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25 B

bezwen 1 vt To need, to have to. Ou pa bezwen

plenn There is no need to complain.

bezwen an 2 n Need, necessity. (euph) for

kaka. Fè bezwen To defecate.

bi a 1 n Aim, target, purpose. Nan ki bi ou fè sa?

What did you do that for?

bi a 2 n Goal (in soccer). (syn) gòl.

bib V labib

bibi 1 attrib Sick, ailing (baby talk).

bibi a 2 n Biceps.

bibikrankran an n Something hard to get rid of.

(syn) pongongon. Fi sa a se yon bibikrankran pou

li He is stuck with that woman.

bibit Darling! My little one!

bibliyotèk la, bibyotèk la, biblotèk la n Library.

biblo a n Small decorative statue in a room.

Fanm nan se yon biblo That woman is a beauty.

bibon an, bibron an n Baby’s bottle with the


bich la n Chunk, a big piece.

bichèt la n Round tray made chiefly of palm

leaves or reeds.

bichi Interj Nothing! All in vain! PAURIS-34:

Tou sa yo fè, bichi.

bidèt la n Bidet*.

bidje a n Budget*.

bidòl la n Money.

bidon an n Large tin container which is used to

carry or measure (oil, syrup, etc.)

bidonvil la n Slum area.

bidyonnèl la, bidjonnèl la, bidyonèl la n Coin

operated phonograph.

bif la n Beef*.

bife, bifte vt To cross out.

bifèt la n Small sideboard, cupboard.

bigare, bigarèt attrib Streaked, motley, manycolored.

bigay la n Tiny mosquito, gnat.

bigote a n Moustache.

bigoudi a n Hair set.

bije V oblije

bijou a n Jewel, jewelry.

bijoutri a n Jewelry shop.

bijoutye a n Jeweler.

bika a n Large marble (toy).

bikabonat la n Baking soda. Bicarbonate*.

bikini an n Bikini* (two piece bathing suit for


bikwach la n Type of bread made from manioc.

It is also called bobori.

bil la 1 n Bubble*. Bil savon Soap bubble.

bil la 2 n Bile*. Brase bil (or) bouyi bil To

torment, to trouble. Tout paròl sa yo tap chofe bil

mwen All these words were getting me hot (angry).

bilding nan n Building*, edifice, structure, house.

biliwin nan, bilirin nan n Alcoholic beverage,

liquor. Li anba biliwin He is drunk.

bilten an n Report card (elementary school).

bilye V bliye

bimen vt To beat, to hit, to thrash, to pound, to

rough up, to smash, to crush mercilessly, to

kick a person with a vengeance. Li bimen nonm

nan lan gou’l He beat the man to his heart’s content.

bip interj (onom) Boom! (Sound of something

falling, of heavy footsteps).

biren an n Chisel.

biro a, biwo a n Bureau*; office; desk.

bis la 1 n Bust* (of a statue). Gen yon bis Desalin

nan mize a There is a bust of Dessalines in the


bis 2 interj Encore! Repeat! (Interj) of approval.

bise vt To repeat a performance.

bisèp la n Biceps*.

bisiklèt la n Bicycle*, bike. V bekàn.

biskad V anbiskad

biske vt 1. To lurk. Also: biske kò. 2. To

powder up, to beautify one’s self.

biskèt la n Cartilage at the lower end of the

sternum (breastbone). Xiphoid appendix. Cf.

Fr. brechet* and E. brisket*. Biskèt tonbe Displacement

of the sternum causing vomiting, fever,

etc. Kè’l sou biskèt He was extremely anxious and

worried at what would happen.

biskuit la, biswit la, bisuit la n Roll (never

sweet), consequently, perhaps not to be translated

as ‘cookies’ which one would usually call ‘biskuit

dous’ or ‘bonbon’. Biskuit sale Crackers. Also


bisuit V biskuit

bit 1 attrib Huge. Yon gro bit chen A huge dog.

bit la 2 n Mound; hilly place.

bitad la n Misstep, tripping.

bitasyon 1 Yon bitasyon A lot of, many.

bitasyon V abitation 2

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