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11 A

annega de, annegad prep phr 1. With regard* to,

regarding. 2. As for, as far as ... is concerned.

annekay, an ekay attrib Made of shell.

annekò, an nekò attrib Flooding, overflowing.

annèryè V annaryè

annik, nik adv Only, just. Annik di ‘men mwen’,

l’a konn se ou Just say ‘Here I am’, and he’ll know

it’s you. M’annik vini, Pyè mete deyò As soon as I

come, Peter leaves.

annile V anile

annimal V animal

annipye V amilpye

annivre V nivre

annòd adv In order*.

annou, an nou, an’n 1 v marker Let’s...(Particle

used to form the imperative of the first person

plural). V an’n. An nou li Let’s read.

annou, an nou 2 interj Come on! Let’s go! An

nou wè! Come on!

annui an, annwi an n Trouble, problem. Neve’m

ap ban’m anpil annui My nephew is causing me a

lot of troubles.

annuiyan, annwiyan attrib Annoying*.

annuiye, annwuiye vt 1. To annoy*, to bother.

2. To be bored, to be weary.

anonse, annonse vt To announce*, to notify.

anpàn, an pàn attrib 1. Out of order, stuck.

2. Short of.

anpare vt To take possession of, to invade, to

fill, to seize. Grangou fin anpare’m I am really


anpase vpr To do without. Li pa kab anpase’l de

yo He cannot do without them.

anpatan, an patan adv To start with, in the first


anpaye, paye vt To stuff, to cover with straw or

any other stuff (a chair, etc.).

anpeche vt To prevent, to hinder.

anpechman an n Hindrance, impediment, financial


anpenpan, an penpan attrib Swell, beautiful,

O.K., smart, elegant (neologism).

anpeny nan n Vamp (upper part of a shoe).

anpeste vt To permeate (evil odor).

anpetre attrib Slow, not at ease, indolent.

anpeze vt To starch.

anpil 1 attrib Numerous, many, scores of, a good

deal of, plenty of. Anpil moun Many people.

Anpil fwa Many times.

anpil 2 adv Very (when “anpil” is placed after an

attrib or a v). Yo bèl anpil They are very nice.

anpil 3 attrib Insolent (mostly applied to children).

Timoun nan trò anpil, ou pa ka kontrole’l That

child is just too much (insolent); you can’t control


anpile vt To pile * (up).

anpire vi To worsen.

anplasman an n Lot, a plot of land for building

purposes; concession of land; a location, a site.

M’achte yon anplasman nan simityè I bought a

cemetery lot.

anplat la n Plaster* cast.

anplimdezwa attrib Elegantly dressed.

anplis, an plis adv Besides; additionally, in addition;


anplwaye 1 vt To hire, to engage (in employment);

to utilize, to employ*.

anplwaye a 2 n Clerk, employee*.

anpòte 1 vt To seize. Somèy anpòte’m I fell


anpòte 2 attrib Angry.

anpoul la n Bulb (electric).

anpremye, an premye adv First. Li rive an

premye He arrived first.

anprent la n Print* (finger).

anpresman an n Hurry, eagerness, haste.

anprizonnen vt To jail, to imprison*.

anpwazonnen, pwazonnen vt To poison*.

anraje attrib 1. Rabid. 2. Mad, enraged*, furious,

irresponsible, crazy.

anrèg, an règ attrib In order.

anrejistre vt To record; to register*.

anreleng, an releng attrib 1. In rags. 2. Penniless.

anreta, an reta adv Late.

anrichi vt To enrich*.

anrimen attrib To have a runny or stopped up

nose. To have or catch a cold.

anro a, anwo a 1 n Upper part, top.

anro, anwo 2 prep On, over, on top of, above.

Anro kay la Over the house. In southern Haiti

‘anro’ also means ‘about, concerning’. Sa w’ap

di anro’m nan? What are you saying about me?

Anro lavil Uptown, in the upper part of town.

anro, anwo 3 adv Upstairs, above, up, upward.

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