Wade Jacosby special edition 7

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go to the October Fest that was

planned going on last semester,

and we showed up and there

were all these intellectual

people there and we were just

taking these root beer shots

and playing pool. And like, I

felt so cool. It’s a party. And

when professor Jacoby walked

in, I was like, it’s professor

Jacoby I want to go talk to

him. But we were so scared

because he is like, so amazing,

so we legitimately followed him

around for like 15 minutes,

trying to figure out how we were

going to talk to him. I said, you

go talk to him, no I’ll go talk to

him, no I can’t do it. And so we finally just ended up talking to him, we walked down, and he

just right off the bat, was super personable, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with

him before that, but he knew my name, which is a huge thing for me, because I was really quiet

in that class and I didn’t think anyone knew my name. and so we were talking with him and

he said “I want you guys to know, you make an awesome contribution to this class and is there

anything else I can do to be better?” And I was shocked because I didn’t think anyone could

be better than Dr. Jacoby. And so, one last thing, he came and talked to our model EU team,

and he remembered my name even two months after I finished his course. So he had a massive

impact on my life, he made me realize that I could get better and I needed to get better,

because we can all be better, but still I had worth, and he remembered who I was. That was a

huge thing for me and I think I will always treasure the impact he had on my life.”

-Girl Student



"I thought I would give a perspective on who he was outside the classroom. And this Awe you

guys are describing it happens with grown men, and everybody who ever came within his orbit,

wanted to be liked by him. So, that’s totally normal. And you can imagine that in a Ward, I’ve

lived in his Ward for the past 17 years, and I have a son, and Wade was like the stealth agent

for kids who maybe needed a little extra help. Because as you can tell, that’s actually the most

dressed up I’ve ever seen him. I don’t know if he ever wore a tie to church. Maybe once in a

while. He didn’t ever come across to the youth as a guy that was going to throw the Book of

Mormon or the Bible at them, instead he was going to give them a fishing rod to help them,

and so one day he called me and we had a secret code among those who owned a kayak, that

they could borrow a kayak from the others, and I own a tandem kayak and he owned a couple

of singles, and he heard that the White Bass were doing something to make them catchable,

and I am experienced fly fisherman, and I was often rubbing it in that I was much better at

it than he was, or at least he was always commenting on the fact that he didn’t catch enough,

but I didn’t know anything about lake fishing. And I said yea, I’d like to learn a bit, and so we

went down to the lake and I brought my kayaks and I brought my son. Because I thought, I

want my son to have a chance to interact with Wade Jacoby, I didn’t think my son was going

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