September-24 -NAL-Newspaper

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Section:. Videogames

By: Itzel Granados


MOBA Games, November 2019

I know you have probably ignored your parents after being told to “go outside and get some

sunlight” or “not to stare at a computer screen in a dark room”. Well this young gamer didn’t

take those warnings very seriously.

A seventeen year old boy, Piyawat Harikun, had a persistent obsession with video games

although he was a good kid at school and he had promised his parents to reduce his game

time on multiple occasions, but his desire to play was just too powerful Piyawat couldn’t

wait to draw together his curtains when he got back from school, and he would play for longer

and longer, participating in several gaming marathon sessions lasting for several nights.

However, one day when his parents came up to check on him, but he did not respond. After

entering, he was found collapsed at the bottom of his desk that was still littered with piles of

take-away pizza boxes and multiple fizzy drink bottles. It was later discovered that he had

died of a stroke caused by his prolonged computer sessions


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