year and needless to say, this will definitely be challenging.

So with that being said, this is our game plan.

Our hope is to have a virtual Chinese Auction fundraiser on November 1,

2020, which also happens to be the “bye” week for the Ravens. You may

ask, what is a Chinese Auction???? First, a person needs to purchase

tickets for a certain dollar amount. Then they use the ticket to purchase

a chance to win a certain item. In the case of a virtual auction, we will

put your name on the tickets that you buy and place them on the list for

the items that you would like to bid on. Then the names are thrown in a

basket and one of the names is drawn – they are the winner!

This will be a great time to go shopping from the comfort of your home

for gifts for the holidays. We are asking for your help in this – if you or

someone you know has a business that would donate either goods, gift

certificates or better yet, money, please let us know so we can contact

them for a donation. In the meantime, we are contacting over 100

vendors in the area to help us to raise funds so that we can continue the

good work that we do for our congregation as well as our community.

Also, please let us know if you have any ideas that you would like to see

us get involved with to help raise much needed funds for our Temple. In

the meantime, we will be posting the donations that come in sometime

in September/October along with details on how to purchase tickets for

the auction. If you have any other questions, please contact us at


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Kehillah MAGNET Message

Joel Yoffee & Jill Young

Hello Temple Adas Shalom Community,

We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe at home!

Parents, due to the spread of COVID-19, Kehillah MAGNET has decided to

commence with virtual only learning through the end of the first school

semester. Additional guidance will be forthcoming by Jenn Bober, our school


Are you a parent of a child in the Kehillah MAGNET Religious school? Would

you like the opportunity to invest in your child’s Jewish education? The

Kehillah MAGNET Religious School Committee needs several parents to join

and have a voice in the planning of student events and projects. Time

commitment is usually one meeting every three months. Your help would be

much appreciated! For additional information, please contact the Religious

School Committee Chair, Joel Yoffee, at joelyoffee@gmail.com.

If not already completed. Just another friendly reminder to current parents to

please complete the Kehillah MAGNET 2020-2021 school year registration

packet that the office emailed to all parents.

Fellow congregants, if you have a child or know of a family with children who

would be interested in knowing more about their Jewish heritage, Kehillah

MAGNET might be the learning environment for them. The Religious school

has openings at all grade levels, and we would love the opportunity to discuss

our Jewish educational programs with all those interested. Please contact Jenn

Bober, Principal (principal@templeadasshalom.org), for additional information.

Parents, as always, answering your questions and concerns about Temple Adas

Shalom’s Kehillah MAGNET Religious School Program is something

fundamental to us, and we would love the opportunity to talk directly with

you. You always have a voice!

Joel Yoffee

Kehillah MAGNET Chair

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Gabriel Bradford Sober & Tyler Aston Sober

Jason and Tracy Sober are delighted to welcome friends, family, and the

Temple Adas Shalom Community to the long-awaited B’nai Mitzvah of

Tyler and Gabriel. Due to being close in age and a late start in Religious

School, the boys decided to share this Mitzvah.

Tyler is a sophomore at Fallston High School and is in advanced placement

classes. Tyler plays cello for the orchestra, participates on the Academic

Team, and is on the Fallston High School Tennis Team. Tyler enjoys Xbox

gaming with his friends, likes reading fantasy novels, and has an eclectic

taste in music. He enjoys music from the ’70s, 80’s, and 90’s as well as

classical music. He is quite witty and acerbic (this has gotten him in

trouble at times with unsuspecting teachers). Tyler hasn’t determined his

career path yet, but we know whatever he chooses, he will be successful.

Gabriel is an 8th-grade honor roll student in advanced placement classes at

Fallston Middle School. He is extroverted, loves animals, and plans to

become a Veterinarian. Our family Vet invited him for an observation day,

and he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Gabe had hoped to start

volunteering at the Humane Society, but due to COVID-19, that is on hold

for now. He built a custom gaming PC and enjoys VR games and 3D

printing. Gabe’s sense of humor is remarkable, and he loves to make people


Over the years, the boys have shared many common interests. They

achieved their black belts in Tae Kwon Do and spent many summers going

to swim and tennis camps together. Both enjoy daredevil activities such as

fast water park rides, roller coasters, zip-lining, ATV riding, and snow

skiing. Like most siblings, they have their moments, but the one thing they

always agree on playing with Bear, our two-year-old NewfyPoo. Our

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extended-family trips to St. Croix and Costa Rica were incredible

experiences for them. They are always up for new adventures and have been

asking when can we take our next big trip and where are we going?

We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and dedication to

becoming part of the Jewish Community. A virtual B’Nai Mitzvah is not

what any of us envisioned when we embarked on this journey, but life does

not always turn out as expected. COVID-19 has forced us out of the Shul

and onto the internet, but it cannot take away our pride and joy in seeing

our boys receive their Tallit and read from the Torah. The pandemic has

taught them a valuable life lesson of adapting and persevering to achieve

your goals.

Tyler and Gabriel would like to thank their religious school teachers and

staff for helping them learn Hebrew and about Judaism in preparation for

today and their lives in the Jewish Community. Special thanks to Rabbi

Franken, Mark Wolkow, Sophie Schorr, Lauren Westendorf, and Mike

Mullis for their patience and dedication to helping them prepare for this


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June 2020 – Donors


Brad & Ann Cogan

Linda & Stuart Needel

Wendy & Patrick Drabinski

Rayna & David Richardson

Andrew & Marianne Fridberg

Rabbi Gila & Dr. Paul Ruskin

Carol & Sigmund Gast

Julie Sang

Phillip & Barbara Gilden

Jill & Brian Schorr

Arthur & Denise Gordon

Eric & Anne Seeley

Michael Gordon

Jonas & Paula Vogelhut

Richard Hoffman

Naomi Walton

Melissa Immel

Robin & Mark Way

Robert & Charna Kinneberg

Selma Wolkow

Barbara & Natalie Litofsky

Jill & Daniel Young


Alain & Caryn Chalmin

Kevin & Patty Snyder

Jayne Klein

Abraham & Rosalyn Spergel

Paula Mullis

Anita Weintraub

Rabbi Gila & Dr. Paul Ruskin

Jill & Daniel Young

Carol & Sigmund Gast

Barbara & Mark Schirloff

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Fred & Roslyn Belkin

Robert & Barbara Lynch

Howard & Sandy Schapiro

Abraham & Rosalyn Spergel

Abraham & Rosalyn Spergel

Abraham & Rosalyn Spergel

Alison & Vince Filicko

Mason Klass

Ashiq & Ashira Quabili

Michael Gordon

Eric Griesinger

Jill & Daniel Young


In honor of Mark & Pat Wolkow for their

contribution to Josh's Bar Mitzvah


Henry Hoffman

For speedy recovery and of hope for good outcomes for

Fred Belkin

In memory of Irv Sherman

In memory of Jimmy Chancey

In memory of Margie Tannenbaum

In memory of Mark Paster

In memory of Tom Merriken

In memory of Jerome Rosenbloom

In memory of Margie Tannenbaum

In memory of Margaret Tannenbaum

In memory of Leo Spergel

In memory of Nina Schiff

In memory of Pearl Spergel


Kevin & Patty Snyder

Karen & Fred Wood


Anita Weintraub

In memory of Margie Tannenbaum

In honor of Matthew's Confirmation

Adam Bornstein

Adam Hyman

Amy Schoenberger

Arlene Zweibach

Barbara Chancey

Bessie Speyer

Carl Chancey

Carl Tannenbaum

Carol Buckman

Dvir Sabag

Fred Belkin

Gerry Murphy

Glen McCain

Gloria Joslin

Mi Sheberakh * We Pray for Healing

Harriet Colman

Helen Wolkow

Jayden Whitt

Jim Dandy

Joanne Kempler Barlia

Karen Green

Kelcey Klass

Kimmie Rankin

Lee Tabackman

Len Cohen

Lori Vetstein

Luna Rose Feingold

Lynn Demar

Margaret Hass

Recently Passed

Marshall Rosin

Mary Jo Lodge

Michael Schneck

Patrick Hauf

Rabbi Fred Natkin

Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro

Randy Hoffman

Robert Sachs

Rosie Lidy

Sam Befarah

Sidney Birnbaum

Sydnee Myers

Stewart Natkin

Toni Bonney

Seymour Ratner

Beloved husband of Lois Ratner, father of Andrew Ratner, father-in-law of Amy Ratner; grandfather to Alexander Ratner

(Anna), Amanda Mantiply (Matt), and Austin Ratner; and great-grandfather to Avi Ratner.

Rabbi Leo Wolkow

Beloved uncle to Mark (and Pat) Wolkow, brother-in-law to Selma Wolkow, and great uncle to Karen Wood and Diana

Wolkow. Leo is survived by his wife, Helen, and their three children, Lisa, Rachel, and Jason.

Donald Patterson

Beloved uncle to Deb (and Brett) Temple, great uncle to Nathan and Nicholas Temple.

August 2020 - Yahrzeits Observed

Harry Pillersdorf Aug. 01

John Richardson Aug. 04

Irving Sadowsky Aug. 06

Harry Shapiro Aug. 06

Hyman Silver Aug. 06

Mary Ann Thompson-Fotiadis Aug. 06

Abe Weinstein Aug. 07

Sarah Paster Erlich Aug. 08

Meyer Ostrowsky Aug. 08

Edwin Lanham Aug. 09

Fannie Snyderman-Scherr Aug. 10

Harry Bress Aug. 11

Ethel Counts Aug. 12

Samuel Greenberg Aug. 13

Eda Yitta Ash Aug. 14

Louis Blumenthal Aug. 14

Rhoda Lyons Aug. 15

Martha Walton Aug. 15

Edward Langston Aug. 16

Morris Goldman Aug. 19

Leon Mohr Aug. 19

Arnold Black Aug. 20

Salman Menashe Kattan Aug. 20

Cantor Aaron Breitbart Aug. 21

Paulyne Gadberry Aug. 21

Lorna Hutner Samuels Aug. 21

Ruth J. Davis Aug. 22

Elaine McNally Aug. 22

Edith Trager Aug. 22

Raymond Joseph Kowalski Aug. 23

Shirley Shear Zion Aug. 23

Bobbie Bress Aug. 24

Bessie Gilden Aug. 24

Betty Francis Siegal Glasser Aug. 24

Dora Shapiro Aug. 24

Elaine Singer Aug. 25

Rose Sostrin Aug. 27

Mae Aronovitz Aug. 28

Rose Gusky Bronk Aug. 28

Edward Alexander Ford Aug. 29

Shirley Snyderman Klein Aug. 29

Gail D. Newman-Abraham Aug. 29

Milton Solomon Aug. 29

Leah Brisker Aug. 31

Isidor Rosenfeld Aug. 31

Gordon Stein Aug. 31

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Temple Adas Shalom

8 North Earlton Road, Extension

Havre de Grace, MD 21078



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