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17 A

avan an, avannsant la 1 n Forward (soccer).

avan V anvan 2

avangou a n Foretaste, preview. (syn) apèsi.

avanjou, avan jou adv Before dawn.

avannsant V avan

avanpòs la n Outpost* (military).

avans la n 1. Down payment, advance* payment.

2. Advance, attentions. Anri ap fè fi a avans Henry

is making amorous advances to the girl. 3. Alavans,

davans In advance, in anticipation of. Depi davans

Beforehand. M’te pale ou davans I told you in

advance. I forewarned you.

avanse, vanse vt To bring forward, to move

forward. Avanse chèz la Move the chair forward ;

to bring forward (a date). vi To advance*, to

step forward, to approach, to go forward, to

draw near. Vanse sou Going toward, getting closer


avantaj la, avantay la n Advantage*, profit, benefit.

avantaje vt 1. To do favors for, to favor. 2. To


avanti a n Adventure*.

avanvèy la, lavanvèy la n Two days before. Li

rive lavanvèy lantèman an He arrived two days

before the burial.

avanyè, avantyè, avanzyè adv The day before


avap, avape v marker Auxiliary of the progressive

future. M’avap manje lè sa a I shall be eating


ave a 1 n A plant. Petiveria alliacea L. It is given

to patients suffering from fever.

ave a 2 n Admission of wrongdoing. Li fè ave lan

tribinal la He confessed in open court.

avè V avèk

avèg n & attrib Blind.

avegle, vegle vt To blind, to dazzle.

avèk, avè, ak, a, ake prep With. Avè’m, avè’l

With me, with him. The form ‘ake’ is used in the

North. Lwen ak isit Far from here. Gen menm

valè ak To have the same value as. Tou pre ak

Very near to. conj Pyè ak Pòl Peter and Paul.

avès la, anvès la n Short, sudden shower; downpour.

V lapli.

avèti, vèti vt To warn, to inform, to let s.o.

know, to advise.

avètisman an n Warning.

avi a 1 n Notice, communique.

avi, a vi 2 attrib For life, lifetime.

avidèy adv Visibly, openly, outwardly.

avili vt To put down, to degrade.

avilisman an n Debasement.

avize vt To inform, to let s.o. know, to advise*.

avni an 1 n Avenue*.

avni an, lavni 2 n Future. Destiny.

avoka a n Lawyer, attorney.

avoran, devoran attrib Greedy, grabbing, biting;


avòte vi To abort*, to fail.

avòtman an n Abortion*. Fè avòtman To have

an abortion.

avril n April*.

avwa a n Possession(s).

avwàn nan n Oats, oatmeal.

avwe vt To confess, to acknowlege, to recognize,

to avow*.

avyasyon an n Airport; aviation*.

avyatè a n Airplane pilot, aeroplane pilot.

avyon an n Airplane.

awo V aro

awona V arona

awousa V arousa

awoutsayd, awoutsay Off side* (games).

awoze V rouze

ay 1 interj Ouch!

ay V ale 2

ayayay interj Wow! Exclamation expressing various

feelings (joy, disappointment, surprise, etc.).

ayè V yè

ayèl la n Ancestor.

ayeroplàn nan, areyoplàn nan n Airplane*.

ayeropò a n Airport*.

ayibobo V abobo

Ayida n A woman who has very short hair by


Ayida-Wèdo n Vodou deity.

ayik attrib 1. Exhausted. Li tèlman pale, m’ayik

He spoke so much, I am exhausted. 2. Sick (from


Ayisyen an n Haitian.

Ayiti cheri, Haiti cheri A Haitian song by Othello

Bayard expressing the nostalgic feeling of Haitians

for the homeland.

Ayiti, Haiti n Haiti. Se nan peyi Ayiti Toma ou ye

You’re in the country of Haiti Thomas; that’s where

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