September-24 -NAL-Newspaper

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Majority yes (A toxic person)

You’re a true manipulator and

egocentric. Sometimes you make

other people feel guilty without realizing

it and thus bring people around a lot of

psychological problems. Try to think

not only about yourself.

Majority maybe (You have a little poison

in you)

Your toxicity is changeable. Sometimes

you teeter on the brink not knowing

what position to take in one or another

situation. We all make wrong decisions

and take it out on close ones from time

to time. However, it’s never late to think

about it and come back to the “bright


Majority no (You are a charming person)

you enjoy living and do not have time

to argue with the people that you care

about. You are such a free soul.

Everybody wants you in their lives. You

are a sunshine.


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