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9 A

anfale vi To collapse, to crumble, to fall down,

to subside (a building). Kay la gen yon bò ki

anfale The house has a side that has crumbled


anfannkè a n Altar boy, censer-bearer, choirboy*,


anfanten, anfantin n Kindergarten.

anfarinay, an farinay attrib Muffled, low (voice,


anfas, an fas 1 prep Opposite, facing*, across

(from). Gen dife anfas otèl la There is a fire

across from the hotel.

anfas, an fas 2 adv On the opposite side.

anfavè prep In favor* of.

anfè V lanfè

anfèje vt To corner, to do away with, to give a

hard time (to). Lavi ap anfèje’m Life has not

been very good to me.

anfèmen, afèmen vt To lease. M’afèmen kay

mwen an ak Rene I leased my house to Rene. Anri

afèmen yon kay nan men nonk mwen Henry leased

a house from my uncle.

anfen adv At last, finally*.

anfinal, an final adv Finally*, in the end.

anflajele, anfrajele vt To destroy, to ruin, to

make mincemeat of.

anflamasyon an, enflamasyon an n Tumefaction,

swelling, inflamation*.

anfle vi To swell, to bulge. Swollen. M’anfle’l ak

manti I filled him with lies.

anflèch, an flèch adv Fast and furious.

anfòm, an fòm attrib Comme il faut; well developed,

shapely, in shape; all set; properly.

anfondre vi To tumble down, to crumble, to


anfonse vt To drive in (a nail), to knock down.

vi To sink. Chak pa l’fè l’anfonse plis With each

step he sank more.

anfoudwaye, anfoudraye vt To drive s.o. crazy,

to ruin.

anfounen vt To put in(to) the oven, to bake.

anfouraye, anfouaye vt To misplace, to lose.

anfouye vt To misplace. Misplaced, lost among

many other things. Cf. anfouraye.

anfrajele V anflajele

ang la n Angle*.

angaje attrib Bound, in a jam, in difficult straits,

short of cash. M’bezwen prete di dola, m’angaje I

have to borrow ten dollars, I’m in a bad fix. Also

Vodou term. V angajman.

angajman an n 1. Obligation, promise, undertaking;

troubles, difficulty. 2. Contract with Baka,

with the devil.

angaway adv In desorder.

angi V zangi

angiz, an giz 1 prep Instead of, in place of.

angiz, an giz 2 conj Instead of. (syn) olye, pase

pou. PRESSOIR-9: Angiz yo bouche solèy la Instead

of hiding the sun.

angle a, anglè a 1 n English (language). Angle

waf Street English (acquired by practice only,

not formally).

angle a, anglè a, anglèz la 2 n Englishman*,


angle, anglè 3 attrib English*.

angogay adv In abondance. (syn) agogo. DYE-

SIFÒ: Nou gen pwa rouj angogay We have plenty

of red beans.

angòje attrib To be blocked, obstructed. Tete

madan’m nan angòje. Li pa kabab bay ti bebe a tete

The woman’s breasts (teats) are blocked, and she

can’t breastfeed her baby.

angoudi vt To render dull, sleepy, numb, dormant.

angran attrib Presumptious, impudent, arrogant,


angranman adv Haughtily.

angrave V agrave

angre a, angrè a n Fertilizer.

angren, an gren attrib Granulated, shelled.

angrenaj la n Gear.

angrese vt To fatten (animals).

angro, an gro adv Wholesale.

angrosi vt To get a woman pregnant.

angwas la n Anguish*.

anhan, aha interj So! (May have various inferences

depending on intonation).

ani V lanni

anika n Arnica*. Tenti danika Tincture* of arnica.

(Arnica: a plant of Europe).

anile, annile vt To cancel, to render void, to


animal la, annimal la, zannimo a n Beast, animal*.

anivèsè a n 1. Anniversary*. 2. Birthday. V fèt.

anizèt la, annizèt la n Anisette* (liqueur).

anj la, lanj la, jany la, zanj la, lezanj n Angel*.

Manje lèzanj Special Vodou ceremony held for the

loas. Lanj gadyen Guardian angel.

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