Wade Jacosby special edition 7

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"I took three classes from

Professor Jacoby and worked

with him as a research assistant.

It was a joy and pleasure to

learn from him and just be

around him. He was brilliant,

dynamic, engaging, and wise.

And even more impressive to

me was that he was kind, loving,

humble, and sincere. He really

cared about me and my fellow

students. He taught me a great

deal about political science

and in addition to that he taught me how to be "robot proof" and more cognizant of gender

issues in the workplace. He helped me become a better person. I will forever be grateful to

him and will miss him dearly.” -Jacoby Remington

"I just learned of Professor Jacoby's death. He probably would have never remembered me

from the countless students he taught, but I will never forget how he challenged my thinking

as a young, arrogant returned missionary from Switzerland and France who thought he

knew everything about Europe. Two instances stand out in my memory - a visit during office

hours and another the mark of his red pen on an essay - at times when I fundamentally had

to change my perspective and admit that I had not fully challenged my thinking. At a time

in my life when I was just trying to get the grade and move on, Professor Jacoby taught me

humility and higher thought. I don't remember a lot from my undergrad academics, but I

remember those moments vividly. Thank you, professor." -Andrew Nelson

"I took my first political science class at BYU from Professor Jacoby. It was so hard for

me, but I learned so much and by the end, I loved it. He had this amazing ability to

inspire learning and make it fun. He am so happy I got to know and learn from him.

He will not be forgotten." -Alison


"I had known Wade for several

years, never intensively, we never

had dinner together or so, but we

met in many conferences in the

US and Europe and it was always

amazing to read and discuss his

work and enjoy his warmth not

only as a scholar but also as a

person. His insights on Germany

and the EU were amazing and

his interest in other people's work

really genuine. His loss is yet

another example that the best and kindest go first. RIP mein lieber Wade! DEP."

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