Street Talk 65

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Summer 2020 | Issue 65



Meet Harley, who since lockdown

has become Penarwyn’s number

one community hero. At just 10

years old he has been supporting

his neighbours and making new

friends. Harley’s proud mum

Jo says, “Not only is it

brightening their day during

these difficult times, but

it’s putting a smile on

his face as well.”

Read more about

what Harley has been

up to on page 6.

Find out what Andy

from our Finance team

has been up to in

lockdown . . . see page 3

Our hardship fund

is here to help those

affected financially from

the pandemic

. . . see page 5

Staying connected with

engaged tenants, find

out how you can get

involved . . . see page 4

COVID-19, Coronavirus Pandemic

Please be aware that due to the ongoing pandemic our reception remains closed.

Please continue to use our contact number to report repairs & speak to an

advisor on 01726 874450, email help@oceanhousing.com

or visit our website www.oceanhousing.com to check for updates



A message from our new Chair of Ocean Housing Ltd

Hi everyone,

In these days of lockdown, I am particularly

pleased to be able to say “hello” to you all, if

only via a written communication rather than

in person.

I became Chair of Ocean Housing Ltd in

March this year – just weeks before lockdown

started. I had hoped to be able to get out and

about to meet some of you in person and to

visit some of the neighbourhoods where we

provide services – but it was not to be! So,

my initial involvement has been entirely via

my laptop and mobile phone, which does

seem very strange. But life in general has

been very different over the past few months,

hasn’t it?

Fortunately, although I only became Chair

of Ocean in March this year, I have been a

member of the Group Board since January

2018 and so I have had the opportunity to get to know Ocean prior to becoming Chair.

I moved to Cornwall a couple of years ago after retiring from my job as Director of Development for a

large housing association based in Southampton. Although I have worked on the development of new

homes for most of my career, I have always been interested in the wider business of housing associations.

I am passionate about the quality of homes and services that we provide and my interest in Ocean started

long before I became a board member so I was thrilled when I was invited to join the Group.

For me, moving to Cornwall has been fantastic and I’m definitely here for good. Everyone has been so

friendly and it really is a truly beautiful county. During this period of lockdown, I have enjoyed the fact that

so many people have become very community minded. I have been involved, alongside many others, in

collecting and delivering medical supplies and shopping for older or vulnerable people and it has been

fantastic to get to know people, I might never have met before. We have all had to find alternative ways

of doing things and it has been amazing that at Ocean, we have been able to continue to hold all our

meetings from the relative comfort of our own homes. We are all looking forward to the relaxation

of the lockdown measures but It is quite inspirational to see what we have all managed to do despite

the restrictions.

I am looking forward to being able to be more actively engaged with you in the (hopefully not too

distant) future and look forward to meeting some of you in person too.

Andie Smith


Summer 2020 | Issue 65

Ocean is continuing to adapt the challenges presented by the

coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In June you will have received a message in the post from Mark

Gardner, chief executive of the Ocean Housing Group, along

with a copy of Ocean’s proposed ‘roadmap’ to recovery.

We’re delighted to confirm that all stages of our roadmap have

been ticked off as complete. Ocean has now successfully restored

most services, while following strict social distancing measures to

ensure the safety of staff and tenants alike.

You will see from the image what we have been able to restore. This was

all made possible by the dedication

of our teams, who have worked

hard to ensure they could

continue their work to a high

level in these different times.

Once again, from all of us at

Ocean, we must say a huge

‘thank you’ to tenants for their

patience, understanding and support

during the unprecedented situation

that we have all found ourselves in

during the last five months.

As Mark said in his June message;

“Although our office doors are closed

– we are always here for you, and this will

never change.”

If you have any questions or concerns about anything at all

please get in contact with our Customer Service Team on

01726 874450 or by emailing help@oceanhousing.com

Giving something back to help the National Health Service (NHS)

In April, Andy, who works in our Finance team felt the

need to showcase his fancy dress and decided to run

around St Austell in a nurse’s outfit for

NHS Charities Together.

This charity is a collective experience

representing, supporting and

championing the work of the NHS’

official charities. They give £1million a

day to help provide important funds

so the NHS can do so much more.

Andy told us, “I decided to do a run for

the NHS as it was becoming very clear

in the media that they were under

extreme pressure due to the Covid-19




• Restart of Cornish unit energy efficiency work

and external decoration programmes.

• Non-urgent repairs to be booked, if outside.

• Communal cleaning and caretaking.

• Empty property repairs and lettings services

(Cornwall Homechoice re-opened on June 4).


• Construction sites reopened on 11 May.

• Grounds Maintenance Service started back

on estates 1 June.

• Dealing with and responding

to post resumed on 15 June.



• Estate inspections to restart.

• Neighbourhood Service Officers to provide face-to-face home visits

to tenants where essential, following strict guidelines.

• Routine repairs, surveys and other property compliance work (such

as boiler appliance replacements and second smoke alarm installs).


• Our kitchen and

bathroom programme

to recommence, as well

as window replacements.


pandemic. Also, it was obvious people were starting

to struggle and I wanted to give my friends, family,

colleagues and passers-by something

to laugh at in lockdown.” Andy

completed the 10k run and managed

to raise an impressive £1,225 for the

NHS Together Charities.

Great work Andy, you’ve certainly

given us something to smile about.

Have you done something for charity

during the lockdown period? If so,

please get in touch, we would love to

share your news, email us at






Health and well-being

• www.cornwall.gov.uk/health-and-socialcare/public-health-cornwall/informationabout-coronavirus-covid-19

• www.cornwall



• www.pentreath.co.uk


Grants, benefit advice and financial support

Keeping Connected with our Engaged Tenants

Coronavirus restrictions couldn’t stop the enthusiasm of our tenant group members. We are so grateful for the

group of tenants we have who have continued to show support towards us ensuring we are continuing the

important work with Together with Tenants and building our new group for its launch later this year.

Our engaged tenants from across Cornwall have been logging in and using zoom, which is a free online meeting

room, every couple of weeks to meet virtually with the Tenant Involvement team, Board members and our chief

executive to discuss ways of working and moving forward with this plan.

Beverley, senior tenant involvement co-ordinator told us, “Although it took a lot of work behind the scenes for us

to help people connect digitally, it was all worth it when we finally saw them up on screen, smiling and laughing,

while having meaningful conversations about issues that really matter to them.”

These are challenging times, and we are

having to rethink how we can engage with

customers and provide opportunities for

them to participate. This is a learning curve for

all involved and feedback has indicated that

there is an appetite for digital engagement

like this to have a permanent place as one of

the participation options that we offer.

If you would like to get involved and make a

difference, please contact one of the Tenant

Involvement team to discuss the best options

for you at help@oceanhousing.com or

01726 874450.

Help is only a click away

During these difficult times, you may find yourself needing extra support

or just have questions about your current circumstances. There is a wealth

of advice available, however sometimes it is difficult to know who you can

turn to. We work closely with many organisations who can support you and

the following websites will give further information. Should you need any

support or advice please do not hesitate to contact our Welfare team at

help@oceanhousing.com or 01726 874450.

• www.lets-talk.online•

• www.turn2us.org.uk/MyTurn2us/Individuals/


• www.trusselltrust.org

• www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/


• www.understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk

• www.westcountry.org.uk

Our app can be downloaded from the app store

Summer 2020 | Issue 65

In April this year we created a

fund to help our tenants most

affected by the coronavirus

outbreak, providing financial

support to those in need. As

well as our tenants, community

organisations have also been

able to apply for the grant to

help purchase essential items for

those living in Cornwall.

Our staff have identified a

significant rise in hardship since

the start of the pandemic. We

are aware, tenants have lost their

jobs and are struggling to meet

living costs such as bills, food

and rent.

Since April, numerous households have received

support not just from the hardship fund, but also

where our advisors have signposted customers to a

number of community organisations.

The Fund has been awarded to Newquay Foodbank,

Cornwall Community Foundation, St Blazey Recycle,

Start Clothing Bank and Cornwall Councillors for their

Coronavirus hardship fund to be spent on their local

Our Hardship Fund is Here to Help

Essential food items at Newquay Foodbank

projects and many others. This will enable vital work

to continue and allow them to reach even more

people in need.

The fund is available for 12 months, so if you are

struggling or you know of someone in need, please

contact us using the following link,


Alternatively, please contact our Customer Services

team who will be able to help on 01726 874450.

IFF Research – Thanks For Your Feedback!

Cornwall Community Foundation has supported the

‘Drop in and Share Centre’ at Newquay, supplying

meals to the homeless in Newquay

Your views are vital when it comes to what we do and how we do it. Your

experience and feedback will enable us to work to improve the services we

provide and how we communicate with you. Starting later than we

first hoped due to Covid-19, IFF Research will contact a number of tenants by

telephone over the next few months to update the details we hold for you and

ask you a number of questions.

IFF Research has been selected to complete this research on our behalf, as

they are independent housing research specialists. We know that cold calling

can be a worrying issue for our tenants so to be confident that you know the

call you receive is genuine, please note the following:

• Interviewers will introduce themselves as calling from IFF Research

• The number which will appear on customer’s phones will be

0800 077 3572 or 0808 169 9378

• IFF Research will make calls between 10am and 8pm, Monday to Friday

and 10am to 4pm on a Saturday

• IFF Research are registered with the Market Research Society and bound by their code of conduct so we will

never pass a customer’s details to any third party.




Call Repairs Through


Life happens, even during a pandemic:

the sink leaks, the boiler breaks and you

need an urgent repair. This can be a

worrying time in normal circumstances

let alone a global pandemic, having

someone in your safe space is not

without risk, so we needed to ensure this

was done carefully. During the Covid-19

pandemic our day to day repairs team

have been providing an emergency

repairs service. It has been challenging

at times but our main concern has, and

always will be the safety of tenants

and staff.

We have ensured we have kept upto-date

and followed the government

guidelines, with increased levels of

personal protective equipment, increased

levels of hygiene, social distancing

and vulnerable tenants have all been

managed to enable us to complete over



and urgent


during the



Over the

past few

weeks we

have been




and plans

in place


our road map so that we can safely start

introducing more repair services. As you

can imagine we have a large number of

backlog repairs. We are politely asking

tenants to be patient with us as we begin

to clear these repairs.

Harley the Community Hero

We couldn’t be happier to show our tenants the work of 10-yearold

Harley, who has been helping his neighbours in St Blazey in

some imaginative ways. Harley, has been supporting his local

community by delivering fresh eggs and gifts to their doors

during lockdown. His mum, Jo, said: “This all started as a way for

Harley to try to make new friends and get to know others within

the area. He is home schooled, and can often feel alone and

isolated from the world around him. “Over the last few months,

he has been busy making daily deliveries to people on our road

- including handing out rainbow hearts to hang in windows,

and colouring packs

for children - which

has been really well

received within the

community. We have

also been encouraging

tenants on our road

to get creative with

arts and crafts to show

appreciation to all the


Jo set up a Facebook

group called ‘Rainbow

Your Street’, where

people can share their

creations with others

in the community.

Tenants have been

doing everything from

decorating the streets

with chalk rainbows, to painting pebbles for people to find on

their daily exercise. Harley has also put up a tree in the centre of

his community, where tenants can decorate it with ribbons as a

memorial to remember loved ones lost during the coronavirus

pandemic. The Facebook group now has more than 500

members, with neighbours regularly interacting to share images

of Harley’s acts of kindness.

Our tenants are at the heart of everything we do at Ocean

Housing, so when one of Harley’s neighbours told us about his

fantastic work, we wanted to thank him for his community spirit.

Tenants of Penarwyn Road have really come together thanks to

Harley’s enthusiasm. Lockdown has been very difficult for so many

communities, with some people feeling isolated in their homes

- so it’s great to hear about neighbours supporting each other in

different ways.


Summer 2020 | Issue 65

Polgrean News

With the outbreak of Covid-19 and the

national lockdown that followed it has

been a strange time for us. Gilbert &

Goode had made excellent progress with

the demolition of the existing homes

to make way for the new development.

However, like the rest of the country, we

were forced to down tools and shut the

site for a small period of time.

Since the relaxation of government rules,

we have been able to return to site with a

limited workforce who have been strictly

following social distancing guidance.

It didn’t take too long and we are pleased

to have now completed the demolition of

phases one and two at Polgrean Place.

Preparations are now underway to start

the first rented affordable homes which

will be finished and ready for families to

move in by the end of Summer 2021.

Over the next couple of years, we aim to

deliver over 60 new residential homes

and flats. We are really grateful for the

on-going support of our tenants and the

community as the development starts to

come to life.

At Ocean, we are committed to supporting equality and

valuing diversity within our workforce, our tenants

and our local communities.

...to do this we must provide services that can be accessed and enjoyed by all. So, we are

looking to ensure the information we hold for each household is up-to-date.

If you could take a look at and complete the questions on the back cover it would really help

us to continue to achieve this. It should only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Please post your answers by Friday 30th October or complete online,

here; www.oceanhousing.com/equality-and-diversity-survey

Once surveys are received, we will be randomly selecting five households and gifting

a £50 voucher to each to say thank you for getting involved.

If you have any questions please contact our Tenant Involvement team,

thank you.



Please recycle your Street Talk. Printed on Re-cycled paper. Designed & produced by Karen Jackson Design 01326 373108 Photography by Frame by Frame 01503 262684.



As a thank you, all households that complete and return our survey

below will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 voucher.

1. What is your (main tenant’s) full name?

2. What is your (main tenant’s) date of birth?

3. What is your nationality?

❏ UK National in UK

❏ UK National returning overseas

❏ Bulgaria

❏ Czechia

❏ Estonia

❏ Hungary

❏ Latvia

❏ Lithuania

❏ Poland

❏ Romania

❏ Slovakia

❏ Slovenia

❏ Other EU country (EEA*)

❏ Any other country

❏ Refuse to answer

4. What is your ethnic group?

❏ Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi

❏ Asian or British Indian

❏ Asian or Asian British

❏ Asian or Asian British Pakistani

❏ Black or Black British African

❏ Black or Black British Caribbean

❏ Chinese

❏ Chinese Other

❏ Mixed Other

❏ Mixed White and Asian

❏ White and Black African

❏ Mixed White and Black Caribbean

❏ White British

❏ White Irish

❏ White Other

❏ Refuse to answer

5. What is your religion?

❏ Baptist

❏ Brethren

❏ Buddhist

❏ Christian

❏ Free Presbyterian

❏ Hindu

❏ Church of Ireland

❏ Islam

❏ Jewish

❏ Methodist

❏ Muslim

❏ No religion

❏ Any other religion

❏ Presbyterian

❏ Protestant

❏ Roman Catholic

❏ Church of Scotland

❏ Sikh

❏ Refuse to answer

6. What is your sexual


❏ Bisexual

❏ Gay or Lesbian

❏ Heterosexual or Straight

❏ Other

❏ Refuse to answer



Tel No:


7. What is your employment


❏ Full Time Work (30+ hours)

❏ Part Time Work (<30 hours)

❏ Gov training/ New Deal

❏ Job Seeker

❏ Retired

❏ Not Seeking Work

❏ Full Time Student

❏ Unable to Work (LT Sick/Dis)

❏ Looking after child(ren)

❏ Refuse to answer

❏ Other (Please specify)

8. Do you consider yourself to

have a disability?

(Tick all that apply)

❏ No (disability)

❏ Visual Impairment

❏ Hearing Impairment

❏ Mobility Impairment

❏ Wheelchair User

❏ Long term health condition

❏ Mental health condition

❏ Learning disability

❏ Refuse to answer

❏ Other (Please specify)


You don’t need a stamp, just complete the questions and pop into an envelope

addressed to:

FREEPOST RSES-LCCA-EJUJ, Equality & Diversity Survey 2020!

Ocean Housing, Stennack Road, St Austell PL25 3SW

email: help@oceanhousing.com


01726 874450

Out of Hours Numbers

Emergency Repairs: 01726 874450

Anti-Social Behaviour: 01726 874450

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